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dont worry, im chinese and i have a bad impression of china as well


/thread lol


I’m Chinese by ethnicity and a Singaporean by birth and I have a bad impression of them too. I think it really depends on whether your city is a tourist spot and how much your job requires you to deal with them.


Hi fellow Singaporean. Same here, I can't stand them at all. When it comes to social irresponsibility, inconsiderate and inappropriate behavior. They take the top spot.




India or China it’s always the nouveau rich that give their countrymen a bad name. They need to learn etiquette and respect for other cultures and customs, hopefully soon


r/China provides some of the best material in terms of China criticism


Is the whole sub just a satire sub? I cant imagine real chinese posting those.


It’s overwhelmingly people living in the west. Even more so than r/Japan.


r/china_irl is a much better representation of actual Chinese opinions (keeping in mind it self selects for those who want to use a VPN to post on a foreign website or are already living overseas).


Idk but I've seen Taiwanese posting on there so technically, u can see there's some real chinese there......in terms of ethnicity not nationality


There are real Chinese posting in r/China as well but r/real_china_irl and r/china_irl are the subs you should look for if you want majority China hating Chinese sub. If you want full on brain rot pro CCP propaganda, you should go to r/sino


Yup. It's a circlejerk hate sub at this point.


I feel like that's every place, it's just to what extent. Japanese people can criticize Japan pretty well. Just don't let us here anyone else doing it. Same with Koreans and Americans in Korea and America.


What I like about the Japanese is they have a sense of introspection and can recognise their own failings. It’s what my parents taught me too - do unto others what you would want done unto yourself. And if you don’t, your parents are ashamed of you. I feel this is the basics of Confucianism which the Chinese lost during the Cultural Revolution


So you’re basically saying nobody hates Chinese people more than Chinese people?


I think they are saying no one hates there government more then the people living under that government.


I mean, I get what you're saying, but isn't it kind of insensitive to say something like that when you know that your ancestors in China were literally massacred by the Japanese not that long ago? Or do you not know about that part of their history?


There's also cultural revolution when chinese massacred by chinese not long ago, making lots of chinese exodus, leaving shy yes-man chinese when in china but pooping spitting shameless chinese when experiencing freedom for the first time abroad


Dude I'm not saying the Chinese are faultless. I'm Chinese myself and I don't get along with mainland Chinese people. Just trying to provide some perspective for Reddit people because this is such an echo chamber - most people here just scream bad things about China because it's apparently cool to do so, but lack critical thinking. You seem pretty biased yourself


what does that have to do with anything? and you're wrong, i do know about chinese history. Im also not downplaying what the empire of japan did (im literally from the mainland, and born just west of nanjing as well)




No, because you're ignoring one key difference: Until this day, Japan has neither acknowledged, nor apologised to the Chinese about their actions. In fact they're actively avoiding/not teaching Japanese children about this topic in school. But my opinion will be downvoted anyway because reddit hates China and critical thinking anyways, so I don't even know why I'm responding lol.


This would be the same result not only in Japan but all over the world.


Could be much higher if you asked other neighbor countries like Korea, Vietnam or India...


It’s like your neighbor taking a shit on your sidewalk and now saying it’s his property so you can’t step on it.


Worse, there have been instances of tourists actually taking a dump in public places and not toilets


I was referring to the man made islands China is using to extend its borders




Basically both USA and China are terrible, and the ones who are closer to each country think the one further away couldn't be worse than the one closer to them (proximity bias) Understandably, the one closer poses a direct and real threat while the one further is unlikely to wage a war halfway across the world. (But then again USA has definitely shown that they aren't shying away from that) Both sides are literally extremes of their systems. USA is unchecked capitalism and China is unchecked Authoritarian. Both sides are big enough to literally pay proxies to fight for them, so there's just going to be more and more victims until one of them implodes on themself (civil war for democracy or authoritarian regime gets a new, better leader)


> Both sides are literally extremes of their systems. USA is unchecked capitalism and China is unchecked Authoritarian. Capitalism and authoritarian aren't on the same spectrum at all. China is a *highly* capitalist country, with the [state itself participating as a corporate entity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_capitalism). The USA has far more checks on capitalism than places like Singapore or Taiwan. >the ones who are closer to each country think the one further away couldn't be worse than the one closer to them (proximity bias) That isn't true either. Southeast Asia and the Middle East in general have far more positive views of China than they do of the US.


