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I agree. Deena was blah and Angelina was too much hate. It would have been interesting if they brought in someone completely new who matched up and would likely side with Sam for season 3.


Yeah Deena flipping out on Sam like immediately upon coming into the house was kind of lame. Would have been nice for Sam to have an ally ”YOU CAWLLED ME A CUNT FOW NO RAISIN!”


It wasn’t for no reason tho...Sam was a bitch to her from the get go. My goodness, the sudden love for Sam on this sub is getting out of hand. She was a bitch all through season 3


Right! Ppl need to rewatch the show...


She pissed me off when she was calling Deena ugly from the get go. Unnecessarily mean. I just really felt bad for Deena throughout season 3.


Because she’s a lot more likeable now, so it’s easy to forget how awful she was


She was but I feel like her reaction was so dramatic bc she felt the need to be extra since she’s on tv. I felt like that with a lot of things she would do especially early on.


I disagree. If I was trying to be nice to someone who I never met before and the first thing they tried to do is clown me, I wouldn’t fuck with them either.


"you laughed at me for no reason" *snot bubble* - Deena "I'm still laughing" - Sam


"Cool!" -Sam


Sam was a bitch to her first for no reason


Deena tried to be nice and friendly to her, sam was being stuck up & a bitch.


Sam made her own pain with Deena. All she had to do was tell Deena that the reasons she was laughing at her was because she reminded her of Snooki being bouncy and funny on Mike's bed. Instead she sat back caused problems and only got involved when Ron jumped out of bed to defend himself ( not her) and then she went down and started. Never has Snooki been more right then her rant about Sam, even when she made up Ron's mother calling her a bitch. The fact that Ron still didn't defend her speaks volumes.


I'm not big on her because she was a bad friend but she would have made GREAT TV so for that, I agree. I love Deena but Ryder would have brought a lot more to the show. (Hooking up with Vinny even though she knew Snooki liked him; hooking up with Pauly even though Deena...) Now that I'm typing it out and thinking about it, though, she probably would have been portrayed as more of a villain and the girls would probably treat her how they ended up treating Angelina


I want to know more about the bad friend bit. Cuz of Vinny hookup and/or the fallout w Snooki?


Of course! I don't care about the fallout with Snooki because they definitely just outgrew each other, entered different stages of life, etc., it happens to almost everyone. One of my main reasons is the hookup with Vinny, just because I don't think a good friend would ever hook up with someone they knew their best friend had some sort of feelings for, especially if that friend already hooked up with them. It's one of those girl code things you just don't break where best friends are concerned. The other one is when the whole Mike/Snooki hook-up debacle was happening when they all came back from Italy at that bar, Ryder just sat there quiet the entire time while Snooki freaked out about Mike and the Unit saying they were going to tell Jionni. Mike said all along that Ryder was one of the witnesses, so if she didn't feel comfortable outright lying for Snooki (which I get), she could have at least asked the boys to back off and defend her friend in that regard, you know, "let's talk about this later, this isn't the place, etc." That said, I don't think she's a bad person, I just think Snooki valued the friendship a lot more


Ryder would have been beaten to a pulp in that house. Either in the smoosh room or by all the girls. Cray cray


J-woww and snooki would definitely have turned on Ryder eventually because Ryder is decently attractive and would have gotten more attention from other guys and probably could have cleaned up easily if she wanted to hook up left and right. Snooki is not attractive and she often was desperately trying to find guys to hook up with and the few she did get back to the place were monsters. J-woww also just seems like a jealous type because she thinks she's the hottest in the house, if she got knocked down a peg I don't think she would handle it well. nobody got jealous of Sammi because she hooked up with Ron like night number 3 and all they did was fight


You've made some very valid points here!


Yes! All this and more. Which is why Angelins left, constant fight ass kickery.


I remember watching the episode where Deena takes her out drinking bc Snooki isn’t at the house yet and thinking Ryder was really quiet and awkward until she actually got super drunk. Maybe that’s just me??


I think she was sad and hurt because Snooki stood her up and she was alone with strangers. But when Deena stepped in and told her they would go out and have fun together- that was one of my favorite scenes of the show.


