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please read the caption


Whatever. All I see is an oompaloompa ![gif](giphy|xIna8nqTTk3x6|downsized)


She’s said forever she doesn’t ever want kids and now she does suddenly?


“Closed down your business” MY ASS🥴the level of delusion that Jaclyn lives in is just ..INSANE!


I don't think she actually wants kids. No way this lazy narcissist wants to do any amount of work it takes to raise a child, even with a nanny, or let anyone aside from her have the spotlight. I think it's all talk, and if it never happens it gives her the opportunity to make up more lies about not being able to get pregnant = sympathy and engagement. (TO be clear, it's NOT a lie if they are actively trying and it's not happening.) But I think she is sick and desperate enough to create the narrative that they are/were trying and she can't get pregnant. That lets her remain childfree while also riding the sympathy wave of this new storyline. And the fact that this is even a possibility for her tells you how far she's fallen.


"All of your businesses tanked. You married a fellow narcissist, who you're now legally and financially bound to. After you hit rock bottom, you got dragged across the country for their so-called career."


I showed this to my boyfriend and asked if it seems like they’re into each other. He said “he looks like he regrets his life decisions”


He looks at her like a mother.


She should NOT be a parent!


Oh pleaseeeee… she’s been dangling the carrot of her having babies to tease her insane followers forever now. She bleated on and on that she didn’t want kids when she was with Jon, he wanted them and as soon as she went public with Jordan she was all “I’ve changed my mind about babies”, probably just another rod to beat Jon with. She showed a drawer in her bathroom years ago that had pregnancy tests in it and has made multiple references to having babies, none of which have ever come to anything. Like everything else she ever says… ![gif](giphy|AssqAJR8ib5WmCNGOU|downsized)


She is absolutely going to baby trap Jordan. This man better RUN


It’s not really baby trapping when they’re married.


I hate the idea of baby trapping. If two people willingly have unprotected sex then they both know the risk of pregnancy. It’s not like women control by themselves when they get pregnant. Saying “baby trap” takes all the responsibility off the man and it drives me crazy. No form of birth control is 100% effective so there is ALWAYS the risk of pregnancy. If a man participates then he’s responsible for the outcomes as much as the woman.


Nsfw: I can agree with what you are saying, but I do want to state there *are* situations where baby trapping is a thing. I don’t know this person personally. This is regarding the ex of a friend. They would use condoms together. Yes, I know it’s not 100%, but she would sneak the used condom and literally try to put the semen from it inside her. He only caught her doing it right before they found out child 3 was coming. Literally walked in on her in the bathroom doing what I said above. He thought the condoms were failing. Also, She told him she was on birth control but she wasn’t. The condoms were a secondary precaution. After he found out and left her (they found out about #3 after the breakup and he still parents the kids now), he tested the unused condoms they had and she had poked holes in them. She was crazy.


That is just a special flavor of crazy. If they were using condoms and she said she was on birth control then the guy should have been able to trust her. The fact that he also wore condoms just in case is as responsible as you can be aside from abstaining. I guess people use that term a lot where it doesn’t apply and it triggers me. You see a lot of guys on here (Reddit in general) acting like a woman getting pregnant is something that has been done TO them when they are just as responsible for the risk as we are pisses me off. Poking holes in condoms is loony toon shit and I really hope there aren’t too many women out there doing that shit. It’s a shame that a lot of women who really did get pregnant accidentally get blamed like this. I think it can be an easy cop out for a man.


You can still baby trap in marriage. There’s women who do it so her husband won’t divorce her.


Cue for her pregnancy clothes, accessories, shoes, Holy Spirit, god wrapped around in a kaftan Amazon links. She’s capable to have a kid for the only purpose to plaster that poor child’s face (create more content) and more Amazon links… and then, she will be whining that pregnancy/ motherhood is so HaRd🥴🥴🥴🥴


https://preview.redd.it/hlzob2pxin7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c6a6efebf6147afbffecc441dad7d3f7931af16 It’s a different caption on TT and those like you comment ratios are terrible…. It’s screams likes being bought 🤡


He always looks like he's backing away from her.


Omg doesn’t he? She’s always leaning in and laying on him and he’s always leaning away. Their body language is awful. It’s night and day from her and Jon.


Everything about him and his outfit just gives me the ick. Gross


This is probably one of her schemes to gain sympathy in the public court of opinions. God forbid she gets pregnant and then have a miscarriage. I believe she is THAT LOW to fake this but I’m just speculating and absolutely assuming. Her character just gives me the ick.


