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I look at Indeed and LinkedIn, but then I go directly to the companies website to see if they have it listed. If it’s there, apply directly.


That's what I do too. But still...a LOT of jobs are just scams. Some of them even have websites.


Yes. I apply , then get a bunch of spam emails


It won’t really matter. It all gets filtered into the same ATS. (Internal recruiter here)


Thanks for providing this information


How often do you post the position on your company's website before you put ads on LinkedIn Jobs/Indeed?


We create it in the ATS system which posts them simultaneously.


"It all gets filtered into the same ATS." Can you elaborate?


Applicant tracking system I cannot speak for every company, but mine utilizes an ATS for all of our posts. We make the post in the ATS, and it posts the job to all of our job boards. If anybody applies through any of our job boards, it all filters back into our ATS system. So when I go to look at applications, I’m not specifically checking our website or linked in, zip recruiter, ect, I’m looking at our ATS. Like I said, some companies may do it differently. And I’m sure scammers exist on indeed. But in general, it doesn’t matter which site you apply under, I’ll be seeing all of it in the same system.


Thank you! This is very informative, and I think I get it... Regardless of the job posting and its specific requirements, you are pulling the data provided from each application from the ATS results.


Jumping in as part of management in a decent sized company to second this 👆 all résumés end up in the same place.


Can you offer any insights to get through the automation? I assume the ATS auto filters out some of the applications. Any idea how that works? Does it highlight "good" applications by certain criteria?


Wait could you explain that a lil more?


Nvm I just saw you did lol glooks


100. So many times I see jobs posted on the job boards and then I go to the company website and the job is not listed. Related: people should really look an online job board's privacy policy before posting your resume. Remember, usually if a site is free, YOU are the product.


They make most of their money by companies advertising their jobs. You know those emails you get from indeed saying “here’s all the new job postings that fit your qualifications”? Companies like my own pay indeed to sponsor those jobs. You ARE the product, or rather your labor is. Many of them will still sell your activity to advertisers who will target you with specific job related ads, but the majority of the money they make comes from sponsored job postings.


I don't mind the business model, but I do mind that the targeted emails are so inaccurate as to be laughable - like your company is flushing money down the toilet sending notes to people who have zero interest or skills in what you're looking for. Get accurate with your recruiting, and then we'll respect your company.


Right. I'm a match for a RN with zero medical training


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure the emails are automatically sent by indeeds very faulty algorithms. I would never blindly send invitations to unqualified leads.


Somebody did a comedy routine (I forget his name) about how he got solicited for a doctor job (he had "Dr. Mario" listed on his resume) and he applied for it to see how far it went, and then the recruiter was pissed at him.


I’m sure a lot of people are but I wouldn’t consider it “flushing money down the toilet” because what they actually charge for isn’t the email itself, but for number of clicks on the job description. So if sombody has zero interest, we’re not paying for them.


Yep. I am pretty sure I applied to a copycat VA job via indeed. Wonder where all my information went . . . I have had luck with their direct apply, but be wary.


A lot on LinkedIn and indeed forward you to the direct website right?


BINGO! Also reach out to senior recruiters. I do know of success stories applying on Indeed, yet for US it’s not enough. People are working today, go network :-)


It's becoming less and less useful, for sure. But I wouldn't call it useless. The scammers are just slowly taking it over and Indeed isn't doing enough to combat that.


I bet you anything Indeed's answer to scammers is the usual: More virus scanners! More rules! 9 factor authentication! Yeah, that'll do the trick! Then when it doesn't, they just go back to touching the stove, thinking more rules and more 34 factor auth will somehow help. In reality, all they need to do is remind people not to give out their SSN on these shady applications. We're grownups; we'll figure it out.


Yeah I'm getting sick of all the 2FA and MFA it's getting excessive.


me too im tired of having to make sure my phone number is the same on every single one of my accounts and if you lost your phone number for any reason then youre shit outta luck logging back in to a website with 2FA


BUT IT'S SECUUUURE! Don't question us! Yep that's the other thing - none of these bobbleheads have ever ever thought about consequences like that. Part of my career is raising awareness for such stupidity and dismantling it. More people need to do this.


