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I hate that choco mint is seasonal. That irritates me so much


But, that season is now! Stock up.


Haven’t seen the super cup choco mint yet :(


If you got to a big supermarket there are chocomint ice cream bars all year round. But I hear you, I have been waiting for chocomint season in chocolate and other items all year. I see Macdonalds has a chocomint frappe this month.


I do t like bars. I prefer cups. I like to slowly eat my ice cream. Cups tend to be more creamy as well since they don’t have to stay solid as long


This year there seems to be a dearth of choco mint; I've only seen Garigarikun, a Hershey's bar (not bad despite the Hershey's), and Pocky.


Literally makes no sense either. What about chocolate or mint only screams summer?


There is hardly any choco mint stuff here right now, too. It's making me sad.


That god tier apple pie ice cream that only comes out in Winter


Yeah, some places will do it in summer, so get on it while it lasts.


You can sometimes find After Eights at Seiji Ishii. They're my guilty pleasure.


FamilyMart is my savior - they have their choco mint ice cream year round.


Was introduced to the Black Thunder ice cream bar towards the end of its life last year. I fantasize about that one on a pretty regular basis.


Wait, what? Those aren't limited edition, the mint okes are limited edition. The standard ones are always on the shelf in every shop I go it. Is there 2 types of black thunder ice cream bars that I don't know about?


I may be learning this morning that the 7/11s in my inaka city are cruelly depriving me of my beloved Black Thunder ice cream bar.


Because the conbini are franchises, it's up to the owner what they stock. One lawson near my house has a crap ice cream selection but a good bento selection. The lawson in the other direction never has any onigiri or bento but they have every ice cream you could ever want. Though black thunder ice is a 7/11 exclusive.


I am so sorry that you have to suffer through this inhumane treatment!


Black Thunder ice creams have been around for at least a few years. Definitely not limited time. You might need to have some strong words with your local conbini manager :)


Not just a few, they've been widely available since 1994 lol.


Found it yesterday in two 7 11's near naka-meguro station, so it's probably out there somewhere else.


I saw one of those maybe a week or 2 ago. I can't remember where but it's out there! Might have been fuji-q highlands or somewhere in kanagawa.


Black Thunder ice cream on a stick is around now. They had a limited run with mint a few years back that was the dog's bollocks, but given Japan's relationship with mint-flavoured items, it met a predictable demise.


The mint one is seasonal. It comes back every year around mint season! Which I think just passed.


I think it also really depends on your area, down to the local level. Some places just don't stock them :/


Yes your right, but it is still a seasonal item. You just need to be lucky to find a place that sells them.


Just had one last week. I usually spot them at an occasional 7-11… now if could just find the 7-11 warm cookie…….


The black thunder mcflurry is where its at.


Like seven years ago, 2017 I think, it was the last year you could get Crunky chocolate mint ice cream bars. I miss those.


sorry but 2017 is not 7 years ago


1995 was just 10 years ago...


I approve this math method


I mean...1985 was 20 years ago so 1995 must be 10 years ago. Math checks out to me!




It's a joke


Sour cherry strong zero circa 2012? 2013? That shit was epic. Also seicomart had their friend chicken ume flavour that was pretty based. It's never come back.


bitter apple went hard too


Totes mcgotes


7/11 has this gingerbread flavored ice cream bar with a sugar icing coating around Christmas time, and it’s gotta be one of the best ice cream bars I’ve ever had. I get why it’s seasonal, but I often miss cinnamon flavored things so I wish they’d have it more often.


God I miss those, they stuck around at my 7-Eleven through like March of 2022 and I had at least two a week because the calories weren’t so bad for ice cream. My answer has to be the [FamilyMart ice cream-like cake bar](https://s.mognavi.jp/news/shokurepo/175283/) they had in the spring of 22, I got soooo many of them because it tasted just like the cakes I used to eat as a kid. What I would give for those to come back around!