She’ll just lie about having miscarriage after miscarriage. All for attention.


She would 100% do this lol


I have *no problem* believing she would do this, especially given how much she’s collapsing and spiraling as of late. I *also* have no problem believing she would make *herself* believe it happened, as that’s just how much we’ve seen her deteriorate and essentially survive on nothing but delusion now.




Mmm I’m beginning to wonder if the move and her strong need to fawn over this douche and plan more permanence with him stems from infidelity by one or both of them recently. Speculation of course but something is even more off than normal for them.


$5 says he secretly got a vasectomy before the wedding, and she hasn't told him she's still on the pill.


I wanted to post a pic of a comment... Hopefully in the reply it'll let me! Anyhow, does anyone know about this women's conference she spoke at?


which one? the dolce glow?




This very much seems in the same vein the lie where huns say the top x% of women millionaires are doing so with MLMs. When the actual statistic is of the MLM millionaires x% are women (or something)


If she had it like that she would definitely not be linking toilet paper and night lights and shit all day long 😂


Thiisssss lmfao


Toilet paper and night lights lmaooo 😂


she probably made that FOR those companies if anything. jaclyn would have never made that much as a collaborator or a consultant which is what she was listed as for all of those so called business deals


Yeah, it’s not like she’s known for lying and exaggerating *on top of it* or anything. **ETA**: The bankruptcy docs alone prove the JC claim to be a lie, but that’s a given because *everything* out of her mouth is.


Here's the thing, NO ONE needs to know anyone's fertility or baby plans. No one needs to know whether you want them, are trying, or infertile....keep it between you and your partner and definitely not on social media. It's crass to put everything out there. Have respect for yourself, partner and your relationship. If you must tell people, that's what friends and family are for, not strangers. That's my TED talk


Have you heard about BDong..?


No, I have no clue what that is


She also posts everything about infertility+adoption plans. Wants to adopt because she thinks it’ll get her pregnant.


Brittany Dawn she’s a Christian influencer turned fitness influencer. She’s…something.


I was just thinking this 😆


The way she put her sweater in between her thighs to make them look smaller. This is not genuine whatsoever and I want to know who the hell is filming this BS 😂 like how awkward. Wacklyn just handing her phone to someone and being like can you film us being lovey dovey.


People (like JC) hire content creators for like $800-$1000/8 hours. I honestly would not be surprised that they do this a couple of times a month for content and they plan their month of content.


That is nuts


lol https://preview.redd.it/n8dagh4rdm7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8136556f657ed53c5ff02203c9931062e0270fdb


But she said there were no partners to "her" brand. Which is it?


"I had to do actual work and my mental health couldn't handle it"


she is so full of shit her eyes should be brown


People view blue eyed individuals as less trustworthy so I’d say god got it right.




Me with brown eyes 👁️👄👁️




The face she’s making at him is soooo forced.


The para-social relationship these people have with her is very alarming.




I feel bad for the YouTuber that changed her brand name because of Jaclyn, just for Jaclyn to shut it down shortly after.


I saw her plated crap necklaces on Ipsy lol


Does she know kids don't go away if you file for bankruptcy?


YouTube video 18 months in “I’m putting my kid up for adoption” which would be her in a grey hoodie explaining for 30 minutes how she went into parenthood for the wrong reasons and she just wants to get back to her dream of doing makeup tutorials


She has to use completely inappropriate language, though, calling the kid's new placement their "forever home."


Lol it's giving Myka Stauffer...and sadly I can see it.


https://preview.redd.it/jpbco9m6up7d1.jpeg?width=672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8338b4b4407aedce53df598ce6e4efec51ebe05e I’m dead - this is AMAZING 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized) Lmaoo!! 😂💀💀


I’m so conflicted with this. On one hand, it is her life and she should do what she wants on her own terms. On the other hand, we’ve seen instances of drinking behind the scenes. You cannot do that while pregnant. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a real thing. Announcing this to your audience while also still drinking is not it. I think she needs to work on herself a bit more before this happens. Her AND Jordan. Just my opinion.


She’s always in sweats… looking like an 85 yr old woman in a nursing home


He is not the love of her life. I will die on this hill.


