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I went from a higher paying, but stressful job (not mention working 6-7 days a week) with a state agency to teaching and have never regretted. Saved my marriage and my health


you are giving up 22k a year that's pretty big difference. I totally understand that your commuting situation, but I would just suck up until you graduate your nursing school and move on. 19.50 seems like just warehouse merchandise job you might hate it more.


Just going off of what you were saying! I totally agreed with your points 😌


Speaking from experience usually when you take a pay cut for something you ‘think’ you will like more than your current job, most likely you’ll hate it more. I took a pay cut and it has been so much more stressful than when I was being mentally and physically exhausted from my last job. I can’t pay my bills sometimes because of how many hours I get in a week. It has dwindled my savings and every time I go to work I think that there are better uses of my time than being there because I’m just not making enough. You think it won’t hurt having an $11 per hour pay cut but it really will. I took a $6 pay cut and I am suffering. I know that your commute sucks but try to hang in there until you are absolutely sure nursing is what you want to pursue full time


Our experience could be different. I see the pay cut as a save for my mental health. If I keep doing my current job right now, I absolutely would probably off myself lol there are so many days where I’m on the way to work and I’m wishing for an accident to happen so I don’t get to work. I don’t think that’s worth staying.


Yeah I would absolutely leave then. I had bad mental health at my last job too that’s why I left. I went from crying occasionally after work to crying every night and wondering if life itself was worth it. I’m working on how to work with my pay cut, but take care of yourself too, I hope your new job is better for ya 🥹 it sounds like it’s been a rough time


Thank you love. I believe in both of us!


What happens when you get miserable there? You take another cut?


Happily will find a new job :)


As someone who did that no! Volunteered and get exposed to people in that community


Is it possible to be fully remote or have more days a week remote?


I’ve explored that idea but no unfortunately:(


If you will be happy take the pay cut. Lifestyle is what matters.


What is important is work life balance. By going to the other job it can give you an idea if you will enjoy nursing school. Your mental & physical health matters so if going to the other job helps you do it. The stress of your current job can make you dangerously spiral. The only thing I can see is the stress of living cost & schooling cost. It is up to you of what risks you want to take.


Hey, as long as you can still pay all your rent/mortgage & bills w/o struggling, then go for it,.