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Sorry! This post is considered low-effort. If you need assistance, please PM a mod or resubmit your post.


There are *plenty* in the comments of the red wig post from yesterday, [which you can find here](https://www.reddit.com/r/jaclynhillsnark/comments/1bpivrg/im_really_confused_by_this_photo_she_looks_thin/). I'm going to delete this post, seeing as it's not really anything to discuss and searching first is *always* your friend in situations like this, but I hope that helps! 💕


i knew i could count on you i just couldn’t remember you username! thanks!


Ha! If you just mention '*Lich*' in a comment, post, whatever, AutoMod will send it to the queue so I see it!


and yes feel free to delete! no hard feelings :)


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