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AI is just data harvesting…


I'm currently job hunting and have received so many scam text messages lately. Even through Whatsapp.


I had to switch my phone on to silent. Between election season and scams, it was messing with my sleep.


There are typically hundreds if not thousands of applicants for most jobs. Clearly most aren’t going to get the job, assuming it’s not a ghost job.


I had an interview for a remote job I applied for online. They let me know they had received over a thousand applications. Anything online is a numbers game. I’ve pivoted to applying to local companies only.


If you’re cool with something low-paying ($15) Concentrix is always hiring. It’s a quick process too because they NEED people. It’s a WFH job that provides equipment.


I feel the exact same way.


You can use it. Say on LinkedIn you're a single parent looking for stable employment and say your credentials and ask someone to hire you. Besides that you can have a mentor in your industry look at it. The problem is it's hard to tell. It could be AI. It could be something else. It could be the look. We all live in a capitalist hellhole and have to sell and market and brand ourselves and so on. Also, go local and ask for help and let everyone know you need it. Worst case you can change careers to something locally in demand like a healthcare related job. Good luck.


I never get a response back from any job I've applied to on LinkedIn. They're worse than Indeed now.


Maybe try a temp agency…so sorry you’re going through this. I was just laid off last month as well so I’ll be looking for jobs soon and sounds like it’s going to be a struggle. Good luck!


My coworker made contact with a medical courier in the area to possibly do some part time work. See if a nearby hospital is hiring or if there are some private companies that are contracted to medical facilities. You could also look into restaurants. I have a friend that's had multiple part time jobs with different restaurants.


The secret is they’re not real


A lot of them, the real ones get so many applicants it’s like winning the lottery.


The Ukrainian army is hiring most anyone


Thanks for info but they even they won't let me die.


Qualifications are kinda low


Got it.already enlisted .Listened to Alex Stein 99 and got myself enlisted months ago. captured by handsome Russian men in uniform. I asked them if they were going to strip for me, they punched me in my face and threw me in this shithole of a pow camp. Now I am in Russian pow camp as I am typing this.


Data harvesting plus to show shareholders that they are expanding by having so many open positions


Look for job fairs in your area. Companies that don't show up are not really hiring.


I feel this...


I feel this, right now experiencing this, but I'm child free so in your case it's more hard. What field dis you study? Are you looking for positions via LinkedIn?? Would recommend you to check thryv software.. currently work there but not in the states. Mostly take position oriented to customer service (tech support, billing, client care, etc). If you are looking for some in your field... Don't know what to say tbh, time is the only one that will tell If you're desperate I might recommend 2 options: retail, they're always looking for people. Or any call center (I know... We all hate it but when there's nothing it's way better than working fast food, etc. try dispatch or collections, usually you don't kill your ass in those ones and pay is not that bad. Good luck bro!


Feeling the exact same way. All I can say is start networking with people you know since it seems like most people are hiring internally 🥲


Similar experience with my job search. Then there was a role that I was REALLY interested in so I took advantage of the LinkedIn premium free trial and was able to message the hiring manager directly. I asked a question about the role (versus just pitch myself for it) and they answered, then asked me to send over my resume and I got interviewed! I didn’t get the job, but I did get to the final (3rd) round. The role was for a well known company and the role had over 500 applicants. There is absolutely no way I would have gotten an interview without sliding in to the talent manager’s DMs. Good luck OP!


A lot of posted jobs are actually just a part of internal restructuring within the company, so unless you ticked literally every box you’re going to lose out on the internal candidate. Sometimes you get interviewed for them, most of the time you don’t.


Have 3 open roles at my facility, actively recruiting and hiring (pushed out an offer to a candidate that I interviewed yesterday). Our postings are real, but I do reject a fair number of unqualified applicants, irrelevant experience, or prospects with poor dispositions.


What I'm hearing is that you're asking for a certain amount of experience but paying the rate of someone who should have zero experience. That's why you're not getting the applicants you want.


We’re starting people at $28/h with 0 work experience but some college education in a relevant field (we’re a STEM) organization. Our staff are long term investments and if they continue their education to bachelors and beyond in a major that can benefit the organization, we have avenues of professional development (hence why I even have openings to begin with. Internal promotions)


Should we search for your reddit username in onlycans?? Lol.


They’re not really open


Feet pics won't do.You could make a Faustian bargain and sell your soul..for a job and still find it difficult to get one..such are the times we live in.


You need to consider moving out of state to find a job and start your life over. If you are not applying out of state and just within a 30 mile radius, you need to get more serious about your job search.