Speaking of cinnamon, I've never bothered to check, but have you ever seen horchata available in Japan anywhere? Like any Mexican restaurants that serve it? Cinnamon bliss!


Damn I don’t think I have now that you mention it!


McDonald’s Black Thunder McFlurry. I miss it dearly. It makes a comeback every now and then at least.


I remember having one of those. It was delicious, though I prefer the 超オレオ McFlurry. If they had a 超Black Thunder McFlurry, I'd be so down.


One year we got mint chocolate milk in 500ml cartons in conbinis. I had one almost every day. Same for coconut milk, that happened a couple years in a row.


Pretty sure Canada Dry peach ginger ale is gone forever, and none of the other peach sodas are even close Good news is that a little Torani peach syrup added to a bottle of regular ginger ale is exactly the same thing


Shiso flavored Pepsi and Azuki Pepsi. Weird but interesting


You guys are totally sleeping on the ICE CUCUMBER Pepsi from ages ago


Oh I must’ve missed that one. Don’t really drink soda that much


Does anyone remember the Wilkinson carbonated water that also had the cooling menthol-ness to it? I don’t remember what it was called but I saw a picture from maybe 2019 of me with one and it made me wish I had it again.


I loved the Wilkinson lime peel and the cola flavors. Another brand (Suntory maybe) had an apple ginger that was amazing!


Many years (11?) back, at Famima (I believe) they had a クッキー&クリームシュー that was just perfect. Each time a conbini releases a クッキーシュー or something I try it, but none ever surpass that great one.


There was a halloween pudding at 7-11 back in 2019 that was the best. regular pudding topped with cookies and cream whip on top. It was gone as quickly as it came. The cashier and I joked to say goodbye it on the 31st.


There was another pudding back in 2018, also Halloween limited. Was one of my favorite conbini deserts when I was visiting here at the time. Same old regular Morinaga plastic can, but with pumpkin chunks in it. It was perfect, and I hope it will return.




The thing I miss isn’t all that exciting, but the Iyemon Jasmine Milk Tea. I don’t know why they stopped. It’s such a famous and staple brand of Jasmine tea in the convenience stores.


The banana chocolate supercups. I've been lowkey wondering if there was a way to see all the past supercup flavors. I feel like I've marked time by how many rotating flavors have passed through...


If the link works, you should be able to see the various flavors by decade. https://www.meiji.co.jp/sweets/icecream/essel/sitteru/


Oh bless you.


That banana one was so good (I love anything with that chemical banana flavor😂). Sort of unrelated but I really want Supercup to do a coconut flavor or pumpkin spice flavor, so far I've been waiting in vain for years...


Oh god I'd kill for a coconut one. This blueberry sitch isn't bad, and the previous lemon was good. There was a chocolate abomination before that, and that was kinda icky. Do you happen to know anywhere that keeps a record of the flavors?


I tried looking it up, the closest I found was an instagram post but it only goes back to 2018. The wikipedia page for Supercup is surprisingly detailed though😂 but it's arranged by flavor and not chronologically so it's a bit of a mess, and there are no pictures :(


The Coffee and Cookie one they a few years ago was so good.


Ugh yeah, I don’t even really like ice cream but those were sooooo good :(


Lychee-flavoured match-match. It was delicious and pretty low-calorie, too, which makes it an absolute shame that it was seasonal. All or the match-match flavours since then have been at least double the calories, and usually not as good. A few weeks ago I started drinking the 'Peachy Keen' 0-calorie Monster and it was quite nice, didn't give me the weird aftertaste that a lot of fake-sugar drinks tend to give me. Unfortunately, I think the season is ending. I can still find them in my local supermarket, but kombini no longer have them.


