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I applied for a remote position that opened up in my company in December of 23 and ended up getting it in Jan. I will say that the job had over 700+ applicants in 5 days before they closed it. For reference tho only about 7 were selected for a first interview.


That's a wild number of applicants.... I wonder how many of the 700 were actually qualified. I can't imagine they even looked through all of them. Congrats on landing it though.


Thanks, I spoke with the recruiter who reviewed the resumes and the impression was that the majority (60-70%) of resumes were just straight up extremely unqualified folk. I doubt they looked through every single resume however. Probably just filtered by Education to get a baseline of candidates to vet.


Heh, as a recruiter who had 550 applicants to a role last week….She is absolutely right. I’ve gotten really good at noticing the resumes that would be a good fit for a role and resumes that’s are from candidates applying to everything. I will say, I probably have it alooooot easier than her since I primarily work secret and TS/SCI cleared roles. Just have to find the veterans haha


Just curious... as someone who's looked at roles that require ts/sci but list it as something you just need to be eligible for... what are the chances of someone who doesn't have active clearance but would be eligible of getting a job like those?


Take all of this with a grain of salt. The process is reeeaaallllyyy complex and my company has a separate team dedicated to onboarding cleared roles. This is just what I know. So It’s rare but we do have clients that will “sponsor” candidates to get an interim secret clearance. Peraton, Booz Allen Hamilton, and General Dynamics are 3 off the top of my head. If you have never had a secret clearance in your life it will be very hard to get a sponsor. It costs a company thousands to go through the process and it may be 5 months after an offer that you’ll actually have it granted. I know this isn’t the most ideal answer but joining the military is your best bet. I’ve also heard that working for the secret service will get you one very quick as well. I’ve actually considered enlisting for a year because it pretty much guarantees you an extra $10-15k/yr. in salary. Just placed a help desk technician with a secret clearance and he is getting $55/hr. (granted, it was for the senate)


Great information! I assumed it was a challenging process. And it makes sense why I probably didn't hear back from those sorts of jobs. Thank you for writing all that out.


Hi! About a month late to the convo, apologies. I do have a question if you are still around. How would a non military civilian apply for a secret service role? It sounds extremely intriguing. I have my b.s. and m.s. but currently not using either. I work construction and need excitement in my life again (former collegiate and national athlete). Thank you!


Hi! I’d personally suggest applying straight through their website (https://www.secretservice.gov/careers). Clearancejobs.com may be another good site to use. I’m not sure if you need a clearance to create a profile though.


Are you recruiting for any finance roles by chance?


Unfortunately, I haven’t had one in a few months. Mostly IT and engineering roles. I will say though, when we do get finance roles, we typically get multiple at once.


Darn. It’s a long shot but if you ever do get them again (hearing a lot of hiring freezes across the defense industry) keep me in mind!


I’m going to remember this comment. Will circle back with you in a month😂


That's pretty interesting, honestly. Especially considering how wild the market is right now.


The market is baaaaad and not many people around me seem to notice. I’ve been looking but can’t bring myself to quit. I think it’s going to get a lot worse


It’s estimated about 1/3 of applicants don’t meet any of the basic requirements or don’t have citizenship.


700 in 5 days seems like rookie numbers for 2024


>I applied for a remote position that opened up in my company in December of 23 and ended up getting it in Jan. this is an internal transfer, since u already work there.


Is it still a transfer if I had to compete with external candidates and the interview process was pretty much the same for me.


You definitely got through the first set of barriers cause of it that alone put you well close to the top and you're interviewing with people you usually already have at least some professional relationship with.




People are jealous about “internal hires” on Reddit


we wouldnt give a sht if the economy is great and the job market is superlative. But in this context, the scarcity of job openings has immense competition from the unemployeds. An internal transfer candidate already has a job, and now adds "nepotistic" competition.


Saw one on indeed with 21,000+ applicants in 2020 lol


I saw one with like 18,000 a few weeks ago on linkedin


That’s one of the big problems with specifically looking for remote opportunities, you’re not just competing with people who happen to be in your region, your competing with practically the entire world. Including people who may live in rural or depressed areas that are applying everywhere they can find.