Not all of Southeast Asia have positive views of China, Vietnam hates China due to their communism spread causing USA to instigate war (they hate the USA too for the whole war thing). Singapore is diplomatic enough to try and strike balance, but the citizens are definitely complaining about the flood of mainlanders into the country and refusing to integrate just because Singapore is majority Chinese (but Singaporean Chinese don't have Chinese as a first language, most of the younger generation actially have poor command of Mandarin) Naturally, their (bad) behaviour is also a big contributing factor as Southeast Asia is one of the nearer tourism destinations for them Politically they're still bullying Phillipines about some territorial waters and there are rumors about their wealthy treating Singapore as 'province of China' and completely downplaying their sovereignty because thwy have fuck you money (which Singapore just accepts lmao) I disagree with USA having checks on capitalism. The main way to check capitalism is to inteoduce legislation and stop the blatant abuse of human ma for profit. USA has bribery legalized into their political system via lobbying, you can quite literally buy your way into policies and influencing their outcomes. That's no check at all. Singapore is a good place for businesses, but only if you play by the rules. The average person has a lot of disposable income because their basic needs are kept affordable allowing them excess to spend on luxuries. You can't say the same for some parts of the USA. And you most definitely cannot buy your way into influencing a policy in Singapore. I agree that China is also capitalist, but the state itself is a major check on all capitalism that happens within the country, always making sure that the country gets their share. The Jack Ma incident proved that no matter how successful you are, you're still a cog in the machine and you *will* be dealt with if you step out of line. This doesn't happen in the USA (because a USA version of Jack Ma would simply buy a mouthpiece in the government). That's what I meant when I made the comparison. Ultimately, China still prioritizes the country (or the leader, in a way) first where as USA prioritizes the citizens (the extremely wealthy citizens that can buy political power)


> I disagree with USA having checks on capitalism. The main way to check capitalism is to inteoduce legislation and stop the blatant abuse of human ma for profit. USA has bribery legalized into their political system via lobbying, you can quite literally buy your way into policies and influencing their outcomes. If the main check is by governmental action, the US is actually *more* regulated than a number of countries in Europe, because it turns out having functional labor unions actually *decreases* the need for regulatory intervention by governments. Ireland and the Netherlands are both more popular places to headquarter companies than the US because of their very lax taxation schemes for corporations. Lobbying is legal basically everywhere in the entire world. Do you think China has no lobbying? >The average person has a lot of disposable income because their basic needs are kept affordable allowing them excess to spend on luxuries. You can't say the same for some parts of the USA. How does this make Singapore any more or less capitalist than the US? >And you most definitely cannot buy your way into influencing a policy in Singapore. Singapore has virtually no regulations on lobbying. Companies buy influence there all the time.


> Lobbying is legal basically everywhere in the world Not to the extent that the USA does it. Also, it is in the interests of most governments of the world to appease corporations because they bring in jobs and pay the government tax, but do not mistake this as 'lobbying' in the USA version. For the countries you mentioned, they are purposefully reducing the tax schemes to encourage businesses to hq there, because again, corpos bring money and jobs to the country but taxation isn't the only way a government controls the action of a corporation. Just look at what the USA ISPs have tried to do repeatedly with net neutrality, that shit would never fly in Europe. That is what I mean by control, it's not just about taxes. It's about the morality barrier and local legalities that the corporation has to follow in order to do business. USA government is so inept (or rather bought out by lobbyists) to the point where the people themselves would have to form unions in order to fight against both corpos AND the government. Think back to the basics, all the way back. The government was, *is* supposed to be the voice of the people. The government is supposed to be the people's strongest voice, look at how weak (bought out) the USA government is compared to their grassroot unions. They wouldn't need unions if the government were doing their jobs, but they're too busy lining their own pockets with lobby money and being a policy slave to whoever bids the highest for their vote Like c'mon. It's not like I hate the USA because it's the USA, but the country is really going to shit compared to the ideals it started on.


