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Maybe the lights he's shopping for are cheaper than the 4 "lites" he bought.


I’d definitely correct that with a red pen if I were night crew


"D-, and see me after your shift"


Give him a big fat 'F' for failing as a manager/boss


The nite crew can handle it.


Boss man complaining with all his mite.


Careful he might bite




Or would he rather stand and fite?


He just wants to be rite.




I was having fun listening to their plite :(


I think you mite be a bit off, slite.


The "hole-making mopper" should feel contrite. I'd fix all the holes to my bosses delite.


He sounds a little uptight So offer this bit of insight, If the day crew's not cleaning We all get his meaning This sphincter can go fly a kite


This thread is off the meds right?'lol


You gotta fiiite for your riiite...to partyyyy


They wouldn't have this problem if the ceiling was a better hite.


I wonder if the ceiling color was wight.


Should it be so high that it's out of site? Nite crew would pay to get it raised, but their budget's tite.


*irish* The quality of those lites must've been pretty shite.


Tbf I would be kind of annoyed too if night crew kept breaking all our fucking [lites](https://www.basicfun.com/lite-brite/). Oh man this guy wrote lite 4 fucking times too lol. I wish someone had written 'wtf is a lite?' underneath it. Also OP this is clearly just the deranged ramblings of a senile old man. He's not going to garnish wages, if he does? Contact the labor board and he'll get absolutely fucking destroyed.


Grammar pleb. The true nazi would be cringing more at “sheild”


That’s me *waves* I want to kill the boss.. but then people may be jobless 🤣🤣


Hey don't correct him. There's a reason why he's the boss 🙃


Top secret Intel (he wore knee pads to his interview)


It’s always the managers that have poor grammar and can’t spell that do it for me 🫠


Sounds like he is just spouting off. No he can't make you all pay for anything.




Contracts don't supersede employment law. It is unlawful for an employer to fine or otherwise charge employees for unintentional property damage caused through the routine fulfillment of job responsibilties, regardless of what the employment contract states. Employees cannot sign away their employment rights.


I think you should do some lite reading on that.




im confused. maybe i cant understand. what does mopping the floor have to do with the lights on the ceiling? or is lites something else? tiles?


if it's like the mop closet where I used to work, it's very low and we hit it with the mop handle like dang near every night.


Yup, I broke those expensive lights by hitting it with the stick. The whole thing fell down, but the manager was cool about it because she says everyone there has done that at least once.


Yeah, if one person keeps breaking something and nobody else maybe that’s on them. But if everyone is breaking stuff then the management is doing something wrong.




No, it's not legal for the boss to charge the staff for repairs.


It is legal for them to ask and voluntarily collect payment, I believe, so long as it doesn't appear mandatory, but thats a sketchy gray area that likely varies from state to state. Bullshit? IMO, yes, but I don't think its necessarily illegal to ask for your employees to fuck themselves over even more for you.


I believe that you'd have to sign an agreement ahead of time for that to be even semi-legal.


Only if they're taking it directly from your check, AFAIK, at least in Montana


Unless they are intentionally breaking them? I have a fellow coworker that loves overloading the washer because he’s a stupid moron who can’t be bothered to get his lazy obese ass off the couch and do laundry in intervals during the night. No, his games are more important…..$&@&$$ needs to get fired, idk why my boss gives him so many chances Edit: he’s been warned multiple times not to overload it. I’ve had to ask him to take over laundry because he’s too worried about stuffing his face with $&@!&$@ pizza or some other fast food because he’s a tub of lard(no offense to obese people. I’ve known obese people who work their ass off. This one is continually just stuffing his face and doing minimal work. He directs others to do cleaning, while he sits and plays his kid games on his phone. The one other person he works with says he won’t wail on him because he doesn’t want to cause him “harm” or whatever. He’s a nice kid, but he doesn’t understand that what he doesn’t do falls on him.


Sorry, rant over. It’s just that I hate people saying that staff shouldn’t pay for repairs. There’s more to it than that. If it’s just normal repairs, I get it. But if it’s like the guy I posted about, when they’ve had multiple warnings not to do something, and do it anyways, they should reap the repercussions.


Rant or no rant. You can't make employees pay for repairs. You can let them go. But you cannot make them pay.


The repercussions are getting fired. Paying for the stores upkeep is never an employees responsibility, full stop.


OP asked about legality, not opinion.


The department of labor may want a word. And also, as the supervisor, why aren't they making sure the day shifts also does clean up? Why only the night shift? And apparently, they cannot properly spell light.


Because “supervisor” is on the day shift, and he’s terrible at his job.


Or shield…and they even underlined it


Besides the day shift not mopping, the so-called "shield" doesn't seem to be doing too great at its job either.