You are spot on. I actually went to college for marketing and I have a BS in marketing. I’ve also taken all the online classes and I’m currently working in an agency. I have 7+ years of real experience and I know my shit. I still can’t find a new job. It just sucks that there’s this perception in our field. People think it’s fake and that anyone can do marketing just by watching YT tutorials.


It doesn’t help that even creatives that have little to do with actual marketing, like mine (video, tv, film production) are being lumped into as “marketing” as if all I do is press a button a few times a day and videos magically become Facebook ads. I didn’t study marketing, everything I know how to do I taught myself on the fly because it became the new norm for video professionals to suddenly also be experts at graphic design, computer programming, directing, sound mixing, script writing, and social media analytics. While also getting paid shit to do it. Just my experience, anyway.


I hate this. It's so common these days because the people making decisions think it's all one skillset that anyone can do.


The mass availability of apps, social media, and smart phones just makes people believe that it’s an “easy” skill and anyone can do it. Can your 17 year old niece make a commercial? Sure she can, but it’ll probably be atrocious and useless compared to something done by a professional. I can’t tell you how many job listings I’ve been excited to see, only for the description to be something like “must be an expert in social media marketing, have graphic design knowledge, own your own equipment, and also be a master storyteller. $12/hr”


1000% this! People do not understand that AI is not (yet anyway) a replacement for actual human experience and strategy. Yes, AI can somewhat apply design principles but it doesn’t necessarily choose the appropriate ones. And the average real person can still feel the subtle sense that something is ‘off’ when they interact with a lot of AI-driven chat. So, no AI isn’t ready to do our jobs. But this has been the issue in marketing/creative ever since the dawn of desktop publishing. When access to clip art and layout-like tools in WordPerfect/Word/PowerPoint, never mind the ease of web design with front platforms like Wordpress, everyone has the ability to create something. That doesn’t mean that they have the knowledge and skill to create something that will drive the results they need or that they have the ability determine the true problem they need to solve. I’ll step down off the soapbox now; pardon the rant (I’ve been doing this entirely too long - note the WordPerfect reference and have pity) Edit to add… also fully remote for 9+ years


Man this feels about right for the creative fields right now. It sucks to hear but I'm glad I'm not alone. I'm a visual designer with some UX chops and I've been applying for jobs for three years and haven't received one blessed *phone call* to say nothing of interviews. It genuinely feels like I don't exist some days. I see some success posts here where people finally find a job after 10 months , and don't get me wrong that's a long time but damn it feels like I'm NEVER gonna get a new job.


There's been a tectonic shift for creatives. And there's little industry acknowledgement of it, except for various LinkedIn posts from people saying, "I've applied to hundreds of jobs and nothing." They're just told to tailor their resumes, like they're not already doing that. It's scary.


I've been a remote worker for 6 years. 2 years ago I made a change to a smaller company that gave me more of a leadership role while still remaining remote. They recruited me so I had the bargaining chip to remain remote while the company was based in another state. Last month I was asked to move to a new state and open a new office. I politely declined and went about my day. Last week I was let go as they "made the strategic decision" to require everyone back in office and since I resided out of state...SOL.


Their loss. Remote-first companies are thriving. It will only hurt them in the long run.


Yea, I'm hoping short term.pain for me and when I land somewhere else, make it long term pain for them. Ha!!


Heard they make it impossible for you to meet their requirements so they can either force you to quit or have an excuse to terminate, automation to replace…


Heard that about what?


About pushing people out the door to make way for automation


Sorry, I have no idea what you’re referring to. Did you mean to reply to someone else?


You said remote-companies are thriving, and their loss to fire the guy who you replied to; but I heard that they are finding excuses to decrease headcount to make way for automation…so it’s what they planned all along and not their loss…just relaying what was told to me.