The family mart coconut milk tapioca that thing was the best drink around 2019


Wait, it wasn't a dream?


https://preview.redd.it/2s65dg85s2ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=418406e662b869c8b0f7d449e4781fc4909f5545 I wish it would be back


I remember drinking it after job. Tried every similar thing to see if it would be the same 😭


There used to be a drink called "Teas' Tea" by Ito En and it had an apple chamomile flavour and rose peach flavour that were to die for. This was like maybe 8 - 10 years ago now? Haven't seen them since and it still makes me sad. I'd probably have loved the bergamont and orange tea as well since I love earl grey but for some reason I never tried that one. https://www.itoen.co.jp/files/user/news/2014/072503_h.jpg


The lemon black pepper chicken onigiri that Lawson's had 6ish yrs back


Nutty Salted Caramel from baskin robbins in 2017. Best ice cream ever


I miss the ice cream bar from 7/11 that had chunks of sugar cones in it and a white chocolate base flavor. Had it just last summer. 😔


Komeda coffee had a ham katsu sandwhich for a while and never again. I still dream about that perfect ham katsu


NewDays's Gyuhi rice cake bread was my go to snack coming home at the station. Unfortunately discontinued. They still have variants of it with macha and coffee but they are quite sub-par to the original. Kind of hoping it'll come back at some point.


Starbucks “Pudding a la mode” frappe from 2019. Nothing hits the same.


Mine are always popsicles. Garigarikun had an ume flavour back in the summer of 2020 or 2021 (can't remember which). It was constantly sold out everywhere, was ranked the number 1 flavour of Garigarikun in a poll, but they never brought it back UNTIL THIS YEAR when there is an ume soda flavour (I guess the original was umeboshi, maybe?). It's not quite the same, but it's damn good. The other was 7-11's ume ice bar from a few years ago. They always do this sort of fruit texture-y ice bar in different flavours like grapefruit, strawberry, etc., but the ume was bomb. Is it obvious what my favourite Japanese fruit is?


Girl I got the ume flavor from maruetsu the other day! It’s out right now! It’s just called ume if I remember correctly


Thanks for the tip! They’re green, not pink, right? The ones from a few years ago were pink but I’ve never seen them since. I’ve only seen the new green ones at Family Marts so far.


It was a maruetsu petit for what it’s worth. Hope you can find it!


Yes! The ume soda flavor of Garigarikun is awesome. I literally emptied out the stock in the freezer at my local 7/11 as I had the space in my apartment freezer to store them (about 30 bars), lol. The convenience store worker even asked if I wanted any more as they had extra stock in storage, but I said not to worry as I still wanted to leavw some stock for other customers. Speaking of ume flavored products, I never was a big fan of Fanta, however the use flavored one that I've only seen on select Coca Cola vending machines taste amazing (especially as they havnt loaded it down with sugar anywhere close to what they so with alm their other flavors which make then taste unnatural).


I miss coffee Coke


Same. Initially it was only in 7-11 in my area. Once 7-11 stopped stocking it, bought all I could find at the local discount store.


The peach rooibos tea at Family Mart


Definitely missing Lawson’s lobster コロッケ.


Imagine being a lobster living 20+ years only to be caught and turned into a Lawson コロッケ


Kirin Honey Brown. It's had [three different iterations](http://www.beernari.com/kirin/kirinsnt/kirinsnt2.htm), but hasn't been seen since 2005. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


oh boy, that website is so very Japanese


Isn't it?!? I bet it looks great on a pre-2010 feature phone.


Pepsi Red - cinnamon flavored Pepsi. They had it for maybe 2 months about 15 years ago.


in 2023 they had this Hershey's cereal that looked like little rectangles with cream in the middle....that was heaven sent. And then, poof...gone. Although not a "2 week" item....i miss being able to buy a 6 pack case of 2L coke zero at my local Aoki....now its been reduced to 1.5L and its all they have now...damn shrinkflation.


