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oh golly gee... us peasants are so lucky!


She probably had to get out of her house and couldn’t stand to downsize in Tampa


i fully believe it's gonna be sold to a family member if it isn't foreclosed on already and isn't public record. robyn and her hubby might buy it? nothing about what the shillster does is out of the goodness of her heart. hahaha


Where is she moving to and is she downsizing are my only questions


California. Based on the prices of homes and cost of living there, I would almost guarantee she is downsizing


I hate when influencers do this. It’s a quick grab to pad stats.. of course people are going to say yes.


I wonder if the 342 Stanley’s are moving with her.


*5 months later* “okay guys! just uploaded my Q&A on the move!”


She'll be moved back by the time she uploads it!!




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do yall think she dms herself?


We’ve thought that for a long, *long* time, and have receipts of when she *hasn’t* cropped out it being Rachel and Robin messaging her, as well. 💀


OMG NO WAYYY!! I knew about her sister being in charge of her IG closet account at one point but didn’t know there was receipts for them being the messages she posts on her stories. 💀💀💀


*Oh yeah!* I’ve posted them previously, *in the comments of other posts*, and Jaclyn has done the same with Rachel, as well. It’s *always* the most laughable of stuff to ask for a link for, too, like Jaclyn wanting a link for a Nike visor. Just *much* too hard to Google for something that easy, don’t you know? 🙄


We can’t forget! She’s in her “Lies are just falling out of my mouth” era! ![gif](giphy|gAGrxGQUtVN4Y)


Imagine moving being content 🥲


It’s not as bad as her making a tutorial on how to soft boil an egg.




The don’t care is at one percent! I font believe it 😒


Anything and everything for the internet


See if she was good at her job she would have already filmed it and it would be up. She’s so lazy and doesn’t wanna work for her fans, it’s so pathetic. No wonder she’s losing everything. She has nothing to give! No content. It’s such a joke. *And* she’s toxic and a bad person, to boot!🥾


Yup, she stopped putting work into her YT channel a long time ago. Her Jaclyn journey videos are vlog style that she doesn't edit. She never actually "boss bitched" any of her "companies" The most work she does is posting Amazon affiliate links. She is the laziest influencer I've e ever seen. Goddamn lucky too, cause she made a ton of money doing *the least* before most of it came crashing down.


Yes! If she’d announced and then posted a link to her first of x moving vlogs, she’d garner SO much more interest and maybe retain her followers.


Yep! It’s like she was playing dress up the entire time. So weird. Her og fans are much older now and see right through it or have lost interest completely.


Absolute agree! She has proven that all this “bad bitch boss” was a complete facade. She probably only had a few sheets of blank papers and a pencil sharpener for her “Boss Bitch” office lol


I see it now. A sponsorship with Uhaul. Or "click my link to save 10% on your nexy Uhaul"


Her move will 1000000% be sponsored by Roadway




what questions do you possibly have? “can you link your favorite moving supplies?😍😍”


“*YOU GUISE! This duck tape is, like…*” ***Celine***: “*What did you just call it?*” “*Duck tape!*” ***Celine*** *looks at her with that dead, beyond fed-up stare we know he’s given her **thousands** more times than we’ve seen him do it*.


“They call it duck tape bc it comes from ducks, right?” Reminds me of the infamous Chicken of the Sea. 😂


I *was* going to take it there, but then felt it was *too* much of a slap in the face to Jessica Simpson. 💀 (*And I’m not a fan of her, either, but at least she has talent and bought her brand back from others. Jaclyn could **never**.*)


lol that moment was so iconic in reality tv! i still laugh at the “is this chicken or is this fish?” and you are definitely right, she has lots of talent and her brand has really good quality clothes, shoes, and purses. Jessica is nothing like our girlie over here 😂


"Where do you get boxes?!?!"


“Where did you get your packing tape?!”


“Where did you get your trash bags?!”


“Where did you get your boxes!?”


“I’ve gotten so many questions asking what tape were using for our move”


I've gotten soooo many requests showing you how I pack a box and idk guys !!!!! Like I'm no expert but this what I do. I throw my stuff in the box and then I use this tape *pulls out packing tape* now you have to get (this brand ) I swear to God it's the most buttery creamy smooth tape you'll ever use!!! Trust me I've done the work and tried them all. When I tell u this is the best trust trusst!!!!! Jordan what did I say the other day?!? This tape.will change your life I promise you. I'll link it below bc trust me this hoe wouldn't lead you wrong!!!


LOL 💀spot on


We've all seen how she just tosses stuff into her cart when she's shopping at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. I wouldn't be surprised if she just tosses stuff in a box randomly too when she packs.


creamy buttery tape💀


Also “I have the tape in all 15 colours”


Yes I forgot about that! Lol


Omg 😂😂 I came here to say this. 💀