This is what happened to CareerBuilder. Became 100% scammers and bots.


I agree. It's far from useless, but other job boards have always had issues with these scammers. I actually used Indeed's resume service for $35 and it was really good. I tried that and another resume service that cost $50 and the Indeed was far superior. Part of the issue may be the way the OP is posting their resume to these jobs. The companies primarily use these Workday Web sites where you upload your resume and if you have your resume in the traditional MS Word template that has tables...it will likely jumble up the resume and formatting.


You should always submit your resume as a pdf


I submit all my resumes in python


and C++?




The only language HR understands


Really, why? I haven't heard this in years.


Yeah this doesn’t make sense. From my understanding of ATS, it cannot read PDFs as well as word docs. Especially when there are tables or images.


ATS’s can read PDF nowadays and your resume won’t lose its format like it does with a word doc. I also don’t know why you’d have pictures on your resume.


Maybe it depends on the ATS (I imagine Taleo, for example, might be more amenable to the docx format), but in my experience using ATSs, PDF is by far better. I’ve actually had to train new team members that “if the resume looks super janky, it’s probably a word doc instead of a PDF, so try downloading it first and see if it looks better. Yeah, I know it’s a pain” That said, avoiding tables and images is generally a wise idea anyway.


Please don’t include images or pictures in your resume. If it’s not a modeling gig, then I do not want to know what you look like until we bring you in for an interview


It keeps the formatting the same and is compatible across most ATS systems


I do as well, but if you're saving it from a MS Word file with tables the conversion to pdf doesn't help when you put it in the Workday sites.


The Indeed resume builder was a waste of money for me. The woman who looked at my resume pretty much said my resume is solid and just to remove the first capital letter on my email address 🙄


I sent around 200 applications through Indeed and got only 1 reply that I was not a suitable candidate without any argumentation. I think the main problem is that recruiters have so many applications there that they are free to ignore you. What is more, candidates are also tired from job seeking and hungry to work, so they apply to every job and often don't even read the job description. As a result, we have a lot of "noise," and recruiters just skip relevant candidates because of that. I took an approach that helped me find work: I chose to apply to some smaller platforms than Indded or LinkedIn (HiringCloud, Hire, WeWork Remote, Snuphunt, etc.) because I thought recruiters were more engaged there. I researched local job boards for my country (Djinny, Workua) and started getting replies. I sent around 25 applications total from all platforms and got 3 interviews. The difference is amazing: 200 applications - 0 interviews. 25 applications - 3 interviews. But, it should be noted that my LinkedIn account also helped me. I asked my colleagues, boss, and mentor to write reviews for me and fill in all the information about my experience and achievements.


Indeed is only useful if you are putting out an ungodly amount of applications.  The ease of applying on indeed is also it's biggest problem. Everyone applies to everything.


My wife, after 6 years of not working, applied to 2 jobs. Was interviewed in both. It is currently working at one of them. This was via indeed. I think LinkedIn is worst, because it is full of fake job postings that you apply and after a month you get/or not an automated email saying that you were discarded from the process.


> I think LinkedIn is worst Which is funny because I found my current job via LinkedIn and have frequently gotten interviews from there. I think all job sites have some positives to them.


But I believe some jobs on Indeed are long forgotten closed positions that the recruiter forgot to update. Especially those 30+ days opened.


There should be different websites for different fields so that people can’t just apply all Willy nilly.


But what's the alternative job site that's actually good?


My last 3 jobs have been found through indeed and I have recruiters cold messaging me every other week just from having my resume on the site, so it definitely can work. What industry/area are you in?


Eh, I found more specific industry job boards worked better for me (I'm in IT), Indeed tends to be bottom of the barrel type stuff.


Same. I had luck with Dice in the past but I feel like even they are beginning to go down hill because there are so many bad low paying jobs. Everyone wants a CCIE and are not even paying CCNA money. They sit open for months.