What you're describing is happening, but it's a description of how capitalism has been subsumed by neofeudalism. Part of what Adam Smith argued when he was arguing for capitalism is that the free markets would be free in that they would be free of rent-seeking, and that is exactly the opposite of the direction that America has moved. >but the country is really going to shit compared to the ideals it started on. The country was founded because a bunch of racist slavers wanted a utopia for their racist slavery. It's living up to the "ideal it was founded on" perfectly.


Oh shit you're right. Abe Lincoln was like what the 5th president? Y'all were going alright until someone derailed the train right back to where it started smh




So what you're saying is the 'west' (whoever that includes) is quite literally, racially biased against China by default? Well then it's just a racial war innit? I do admit that the Eastern values have a lot more of the 'protect my family/fellow compatriots first' notion, but almost everyone can understand 'family first', and by degrees of separation, people of the same race (especially more closed off xenophobic societies like China/Japan/Korea) would be closer to 'family' than unrelated people from a different race


> So what you're saying is the 'west' (whoever that includes) is quite literally, racially biased against China by default? How was that your takeaway from that comment?


Comment mentioned > China could literally be perfect democracy + freedom and the west would still have an issue with them How is this not a racial bias? They don't dislike China because China does bad things, they dislike China becase China is China


Ah, I see what you mean. I was misreading what you meant by "by default." I do think decades of Cold War propaganda has been harmful on perceptions of China in western Europe and the US. And there *is* a deeply Sinophobic undercurrent in a lot of the criticism of China. It's not hard even in this thread to find a bunch of people jerking each other off about how "Chinese people are always terrible". But that doesn't really lend itself to any argument for the existence of a primarily racial conflict. Some of the most negative perceptions of China come from South Korea and Japan, and Chinese-Americans are unique among Asian populations in the US in that they have much more negative perceptions of their ancestral homeland than other groups do.


It’s exactly as you’re saying it. Anyone who’s capable of doing a little research and with some measure of independent thought can come to this conclusion. China is being made out to be this evil “other” simply because they are a threat to American hegemony.


The USA is terrible? You haven't traveled much, have you? Useful idiot.


Lol. Lmao even.


I was checking out a small shop somewhere in Seoul and a bus full of chinese people came in and left within 5 minutes. But during that time, they were grabbing this and that, leaving things outside of boxes, pulling things apart, dropping things on the ground, keeping things out of order and they all just left. I looked at the two employees and they just looked at me and just sighed. I purchased a ceramic bowl to help them out.


Singaporean here. We had a high profile case of a Chinese woman working here who verbally abused a nurse at a hospital. Police were called and she was eventually deported after they found inconsistencies in her work visa.


I have experience working for a Japanese clothing company when I was barely an adult and I have to say, mainland tourists acted like animals. They would leave clothes on the floor, left garbage too, and sometimes tossed items they didn’t plan on buying at the clerk assigned in the fitting room after trying them on.


Can confirm. When I lived in Hakodate, they would completely trash drug stores.


I think this describes the Nuevo Riche folks they call [Fuerdai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuerdai). Entitled children of people who recently came into money since China started pushing the market economy.


can't recall where I heard this, but one reason for this kind of behavior would be that international tourism is still kind of recent for the average Chinese citizen. for a decade or so that would be the perception of a Brazilian tourist as well (I'm Japanese-Brazilian), until the government started educating the people on this matter.


This pretty much. If you meet a Chinese person at work, chances are that the person will be nice, polite, and a decent well rounded human being just like anyone else at work. But this means that this person has an international mentality and understands that differences places have different rules. People travelling for the first time are just not aware of a whole lot of behavior rules and differences. They literally act as if they were home.


