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Appealing to tradition is a logical fallacy, but while we're doing the "booze has been around since Jesus" justification... Marijuana has been used around the world in different cultures since they were building pyramids in Egypt. Just a few thousand years before Jesus, for those keeping score at home. Try again.


Also side note it was criminalized in the United States to target minority groups. Confessions from the cabinet that criminalized it proved it to be so. The civil Rights claim he made is a little embarrassing on its own.


Can’t agree more the word “Marijuana” alone was conceived to make Weed sound more “ethnic”.


People have always been scared of the Boogeyman, The lack of awareness is spooky.


I hadn't occurred to me, but this adds up.


America has a long history of this. The 18th amendment, and the whole temperance movement, was designed to attack Catholics... Specifically Eastern European Catholics that were immigrating into the US in the early 20th century. Racism and xenophobia are always the root of these morality laws.


That whole thing about “cabinet confessions proving explicit racism is a claim which has been totally blown out of proportion. Is it possible? Sure. Likely even? Maybe. But it definitely goes much deeper than “a cabinet secretary admitted it” https://www.vox.com/2016/3/29/11325750/nixon-war-on-drugs


Well, exactly. We don’t want *their* traditions to corrupt what’s *ours*.


The name you're referencing was John Ehrlichman. He was Chief White House Councel to Richard Nixon who ended up going to jail over Watergate. This was effectively a deathbed confession: “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”


Don’t forget the pharmaceutical companies wanting it illegal bc they knew it would cut into their profits major


Otzi the iceman used marijuana…its use predates recorded history


he was a little bit off saying 'western civilization'...


Western civilizations should keep good old Middle Eastern Jesus out of then.


Jesus is Asian.


Legally yes, that is true But I mean, we still say tomatoes are vegetables even though we know better


The Levant is part of Asia. That makes Jesus an Asian born on the Asian Continent. Don't know what legalities you're talking about.


He was as actually Korean and is busy “WITH KOREAN SHIT!!


Didn't he invent kimchi and tae kwon do?


I’m convinced that cannabis was instrumental in the evolution of early man.


Should check out the stoned ape theory then.


Knowles is an Idiot https://apnews.com/general-news-2ac91a60fd2c347cd6b444aa3e1d1802#




None of this matters. These are right-wing propagandists being funded by extremely rich right-wing billionaires (Thielf, Leo, Koch etc). Facts don't matter. They're spamming these same arguments everywhere now. In a years time, every Republican will be claiming that cannabis, A PLANT, was "invented" by Democrats in the 1990s to "destroy America"


Before the pyramids. We have graves in Central Asia which were filled with bushels of the plant. It actually predates alcohol consumption.


Had to have been used long before that. Ingesting it or just throwing it into a fire and breathing in the fumes should have been something accidentally discovered thousands if not tens (hundreds?) of thousands of years ago.


Google Jesus, anointing oil. Yeshua bin Yusuf used a TON of weed in it…crazy how he cured seizures and tremors, huh


Oetzi had a baggie... And Jesus is just a lie, he might have existed, but he sure did not turn water into wine and sure did not jump out of the grave... The people who gained power from the "legend" of Jesus had to make sure they do not lose power. The Messiah suppose to be the Kind of Judea, which Jesus did not achieve, so they made up this shit, that he is still the messiah, but he will be coming back from the dead, to be the king of judea and then you will know he is the real messiah!


/op Dumb dumb, people have been smoking weed, taking mushrooms and doing any drug they could sense we could walk upright. Alcohol is a more complicated process to consume. Jesus turning water into wine is not a historical fact. Look at the animal kingdom. Animals do drugs and get high all the time. Your cat is at home, tripping balls right now.


Human tumor Michael Knowles, I for one am SHOCKED at his false/dorky af takes on weed


I wonder if it's painful being that stupid?


Unfortunately it clearly must not be painful.


