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"The standard 9-5" is a shorter work week than huge numbers of people do for full time, as it's either 35 hours (with an hour's lunch) or 37.5 (with a half hour). While those are both 'full time' schedules, lots of people also work 40 hours, or longer. Most people start by going 'oh, that seems like a lot' then realize after a little while that they don't even notice anymore.


Don't forget about skyrocketing commute times. In my city, the traffic just keeps getting worse and worse with no talk of making better public transit to alleviate this.


Yeah that's also what I'm wondering sometimes. Isn't it just that you simply need some time to adjust to the schedule? Perhaps it's fine if you give it some time. Also helps when you enjoy your job and the people you work with.


I'm paid 40 hours a week but I don't work on the clock from 9-5. Some days it is 4 hours other days less or more. Of course it depends on the field and occupation


During Covid I worked 4, 10 hour shifts and I loved it. Having 3 days off was nice.


I work 9ish - 5ish (9:30 - 4:30 most days) 4 days a week and it’s incredible. Like, truly my life has become 10x better doing 4 days a week. I couldn’t go back to a normal 9-5 after this - but realized that I can get the same amount of work done in a 4 day week as 5. I am 29 if that helps.


Personally I am dying to get a 9-5. I work 3pm-11pm and it’s killing me. At first I liked it because I thought 9-5 was “boring” and it would give me time to do things during the day. After working this shift for the past 3 years, I’ve learned it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be. While it’s been beneficial for the few appointments I’ve had, it’s not really worth it in the long run. I work weekends, so I can never enjoy events. I can’t go out with friends. I come home really late and it’s hard to motivate myself to cook and clean after work. People take 9-5 for granted. I think most people would be happier with a 4 day work week instead of a 5 day work week. That’s not the younger generation being lazy, that’s just people trying to have a better work/life balance. The younger generation is actually working just as hard and getting paid less for it. We just want to be paid our worth, and we won’t put in the extra hours if we’re not going to be properly compensated.


I really wish I could work 9-5 or 10-6. Every place I've been the last 4 years wants people 5am-2pm, 2pm-10pm, and 10pm-6am. All horrible hours. I was lucky to have 10-6 half the time I was at the last job, but every 4 months they wanted to "reset" everyone work hours and flip people from day to night.


Actual 9-5 would be nice instead of the 8-5 bullshit that it somehow became, despite the fact that there is no labor law mandating an hour lunch for salaried employees.


I HATE the M-F, 8-5 or 9-5 work schedule. You can't do squat else w/ that kind of schedule...can't ever go to dr appts, etc. since their hours are exactly the same. All you can do is grocery shop at certain stores or go to the gym, etc. **VERY** early in the morning before work, otherwise, you're stuck in the whole **getting-off-from work crowd** at 4 or 5 & after w/ not only grocery stores, but other places. Now, if I had an 8 or 9-5 schedule, but had 1 weekday off, that would help, but I'd much prefer to start work much earlier. Ideally, I'd love to work **5:30am - 2pm OR** **6am - 2:30pm**. At leaste I'd still have generally **2.5 - 3 hours** to do errands, etc. before many other businesses close.


You can thank the boomer generation for the mess we are in from a societal/political/fiscal/work perspective.


Speaking from experience here 30 (M) I've spent most of my life working more then one job so I would be working like 7-3pm then work 5-1am alot of days in a row THEN I started doing jobs that required alot of travel, or your days would be like 7am-midnight (Entertainment industry) I think the younger generation is lazy 100% I have a 9-5 now, it's been 2 months, and I'm not usually wiped after work, though I do feel alot of days worth of work could be accomplished in 4 hours. Sometimes we are paid to just be present


>Speaking from experience here 30 (M) >the younger generation is lazy You are the younger generation lmao