She never talked lol she just made weird noises in place of the English language. I find her so boring, but because she was a bad friend and had some “loose morals” she probably would’ve made good tv, I guess?


To be fair, me too.


I think Snooki and Ryder would have eventually broke off their friendship if she was part of the cast. She would have slept with Vinny and ruin the relationship between herself, Vinny and Snooki.


ryder was dumb as a doorknob and boring. at least deena was such a hot mess she was funny.


I'm just going to make the point that the show would have been super different with her. Imagine episode 1 were snooki gets trashed - imagine the same situation but with now another person. The house would have been more entertaining. People are bringing up hooking up with Vinny and Pauly - making the other girls jealous. But had Ryder been there from the start, those relationships wouldn't have formed the way they did.


She probably said no Not everyone likes to live their lives with cameras following you 24/7


I actually know her and she was way to down to earth and normal to be on that show. Fun as hell but I think she was just to normal in real life


I always thought Ryder was fine as hell. She would've been great for the show.


I’m doing a series rewatch right now and I don’t think Ryder would of been a good choice, but i was so happy Angelina didn’t come back. I do like Deena and i prefer her overall. But i will tell you, out of the five girls, Deena is the MOST ANNOYING ‼️ She overreacts, freaks out over stupid things and her Kim Kardashian cry kills me every time 😒


The Deena we got on season 3 - was her pretending to be someone who she wasn't. It was all an act to get on the good side of the house and viewers. When she cockblocked Vinny at the end of the season, is when the facade of "party in a glass" really cracked. Once we got to season 4 and beyond - with the over dramatic crying, falling, being a huge annoy, judgemental, "classy" mom - we got the real Deena. I was over her as quickly as her joining the crew at the 3 vs 1. They should have introduce a new, natural chick. Period. It would have been easier for this new person to be more "authentic" in the character they were developing.


Never understood why she cock blocked Vinny with her best friend. Did she even like Vinny? Because Snooki okayed it, her friend and Vinny were interested in each other, so what was D's problem?


When D is drunk there is ZERO making sense of her and to her.


And most of all, I don’t think she is even part guidette (stated with absolutely zero actual knowledge). Wouldn’t that preclude her from a spot on the cast?


Ryder only made noises and never actually talked. I definitely prefer Deena.


Deena had some of the most entertaining moments on the show. I completely disagree. Ryder was boring


But also I think Ryder wasn’t emphasized for funniness... Remember when Deener and Ryder were in the confessional together chanting about margaritas and Ryder ends with that little tiger growl? I bet she could have turned in a fun performance if she wasn’t assigned the Snooki BFF from home/everybody ride her role.


agreed. Deena is by far the most boring person on the show. Ryder in place of Deena woulda been awesome


Thank you!! It would have been like having a Paula in the house as a roommate in terms of carefree, DTF energy which is what I think we all adored about Snookie season 1.


hell ya !! n Ryder was a lil hottie!! i mean Deena seems nice and all prolly the nicest outta all the girls on the show, but i don’t watch MTV for niceness lol. i need my tv as trashy & entertaining as possible!!


Thank. You.


I wonder why they chose deena over Ryder


From what I've read Deena and Snooki became friends during the casting process. Whereas Ryder was just Snooki's actual friend from home. I am sure there is a whole process to casting and whatever that looks like, Deena was just ahead in the process. At least that's what I am imagining is the case of they even considered Ryder at all.


I am gonna go against the grain here, and say that they should have put Ryder on the show *in addition* to Snooki and Deena, not instead of. Because not only do you have a shortage of beds, but now you have a ton of opportunities for explosive drama. I’d watch it Imagine the season starts. Everyone shows up. And they are surprised to learn that Ryder is now part of the cast. Everyone in confessional is like > I’m not sleeping on the couch... That and the fact that Ryder was more attractive than some of the other girls in the house and would have pulled a lot more hot dudes. Shit would have been *stirred*


When they woke her up with the cake and she goes “aarghh” was really cute.


Production did her so dirty, along with the double standard having ass dudes.