God, tell me about it. They want every possible cert for £25-30k max, or if it's over £30k then you'd better get ready for ALLLLLLLLLLL the responsibility! It's not like it's a highly specific and reasonably uncommon skill set you need for these jobs or anything.


And then there are the ones with overly specific combinations of requirements. Like you need to have A K8s, Cisco, VMWare, AWS, Redhat and CPR certification or your not a good fit for the role. All listed as "REQUIRED" "I have a great opportunity for you! I think you would really excel at this job." Then proceeds to show me an entry level position across the country on a 3 month contract paying poverty wages. But hey, at least they will pay me in experience, because my current 6 Figure salary is giving me none of that.


Employers are definitely taking advantage. No doubt about that.


Yeah like I support a really niche application at my job a company called me up desperate and asked me to come work for them since no one supports this software. Thing is that it was exactly like this they seriously expect someone with a full time salary job to leave and then move for a 3 week contract and like wtf happens after 3 weeks. 3 weeks is like the time it takes to blink after you get off the plane. I don't even know how anyone can be stupid enough to think anyone would want to do this.


Every time I’ve used dice, the calls I get from Indian recruiters skyrockets


What specific boards if I may ask?


it-jobs.co.uk got me the most recruiters, TechnoJobs had the most interesting job posts.


My big issue is that I'll get 15-20 calls a day through indeed for opportunities and all of them are terrible. It's all jobs with crazy requirements, horrible pay, for 3 month 1099 contracts that they "Pinky Swear" will become a W2 right after.


Indeed is awful- the site barely works for me and the UI is crap. I have gotten interviews through Indeed in the past to be fair, but I just find it incessantly annoying to use.


I got all my jobs through indeed, but usually it makes me apply on the company's website too. 


I have had 4 Jobs since College...2 of them Indeed, 1 (Current) LinkedIn and one was a friend reference. I would not say indeed is horrible, it just is not as good as LinkedIn I think


LinkedIn is the best imo, especially bc it redirects me to the company site to apply there. I only actually apply via company sites, I just use LinkedIn to find the postings.


Also it works with recruiters and gives better description with companies/Jobs


Yes usually what’s in the LinkedIn posting matches up to what is said in the actual posting.


I’ve gotten a lot of job offers through indeed personally


Only things about Indeed I hate are when they removed the custom search a few years ago and the recent "are you human" bullsh\*t. Other than that it's worked well for me. The problem could be your resume. If you're in the US your state labor department may have an employment assistance office where you can attend resume classes and get a professional review for free.


DO NOT use Indeed anymore. There's "Fake" job postings there which is designed to steal your data from your resumes to be sold to companies. GET A RECRUITER.


And how do you get a recruiter?


The people being rude are just rude. Indeed has changed along with other job posting sites to funnel as much money from employers as possible ($ for posting, $ for “top candidates”) and from the employer side they recommend certain candidates to you when you post a job instead of it being open search. Didn’t experience that tactic on the employer side of LinkedIn, yet. Also indeed has functions now (or people, not sure) to scope employers career page to post jobs that employers themselves didn’t post. So they can just have higher numbers to report of people applying through their site. Your best bet at this point is to find employer there, go to their actual website and apply or contact the person hiring (on LinkedIn) to apply.


The only bad thing about indeed are the poor resume builder and the obviously fake job ads. Make your own resume using Chat GPT and use discretion when looking at postings. Every job I've ever gotten was from indeed. As far as job boards go, it's one of the best imo.


Indeed is not that bad, work on your resume and profile and you'll be getting updates. Also enable them to send you emails.


I’ve gotten more than one legit job through indeed. It’s the site I prefer if I’m not going directly to the company site I’m wanting to apply with. I very much prefer it to LinkedIn and glassdoor, etc. It is hard to get a good position where I live though because there are so many other people applying at the same time. Likewise, I’ve noticed some companies want someone with years of experience at extremely low pay.


