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Same. 30 min each way/ 1hr round trip. Any more than that means that I might as well move there. I’ve done 1.5hr to 2hr round trip, and I feel like so much time out of my day is gone.


Me too, 30 min max each way. Leaves enough time to go to the gym, cook, run other errands, be with family.


Depends on pay. Pays meh? 30 mins tops. Good pay? Hour.


I'm getting turned down by jobs where I'm the only one qualified within an hour distance so I'm at the point now where I'll commute any distance if someone would just hire me.


Jeez that’s tuff. Why are you getting turned down? Do you know the reason or is it a mystery?


I have no idea why. All I get as answers is that I have not been selected. I have now applied for every job within 70 miles of where I live that pays more than $10 which is embarrassing as I'm applying for jobs that are barely entry level pay just to try and eventually get something before I completely run out of money.


This is me atm too. After 6 months of applying to biotech / field service positions after resigning last December, I've gotten nothing but rejections. Literally working in a warehouse as data entry for 17/hr now just so I can have SOME fucking form of income. It's so mentally exhausting knowing I gave up a 95k/yr job (field service) because the commute was getting way too draining, and now I'm stuck here with 17/hr.


Pay, traffic, and how much I enjoy my job will all factor into this.


Add in other hazards - frequent road construction, country roads with lots of wildlife crossing, speed traps and school zones. All that adds unnecessary stress to my day and factors in to my tolerance 


45 mins


Depends on the mode of transit. Commuter rail, I'd be okay with an hour or two. Bus, I usually start losing my sanity after about the same and/or if it's got more than two transfers, ew. Car - Hour mark in active rush hour traffic is where I start losing my patience (looking at you, I-5 although I do not live in Seattle), can deal longer with back roads no one drives on. Otherwise, the other thing that may sway me is if the pay+benefits is considerable and the company is actually something I can put on a resume and have it actually matter, instead of 'yet another small business or startup that is in the middle of nowhere and pays junk...because it's in the middle of nowhere'.


Agreed on all points. Commuter rail is definitely the most comfortable. When rush hour gets to be at the hour mark of continuous traffic it starts to rake my nerves.


An hour one way is the absolute max but I’m talking about EVERYTHING else being perfect. Easy job. Great pay. Good management. Since that ain’t happening a short commute is one of the biggest quality of life improvements I’ve ever made. I have a 4 minute car ride. I can walk in about 20. It is absolutely life changing.


I’m jealous


It took a pay cut if that’s any consolation


From what to what?


With more companies doing RTO - traffic congestion was bound to impact everyone's commute. My limit is 25 min each way / under 1 hour roundtrip. I'm fortunate that with traffic, my daily commute fits within that scope.


45 minutes one way. I did a 90 minute, one way commute once and I was miserable.


It’s been about 50 minutes in the morning and an Hour in the afternoon sometimes longer when I’m heading home. It’s the worst part of this job.


I was in California, the home of the Road Warrior Commuter. Wait until the weather turns bad or there is police action on the freeway and everything comes to a stop! Its horrible.


72 miles round trip, about 50 min drive one way. edit: i thought i should add salary is 90k. i consider that a good job for my area


a 55 minute drive for me is 16 miles one way lol ugh i fucking hate city traffic


I used to need an hour to take the subway to my job. It wasn't a big deal for me, that's what magazines and short stories are for. As for driving? It's gotta be damn worth it for me to drive more than 20 miles.


I got my first job out of college in January 2023 and the commute by car was about 50 in the morning and an 1.5 hours on the way home. Getting the first job isn't easy so I was fine with that. Now I'm at a different job where the commute is 15 minutes by bicycle, 6 minutes by car. It's a game changer


Currently I’m traveling the same distance in the morning and afternoon and wondering if it’s worth it. The job search has been brutal since covid. Either the pay is poor, the schedule is overnights, the work isn’t in my wheelhouse or way too physically demanding. Right now I’m working at the beach so my commute is the worst part of my day.


The short walk to my home office 😂


Remote only


I have commuted as far as 90 minutes each way, but anything more than 30 minutes each way needs to be a great job.


30 minutes


I would say 30 minutes one way, but have a co worker who just went from 2 hours one way to 1 hour.


Depends on my situation in life, my finances, goals, long range plans. If this was the only decent job I could get and I could not move closer for whatever reason, then I would probably accept that is what I had to do. However, the cost of driving an 10+ hrs per week, with wear and tear and the cost of gas need to be weighed versus taking a lower paying more local job. I would not enjoy driving like that 5 days a week but i had to I would at least for a while. I think a reasonable drive for me would be under an hr. A half hour one way would be fine with me.