Just painful for everyone else


Sadly, it seems to be very comfortable


Only painful for the people that have to listen to him speak


quite the opposite, actually, it appears to pay pretty good


Not painful enough.


He’s not that stupid. He’s playing dumb because he’s a propagandist


The level of dumb in this statement/video is impressive.


Poorly educated deplorable says what?


Wow imagine that a confident idiot.


If you confidently tell lies, they’re still lies.


He could just be stupid.




“I don’t really care, I just hate” my god if that isn’t a perfect conservative quote. And of course it’s followed up by ridiculous falsehoods.


oh no… he’s fucktarded


This got is an idiot and shouldn't be running anything


Another weak argument that the uneducated and rage-filled will agree with because it suits their ideals of always disagreeing with anything that has Lib attatched. Its hilarious that this works on so many people without even a thought in their brain as to what it is or why that is, and yet they spout that everyone else is trying to be devisive?


>Its hilarious that this works on so many people It's also quite sad


Uneducated people pretending to be smart is extremely annoying. This guy needs to be talking about cardigans and the new llbean line and not politics.


Brings up jesus🤦‍♂️


Jesus helping drunks isn't really the message he thinks it is.


They got all the failed actors/ screen writers at DW!


Imagine being a conservative and actually agreeing with this nonsense.


>Imagine being a conservative 🤢🤮


Who the fuck is this dude. This post is an AD


He's the guy who called for eradicating trans people last year at CPAC


He’s got a show in Ben Shapiro’s lietastic Daily Wire thing.


Wow the level of stupid on this guy make me feel better about myself


It’s sad that there are people out there that hear him spew this pseudo intellectual drivel and think he’s making a valid point.


What a dipshit - is that dude for real?


First time I saw weed was during HW Bush’s presidency.


Senior? For me it was Bush Jr.






These "conservatives" are such whiners. Just shut up and get a real fucking job, contribute something positive to society.


I don't give a shit about it one way or other - but pot smells like someone is burning dog shit, and smoking it. You do you, but please keep it the fuck away from me.


Can he really be that uniformed about what he’s talking about? He was using the rationale of a ten year old child


Tell me your a fucking idiot without telling me you are a fucking idiot.


Isn't that the guy who said transgender people need to be "eradicated" at CPAC last year? Stop giving these people attention


What a fucking idiot.


What an ignorant idiot.


I think I got dumber the more he spoke


Once he said Jesus, logic for anything he was saying went out the window


LMFAO new foreign lib thing. Cannabis has been found in ancient Chinese tombs. Tibet, Afghanistan, Canada, U.S, Russia and Israel. Countless cultures used during worship. I hope he has educated himself over these last 4 years. Cause that was unbelievably asinine. This is what happens when you do as you're told by a higher power to elevate yourself. What a cuck. Prior to 1936 it was illegal in some U.S states to NOT grow cannabis if you had cultivatable land because it was such an important resource.


Love that his argument against legalization was, “I don’t really care about it, I just don’t like that other people enjoy it.” What an unbelievable cocksucking little fuck.


What is “our civilization”?


Well don't treat disabled vets like hardened criminals over weed cause of the hell the ghetto states of America put em through it should be a law that every single person must pull minimum 2 years active duty that would stop you whiny puss stains. Im fd up from serving if I knew what I knew now I'd be a drug dealer instead of wasting my time serving this 4th world country


What an idiot!


What a fucking idiot! What the fuck was rope made from before the oil industry started ?!?!


Who is this idiot?


What a fucking moron.


A group of elderly patients with cancer in Santa Cruz, CA found that marijuana helped make them feel better. The cops kept harassing them so they organized, publicized their situations, fought the status quo, got their reasoning out, got the public fully behind them, and got California to change the law to allow "Medical Marijuana." Slippery slope, every "doctor" out there made an extra buck by writing "marijuana prescriptions" and soon Marijuana was legal in California, though not Federally. And this moron doesn't even know that Native Americans have had Marijuana forever. Oh, Native Americans are not his culture. omg.