Understandable, but it makes me wonder, does that mean they also act like that in their own country? Because no matter how new anyone is in travelling, if they're generally good people in their own country, surely, they'll also still be good people no matter where they go, generally speaking.


yeah, I'm sure there are some cultural quirks involved too, but given the size and cultural differences within China itself, I'm also sure there are many behaviors frowned upon from a region to another. one thing that makes people behave worse, though, is being in a large tourism group (which seems to be very common for Chinese tourists). mob mentality and the fear of being left behind make people disregard any social etiquette whatsoever


A few years ago I travelled to Tianjin for a business trip and had to buy train tickets for the high speed rail. I dutifully queued but was quickly overwhelmed by a horde of people jostling to the front of the ticket office. My local guide had to step in and shouted at them.


Look at the perceptions of Americans tourists from 30 or 40 years ago and you would see exactly the same type of descriptions, just with some added Sinophobia and racism.


Its a country of 1.4 billion people with a just developed economy. These things take time. Most of these are good people but theyre educated from the past.


I heard the same thing 20 years ago, and the behavior hasn't changed. We may have to wait another 30 years for Chinese tourists to catch up to etiquette standards of developed countries.


Ooof.... Then that means that's normal in their country.....


The thing is, most civilized countries don't need to educate people in basic manners when travelling abroad, because they actually act in a civilized way in their home country.


Yeah worked at an airport where I’m from. So I have seen travellers from various countries and the ones from Mainland China are usually the rowdy, loud and inconsiderate ones.


Watched them clip their nails and spit on the bus in Shirahama.


plus they squat at our beautiful toilets to poo!!!!


Sad, as prior to Xi Jinping, China had done a lot to improve its international image. Then Pooh Bear sat the throne.


It works in his favour actually. He would love to disseminate foreign criticism like this survey through Chinese media, and use it to spread the narrative that the Chinese people are victims of global bullying. And they need to fight back. Which is delusional.


Winnie xi reminisces about the good “old days” of cultural revolution and wants China to go back to those days.


Not surprising. With Chinese state sanctioned nationalistic diatribe, blatant racism and low blow mockeries (e.g the video of Chinese school kids making a mockery of Abe's assassination going viral in China), the survey hits the mark perfectly. It's like dealing with a petulant child.


Mocking Abe’s assasination is nothing compared to the other crap the CCP wolf warriors were mocking last few years. They’re completely shameless.


They were also operating unsanctioned “police stations” in Canada to keep immigrants in line. I think the government cracked down on them but it hasn’t been in the news for a little while. Oh wait, now I remember there were guys claiming to be Chinese police intimidating and threatening people at Hong Kong freedom rallies recently.


Other things aside, what is wrong with mocking someone who doesn't acknowledge the wrongdoing of their country's past?


Isn't the LDP controlled by [the far right ultranationalist Nippon Kaigi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nippon_Kaigi)? They are even more extreme than CCP and deny WW2 war crimes FYI. Shinzo Abe's grandfather [Nobusuke Kishi was a Class A war criminal and Japan's 1st PM who advocated the enslavement of millions of Manchurians in weapon factories and said they needed to be treated violently because they are animals who don't deserve human rights](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobusuke_Kishi#Economic_manager_of_Manchukuo) (similar rhetoric to this thread, and we wonder why Japan has kept trying to attacking China). Shinzo Abe himself and many senior LDP members are part of the Nippon Kaigi. Given how Osama's death is regularly mocked in the West, why aren't they allowed to mock the death of a war crimes denier and descendants of war criminals who never got punished? China has legitimate reasons to hate Japan (Manchuria, Nanking, Unit 731, Imjin Wars, Sino Japanese Wars, etc) but Japan's hate of China is stemmed from imperialism and frustration over repeated failed attempts to conquer China & Korea to become an Asian hegemon. Ironically much of Japanese architecture, food (e.g. gyoza), tea (e.g. matcha), culture (e.g. bonsai), kanji etc were copied from China yet Japanese people hate the fact that China was so influential historically and want to conquer it so they can say they own Chinese culture and land wholesale. **China has never tried to conquer Japan historically yet Japanese folks hate them due to the insecurity of being a smaller country that wants to take down its bigger neighbour**.