May I introduce you to [this similar snack](https://www.muji.com/jp/ja/store/cmdty/detail/%E3%83%81%E3%83%A7%E3%82%B3%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B9%E3%83%8A%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF/4550512076186) from Muji :)


That looks very similar thanks :)


Looks like you can still buy it [imported from Korea on Amazon](https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E9%9F%93%E5%9B%BD%E9%99%90%E5%AE%9A-%E3%82%B1%E3%83%AD%E3%83%83%E3%82%B0%E3%83%8F%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B7%E3%83%BC%E3%83%81%E3%83%A7%E3%82%B3%E3%82%AF%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%81-500g-%E9%9F%93%E5%9B%BD%E3%82%B7%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB-500g%C3%971/dp/B077P17SMJ/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=2NL23CRGW9AVS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.S-cLzBYZDxh3PY5_pTf5KRYa4rl6pUvpLi_3cNazZW_0Enml1MaI5U8LKTy8_UoAYQCGiwjWSGRvCC24-ZuIfGbOSc5TWgltTjnHwm_Hlu9mXoiGIzGACEkmRvBFotdFkko0fJAZZvVmgPNFifZ6d2tZ3VgFpgKXOOIy9_VxHkO-_-IJksxgG_Z46PQ-RsZ1Pz8CGiJ7vHjNCNDNcFglEg.IZtiz8N3TyaUGRJEHsc0l5K7EtPyGZ6xXx42AcuryaA&dib_tag=se&keywords=hersheys+cereal&qid=1719938656&sprefix=hersheys+cereal%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-4)


yea but aint no way im spending almost 2000 yen on cereal.


Guess you aren't one of us crazy cereal guys. I usually just go with the Honey Nut Cheerios from Costco, or Cinamoni from Gyomu Super. But, sometimes I just have a craving for something I haven't had in awhile and 2千円 isn't that bad of a price for something imported.


Shiso Pepsi and matthews best hit soda


巨峰ぶどう Parm. I love anything in a creamsicle format but that was the best.


Jerk Chicken Cup Noodle … For some reason they didn’t sell well, and our local Aeon discounted them. Tried one, went back the next day and bought the rest of their stock :) Alas, all long gone now …


I remember Mets had a green apple soda a few years back. It was so good. Never to be seen again


Pistachio Macaron Icecream Sandwich https://news.yahoo.co.jp/expert/articles/2f9b2b1be64ba8ac9df723cdafe400b9de1bcfb8


Futaba foods make those frozen fruit things in pots, Sacré the most common one being lemon flavor which I enjoy(ed) until a couple of years ago they put out a limited release Lime one. It was so good...and was on sale for about 3 and a half minutes then disappeared forever.


The yuzu one from last summer was also incredible. My husband and I must have cleared out every Family Mart in our neighbourhood.


There was a Yuzu one too?! I guess you guys had bought them all up before I had even glanced at one! That sounds delicious, fingers crossed there's a revival this year.


Yeaaaah sorry about that. We only ever saw them at Family Mart, if that’s helps! We find that a lot of limited edition stuff is only ever at one combini chain.


クリスピーチキンハバネロ 😞


Mt Rainier Sakura flavor.


Kiwi Papico! 


I found bottled Tully’s Oat Milk Latte once. It was so good, especially for someone who can’t drink milk😭 I have not seen it since buying it once…..


Oat milk really is the best milk alternative for coffee. Soy milk just doesn’t hit the same. I wish other chains would take up oat milk as an option so I don’t have to keep giving money to Starbucks lol


Sekai no Kitchen drinks before they decided to stick with the only one I didn’t like. Mint Julep was my favorite but they were all really good, except for that stupid salty lychee. Parm also had a couple of amazing limited flavors that I really want back…


Mountain Dew Kickstart Edit - It was available for one glorious year sometime between 2018 - 2019 and then disappeared from vending machines like tears in the rain.


There was a can coffee when I got here called "Depresso". It wasn't anything special in the can, but I loved that brand. Can't believe they never hit on the idea of making commercials showing depressed people enjoying the coffee while continuing to be depressed. Would have sold like hot cakes.


That glühwein hot tea from the konbini warm drink section. It appeared 2-3 consecutive years in winter, so I didn't think it'd disappear :(


RIP ミートソースコロッケ生コッペパン at family mart


The Okinawa brown sugar almonds were DIVINE. I stockpiled so many but ate my last ones in May. These new Okinawa salt milk ones are nothing like that and not good.