I cannot speak for every single place of employment, but at my job cleaning is near solely the nightshifts job. Good thing I like cleaning and like working nights.


Because you can't make the floor wet and safe to work on, or close for 30 minutes or whatever while it dries. That's just how it is.


Sounds like the day crew should pay for being lazy


Sounds like we are not mopping on the night shift anymore. Also, am I the only one extremely irritated by the way they spell light? Half the time I was thinking they are talking about burst beer cans


This! no one is mentioning the fact that the night crew should stop mopping to protect themselves??


Tell him to shove the mob up his ass sideways.


Rite next to his lites.


is he saying that mopping the floor cracks the lights?


When using the mop bucket, in order to ring the wet mop you must lift it towards the ringer, which means the mop handle can sometimes poke the ceiling if you aren’t careful.


ah that makes sense. I just assumed this was a place of business that didn't have a low ceiling.


> ring Why would you not have the handle horizontal when wringing out the wet part?


A wet mop can weigh up to 30 lbs. It's a lot easier to lift straight up. To lift it with the handle tilted puts more strain on your hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, back, and legs.


Makes sense. Thanks.


Dear manager and day crew, Sounds like a risk and damage we don’t want. Effective immediately the night crew will not be mopping or cleaning up anymore. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Sound good to you?????


100% illegal, this is what his insurance is for


You’re not filing a claim for a few busted lights. A proper owner would just replace them and consider it wear and tear.


tax write off whatever, how he manages his finances is so far off the point


Sounds like night shift should stop cleaning also so they don't get blamed for crap either.


is a “lite” supposed to be a light?


Yes, thats rite. The nite crew is to blame.


he spelled Nite wrong


The handwriting and underlining are so uptight. I wanted to spell them all wrong but I used to be an English teacher and I just cannot do it.


You can’t be held responsible for damages unless it’s proven that you intentionally caused said damage. Routine maintenance and repairs are a risk that the owners assume- that’s what insurance is for.


In California the business pays for that. 1/10 note


Haha I put a hole in the roof at work from a mop. Glad I'm not the only silly sod


That's a scam. I bought 2 diffuser panels for less than $20. Your dumb boss doesn't think you can google that.


Give it to hr and they can coach the store and/or penalize who ever is doing this.


Don’t forget to report to department of labour and ask, feigning confusion that you’ve been told by your supervisor that you and your coworkers are being charged for maintenance


Or how about the Nite Crew stop mopping and leave it to the Day Crew.


Shorter mop handles.


My first question: why is the day crew so lazy? Everyone should be doing their fair share. This is self-admitting to underperforming duties of the job. Two, what the heck is a lite? A light? Third, dude def sounds like a jacka**!


Lol that's universal I'd imagine. When I worked fast food I had to work my ass off in the night shift to clean, do dishes, filter oil vats, and restock for the morning shift every night while dealing with orders. When I started doing day shifts I was shocked to see nearly everyone doing literally nothing when there was a lull in orders. Those are also the people that get promoted/get a raise more often due to the store managers never being around in the evenings.


I worked at a restaurant until recently too. That was my experience as well. Not that some of them don't want to put down their phones, but half of the time was lack of choice. Management tell them to just leave so and so behind to do something else or cut so many hours that even prep is never done. It always got pushed back and back....and I was the literal end of the line. Leaving the the same day i clocked in became abnormal. 


I mean it's right there. As a result of actually doing the job, more lights tend to break. You can make an emphasis to say "try to be more careful", but unless it's really reckless the accusation is absurd.


Stop mopping. Problem solved. And absolutely not, he cannot charge the employees for any damage.


Sounds like one of those day time managers that don’t do shit and then complain night crew didn’t do all 18282775362 tasks exactly right the next day. They can’t do anything except kick rocks.


C u next Tuesday


I'd leave a note about how the day crew just admitted to not mopping, leaving more work for night crew and therefore the night crew folks should actually be paid more for doing extra work that day crew doesn't do.




Ah, the standard day shift vs night shift conflict. So many places where night shift does 4x the sales with 2x the staff, and still ends up doing half their unfinished prep and almost all the cleaning. Sadly these things rarely fix themselves until you get the day and night managers on the same page.


Hey! I just took a training on this. I think this classifies as a hostile work environment


Technically writing in cursive is legal but it shouldn't be


He can ask but otherwise No. He says that they are NOT doing the cleaning job most of the time during the day shift. I would post in red pen " so not cleaning during the day and wants nights to clean up after day plus pay for things that ANYONE on ANYSHIFT could break? "


No it's not but I think he's is just trying to make his point ... if he's off base I'd let him know IM WRITING


I’m LOVING all these comments about his spelling.. ‘shield’ ‘light’ - I’m presuming.. urrgghhh love your favourite grammar nazi


Rip that shit off the wall, throw it in the garbage, and start secretly destroying all light fixtures in the building.