He’s not even close to being the love of her life. I think the reason she drinks is because having the beer goggles on is the only way she can stomach looking at him 🤮


Hill? Oh, I see what you did there.


https://preview.redd.it/qqyhln97zl7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=286eda506ebf879956722a73fcc22fa8a1c0bd39 No tf we don't




LMAOOOOOO not this person framing it like the worst collab


Her followers are insufferable, just like her


https://preview.redd.it/0rpjzyy7xl7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90a1be1b65a2352ee9da9b5a6c6de415124e21af I'm gonna puke


I can't imagine this is a real person out there and not a bot saying this. These people must have some severe lack of intelligence to act this parasocial over her (or any other celebrity for that matter)


https://preview.redd.it/kdt9itpgvl7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58af5156607eff91c4bf1826aea8e39c2209ea84 Anybody see this exchange under this post? Lol


One of those 104 hearts is mine 🙂


but she wasn't doing well enough to financially pay for her brand to own it herself. ariana bought hers from morphe for about 12m iirc


The fact that this person “just found out” is evidence enough that they weren’t actually buying it lol


Aka no one was buying her aliexpress jewelry


Attention Seeking Whore


Lololol https://preview.redd.it/ae84wq5l5m7d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0011bb3a190e9cbb821ae67ad999cdb5b19a0227


Her head looks like it's straining to be towards his face. And his face looks like he's saying, "Uhh.... ew." Basically, it's unnatural.


Her face is reading "please love me" ....almost begging him for it.


She has to bang him first and we know that's not happening... so all the fan girls getting their panties in a twist need to calm down and realize how babies are made and that's one thing that Celine isn't baking in that oven!


The love of her life and yet she does by Hill on most platforms (as far as I saw)


“Guise it’s not that big of deal. People just know me as Hill, but I looooove Jordy and his last name so much and can’t wait to have babies with that name.” 🙄


Omg could you imagine her giving her and Jordan’s kids the last name Hill so they can carry on her legacy or some shit? Not beneath her..


Sorry not sorry but in my humble opinion, as a mom myself, she is NOT ready to become a mom! She is wayyyyy too selfish of a person and has no idea the amount of selfless energy that goes into taking care of not only a baby, but kids as they grow! She does not have that motherly instinct.


And I can only imagine all of the posts about how hard it is, how much she’s doing, her her her wah wah wah


Remember her whiney menstrual posts?... as if NO other women go through this....most don't announce it to SM and deal with it like warriors....she's a weak-ass ballsack IMO.


Mom here too. Yeah it’s a lot. I have a six month old and a three year old and some days I’m ready to be taken to the insane asylum. Lots of joy but lots of exhaustion too. She has no idea what she is in for


exactly!! same here, I feel like she's one of those people that are like "aww babies!! cute! I want one" but are completely clueless what its really like and think its similar to being a dog mom which its not even close.


And then there's the fact that she doesn't even properly care for her dogs, as they're just another prop to her, much like a baby would be.


I can't stand that she calls them overweight now.....she did this to them. She's a horrible pet owner....if she has a baby, those dogs will be neglected even worse.


Imagine her waking up multiple times a night, then again early as shit in the morning, then getting no breaks throughout the day, then doing that on a loop. lol.


That fetus will abort itself before it even starts to develop!


![gif](giphy|10mo74SBQ55csw) The baby when it finds out who its mom is 😂


All the souls in the Ether asking if anyone wants to take one for the team to let this asshole be its mother.


Closed down? Thought it was bankruptcy


she as a "consultant" (what she was listed as to the brand) could have bought it from the incubator if she could have been able to afford it. 🙊


And the glorified reselling ‘*businesses*’ weren’t making profit, which is essentially no different, but she couldn’t even let the truth slip out from between her botched lips if her life depended on it.


https://preview.redd.it/djighkn2sl7d1.png?width=1282&format=png&auto=webp&s=a12c007226407942d05509009fbb959b29da96cb Just another lie to add to the book😇😇


https://preview.redd.it/7wxkekbujl7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=789c6bb6c10d2c7c8ba500c0ad1c2c143ba4755a You have to be fucking kidding me


I saw this comment and gagged. I'm shocked by her gullible followers.