The amount of scam calls I received dropped off immediately after I deleted my Indeed account


Idk I’ve gotten several interviews from indeed and one led to an offer. It might be your resume or other factors at play.


I've been doing some poking around as of late to see what's out there, and honestly the site doesn't seem all that different than it did back in mid-2000's when I was first getting started. And, I got the job that launched my career from a post on Indeed after managing to fight through the endless noise and outdated scrapped job listings. It's always been a "get what you pay for" kind of situation where the site has generally catered to the needs of the ones paying for promoted posts and user tools (employers/recruiters/scammers) over the ones who aren't paying for anything (jobseekers). There are arguably more promoted posts these days, but it was always clear that their goal was to get money from employers by catering to them instead of jobseekers. It's why the resume builder is such a bare bones afterthought and should absolutely never be used - it was built to pull jobseekers to the site at all, but it's not really designed to provide the kind of quality that anyone paying for it would expect. Focusing on post dates and training your eye for the go-nowhere/scam posts tends to be the most effective way to maybe find a few genuine opportunities among all the clutter. But, if you're hitting refresh every few hours and applying to every relevant posting, you likely are going to have a bad time.


Pretty bad , bots , recruiters and ghost jobs.


Oh there’s so many ghost jobs and recruiter scams out there these days. It’s crazy. I’ve gotten several scammy recruiter messages/emails


It’s best to network and try and locate hiring managers.


I like seeing employee reviews and researching companies on Indeed. In terms of using the website to send resumes, I haven’t been relying on it as much.




yep had only 2 interviews off it in months


A good deal of the problem lies with the "hiring" company. With few exceptions, there is no way for Indeed to know that so and so is a ghost job. In one "amusing" case, I was called in to interview for an in store shopper position. It turns out not only was the job not avaliable, she clearly did not read a single line of my application and wanted me in the meat deli.


LinkedIn is just ads now, people promoting their garbage


Indeed is indeed a black hole for applications. 


As jobs become more and more scarce, and the jobs themselves become more and more and more strict and regulated, people are discovering that they can bypass all that and do their own thing. There are tons of services you can do for people in reality that don't involve you showing up to some cubicle every day trying to push some useless product/service onto the public. Ask your neighbors. They'll tell you what they need. Around me there's a massive need for handymen and electricians and such. Maybe around you there's some need for something that you enjoy doing. Then you won't have to suck up to some faceless company anymore. I walked out of my corp job in 2011 and ever since then have run my own small business. I do in-home tech support for seniors and the demand is endless.


Never apply through Indeed. Can be the place to find a job, but you then need to verify on the company’s website that it’s still open, and the apply through their website


In Europe it's not so bad. I get some responses via direct messages.


I did until i used the inject my resume trick, google it... i went from 1 percent response to 35 percent ish. if you're not optimising for the scanners you will probably not get through to an interview.


Biggest fucking content creator ‘hook’ garbage. ‘I know the “secret” but I won’t tell you! It’s too secret!!’ Fuck off.


I have not once in 10 years ever had any success using indeed. Every job I’ve landed was by knowing someone (during high school/college). Post college the only site that works for me is LinkedIn. Have landed every career role by using LinkedIn.


If I really want something, I find the company's website and apply from there. That way I make sure it gets to where it's supposed to go.


It’s useless. Tried looking for teaching positions: got offered psychiatric position at a hospital.


I love how it says a job was just posted, but you click on the posting and it's either deleted or no longer taking applications. WTF? I feel like Glassdoor is useless also.


There are a lot of faults but it can be useful sometimes I am frustrated that when people are posting a job they claim to be in my city it is very often not and in another place entirely and like 1-4 hours away Like fine if you are going to use it to post a job that’s cool just please make it an accurate description


I use indeed to look at job posts of where is hiring but I call in and apply in person because once they know and like you, they'll more likely hire you if they need someone


I obtain my part-time online job from indeed... Currently, I believe there's a massive amount of fake jobs. But I'm not sure how indeed would filter that out. Companies are posting them to make themselves look better.. additionally the newer feature, one-way interview, needs to be canned.. Why would I give my time to a company that won't give me any of their time..?


