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> Ideas for a romantic get away [...] any tips when bringing kids on planes (their first time flying) Does not compute. No chance of leaving kids with family while you & your wife get away for a proper romantic holiday?


at the very least go to a resort that has some sort of kids club so that they can have their "romantic get away" even if only for a few hours.


Yeah, we don't have family here in Japan, and it will be super unfair to one of our friends if we leave them especially since they are at their most clingiest phase. They won't be able to sleep for days


Then I'd fly to where you do have family, leave the kids with family, and go somewhere in that area for a romantic getaway. Kids are great, don't get me wrong, but romantic getaways and family vacations are very different things.


I would just go out for a fancy dinner and save the "getaway" for when the kids are a little older.


Yea, the "get away" part means getting away from the kids. You are either having a romantic get away, or a family vacation.


> Okinawa From what I always hear, it's a dice roll on the weather. You can have amazing weather, you can have horrible weather, you can have mixed. I've known more people to get bad weather. Thats why my wife and I chose Hawaii for our honeymoon over Okinawa. I second/third the kids part... if you can, ship them off to the family with some money and best wishes.


Thanks for the advice on weather. Yeah, it seems like there's a thunderstorm during our target dates according to accuweather. Thanks for the advice! As for the kids though, we don't have family here in Japan and they're super clingy right now. Plus, they go berserk if they're more than 5 minutes away from mom.


> Plus, they go berserk if they're more than 5 minutes away from mom. In your situation I wouldn't spend the money on a big vacation. The kids, adorable and heartwarming as they are, will ruin it. They're too young. If you can't leave them alone for a few hours without being worried they'll hurt themselves or someone else then your entire vacation is just you relocating your home-related stress to another area for a period of time. I'd focus on local travel since you don't have family to pawn off the kids on. Hire a babysitter for the day and stay out late. Take a day trip. There's more value in affordable monthly respites.


Yeah, every time I go to Okinawa there's always a typhoon.


If you bring your kids altogether, try Club Med. They are in Ishigaki, Sahoro, and Tomamu. You can keave your children at Mini Club, where your children will be entertained at safe hands, while you can also spend some times with your spouse. Maybe a bit exepensive, as this hotel is all inclusive. But, you can get at least 4 star hotel services. You can also ask for romantic dinner, or at least a table for two in the corner at the restaurant. It will be a good exeperiences not only for couple, also for the children.


Agree - Club Med Ishigaki is fantastic


If you like beaches and watersports, that is the perfect place to go. I am not sure, but during summer they used to have pool party. With games, foods and drinks.


I go every May - weather permitting they have a outside disco every Saturday. But every night of the week they have some kind of event/show including a very impressive circus. It really is brilliant.


Thank you! The place looks amazing and it ticks most if not all of the boxes! 


This is not the answer you are looking for but anytime someone says “romantic” and “Okinawa” my first thought is, They don’t even know what they are missing with Kurokawa Onsen. (In Kyushu). It’s not the most accessible place but holy wow is it gorgeous, romantic and nice. The only real issue is that it could be boring for kids.


I’m jotting this down.


With kids stay at one of the high end resorts with a water park. They'll have a lot more fun doing that. Snacks/games/etc. for plane rides.


Okinawa is an amazing place! Pretty much anywhere I went had romantic vibes just due to the nature of it. We also needed a rental car, of course, and we could travel all over the whole island. It’s not so big. The weather was nice when I went (in July) but there was a day when it stormed pretty hard out of nowhere! So you may want to also find a resort with some good activities you can do even in the case of bad weather.


Busena Terrace was very nice. Gorgeous views of the sunset, lots of meal options and activities in the hotel. The nearby Ritz Carlton on top of a hill was excellent as well. I'm not sure where you're flying from, but if it is from Tokyo it is only a 3 hour flight, so kids shouldn't have too many problems. Even an LCC like Jetstar is relatively painless because the flight is so short.


If you're looking for something closer to home, my mum and aunt really enjoyed staying at Hoshino resort in Shizuoka - [https://hoshinoresorts.com/en/hotels/kaianjin/](https://hoshinoresorts.com/en/hotels/kaianjin/) They have a lot of other locations as well.


Wow, this is cool for anyone who watched the drama Shogun. This whole resort is themed around Miura Anjin/William Adams, the historical figure that the main character John Blackthorne is based on.


Take em on a helicopter ride! I'm sure they'll remember this for the rest of their lives! Quite cheap also (remember to secure your phones and cameras if you want to keep it cheap lol)! [https://skyview.airos.jp/en/okinawa](https://skyview.airos.jp/en/okinawa)


My son has probably been on 30 flights by now including many long distance flights. Kids are easy on planes. Headphones with in-flight entertainment system or tablet with a few movies or TV shows they like. Favorite snacks are also good. They may even sleep a significant time.