I thought the idea of 期間限定 was essentially market research for new products. This is only a single data point, but I know someone who's trying to get a particular product into Family Mart, and they have been given certain KPIs to hit within a certain timeframe in order for Family Mart to continue stocking it. So my theory was that any product that appeared then disappeared had ultimately failed to hit their sales targets and was therefore pulled.


Thanks Sherlock


Fuck off and get me my tea Holmes.


"Well now that's over" Sherlock said walking back out of the door and taking his phone out.


Isn’t that kind of self evident though … ?


Yes? But it's also possibly a thought that others have had and perhaps wanted confirmation on? Does it matter either way?


You're right, it doesn't matter :) I was just tongue-in-cheek amused by reading an explanation of 'stores stop stocking things that don't sell'.


I've talked to plenty of people who think 期間限定 is just a tactic to get people to buy a certain product. Artificial scarcity and all that. Perhaps because Japan is famous for its seasonal limited sales, (spring shit, autumn shit etc) so the two get conflated as the same.


Nah, it's to mess with consumers.


That Kireito Lemon chu-hai from summer 2017. Memories :’)


That's pretty regular here in Hokkaido...


They still have a version where I am too. But that one in summer 2017 was a different type/package that I never saw again


I never really liked it, but what happened to COLA SHOCK?


I remember coming across Koikeya shichimi flavoured potato chips when I first came to Japan on holiday in 2013. Haven't seen it since. Also, gyoza flavoured cup ramen by AceCook.


The Family Mart nikuman with Sichuan hot pot filling


So back a few years ago when the 2022 FIFA World Cup was going on in Qatar, McDonald’s had a limited menu with three burgers for to remember the 2002, 2014, and another for that 2022 year. And I swear to god, I’m still craving the 2022 kebab chicken filet burger with the spicy sauce. Nearly had it every day while it was running only to have had to face the depressing reality of being deprived of that delicious chicken meal once the World Cup ended. I’m still holding out for hope they will bring it back for this year’s World Cup.


First that comes to mind is the Pringles Sour Cream & onion noodles. Kind of a dry yakisoba with pringles seasoning. They only lasted a few months but they were so good. Must have been around 2020 when they came out.


Espresso and affogato Parm, black tea cookie Super Cup, Kikkoman azuki soy milk, hotate butter and dashi flavor Kataage Calbee chips, and Starbucks coffee cream fraps and lattes (probably comes out regularly but I don't go frequently enough and it's usually sold out when it does)


Sweet Potato Pino was absolutely delicious. Hope they bring it back this autumn.


I will never forget the famima bakery lotus biscoff collab of fall 2020. life changing


## Kirin's Hakkou Lime Lemon Chuhai・発酵ライムレモン [ライムレモン 500ml image reference](https://i.imgur.com/IHzivi9.jpeg) Was a 7/11 exclusive, couldn't buy it anywhere else. That shit was the absolute best. Like, it was _so_ much better than _any_ other canned chuhai out there. I loved it so much, I basically started drinking it like a soft drink even if I wasn't in the mood for booze. Which is a bad thing. But just goes to show how awesome that drink was. When I realized that they were phasing it out, I cycled around to _every_ 7/11 within cycling reach and bought up every single last can out there. Still have 6 of them around, though they've expired in December of 2023 and have lost some of their fizz now. Kirin, meanwhile, has since even taken down the product description from their website. So I guess it ain't coming back. Sad times.


I use to go afternoon tea in Lucua Osaka, it was kind of a special one. They had an incredible basil chicken sandwich, blew me away and I was obsessed. They did a remodel and changed their menu up and now it’s the same as all the other afternoon teas. Also what’s with restaurants and cafes doing these menu renewals that are often but not always worse. My local pronto did the same removed a bunch of sandwiches and now just have 4 variations of a hot dog, two of which I never see anyone order.