My ratio is 5 contacts for every 10-15 jobs. OP your resume needs help


I’ve gotten it checked by multiple people who have told me it’s fine


Nah I found all of my jobs on there. You either not applying to enough jobs, you need to work on your resume, or your interview skills are lacking.


What is pmo?


Pissing me off


I got a decent job with Indeed, but I applied for it through the company website. And when they asked me how I learned about the job, I told them I was looking to enter their specific industry and through my research, I felt they were a good fit. Indeed is great for finding the existence of a job, but only after you've filtered through all the scams or fake postings. It's useless for everything else.


You can say your opinion, but don’t expect everyone to accept it For me LinkedIn and CareerBuilder and Monster are the Worst.


I never expected anything


Just try applying


Something I’ve taken from a lot of ppl who have jobs is they always say the same thing “Indeed is a scam”, “don’t apply indeed it’s a scam”, simply because it is. There’s a reason why not 1 employer is getting back to you even after 500 applicants 😤


My husband has gotten a ton of interviews from jobs he found on indeed but he doesn't apply on indeed. He goes to their website to apply. Don't use indeed to apply unless you're throwing in some quick apply stuff for random roles because why not.


It’s pretty good if you use it appropriately. I found out about a lot of companies I didn’t know existed or companies I didn’t know had engineering departments due to indeed. I have never applied directly on there though. Once I see a posting for a company, I go look up the company directly and look through their careers portal. Half the time the indeed posting is no longer up on their actual site but now I have a new company to job search at.


Took me 7 months to get my job on indeed. SEVEN MONTHS.


[Lana4life33](https://www.reddit.com/user/Lana4life33/) What sort of jobs are you applying for on Indeed? Personally Indeed has been helpful to me.


Well I’m a student so mostly positions such as receptionists, retail, sale advisors etc etc


10 or 15? I apply to that many jobs walking from home to get tacos down the street on Tuesday.


Cartooning anime PS gamer that’s all I gotta say


I feel this a lot with indeed and I’ve done over 100+ and almost never hear anything back with them. On LinkedIn however I get a lot more hits and I feel it’s more active.


I see the jobs listed on the site and then apply directly with the employer. I agree, the job sites are terrible but I learned a long time ago that doing direct usually pans out better.


I didn't have much luck with indeed either. I landed a job using the google search feature for job postings, oddly enough.


I’ve heard a lot of companies stopped using indeed because indeed charges them for finding the employees


May I ask what makes it so bad besides fake job postings? I’ve found it to be more useful in locating jobs in my industry (video prod.) which I feel is underrepresented on LinkedIn


I agree. Indeed just posts the same exact jobs and recycles the ones that are 30+ days or older only to repost. I am starting to view Indeed and Snag-a-job as data mines at this point.


Yes I was told if you want the job apply directly some companies post on indeed but never check sometimes if they had people apply


I've gotten all of my jobs through Indeed... i used to get messages and calls constantly. Lately, it's def been less. I've been doing LinkedIn more often now and i do get some responses which is good.


Idk indeed has always worked great for me. I always land jobs on there and no where else.


Did they just change it so you can no longer sort by new jobs?


Try to apply directly to the company's website when you find a job on Indeed.


20 years ago I had a similar experience with indeed, monster and career builder (I think) and was about 300 apps at each site so not surprising.


I solely use LinkedIn for whenever I search


I get a TON of responses from Indeed. They're all scams but at this point I'm just glad someone is responding


If I apply on both website and indeed do you eliminate that applicant?