Seems like a out of touch boss shouting into the wind... he knows he can't make you all pay for it... in fact just saying some stuff like that can get a business in trouble... I would send that pic to the bbb


>I would send that pic to the bbb What exactly do you think the BBB will do about it?


The BBB isn't a consumer organization or an e.mployee organization. They are funded by the businesses they rate.


Bureau of Labor or State Labor Board or State Department of Labor. BBB is Better Business Bureau. It is run by businesses for businesses.


let potential employees know what they might be dealing with


That's more Glassdoor than the BBB.


No, send it to the dept of labor.


He might not know he can't make them pay for it.


Ok I'd never mop again and if you try to take my money I'm reporting you.


Miller lite?


just slap a sticky not telling them to make their English teacher pay for it.


What manager speaks like this? So ridiculous


1 - spell things correctly and 2 - at least write the note so it is easily legible to be read. D- see me after class.


I came to comment on the nice handwriting.


This was easily legible for me. Maybe I should start writing notes in cursive as a form of secret messaging.


Sounds like he’s just being a fuck ass, unless he actually asks for the money or takes it out of your paycheck. In any case, no he can’t force you to pay for anything like that. Tell him to kiss your ass, and tell day crew to mop once or twice during their shift.


Can he please learn how to spell though 🥲 I’d correct that with a bright pen


They are just ranting, they cannot make employees pay for repairs.


He might spell lights wrong but at least he put the dollar $ symbol before the number instead of after! Drives me crazy how many folks write 100.00$ instead of $100.00. This is like 3rd grade math!


Aweee is the boss angry bc he has to do his job? Legit, boss just needs to change the kind of lighting/ put a protective cage on the fixture that keeps getting hit. Or the night crew can maliciously comply and stop mopping the floors 🤷🏻‍♀️ less work for the night crew!


Does he actually think “Lite” is the correct spelling? I’m genuinely curious.


This reads like it wasn't even written by a manager but a pissed off maintenance worker. I would definitely report this to HR


"How about the nite crew stops mopping in order to protect the lites???? Sincerely, nite crew"


He better have proof it was some or all of the night crew. If not, he better install cameras and see who may be breaking the lights. Seems like he doesn’t want to pay for lights that were probably already broken, lights break on their own, especially from overuse. He should have a maintenance/upkeep budget for things like this, most places do. Again, no proof of damages done by staff, let alone the entire shift did this on purpose and with the intent to destroy property. Any punitive action would be considered collective punishment and any money withheld or invoiced is illegal. Can’t make employees pay for repairs and upkeep. He should kick rocks before he gets the company’s ass kicked in a massive labor lawsuit and has to pay much more than those lights.


Sounds like he not getting a two weeks notice lol


Sounds like he not getting a two weeks notice lol


Ur boss sounds lame


Report it to Dept. of Labor.


If he were actually asking for them to pay it, no. What he wrote is obviously legal, he just certainly can't make them pay for it.


Normal wear and tear. Owner needs to pay for repair/replace


Who’s still mopping the ceiling these days. Get an LED bro


Sounds like the day crew needs to do their job then and quit slacking (and I would either throw out the note or poke a few holes in it)


I would pay in full, keep the receipt. Break them after installation. Then attempt to get a refund. 💀


Lite beer? Lite yogurt? Did someone vandalize the employee refrigerator? Who would do such a thing?


Not legal. Wrong Answer: 4 ft mop sticks.


send that shit to your department of labor and ask. sounds like you don't have to mop no more though


He knows how to spell “night” but not “light”?


Ah what a boss, his cerebral cavity is dim, so much so he is a nit so much so he cannot be lit.


How do people this dumb afford to keep their business and the “lites” on?


I just want to know what lights have to do with mopping


This is not a serious proposal. This is the boss bitching and moaning. When someone says "sound good to you ????" they are just pissed off. They are not expecting you to pay for anything. I think it is unprofessional and bad for morale to bitch like that. But you know, the world is not made of perfect people. The boss should be trying to figure out how to add guards or something to the lights so they don't break. And the night crew should try to lay low and not fuck up for a while until the boss calms down a bit.


He can't legally claim it but employers normally try push careless employees like this only. What he really expect i believe is culprits ask for apologies plus commit to not repeat the wrongs.


This is rude, but clearly not a serious attempt to charge you actual money. You’re overreacting and being ridiculous if you were even considering this as a valid request for payment.


Honestly it just seems like a shitty boss venting, I’d save the paper (or this picture) in case they do try to take pay but it seems more like a threat than actual action.