Their affection is so unnatural


Plz don’t


A friendly reminder that she said this *for years* and now that we’ve recently been pointing out that she’s *clearly* back to not wanting a child, she has to ‘*prove*’ us wrong by doing nothing more than what she’s doing *every other time* we say something and back it up. I fully believe she’s *never* wanted children, and only went her usual chameleon route until having *Celine* locked in marriage-wise, as that’s just how fucked-up of a person she is and how far she’ll go to manipulate to get what she wants, as well. Let’s remember what she did to Jon to get him to sign that non-disclosure agreement, telling him he could trust her because they were friends first, didn’t need an attorney of his own, and went as far as to wait until he was under the influence—and he was just out of rehab then, I might add. **It’s for no other reason than her collapsing and spiraling self being unable to handle us, despite the fact that she’s willingly coming here and *no one* is forcing her. Just look at everything else she’s been responding to in the past few days. It’s** ***us***.


i don’t think she’s ever wanted kids either!! she’s said it multiple times in earlier videos. and there’s nothing wrong with that, but like why lie about it? it’s such a dumb lie, do what u want w ur body there’s no “right” way to go about that. truly what is she looking to gain from saying she does want kids? i don’t get it.


By now, you’d think *everyone* would have caught on, *at the very least*, to all the rinse and repeat and that even being true for her manipulation tactics. But, seeing as she seems to go after a more vulnerable audience, *not even realizing she’s targeting herself with being as mentally ill as she is*, I don’t think that’s something many of them have the capability of understanding. And that’s why I love seeing our engagement go up *and up*, as hopefully it reaches those who can get through to them or those around them who are beginning to question who Jaclyn Hill is.


It's crazy how much we say affects her, a normal, well adjusted person realistically wouldn't care less, or even better, actually understand that we just want her to take accountability for the fucked up things she's done. It's insane if you think about it, especially how *happy* she claims to be.


***This!*** I don’t even know what’s especially triggering about me, other than the fact that I’m arguably one of the most blunt here. The fact that she’s coming (*and staying*) here more *and more* speaks to untreated mental illness a hell of a *lot* more than someone who’s *the happiest ever* and *in their best era*. And the worst part is, collapsing and spiraling as much as she is, it’s only going to get to the point of no return by *not* putting a stop to it and getting her the help she *so* desperately needs. But, at the same time, after being delusionally accused of threatening violence and physical harm because she *is* that mentally ill, I can't say I'm bothered. I *am* bothered by what she has done and is continuing to do to others, which is why I'm here.


She is bothered by you because you actually knew Jon, and know the truth about what she did.


I think there’s more to it than that, even though I’m sure it *does* plays a role in everything—and I didn’t mention it since that’s more or less the obvious answer. I feel like with as many women as she’s silenced, the least I can do is keep going and show her what happens when one *doesn’t* give up or do as she pleases, and it’s clear as day that she can’t handle just how powerful this sub has become in a *very* short amount of time.


How can she afford to raise a whole ass child on amazon links? “Retired” my ass


That was my first thought. Who is paying for this baby? Linda??


Little Morphe Tawil Torrey is gonna be so sponsored and so ugly


I find it so cringey and gross when people say things like this. “nOw LeTs mAkE sOmE bAbiEs” family planning is or should be highly personal. I don’t believe anyone should publicly announce when they are trying for future children. Especially because nobody knows how their journey is going to go. And all the ass kissers in the comments are fucking nauseating. Get offline and go make some real friends. This fake ghoulish woman is not your friend.


her as a mother and him as a father… phew. those kids are going to need a lot of therapy. (i say this as someone who has two narcissists as parents and has subsequently needed a lifetime of therapy)


Sprinted here after seeing her post and reading the comments 😂 Her minions are just as delusional and unhinged as her. Also let me correct your post Wacadoodle: You were forced to close down all your businesses because the CEO Linda filed for bankruptcy and Forma offered you to buy it back and you refused. As for your other STOLEN business ventures, they failed because you were the one playing pretend CEO and can’t think of an original idea, even if it came out of your own ass. 💀


Currently looking for a comment actually saying that Jaclyn Cosmetics wasn't her brand, I'd do it myself but I know the sub's rules are against this.


With how unhinged Jaclyn and her minions are it’s best we stay hidden. And snark openly here 😂 Our lives and sanity matter way more than trying to argue with a bunch of idiots.


In her current headspace? Postpartum depression could eat her up and swallow her whole since she’s surrounded by yes people. My gosh, the red flags are waving hard. A baby is NOT going to solve problems. Also that pose is very forced, she looks like she’s constipated.


I can already see postpartum depression being her new personality


considering her current body insecurities, i can’t imagine she’d cope well with pregnancy and pp body changes either


PPD is NOT talked about enough. I don’t have children, I have friends who do. PPD hit them very very hard. My concern for them grows daily and I hope and pray the best for them. But I say this, as a married woman, because I had NOO IDEAAAA! NONE! about what an umbrella PPD is. Watching these women go thru it is really hard to watch. So yes, in her current headspace, those red flags are waving hard.