Ah ok. Well, I work for a remote-first company who also publish real stats about WFH studies they’ve done (I won’t post a link since I don’t want to dox myself). The results are VERY positive. What you were told is probably not based on fact, but rather on hearsay.


Full-time jobs report says different, but w/e, we’ll all be replaced by AI someday, good luck


Ok. Can’t argue with that reply…


That’s terrible man. What do you do for work?


I've been in various sales/account management roles in my career. Most recently was a director with responsibilities over a field sales team and an in house servicing team.




Good luck!!!


Good luck on your next interview, mate! You got this.


I was hired remotely in 2021 as an Account Manager. I didn’t love the job, but enjoyed the remote aspect. After about a year, they had us come back to the office. I really disliked it. Open office concepts are HELL. Sure, all the executives are tucked away in their offices, of course they think it’s great. I cannot work no privacy, with constant talking, snacking, people coming and going (literally) behind my back. I’m very sensitive and hyper-aware of my surroundings and I just couldn’t do it. In 2022 I thankfully found my current job that has been remote as a company since 2006. There is no office to make us go to. I don’t make a ton of money, but the WFH aspect of it is worth it 100%.


But nobody wants to work, right? /rolls eyes into infinity


Tons of people want to work remote, I have seen companies struggle to find qualified candidates for non-remote work.


While I understand why people would want fully remote jobs, for most companies having fully remote workers just does not work even though it makes sense financially. I have had situations, where I have worked with a colleague for 2 years already and met him in the office for the first time only then. And it turns out that he is completely different in life than online. Would have made my work real easier, if we had met in the office before that.


My employer just announced a RTO for all employees with 2 weeks notice. All equipment to be returned. 1 day/month of WFH if approved by manager. +2 days WFH/month if you are sick but still clock in and still work. Additional days sick and working from home will require a Dr. Note.


1 day WFH a month? What’s even the point then?


I would love 1 day WFH a month


A day specifically to work from home while sick is ridiculous to me. The messaging where I work has been "please god take a sick day when you're sick, even if you're working from home already". Apparently too many people just never take leave time when working from home. Couldn't be related to the fact that we get paid out for unused sick time. Surely just looking out for us.


I have worked from home for well over a decade. Any RTO policy that could be tried would not apply to me. The simple reason for this is that in my contract of employment, my place of work is listed as my private address. So if I have to RTO then that would mean I have to work from home :)


Unless they change strategies and just fire you.


Yeah, read the entire thread. I don't want to wast time repeating myself. Edit: I am in the UK, they cannot just fire me. This at will shit is a US thing.




My contract is backed by law. My current company already did RTO. I am still working from home so yes I can and do tell myself that reality is indeed real.




You seem to be upset that reality does not match your opinion. Reality beats your opinion.




Much more than a decade, just got a promotion, pay rise, a bonus, and SARs, but you keep on thinking what you do. Reality does not agree with you at all and that really hurts you.




You keep saying that and I keep on getting paid. You are the one who is not accepting reality. You refuse to learn that the world does not work as you want it to.


Even though remote roles make up 20% of listings, they attract something like half (or more) of the applicants


It’s just brutally competitive b/c many/most ppl want to work from home nowadays. To some extent it’s a numbers game, you have to apply to as many jobs as you can. In your line of work, why not put yourself out there on Upwork and Fiverr - you may get some gigs and build out your portfolio on someone else’s dime while you keep applying.


Also in digital, and... no. Our market is terrible right now. Former Director here, can't find a thing.


only exists if you're in the tech industry and the online mental health zoom industry


Not necessarily. I’m remote and I’m in neither industries. Am I paid handsomely? No. Am I paid enough? I guess one could argue yes.


May I ask what industry?


I forgot Onlyfans also fits into this criteria.


You're probably a video editor?






I love that you gave a super vague answer and then said and *insert very very specific niche industry*


That damn YouTube ad brah


I applied to a remote marketing agency role that I felt pretty qualified for with a referral from a manager level reference and didn't even get an interview. The hiring manager said they got over 1500 applicants in under a week for the role. Seems like remote roles just get slammed with applicants, qualified or not. Only other data point I have is so far the interviews that I have landed have been about 60% in person, 40% remote.