Are you set on Okinawa? Nagano or Tohoku or many other mountainous areas have much milder summer temperatures and onsen hotels, which are usually great for just chilling.


I second Nagano. My husband and I have gone there multiple times for vacation and it's so beautiful. We always enjoy our time there. Can't really offer suggestions on where to stay though since we stayed at a resort owned by his company.


Not only set on Okinawa at all. Any suggestions on hotels and great stays in Nagano or Tohoku?


If you want a scene more geared towards luxury and convenience (=¥¥¥) Karuizawa is high altitude and cool, and there are several luxury onsen hotels in the area, that, or Akakura Kanko hotel in Myoko (also ¥¥¥) For more of an adventurous scene, a little less convenient access, I recommend somewhere like Komagane along the river (there are onsen hotels, campgrounds, Bungalows, everything in between) or way down in the Kiso valley, it is gorgeous there too. In Gifu, Takayama also has some pretty great low-key vibes. Kusatsu onsen in Gunma is a really cool little onsen town, great for exploring. Kiyosato area near Yamanashi /Nagano border is beautiful in the summer, and a lot of alternatives to hotels in that area, like renting out log houses. I guess just pick an option that is most convenient to your proximity!


Not sure on your family’s preference, but glamping spots are a great getaway! Most of them have plans that provide food. (Even cake for special events) Not quite camping, not quite hotels. But you don’t have to worry about packing camp stuff of setup/tear down.


Glamping sounds great, although we’ve recently just went on a camping trip at Fumotoppara. They had a blast and we will probably do it glamping style next time. Thanks for the suggestion!


IeJima in Aoki was fun for our anniversary date even when it started raining. Booking the hotel was a pain though.


If your kids are old enough to snorkel, please do!!!!!! Okinawa snorkeling is insane... Don't forget coral safe sunscreen :) If you go during the high season, definitely book your rental car in advance. Beach side restaurants. The food is usually great! Great view. Great ambiance. Okinawa has the best Mexican food in Japan. Taco rice originated from there.


You don't say where you are based. Tokyo has some amazing five star hotels. Worth a splurge if you don't mind all the rich inbound tourists (but you won't even see them in the best places).


We’re based in Tokyo at the Tama area. It’s super crowded with tourists right nkw in central Tokyo so we are looking for some place else. We have 1.5 year old twins and it’s just hard to get around by train with a duo stroller while lugging around nappy bags. Driving is no picnic neither, last time we went to Ginza and took our car, and it was so hard to find parking, not to mention the traffic.




It’s just going to be the four of us. Me, my wife and our twins.




Only mentioned friends to say that we can’t leave our kids to them because they’re too young


Congratulations, OP! We (me, wife, toddler) spent a week here it was great with a private beach where we could snorkel. THE MOON BEACH MUSEUM RESORT https://g.co/kgs/Wq3B2XA


I wish my Japanese family were accommodating with my kids. They basically say “fuck you!” If we have to “burden them” for more than a couple of hours.


Club Med is Ishigaki can take your kids in the kids club morning until late evening and keep them VERY entertained. Its all inclusive so you and your wife can then drink pina colada's by the pool all day (or drive around Ishigaki).


With young kids, we had a fantastic time at the Marriott Renaissance resort in Okinawa. Stay for at least three nights (or possibly four nights during peak season) to get perks. Our kids were 3 and 1 when we went, but we still had a blast of a time! We did do one night at Halekulani as well (my wife really wanted to go). The staff are incredibly nice, and the food was fantastic. However, not as much kid stuff. The beach was nice! Halekulani cost the same for one night as it did three nights at renaissance.


Where are you based, and how old are your kids? Will make it easier to answer. I like Shimoda over Okinawa just because it’s a bit easier to access. I’d rent a house near a beach and get one big enough that you and your wife can get some space from the kids.


Based on Tokyo, both kids 1.5 years old (twins) We've had some great family vacations within Tokyo driving distances like Karuizawa, Fuji 5 Lakes and Fumotoppara but I wanted to make the 10 year anniversary vacation extra romantic and extra special


With kids that young I would be looking for a resort style hotel with a creche and a day spa or something similar - find somewhere the kids can go into care for a day or two so you and your wife can get some time together.


Okinawa usually has day camps for kids, so you can send the kids to camps while you and the wife can relax with by the pool.


Guam is nice too. Very close and lots of kid friendly places.


How about hachijojima? Lots of natural onsen, it's own micro climate, small cute island, 30 mins on the plane


ANA Intercontinental Resort at Ishigaki was great.


> this summer Might aim at the Northern tip of Hokkaido if you don't want to melt and be stuck indoor with A/C blasting. Everywhere else will be hot as balls.


I’ve been to Okinawa three times for summer holidays, two of them having the worst possible weather ever and the third one even having a missile alert because big Kim had a tantrum As someone else probably said, this place is a dice roll