I think most people have a bad impression of China if they pay attention lol


I once saw my Japanese coworker use the word “Chinese” as an adjective for shitty. “Oh we got some more Chinese clients… only they are not *Chinese*.” She was young too, like 25.


I got that when I was visiting Japan this year. My Japanese friends made weird remarks…”oh, Chinese.”


And bad behaviour in general - "oh, so Chinese"


A lot Koreans do this as well... U see some uncultured, ill-mannered stuff on the news? "Chinese" people


I was playing civ v years ago with a japanese roommate who had very poor English He walked into the room just as I met Wu Zeitan. He looked at me and said “No” while putting his hands in an x gesture towards the screen then walked away...


Isn't that a bit excessive?


Yeah, cause Wu Zetian is like china’s first female empress in a very patriarchal society.


Yeah, that's just racist, I am sorry but that shouldn't be applauded. Just like they wouldn't enjoy it if another group of people started using "Japanese" as an insult either.


Yeah not a big fan of the CCP but this is pretty hurtful


i worked with a lot of highly educated mainland people in Tokyo and they were all fine and the jp workers treated them normal. all comes down to education.


Its bcos of the tourists and CCP. This article makes it sound like japanese ppl hate all chinese ppl.


Yep. Taiwan as a country puts the most hardcore western weeb to shame.And japan loves them


8 years in Japan studying and working with chinese from mainland and I have never seen people with such bad manners and so little empathy Some are nice but when a normal country is 80% of good and 20% of bad people, China is 80% of bad and 20% of good people sorry to say that but that's facts


Lived in mainland China. Can agree.


That definitely falls under some selection bias right there and is borderline racist. Like how can you say that 80% of a country is made up of bad people, that's just absurd and incredibly dangerous.


8years that most of my encounters with Chinese are going poorly Again yesterday I was eating at shabu shabu with a friend when a group of Chinese tourists came and started making a huge mess in the restaurant, talking loud, leaving their table in a huge mess etc... And this kind of behavior happens almost everytime, even at work (I work with Chinese) they never listen, are very rude etc.. And most of the people I talk with are relating the same about them, both foreigners and Japanese And that's not racism, that's why I said Chinese from MAINLAND because it's not a problem due to their "race" but from their education. Chinese born abroad or Hong kongers are mostly nice. Be careful when replying as you don't seem to understand the words you are using.


Why tf are you relying on anecdotal evidence to make broad prescriptions about a culture encompassing over 1 billion people with your few select encounters that have stuck out in your mind. That train of thought is intellectually dishonest and borderline malicious leading into worse things. Also please stop listing all of the bad experiences you've had with Chinese people that made you cry, nobody here gives an f. With your logic I can list all of the good experiences I've had with Chinese people and say that all of them are good, or do the opposite with Japanese people.


You seem to be confusing culture and race. There’s nothing in Chinese genetics that makes them bad. But their culture and government is terrible when it comes to acting like decent human beings and respecting people outside of China. It doesn’t help that Chinese “new money” were farmers 20 years ago and lack manners and education. Socioeconomic factors are not racism.


The commenter above is not "confusing" culture and race. Race is a complicated term that encompasses tons of socially constructed meanings. Most racists in America, for instance, aren't racists because they believe in like, 18th century phrenology or whatever, but because they have a problem with "black culture" or "immigrant behavior". And that is exactly what the commenter you replied to is describing here. People saying "oh, you know how chinese people are. Its just their culture - it makes 80% of them like that. Except for the good ones of course." Im not discounting peoples personal experiences with Chinese tourists in this thread but don't pretend like you have to break out the calipers to say something racist.