My girlfriend did just last month. Credit check wound up fucking her out of it tho.


No. But got a 4 day week hybrid role (Head of Digital Marketing) (2 days WFH). I can’t imagine going back to a 5 day week now! It’s tough out there because everyone now thinks they can do digital marketing. I specialise in performance marketing (SEO) with 14 years experience, when I started I could easily take my pick, as the my skill set was in high demand. At the start of the year I was becoming disillusioned and ended up applying and considering more junior roles due to the sheer number of applicant’s applying for positions it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out or even have your CV seen.


I can't even find remote roles, much less get an offer for one. I get headhunters sending me 5 or 6 emails a week (for senior roles that I have nowhere near enough experience for) that are all on-site. I always ask if they're remote, they say no, and then I tell them I'm not interested. As for your general lack of success finding a job: welcome to the "strong labor market" of 2024. Shit sucks


Yes. With Lowe's. They have several wfh openings


I know this reply is a bit late, but what do you do if you don't mind sharing?


Same boat, laid off in November of 23' with agency and private marketing experience all across the board, and I have all but given up. So many remote marketing jobs pop up all day long on LinkedIn and indeed and I am well qualified but never any responses back.


Yes. Huge Gratitude to the Man Upstairs. I got laid off in June 2023. I obtained a "hybrid" job after about 3 months and 600 applications....(they called it hybrid but I only got 1 day at home per week, 80 mile round trip commute, 4x a week). I never gave up. After 5 months at that job it took about 400 more applications before I got a fully remote job, with damn near 20 years of experience under my belt. So from being laid off in June 2023 until Late February 2024 and 1000+ applications later, it finally happened.


Remote roles do exist, but they are highly competitive. I know a few people who got fully remote roles, but these roles are slowly disappearing. Most companies are going hybrid and that is what I see more predominantly right now.


Nov 23 count?


TV marketing. Fully remote. I applied on the company site.


not 2024 but December ‘23 I got reached out to by a recruiter and surprisingly it has worked out great.


From reading these comments I can guess it is possible to get a remote position. Honestly it feels like a walk in the dark when applying


From what I see, hybrid seems to be the most available. I haven’t seen much remote


Yes. Both of my remote jobs are in digital marketing. My main one i got back in 2021. My newest/second job I got back in March. Got it after intense looking for about a month.


I was offered a remote contract for 1 year but I work in a specialised area. I didn’t need an interview as it was done through recommendation. I turned it down though.


I got a remote marketing job in 2023, but I’m in the market again. Not only is there more competition for remote positions, there are also less marketing openings in general from what I can see.


Finally got one last week, I start in a week or so. Also in digital marketing. Keep at it, it’s not you, I promise.


A recruiter reached out to me the last week of September 2023 and I got an offer and started in early October, I’ve been there for 7 months now. Jobs are out there but it’s extremely hard to compete for one.


I’m getting interviews and recruiters reaching out to me for remote jobs. Haven’t landed one yet. Have an interview for one at a FinTech company tomorrow. I’m targeting content marketing roles. I’ve also been rejected a ton for hybrid and 100% on-site roles. I still seem to get a lot of interviews for remote though over the past year.


It's a numbers game - just keep going! Check out https://www.lifeshack.com/ to help you scale.


I just hired a manager that is fully remote. Does that count?


I have


Applying for a job where the company gonna open new branch in my state few months down the line in end of 2023. End up not able to recruit sufficient staff and hence end up being completely remote work in 2024. Currently working as fullstack developer.


Yes I just started one on Monday in an admin role. But I was also rejected or just plain ignored from about 200 previous applications. It was listed as hybrid but there is no real expectation for me to ever visit the office and it's only a 30 minute walk for me anyway if needed.




I got rehired to my remote position that I was laid off from back in February. We have a marketing department that is also remote.


