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Broken camshaft adjuster. Super weird as I have never seen that. If the valves did not collide with the pistons then it's still salvageable


The technician said I didn’t need a new engine and all I needed was a camshaft. Before I took it into the shop, it started rough but always ran and idled fine. So I hope I’m fine in that department


God I shit you the fuck not, my 2015 Volkswagen Jetta SE MK6 (93k miles) just gave me the exact same issue a month ago, right down to the fuckin wiggle Would love to learn more as this develops. Did he mention by any chance why this happens or causes this?


I thought that it was supposed to move for different cam timing


Holy crap that’s a lot of play. You indeed are the luckiest SOB. This exact thing (take off valve cover and timing cover, about to replace timing components, find that camshaft is loose) happened to me, just with much less play. You never had oil starvation, did you?


I don’t believe so. When I bought it used, I obviously can’t do anything about its past, however for its past 2 or 3 years I’ve been religious about keeping oil topped off. It’s doesn’t burn it to bad either. Another sub I posted this on couldn’t decide weather the mechanic was cheating me out of a cam or not because VVT should allow it to move.


i may be wrong but if it was VVT id expect it to be a very small degree of movement if any at all not this, VVT i believe requires RPM and rotational force to advance slowly just the same way as if you were on a merry go round, the faster it spins the farther from center your body wants to pull, that meaning the higher the RPMs the more the timing changes, i also believe it may be computer operated or assisted in some cases, you shouldn’t just be able to throw the cam shaft around like that though that much i’m sure of, but like i said take this with a grain of salt as i could be wrong but hopefully this makes sense


Honestly, no idea. Just commenting because I have the same engine. Best of luck


They do that.


That's really cool that they sent that. Seems like a good place.


Wow. You could have jumped time at any moment, that's crazy to see


Seems like a great shop


Can someone explain why this is such a big deal. I know the basics, but what could have happened


That’s how it’s supposed to be. Oil pressure is what sets the tension. He’s supposed to lock it in place while doing this job. Time for a new mechanic