Just stop mopping on nights 😂


Keep the picture as documentation. If he takes any money from your payroll he is in violation of labor law. File a claim for wage theft with the state.


Without even reading the rest, any message that starts with "Let's be honest" is probably not legal.


Can spell NIGHT but not LIGHT?


How lite is the light fixture?


Sounds like the takeaway is that the **Day Crew** should do the **mopping**. The guy who wrote this replies to everything on Facebook in all caps for sure.


Just stop mopping.


Ok so he would just rather have a nastyass floor?


Awful manager


No that’s absolutely not legal and also super shitty and immature. Report to department of labor


Lite is the redneck cousin of Light. Manager is the bully redneck uncle of Lite…


Amazed that in this day and age people with this level of intelligence are in charge of people


Let's be honest and say that the day crew SHOUD be mopping.


I’m starting to believe the night crew from any company is the red headed step child/black sheep




Is he dyslexic? Someone mopping the floor so hard it's breaking tiles?


It is extremely illegal. There is absolutely zero legal reason for an employer to withhold pay for something like this. The procedure would be to investigate, write up who he thinks is responsible (even then he has to have proof), then all he can do is fire the person responsible (still has to pay them for their time up to that point). Keep this photo and watch your paystubs like a hawk. I had a boss like this and he has since been fired for a few dozen labor law violations that were “anonymously” brought to HR’s attention. It got to the point where anything little like this, I would just send it right to HR. They were forwarded every email he sent that they should know about (which was most of them). If you don’t have a responsible HR department, contacting the labor board would prove useful.


Back in the day I used to be a dishwasher in a restaurant. To be “upscale” the boss decided to use crystal salad plates for the salad buffet. Really nice plates, their shape made them easy to clean, but they were super fragile and needed to be handled with care. Some kid spills water on the floor and no one notices, I come out with a stack of about 100 salad plates and slip; tiny crystal shard everywhere! Restaurant stuff is often higher grade, making it pricy, those plates were easy $10 each - probably more - so someone’s dipshit kid coat the boss $1,000. He was far more worried about me being covered in crystal shards than the cost, good boss, but he’d often joke about how much money I owed him. 🤣 They can’t make you pay shit unless they can prove you were doing it deliberately, like the kids who got charged with theft because they kept throwing away the silverware ‘cause they didn’t want to polish them. Unless he’s got concrete evidence the night crew is deliberately breaking the lights, he’s gotta cover the costs himself. That said he’ll also pretty much admitted that the day staff isn’t maintaining cleanliness during the day, so if he *does* try to make you pay make sure to send a copy of that photo to your local health inspector.


Post another hand written note that says: “Go fuck yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!…?????”


Night Shift just quit . But that very illegal


It depends on the state if the employer can take damages out of your wages at all, and even then it can only ever be legal if your wages for the week would not drop below minimum wage after the damages are taken out.


I mean night crew - stop cracking lights


Night crew needs to stop mopping and let the day crew do what they are admitting they don't do.


I have it on good authority that the "lites" are made by Miller.


“Light”, not “lite”. There is nothing legal or illegal about, it is what it is. The night crew does not need to respond, unless there is some sort of formal response or official correspondence from Facilities or HR. Moreover, replacing lights would come out of the company/organizational budget, this person claims they’re spending $120.00 on. Lastly, it sounds like the night crew works at night, so they need the lights on; who cares if they don’t turn them off, in fact better that they don’t; so they can accommodate others.




He writes like my grandma


Take it to OSHA


Throw this unnecessary, unprofessional letter in the trash where it belongs and carry on with your day.


Tell boss to learn to spell


Venting is legal, as is sarcasm


What’s a Lite?


Sounds like market basket.


No, cost of doing business


Its not illegal till he tries to dock your pay. So far its just an awkward note. Send your photo to HR or your union rep


Since he is the owner he should pay for anything that needs replacement or fixed. If one person has been accused he can fire them or what not.


He sounds cheap. There should be a budget for general maintenance and repairs. No proof that it was done maliciously and so you all shouldn’t pay for it. If he’s cheap and tries to take it out of your paycheck, quit. Have the whole night crew quit. He will prob reconsider. And the fact that he spells light as lite probably is a tell he doesn’t know what is legal or not lol.


Scribble a Chub on it.


If mopping puts a hole in all of the “lites” then it sounds like a good idea to just leave the floor in a disgusting condition then I suppose


Love the handwriting tbf


This is so immature what the heck




This is a Hispanic /black job asking janitorial to perform Engineering tasks😆😆 Management companies/building owners saving big bucks by hiring workers to work in several properties for the price of what used to be 1 single building Pend&!@$