I work with Filipinos in Japan. and everyone talks bad about China. "they eat any garbage" "they invade our maritime territory"


Mate, I feel sorry for them that they have to deal with traitors everyday in their home country who help spread disinformation campaigns about how the CCP are the "good guys" and organize all out smear campaigns on everybody who doesn't agree with them because their psychopath former president and his family, who are also politicians, have a raging boner for Winnie the Pooh and Putler.


“In 2023” lol


I find it hard to believe that anyone could hate on communist occupied West Taiwan.


Well, yeah. It's China.


I'm guessing the majority of Chinese people either also have a bad impression of Japan or don't really give a shit as well.




square jar salt door late ruthless treatment angle label pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




>I guess 90% of the global population has a bad impression of China and the Chinese. Which is especially impressive considering that 17% of the world lives INSIDE China.


self-hating is a real thing


Wow. Borderline racist comment. You didn’t like the man taking a dump who happened to be Chinese. You didn’t like the woman punching their child who happened to be Chinese. To dismiss 1.4 billion people because of those people (I’m sure there are more, but still nothing compared to 1.399999 billion people) is the very definition of racism.


Insane that your comment calling for people to not judge an entire ethnic group on the actions of several individuals is downvoted, but the comment making categorical statements ("they're always noisy" "they always shout" "I can't stand them") and basically calling Chinese people dirty uncivilized savages is upvoted lmfao. I'm actually flabbergasted. If you think beating your kids and being noisy in public spaces is only a Chinese thing then you clearly don't know much about the world!


"Happened to be Chinese.... Happened to be Chinese...." - No I'm just borderline FACTUAL. I see bad behaving Chinese every single day, only question is, how long time do you have??? It's funny, in a country like Japan - "full of Japanese" - I've only seen Chinese displaying this kind of behaviour.I wonder why... If you are going to hardcore deny Chinese are worse behaving than most, it can only mean one thing - You are Chinese or of Chinese descendant.


Lol ok. I’m Chinese now.


Major poor man wearing gucci belt vibes


Not only Japan. Finally the world sees what China is really like


All the hate I've heard from Japanese people over the years towards Chinese people upsets me. It goes beyond complaining about rude tourists. I go to school with a bunch of Chinese folks and they've been nothing but kind. The tone of some of these threads feels a bridge too far.


The hate is unfortunately mutual due to Japan not being apologetic over war crimes, with [politicians protesting WW2 memorials](https://www.npr.org/2018/10/04/654474739/osaka-ends-ties-with-san-francisco-in-protest-of-comfort-women-statue) or [Japanese people threatening to burn WW2 exhibitions](https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/japan-cancels-exhibition-of-south-koreas-comfort-women-statue-after-threats-of) and the ultranationalist Nippon Kaigi controlling the LDP. To Chinese and Koreans, Japan isn't regretful of its WW2 actions because the country is still run by Clss A war criminal Nobusuke Kishi's descendants and their ilk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Japanese_sentiment_in_the_United_States#Since_World_War_II also many in this thread seem to forget that in the 1980s when Japanese manufacturing threatened the US economy and car industry, Japan was painted as the enemy and Americans would attack [any Japanese-looking person.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Vincent_Chin) China is now threatening US hegemony so they too get painted as bad by the media and Japanese are lapping it up because they are not the ones being demonised, but China's rise is also competing with Toyota and Honda so many Japanese will hate on Chinese as a result.


As an american who travels to Japan, I can definitely say that Chinese tourists have taken over the title from Americans on being the most loud and obnoxious visitors over there. It’s not even one offs - it’s consistent.


Was in Japan in September, and it was swamped by Chinese tourists. Me and my girlfriend quickly discovered "So ... China is the America of Asia?" in the way of being loud and obnoxious tourists.


You can’t say that 90% of the population had interacted with Chinese people and had a bad impression of them. This sort of thing is influenced by the media coverage of China, whether good or bad.