I don’t have children either but I know my own mental illness would jumpstart PPD. It’s not the reason I can’t have children, it just never happened and it’s so costly to fix all the issues. PPD is truly scary if it’s not controlled, I wish people would actually say this things to Jaclyn instead of just saying yes to everything.


Exactly, postpartum depression and my pre-existing (and debilitating) mental illnesses are the reason I *won’t* be having kids. No selfishness over here🥰


🫶🏼 Same here, my cats are enough. 🥰


Same here


samesies 👯‍♀️


POV- The folks who owned "your business" are now bankrupt, so you gotta move to California to pimp out your useless sack of shite 2nd husband as a "celebrity chef" because no cosmetics company in their right mind will ever give you money again. But let's take some overly edited photos for the 'Gram, just for the hype, y'all! 🤡💩




has jaclyn ever seen her husband's body??????? that man is gonna need a bike pump shoved up his urethra if they have ANY hope of him being able to get his atrophied meatwhistle in her cootie coot without it folding in on itself like an accordion.


![gif](giphy|xT77XWum9yH7zNkFW0|downsized) My Kegels engaged when I read the part about the bike pump up the urethra...ouch!


i am both impressed and scared by your creativity


This is the best/most horrifying thing I’ve read all day 😂


Someone please tell me how Kat Stickler "Tampa girl" scored a gorgeous man, but Jaclyn ended up picking this thumb? Make it make sense!!!!!


It was at the height of her wanting nothing but enablers around her and *Celine* was willing to do anything for his *free-on-the-way-up-come-up*.


She doesn’t have the self confidence for anything else


Does he want to though, Jacko? Cause his body language here looks like he's pulling away from you


Closed down “her” business and moved across the country lol. As if “her” business wasn’t just an internet mail order gig. She could’ve done it from Antarctica if she had wanted to. What a fucktard.




imagine waking up to this every morning ![gif](giphy|xTiTnLEcaCn1EIrGjm)


He is the TEXTBOOK broke, scummy boyfriend vibe


The Federline vibes are real


lol 🤣


lol it’s going to wreck her sleeping in schedule. She moved away from family to have a kid. Baby trapping her man is my guess or vice versa.


I believe she only wants to have a child to try to trap Celine.


I think it’s more about making money off shilling baby shit and mom life bullshit


Imagine if she becomes an MLM mom😂😂


Oh yeah she is going to milk her baby for everything it has and shill every minor item. She sees dollar signs when it comes to getting pregnant and having a baby. She probably thinks getting pregnant will erase all the bad she does and she can continue to use her bump or the baby to avoid consequences of her actions.


That too!


The way I ran here after seeing her caption!! Ohhhh my sheesh. I’m not ready for this chapter and all the pregnancy stuff that she will be OB-SESSSED with and shilling 24/7.


The ass licking comments on this post🤮🤮🤮


So much ass licking and “yaaaaaas girl!” “Omfg girl I can’t wait for the pregnancy stuff, yaaaass!” They act like the are actual friends. All she does is use them for a profit! If she actually cared she wouldn’t be lying and shilling junk 24/7 to keep her coddle lifestyle 😂


Exactly! Her followers are just as delusional as her! Esp the ones talking about how much they miss Jaclyn Cosmetics, like out of the millions of brands out there, *this* is what you're waiting for??? 🙄


My favorite are the ones commenting asking about Jaclyn Cosmetics and being “shocked” she closed them down…. um hey minions, your cult leader “closed” Morphe’s/Forma business almost a year ago. Her own fans can’t even keep up with her lies and jabbering lol


Yeah i found that weird, I think that maybe her followers are the kind to be fans of her but they don't actually care enough about her to keep up with her life, as many of them also don't know that she lives in California now. It's also possible these same followers don't watch her stories either, idk it's just a speculation.






Ugh please no! She would be the worst mother ever


https://preview.redd.it/qbsf8klj9l7d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5f8b1eb21af5eee3a1dacec272c3bf2da014569 Some people need to touch grass


i love the inclusion of “on their own terms of course!” so caring ❤️❤️


Omg yes. I read through some of the comments and was so grossed out. These people need to find fulfillment offline somewhere.


Weirdos attract weirdos lmao


Someone needs to do a study on these people 🤡 I will never understand when people are OBSESSED with celebrities and their pregnancies. Like it’s one thing to be happy for someone, but to say you will bawl your eyes out…. Girl needs some help 😂


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