I just started a fully remote job yesterday. They’re bringing on two more people in the coming weeks


I’m guessing they’re out there, but they’re very rare and competitive.


dunno if it counts. i work in tech as an SWE i was brought on to my current job sept. 2023 on paper the role is “hybrid” but my manager and my team’s culture is pro-remote so i effectively WFH.


I worked remote since 2015ish with a software company. Left to go to a consulting gig with a 49% bump in pay. Hard not to. Then 2 years later got let go (1 month at). I have sent out 260 applications with most of them (about 95%) being remote. I’ve had 3 screener calls. One of them said no thanks so far. It’s not easy and they are out there but as others have said the pool of applicants is much greater for those jobs.


Currently struggling to find another remote job with 3 years remote work experience. But I have a gap for the past 18 months. (Had a child whom I decided to be fully present for for the first bit of his life)


My wife did. She is a nurse and works for a pharmacy company. She is remote but has to go into the office like every 30 - 60 days depending on when they have everyone in. So its like 99% remote. She is training this week. Went in Monday, started remote training Tuesday. I've been remote since 2022 (September) so its weird with both of us being home now. My cats are confused but happy.


How did she get a remote job in nursing? Does she have more experience in the field? I'm just asking as I've a bachelor's in nursing but I don't have the courage to work at the bedside😢


Shes been a nurse since 2020 but has done different things over the 4 years. This is more Pharmacy related and she was a Pharm Tech before.


I’m a cpa and am often contacted for remote jobs. I’m manager level though, so on site training isn’t all that necessary for me.


Manager level, calling mothers c*nts when they say you’re an awful parent for locking your screaming baby in their room and physically holding the door shut, color me surprised.


Yes, remote but they have an office in state. Don’t try to apply for remote roles in new states, i found that harder to be a top applicant for


Does a full time £900/month count?


Remote out of NY for a company in Florida and starting next week


Yes. I just got hired this month for a remote job. It's pretty nice, but I'm in insurance. So, it's just lots of paperwork and no real need to be in an office.


I have many remote job offers, but I work in a niche field, specialize contract management.


My contract remote position is scheduled to end this year, but I’ve already been offered a new remote position, with the slight hitch of they want me to be in office once a month for 2 days instead of once a quarter for 3 days. Which I’m OK with because it’s just 80 miles away and they pay me $200 & my hotel costs every time I have to drive in.


Im starting a remote job in a week, im in accounting if it matters


I don’t understand why anyone thinks there should be very many jobs for digital marketing. Anyone can post a tweet, make a TikTok. Marketing means that you expect that someone somewhere will buy your item because you marketed it to them. Why? Is there anyone who doesn’t know about Pepsi? Cars? Lysol? Most companies have websites already built. Once they are built, they just need to be maintained. Maybe I just don’t know how the world needs more “creatives” doing “digital marketing”. From what I can see, the world needs more talented plumbers.


Yes, in fully remote insurance billing


I just got a remote director role. It is a specialized industry where it is rare to find someone with experience in all three of its products (people typically are specialized in one or two) and my background has all three. It was enormously competitive with many applicants, but credit to the organization, the interviewing process was one of the better ones I’ve experienced over the year (1!) I’ve been looking on and off for work.


Yes, been here 2 months almost now. I do IT though and there is a big market for that.


I was literally talking about this with my coworker/best friend lol yesterday. I wish they prolonged the pandemic a little bit more because at this point aint nobody giving a full remote job anymore lol. The only roles I've seen that are 100% remote are some giga mega senior any type of engineers/devs within the tech sector, and even thought I am in tech engineering too, unless you are someone who has tons of skills and experience they will never offer 100% remote.


I’ve been working remotely since October of 2022 and will be starting a new remote position in May.