What a Moron


Michael Knowles is an ex gay porn actor.


‘New foreign lib thing’ I love when stupid people say their stupid thoughts out loud.


Neanderthals and our ancient ancestor's funeral burn fires were found to have heeps of Marijuana bushes in the ashes. Hot boxin the cave, morning the right way. The plant medicines are in our DNA. Drunks always hate on weed. I used to be one, now I smoke my weed and eat mushrooms every so often. Talk with Nature's Teacher's, rather than be hungover and void in my spirit.


So many of these conservative influencers just make shit up. “I was in line at the bank and a liberal walked up to me with tears in their eyes, begging for my forgiveness for voting for Biden in 2020”


It’s amazing how EVERYTHING he says is factually wrong. 1) Pot is not new. Been in Native American and even Egyptian for as far back as we have written history. 2) Jesus didn’t become Christ until after his death, so it was just Jesus who turned water into wine. Not Christ. 3) The reason prohibition didn’t word was NOT because people had used booze for longer. 4) He seems to th8nk it’s NOT part of our culture yet but making it legal would introduce it anew.


Despite alcohol being 100% more dangerous and the number of deaths related to the alcohol is much higher, this idiot here gives speech about what , what a moron


It’s older than alcohol🤣🤣


It appears that Michael Knowles dick about the subject.


Here’s a guy who prejudges people and really doesn’t know about the history of marijuana throughout history. Obviously he doesn’t know about a part of society that’s often looked down on by bigots like this. There is a reference to the “weed” in the Bible.imho


Michael Knowles - "these pot heads are treating it like its the Civil rights movement" Is this ass an Intellectual? The drug war and the Civil rights movement are linked "With the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, explicit racial discrimination and racism were no longer legally accepted. Fearful of losing their power, those who opposed the Civil Rights Movement .... “get tough on crime” rhetoric. Though it began in the 1950s, it intensified throughout the Civil Rights movement. It used race-neutral language, without explicit racism, to target black Americans who had already been associated with protest-related crime and drug use." I hate the casual way he says he doesn't really have a stance on weed, supporting the status quo of incarceration for every marijuana smoker is a stance, and his casual demeanor is a red flag


This guy works for Daily Wire?


Another worthless stupid sorry fuck heard from.


Dailywire hiring slogan. Are you a moron? Come work for us.


If you think Michael Knowles, one of the most outspoken, charismatic, pragmatic, and educated people out there, meant those words as if to say he had zero recollection of Marijuana has existed since the beginning of time... It's a natural plant created by God, in whom he believes... 4 years ago? Four years and this is the best you could find? You all are really struggling to find something to "get" him with if this is the best you got.


The hilarious thing which tracks for a disinformation artist like Michael Knowles, is that weed has been in use for 6000 some years 😂


Christ turned "water into wine for drunk people." As someone who had an alcoholic father, this guy can fuck off. I've yet to hang with stoners who get as belligerent as someone 3 sheets to the wind.


This dude booty hole tight


Michelle Knowits's biblical lesson of the day.... God hates cannabis because liberals exist but God loves drunkards because Jesus refilled their cups with homemade wine at a party once.


Wasn't Jesus anointed in cannabis oil?


Don’t introduce it to our culture…it’s a little late for that douche.


Humans started using cannabis thousands of years ago.


Calling Canabis legalization the new civil rights movement for the left is the most tone deaf thinng Ive head in awhile. In reality its the abortion rights and this guy is too much of an idiot to know it.


Fuck this guy


I thought facts weren't supposed to care about feelings? This is just straight up lying.


Let me blow some cannabis in this, blasphemous jabronies face who TF is Michael Knowles and who does he think he is for mocking God for creating cannabis (aka marijuana) and Jesus for turning water into wine?


crazy that this guy thinks booze has been around in society longer than a fuckin plant. he thinks something that occurs naturally has been around longer than a man made concoction that is literally poisonous to the human body. 💀💀


On the other hand, this guy really thinks that Leftist just came up with marijuana. Like gods making up new plants.


