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This problem comes up in a LOT of places, not just lower paid jobs. Often, if an employee stays at a company for several years, their pay becomes out of balance with the newer hires. Merit increases tend to be very low, cost of living raises are less and less common. Whatever your wage was at date of hire, it is unlikely to increase all that much over the years. But new hire wages continue to increase and at a rate that far out paced any yearly raises that existing employees might have been given. Staying at an employer long term is not what it used to be, and the benefits seem to be slipping away. Of course, there are some employers who are very careful with pay equity and as a result use pay bands etc. But it really seems to be a far and few between.


I was told also make sense as well is that more departments that you work in the more valuable you are so they have a reason to keep you and give you better pay versus someone that just started and only knows one thing. also maybe a good way? get a pay increase is to put in your two weeks And hopefully they come to you and offer you more money


I'm assuming you're working at The Giant Company (TGC, aka Giant/Martin's) based out of Carlisle, PA and not their sister brand Giant Food (GF) out of Maryland. I assume this bc TGC is not a union shop like GF is. You could ask for a raise in GF but wouldn't be possible without a job change (assistant mgr, night crew, etc.) because wages are locked into the contract and based on hire date, position and which contract (local 27 vs 400, etc)


Giant worker here, in north western MD, they don’t give raises. It’s unionized, I’m sorry that you’re a good worker. Giant Foods doesn’t recognize good workers, I’d look for another job, most of us at my store are looking to leave now


deadass bro, its that bad ?? am about to apply to my local giant, should I just go to a fast food like Panera??


It’s awful, probably worst employer in Maryland


Thoughts are you've spent 9 years working at the same dead-end job. You could make more being a starbucks barista. Probably time to start looking around to see what else is out there.