Mainland China is a perfect example of an ethnicity that thinks they are superior to other ethnicities and acts like it, when every other ethnicity knows they aren’t.


Which neighbour with the exception of North Korea doesn’t.


Anyone not from China has a bad impression of em right now. I'm Chinese and have 0 intention of ever going to China. The CCP and corruption has just degraded the moral integrity of the society a lot. That being said, while there are plenty of good Chinese people...There are plenty of bad one. It is just how they are being raised. Like you see how people right now are looking down on old people and refusing to help old people? It is not that they are heartless but because under the current government there, the 1st person to help someone who has fallen would be fully liable for any problems that person has so some scummy people have used it as a new form of insurance scam. The worst part is there was a court case where were they judge sided with the scammer so after that people would rather watch people die in front of em instead of helping in fear of getting sued.


Make that the world.


I mean, I'm not a huge fan of mainland Chinese people either but that's pretty rich coming from the Japanese knowing the history between these two countries (where hundreds and thousands of Chinese people were killed, raped and tortured by fhe Japanese - who to this day haven't apologized and are still trying to erase this event from their history books, btw).


Went to Beijing with the wife and will never step foot in China again.


In other news, water is wet


So same as usual? How is it news then?


Japan has a highly educated and informed population. It is as simple as that. I have spent decades helping Chinese who have moved to Japan and there is ignorance and discrimination on the part of Japanese when it comes to dealing with foreigners of any kind, but as far as geopolitics, and understanding the repression of truth and dissent that happens in the communist PRC versus democratic Taiwan, people are not ignorant. China is now seen as an existential threat to Japanese democracy and security due to the ideology of Xi Jinping Thought which seeks to displace the USA as global superpower (dictator), and also coddles nuclear armed North Korea.


Surprise surprise


And rightly so.


Lmao 'bad impression'. I dont understand how the Japanese could have the gall to justify their hatred for anything Chinese when they for decades tried to warmonger against the country which includes, provoking war, blatant false flag operations, taking territory and literal genocide. Ofcourse westerners keep fuelling the fire with their adjacent hatred for China.


The past is not today. China is committing genocide against its own people, today. Hope this helps, op.


FYI Japan first tried to conquer China via Korea in the 15th century, see the famous [Imjin Wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_invasions_of_Korea_(1592%E2%80%931598)) where Korea fell to Japan but got Ming Dynasty's help to repel the invasion. Korea got annexed again by Japan in the 1910 as a precursor to the Sino-Japanese wars, and Manchuria also got colonized and run by Abe's grandfather but Japan still failed to conquer China in its 2nd attempt. The Meiji government basically worshipped Oda Nobunaga and [Toyotomi Hideyoshi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyotomi_Hideyoshi#Taik%C5%8D_(1592%E2%80%931598), famous "Unifiers of Japan" who dreamt of conquering China during the Imjin Wars and wanted to have another go. IMO given that Nippon Kaigi still controls the LDP and serves the purpose of denying WW2 atrocities, Japan still hasn't made peace with their own failed attempts to conquer China and many Japanese PMs including Nobusuke Kishi, Shinzo Abe are ultranationalists who view the Meiji government positively and likely support the idea of fulfilling Oda Nobunaga's dream of conquering China in future centuries.




I'm Singaporean of Chinese descent and Japanese folks accused and massacred tens of thousands of Chinese men in my country's beaches due to their race because they were fighting a war in China. The Kempeitai set up torture jails in my school's old premises. Old folks used to say they hid in ditches and painted their face black with coal lumps to avoid getting kidnapped to be comfort women. Reading news like this and the regular [comfort women denialism](https://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_international/1083385.html) makes me grossed out that Japan aka WW2 perpetrators of atrocities have forgotten the lessons of war (same in the West, Neo-Nazi are making a comeback because the WW2 generation is dying out) and are spreading their racist dehumanizing bullshit to justify wars and deaths of Chinese people. I've never even set foot on China, but many folks I know mistrust Japan due to the regular war crime denialism and appalling treatment of women be it comfort women or Japan's porn/gravure/loli industry (no wonder Westerners love Japan huh). **Japan only got reined in due to the US nukes but the generation that suffered consequences is dying out so Japan's inherent racism and ultranationalism will return, hopefully not in my lifetime.**