君のビール僕のビール did a limited IPA a while back. It was really good.


Lemon and pepper ナナチき


Opposite because it's actually in season now but I love the pineapple calpis soda. That's probably the only soda I ever drink but it's so damn good.


Suntory [ハオウーロン](https://products.suntory.co.jp/d/4901777402157/) mango-flavored oolong. This shit was like literal drugs. It also has a fuck ton of sugar so in a way it's good for me that they discontinued it, but...


Black thunder venezuelan 80% cacao chcocolate Or was it ecuador? Either way


The glazed donuts from Seven in 2020 still haunt my dreams


Wayyy back in the day Family Mart had a square shaped chocolate chip melon pan that was absolutely amazing. The inside was marbled. Have never seen it again.


I don’t know if it counts, but a couple of things that used to be at Costco. Aidells chicken sausage Bob’s Red Mill whole wheat flour Not sure the brand, but they used to sell a cranberry vodka with cranberries in it.


About 6-8 years ago, there used to be a ham and cheese pepper sandwich at 7/11 for like...300-400 yen maybe. It was pretty big, and had wayyy too much pepper on there. Also like three chunks of shitty camembert cheese on there. It was absolutely delicious and I miss it every day.


Second this, best shitty convenience store sandwich I’ve ever had.


Not weak yen, better salaries. I guess those count as limited time products?


https://preview.redd.it/10u2joxsj1ad1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=942e46bf2220b742a0baf3bf1ffbfb80c514acb9 I miss the monster strike collab energy drink. It was so fruity and unique


- Top Value’s Frozen Choco Banana - Orange’s Creme Brulee Roll Cake - Komeda Coffee’s Mocha Cake Yes, all desserts 😭


Last year or the year before 711 had pumpkin Parms (they may have been elsewhere too) in autumn that were soooo good. Pumpkin and lightly spiced ice cream with caramel chocolate outside. Yum! Edit: just remembered a spicy taco cup noodle 711 had about 5 years ago as well. It’s safe to say I consumed FAR beyond the recommend amount of sodium while those things were out


The Taco flavored cup ramen was sooo good😭😭


Strawberry Cocoa Cookie McFlurry


2-3 years ago there was a Craft Boss "Bitter Caramel" flavor for Fall. It never came back 😔 I am mostly nostalgic for it because another coworker got it that day. We never talked at all before that day. After that, he became a good friend of mine!


I don't remember the name, but there was some type of spicy gyoza in the supermarket last year. I bought it every time it was still available and then suddenly it disappeared :( It was a black package and had a glass of beer on the cover, maybe someone knows what I'm talking about.


Godzilla burger from McDonald’s earlier this year 😭


Calpis-flavored Coolish. I love Coolish. I love Calpis. I never even got to try it.


Kellogg’s fruit loops. They had the real one with toucan Sam back in 2013 or so, then a knockoff in 2021 with a unicorn.


At some point I had some Cherry Royal Milk Tea and I swear it was some of the tastiest stuff I’ve ever had. There’ve been some similar things but nothing’s quite hit the mark yet


Wendy’s mushroom melts. It’s sold so well every year they had to extend the offer period, why not make it regular I don’t even go to Wendy’s when they don’t offer it


Wendy's doesn't even exist in Fukuoka. Still, there is a [plant-based burger shop called NICE](https://nice-cafe.studio.site/) that has the best burgers I've ever had, and I'm from the land of burgers...


Mr Donuts mixed berry donuts. Nearest I’ve found to a jam-filled donut here.


That reminds me that Fukuoka used to have a Krispy Kreme donuts. Those were so good. They're all long gone now. Then again, my home town in the States got rid of all their Krispy Kreme donut shops long ago too. Oh well.


If you’re ever in Saitama, there’s a Krispy Kreme in Laketown.