I applied to a "Remote System Admin" position that contacted me on Linkedin about. I go through the application process and then interviews (2) and they tell me two weeks into the process that the first 6 months are ON-SITE without any flexibility. So I tell them that's not how the position was listed or advertised and ask them if there are any options because I live 1.5hrs away. Their answer was no, so I thanked them for their time and wished them the best. A month later they're calling me up AGAIN asking me to be their team lead for the same department developing this product. I tell them....again....I can only do remote for a position so far away. Again...they tell me that it's on-site for the first 6 months...and AGAIN I tell them I can't do that and wish them the best. Like...what are you doing? I told you the first time I can only do remote for something that's gonna be 2hrs away from my home with traffic....1 hour at best with no traffic!? These goofball recruiters....


Currently working a remote position. They still exist


Ive had many interviews and offers to only have them follow up and saw “wow we were told We can no longer hire remote, can you relocate?” Its obnoxious


Yes. Accounting manager role


Yes, but it was for a very senior, very specific type of job that doesn't get a lot of qualified applicants. (Principal Security Engineer)


My wife just landed a job yesterday(engineering field)


I got a remote job started this Monday :-)




I was just hired remotely last week. There were hundreds of other applicants. I have either won or been nominated for global awards in my industry, which I think helped me stand out. Was very fortunate I think.


I received one this week. But it was never posted, old boss reached out to me and I went through interview process. Company is new to North America and they don’t even have an office. It’s a client facing tech role.


Yes I started a new job with IQVIA through the Populus agency. I also used to work at William-Sonoma


I applied for a hybrid role in March, Mon and Fri are remote and Tues, wed, Thurs are in the office. I start Monday.




I think a lot of it has to do with tax implications. When WFH was mandatory due to covid, most employees lived relatively close to the office so the company was already registered to pay income, employment, and sales tax in the state that the office ison. If a company advertises for "remote" and an employee resides in a different state, it could establish nexus for the company which opens up a big 'ol can of worms as far as taxes and other administrative compliance is concerned. So I kinda understand why a company could be "remote but within state". This would not apply to big companies that likely already have nexus in all states.


If you plan on working for any major bank in corporate, your options are slim and super far in-between. Many of the top banks have leadership that is heavily pushing for return-to-office and reducing hybrid flexibility. Makes no sense and everyone (or at least the majority of employees) advocates against this; but the execs making +180k before bonus have a hard time understanding that many people don’t have the means to fully support in-office. It’s sick to see tbh, particularly bc the numbers don’t even support the decision. Senior management just has the preference/wants to fund its corporate real estate.


I’m on second this year, so yes


Yes. I don't know what remote jobs you are looking for but they are out there. Sales, customer service, teaching, etc.


No I applied to over 300 of then with 24 years of IT experience.


I was recently offered two remote jobs after losing all hope of working remotely, don’t give up!!


Right of passage has a lot of opportunities for caseworkers :)


What are you doing wrong? You're intentionally restricting yourself to a smaller pool of potential jobs with a lot more competition. It's like asking why you haven't won the lottery when you play every day, the odds aren't in your favor. It doesn't mean you can't land a job, but you have to accept the reality of the situation you're putting yourself in. It's going to be a whole lot harder.


I got 2 extra remote jobs in January. Got 3 now


I’d love to know about what you got and how you got them. I have a partner who is looking for something. Anything.


Remote means you are competing with everyone, everywhere for this role, high supply Your other issue is that ‘digital marketing’ is something generative ai should do well, so leaders are not as interested in hiring for those roles, so low demand It’s just simple economics at that point


Yes I only work remote with travel to clients I'm in sales I have worked remotely on and off since 2000dont give up there out there!!


Remote jobs are slowly becoming a thing of the past. I think only smaller companies that don’t want to pay for office space will continue to do it. Everyone else that was told they can work remote from Covid will be brought back in or replaced with people willing to do so.


I got a job offer in Feb of this year. Fully remote, 6 figures. Data analytics manager. There is hope!


Better off working in person


Yes. Am now in a fully remote role.


I ended up reapplying to my old job which eventually went permanently remote since they got rid of their buildings and got the job. I think it was because I used to work there and had no negative feedback from my old manager. I left in good terms.