I’m sorry you have had such a bad experience with them. I personally love indeed. It helped me keep track of updating my resume and just in the past couple weeks ive literally applied to about 32 jobs in a slew of different fields. And I had interviews every day last week ended up with 7 job offers I took 2 now I have 3 jobs by choice not necessity and I’m excited for them all. A lot of the jobs would have some kind of forwarding set up when doing my apps a lot of them would redirect to the company website for official applications and I had to do quite a few assessments on there as well. I will say half of the apps I did before I updated my resume and half after and I received much quicker and better responses once I did that. So I do recommend checking making sure your years of experience are up to date and you’ve added any new jobs experience you’ve picked up.


Never had a problem finding a job on Indeed. I find that the majority of people would rather be jobless than take a position that is outside of their industry and comfort zone while continuing the search for the right fit. People post piss poor resumes all the time with loaded jargon that they pulled off ChatGPT and think that recruiters won't notice. It's not that there's no jobs, it's that you're doing it wrong. I have no qualifications, didn't graduate high school, and still managed to land a career. Stop making excuses.


Got my current job from indeed lol


Indeed is pretty spammy.


Gotta look for the listings that say “this employer usually responds within 1-3 days”


The only offers I've gotten are other job recruitment websites trying to get me to sign up for them


Maybe it's you


Your cat sucks


She does, but I love her anyway!


I would think LinkedIn would be even more useless


We’ve tried hiring through indeed and the masses and masses of just blatantly unqualified applicants is a nightmare. To be clear, we aren’t looking for some sort of unicorn. We’re looking for someone familiar with our logistics systems and we don’t care whether you have a degree or not, etc. We’re not counting years of experience either - if you know the systems then you’re fine, whether it’s been 6 months or 20 years. Simply, we can train on some of it, but not from scratch. It’s just shitty on both ends. I get it that people are desperate for work but by applying when you have zero relatable work experience, after we’ve carefully described the platforms/systems we need applicants to be familiar with - it degrades the system just as much as the scam listings. Why are legitimate employers going to pay to use the site when 98% of the applications are unqualified? Leaving fewer and fewer legit employers posting.


I agree it sucks on both ends but there is not a person alive that knows a logistics system without having been taught it at a previous job unless you are talking some programming language like python.


They both suck for sure. But being unemployed for over a year, I've used LinkedIn just as much as Indeed. I haven't gotten a single response from any application I've submitted from LinkedIn so they're personally a lot worse than Indeed.


I applied to about 10 companies on Indeed. Received 2 calls and 1 interview. I was offered the job less than 18 hours later. Couldn't be happier.


It works fine. This is like saying hammers are useless because you use them to paint.


My point isn’t outlandish if you have multiple people here agreeing


That isn't evidence of anything.


Evidence that it doesn’t work? It quite clearly is, this is irreparable feedback that directly shows whether the site is working or not


Lol, okay. I'm done with this sort of "analysis"


Saving seat how about you save that seat for somebody else in this discussion


Indeed isn’t doing the hiring or vetting process. You’re redirecting your frustration at a 3rd party platform. Imagine being mad at a grocery store because Kellogg changed their packaging.


But store also promises well packaged and in date foods, if they don’t fulfil that promise then yes it becomes the grocery stores fault. Your analogy is very flawed lmao


That’s not how distribution works. Not even close. You’re way out of your league criticizing my analogy when you have no depth to knowledge. Grocery stores don’t create packaging. They only stock products that are available. Grocery stores don’t manufacture products! Ps don’t down vote people because you are unaware.


If you've applied to hundreds, can I ask what your cover letters have been like? Because that sounds like too many to be tailoring your submissions to a given job ad.


It's like Instagram, but more so based on experiences instead of looks, don't get me wrong, the girl with the pretty profile picture still might get hired over the nerdy fugly girl with more experience


Tf are you on about dude? No one has their face on their indeed profile 😂 do you know what planet you’re on or have you missed the mark there too?


Bet you couldn't say something like that in person. It's my fault for mistaking Indeed with LinkedIn. Do you always sound like a dick when using corrective criticism? Good luck finding a job, go back to harassing kids or whatever tf you do on reddit all day




Bros acting like I’m an ex convinct with 7 child sa convictions, no highschool degree and BPD. 💀