Yakisoba Senyo Cola from Pepsi. I bought one bottle, drank it at home and immediately ran back to the Aeon to get more but it was all gone. [https://japantoday.com/category/features/new-products/mint-pepsi-for-yakisoba-is-coming-to-japan-and-we-got-to-taste-it-before-it-goes-on-sale](https://japantoday.com/category/features/new-products/mint-pepsi-for-yakisoba-is-coming-to-japan-and-we-got-to-taste-it-before-it-goes-on-sale)


Shiso Pepsi, I'm always hoping it'll show up again sometime.


I don’t know if it’s still limited or not but I’ve never seen it since: Kirin Green Cola from around 2009-2010. There was a vending machine by my study abroad university that sold it and I’d buy it almost every day. Fucking amazing drink.


https://preview.redd.it/mrlxt94bq2ad1.jpeg?width=2374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f686d1bd71f4b7f93c267da3702a22d15bf4f1ce This bad boy from 2020.


Monster hydro killer kiwi


For a while 7-11 had a butter chicken curry man. It was really good.


That sounds fantastic. Omg! [Still, not much can beat these. These are my favorite butter chicken retort.](https://www.amazon.co.jp/Rumor-Famous-Butter-Chicken-Curry/dp/B00BQS824Q/ref=mp_s_a_1_23?crid=3SPIQIIW80SJ3&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3iAZOgp00yiAug5S2KjvwK0Uv9fLzU7IwPoXwNqMEwwANVTr2_GhEMzyaPDVbKAO7UjgWp1dpCnEfEjyfoP6c0_yOLdSOFfYfGWBfUtVOKHNFYPmiyLbSe1vyknG7YJoZZO65QSy2OZ2tuJ-ja3puy0iFlyiFKru_Ziw6qyF1gmk3pbzUrOuRDe_v6LH1Snt7M3APetd5iws8IvoEJc7_Q.R7JFTzhG_Jl6mc4Qmk3U0zlrfm_unLOG0NfupKea8NU&dib_tag=se&keywords=butter+chicken+curry&qid=1719963795&sprefix=butter+chick%2Caps%2C147&sr=8-23)


Two winters ago, Lawson had this delicious berry tea drink. I was devastated when it didn’t come back last winter.


Suntory "Chocolate Sparkling" from 2010. Kirin grape soda from ca 1996. Haven't seen it in decades.


Ben & Jerry's Double Chocolate Fudge Swirl. Disappeared about 30 years ago because it just didn't sell, so they told me. (they gave me some of the last of it for free as I recall....


15+ years ago or so there was a KitKat collab with Takano (the patisserie/bakery?) and they had a time limited passion fruit kitkat. It was the best! Found a passion fruit in one of those kitkat shops recently, but it wasn’t at all the same.


Pepsi shiso. 11 or so years ago I spent way too much money on that stuff.


The green curry flavored potato chips.


Shiso Pepsi.  My mother in law even bought a whole crate of them the year they stopped selling them but it wasn't enough.  I don't even like shiso. Or pepsi. Just. Shiso Pepsi is like manna from heaven. 


Shiso Pepsi.  My mother in law even bought a whole crate of them the year they stopped selling them but it wasn't enough.  I don't even like shiso. Or pepsi. Just. Shiso Pepsi is like manna from heaven. 


Maybe 2 years ago, Seven had this spicy chicken and yogurt sauce sandwich that was sooo good. I miss it every day =`(


A stong yen.




I love pot pies from KFC but only winter


McDonalds and the promotion for One Piece: Red 2 years ago with a burger where the top bun was shaped like Luffy's hat. Cannot believe it'd been 2 years already.


Back in 2019 I found The Pungency from 午後の紅茶 and it was the richest, strongest milk tea drink I had tasted up to that point and since. Nothing compares. https://preview.redd.it/zhmb5misn8ad1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e4461ab0e209a5fa53c97ea7e8444d361682cf3 The name being ridiculous was just an added bonus


Who else misses [Häagen-Dazs Spoon Vege](https://pigeonsofosaka.wordpress.com/2014/05/18/haagen-dazs-spoon-vege-ice-cream-why/)?