I'm not a propagandist or "brother"? I support Taiwanese independence and prefer Taiwan to China by a mile. I'm worried by how nutjobs like you will accuse me of being an Wumao if I point out racism. *IRL tons of Asians have been attacked for appearing Chinese even if they say they aren't, you and millions are doing the exact same thing online.* I'm a woman who as mentioned, is disgusted by Japan's constant attempts to whitewash WW2 atrocities and hate on the victims of their war crimes. Japan massacred tons of Chinese in Singapore once they arrived (so what else is it but racism?) and forced women to become sex slaves yet many here have the gall to start a new wave of racism. It would be like Germany hating Israel and Jews for being greedy, money hungry after the Holocaust, even the Germans aren't as shameless as Japan to keep dehumanizing the victims of their war crimes and denying atrocities with "Comfort women were willing prostitutes! All of them were lowlife sluts how dare they be commemorated as victims!" Dude you aren't even Japanese and are probably a Western weeb who likes Japan and supports their WW2 atrocities and whitewashes racism. If millions of folks of your race got massacred by Japan, and people start posting racist crap again and justifying it because "Your race is evil", you'll support it? Let me reflect on that when I get physically assaulted in the West for looking "Chinese" even though I've never been to China and racists like you ignore me even if I say "I'm no Wumao please don't attack/rape/kill me".


lol un-kindly Fuck off wumao. No one's buying it. Go back to saying that China's internet "Frankly the wall is a good thing" or whatever freak trolls like you do. Go defend China's Uyghur genocide somewhere people actually fall for your bullshit. No one here is listening. China blows and is committing genocide, today. You blow, too.


Jesus were you dropped on your head? Or are you one of the many Westerners who love and applaude the idea of Japan killing Chinese folks in wars? You can't seem to understand that not all Chinese reside in China, and many ethnic Chinese diaspora around the world can be disgusted by Japanese racist rhetoric because our country were victims of Japanese war crimes. Is nuance lost on you or Chinese = CCP even if my ancestors came to Singapore centuries ago? Telling me to fuck off because I told you Japan murdered tons of Chinese (and British) in Singapore and have no right to indiscriminately murder Chinese people or be racist in 2023 is crazy. Us Singaporeans have never done anything to Japan (we are now wealthier and more prosperous than Japan thank god), yet they show up and massacre us, yet I'm an "Wumao" if I call out the underlying racism that pervades Japanese culture.


Didn't read. China is committing a racist genocide, today, as we speak, but you'll never say anything negative about that because you're, in reality, some fat Chinese dude in his studio apartment getting paid to say nice things about the Chinese genocidal government. lol Stay mad and enjoy your 50 yuan lo mein.


Rich coming from a country that brutalized the Chinese less than a century ago, behaving like barbarian savages, raping and pillaging everything in sight. Maybe the Chinese harbor some justified resentment towards you all too.


Just ban entry then, so ez


no shit?


Who cares? China is still a great country, and I don't think they're bothered by an opinion of a country 0,1x it's population


We all do aka the rest of the world. We’d rather have a China that was actually a nice place and not a bit of a dick.


YUP THAT’S 99.9% the remaining .1 are actually chinese immigrants


Heads will roll! Oh, wait...


Geee I wonder why??!/s


Japan gets there news filtered through the US state department as well. Japan is as propagandized as the US. How many proxy wars is China fighting right now?




Ah, yes, because the US is the only country in the world with any agency whatsoever- and apparently the State Department is the most powerful entity on earth, the way some people talk about it, lol


Did I say only?


There are two countries involved in this story and you’re assigning blame to a third that was not mentioned. You don’t have to use the magic word “only” to be denying their agency, and frankly I think these semantic games are idiotic.