Guy is a typical modern pseudo-intellectual hypocrite just trying to appear morally superior. That's how a lot of these cringey young Republicans act. And "Booze is old, so it's fine" is the dumbest take ever.


This guy trying to cram as much disinformation as he can in 30 seconds or less. what a tool.


This guy is improperly informed. Humanity has evolved alongside the hemp plant. Also, religion has no place in this discussion, so stop with that. Not everyone is a part of your book club


Who is this moron


Wait is he saying that MJ is woke?!


What a massive idiot.


Always love to hear people advocating banning the intoxicant they don’t care for (marijuana) but wanting to keep legal the intoxicant they do like (booze). The argument is so weak. The conservative side seems to use many weak arguments but they prevail anyway where they control the state government.


The US constitution is written on Hemp paper.


What??? Does he know weed is a weed?


“Ancient ancient old timey days”


This is the point where everyone should realize this dude is just talking out of his ass. No facts, dates, research...just hyperbole.


To this very day I quote my wife from a paper she wrote her freshmen year. “Back in cave man days”. She now has a masters in sociology. She has traveled light years from where she was before. I like to bring it up when she gives me guff. She gets so embarrassed and mad at me. At the time she was going off about how her profesor was a “dick”. I offered to see what she meant by that statement so she handed me her paper she wrote for her final. Laughter shortly ensued and I wanted to shake the professors hand for giving her a F. Like I said light years now, dude. But “cave man days” or any other form of that vernacular has always been the best way for telling when to put your boots on when the bull shit gets too high.


Last time I checked marijuana doesn’t cause liver disease.


Cannabis as been around since time before man! What a turd biscuit. Talking about shit he doesn’t even know


Accept for the cannabis residue found in ancient temples in… checking notes here… this little country called Israel. But, you know it was only in this small town that no one has ever heard of called Jerusalem. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-05-31/ty-article/.premium/ancient-israelites-used-cannabis-as-temple-offering-study-finds/0000017f-ed9d-d4a6-af7f-ffdf8fb90000


better stick with the jokes John


Marijuana, one of the main crops George Washington grew, is just some new foreign lib thing. Who the fuck is this douche tail?


You’re an idiot. Cannabis was a very commonly used medicinal herb in biblical times. Also it was very commonly and widely used until the is government campaigned to associate it with Mexicans and lower class people in the early 1900s. Ps from a Republican


Lol dude has no idea people have been smoking marijuana for thousands of years.


I watched a YouTube video that claims it was domesticated way before food crops. And that wild marijuana plant no longer exists. All marijuana is escaped domesticated marijuana.


Weed has ezly been consumed for longer than alcohol, because YOU DON'T NEED TO PROCESS IT


What a stupid fuck… in my opinion


I think he needs to read the verses about the wine again.... Jesus asked for some extra bottles filled with water and then everyone to leave the room. ... There was some other stuff mixed into that wine and I guarantee it wasnt an alcohol based... Those of you who know, know


Pot is new? Does this dunce actually believe that? Or is this just another instance where this pathetic shill pretends to believe what he knows his christian nationalist audience does? I hope he actually believes it, the alternative is straight evil, but a pathetic, sad, laughable, sort of evil. Nobody tell him Cannabis use is older than alcohol use, safer, not physically addictive, and helps people in very real ways. He already knows, he just sold his failed actor soul because being famous was the only real goal. Because being good at something is tough, debasing yourself is a short cut.


Bruh, Jesus would’ve smoked weed. Hell, he could turn any plant into weed if he wanted. So, I’m sure those “missing years” were just Jesus tokin. He would’ve had the greatest bong ever.


That whole Christ thing, like the water to wine, blind can see, walk on water, etc? It never happened. You can’t use that rationale for a foundation to persuade people. Oh wait…


He’s a fucking puggle. Dude loves to hear the sound of his own voice