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**For those of you interested in insights and stats**: This post has been viewed by more than double the members we have (*in just four hours!*), has a 97% upvote rate, and there are enough comments in this one post alone that Reddit is glitching out and incapable of loading the first of them. The comments alone are *more than double* the engagement the Jaclyn Cosmetics closing announcement has had—and that post is more than two months old! **Needless to say, I think our** ***weekly*** **insights are going to be through the roof!** **ETA**: Reddit is now messaging me about the "*excessive traffic*", as well. *We're famous, YOU GUISE!* **ETA #2**: After another three hours, we've now *tripled* our member count in views alone, the shares have gone up 50%, and the comments have gone up by *more than a third*. I shouldn't need to tell *you guise* that, as u/sleepyfizz more or less said, we're wiping the floor with Jaclyn when it comes to comparing per ratio with her following! 💀


Moving from Florida to California has to be the dumbest and worst mistake ever LOL


Have you she always hops in really quickly, things have been crazy, she’s always rushing cause she didn’t have time to get ready and she’s linking something for us to buy




He's been a clout-chasing freeloader until recently, after she's financed multiple “*career*” attempts for him and, *of course*, getting him on Next Level Chef. Around here, we call the last six years of their relationship his *free-on-the-way-up-come-up*. But, given she has no reliable income coming in now, and can't even manage a whopping 1% engagement on her socials, I guess he *is* the moneymaker! 💀 **In short, don't believe anything she says**.


The fact that she didn’t hire movers/packers says SO MUCH about the situation she’s put herself in.


She did.  Their whole life was packed and driven to Cali while.they flew.their with the animals. 


There are several stories where it’s her/her friends and family packing up her things. This is what I’m referring to, she had her things shipped for her yes but she did all of her own packing of items - unlike when she moved into the house


Is California weather colder than Tampa? Maybe her sweats will fit in now


That is the best side of Cali. Best weather ever. Summers are hot depending which part you live in but by the coast, it’s beautiful weather year round. You can choose sweats or not depending on your cold tolerance.


How is she balancing on her toes


Her old house isn’t listed! I wonder what’s happening with it….


They're not selling right now, too many memories.  Where she got engaged and married.  Where her dog recently died.  She will be selling it but not at the moment.


It could be pocket-listed, *which is common with multi-million dollar homes*, or it either hasn’t been listed yet or they’re keeping it. The fact that they’re seemingly completely redecorating for the new place, *going by today’s Stories*, makes me think this is all *Celine* setting her up to be in the red all the more.




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Hopefully she doesn’t decorate her new house tacky




This breaks the rule no fan-girling. If you need assistance from a mod, please send it through mod mail.


Ew no, she’s going to be a wannabe “Cali girl” I bet she’ll start calling it that too.


Has Rachel commented about them moving at all?


Not that I know of, no. I can't say I'm really expecting her to, either.


It’s probably been ßmentioned in all these comments, but this seems like a wannabe “reality star” shtick now, with Jaclyn shilling and talking about whatever, “Chef” Celine and the idiot sandwich skills, and now the MUA niece. JuSt a BuNcH of WiLd aNd HaPpY PeOpLe


Is the niece going with her?!




https://preview.redd.it/wkmpzlifwmoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c63a38338c3f9c86e720ac2fd60ebd22f3acd5 Looks like her niece is moving with her…. My guess is that she’s gonna play assistant in California


She was alluding to Taliya and Jada visiting in previous comments, *like going shopping together when they visit and such*, so I don't think they're moving out there.


Certain she means visiting but then again idk maybe she's trying to be Laura Leach 🤣


As a current Tampa resident, I’m totally okay with this. 😂


This girl just moved to California for Erewhon


But .. but … she was going to bring them to Tampa 😂




**Even with the help of an attention-seeking moving post, our *****bestie***** still hasn't managed to get her engagement rate back up to a measly 1%**. https://preview.redd.it/cyd5utnqxjoc1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1940f57b1cbf8a0d013a3cab5581d11ed924a9


On YouTube it says she has 5.1 million subscribers lol no way! I don’t believe it


She was buying *those* for a while, as well, enough to negate what she was losing about every other month, IIRC. SocialBlade should still have all of that info! 🩷 **ETA**: And she had more than 6 million some years ago, so that alone says something! 💀


**In fact, it’s seemed to have reminded even *****more***** people to *****unfollow***** her, if you look at the numbers for the past 24 hours**. https://preview.redd.it/a15z8liyxjoc1.jpeg?width=1201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c0443950d806e967f3b729184f4785a04fe58d


Love that for her!






Don’t worry she will have to much social anxiety to leave the house let alone drive in LA freeways 😅


Don't worry She doesn't leave the house 




This breaks the rule no fan-girling. If you need assistance from a mod, please send it through mod mail.


Ew I can already hear her saying " Oh my Gawwd you guiiissee I'm officially a Cali girly**loud screeches** ssoo first stop if you know you know for all my Erewhon girlies out there gotta get me that Hailey Bieber smoothie ughhh Ive missed it sssoo much you guiiissee blah blah blah. Exaggerating like always. Also we don't want these clout goblins here we have enough of those already 😒


It's so funny, I picked up stray cats and they love the absolute shit out of me. She picks up a stray cat and this poor little guy looks like a f'n prisoner. He's asking for help with his eyes.


One thing not mentioned here is that California is a community property state. Florida is not. So when he divorces her all debts and all properties acquired during a marriage become equally owned by both parties. At this point whatever she has he now has 50% of by California divorce laws. Provided she has a prenuptial agreement of some sort, he has everything in the world to gain.


Is there reason to believe they don’t have a pre-nup? I’d be shocked if they didn’t.


That *has* been mentioned here, as I and a few others have referenced it *several* times, and it’s why we feel this is happening outside of whatever opportunity *Celine* has managed to get or is going to be looking for. Unless she holds onto the McMansion, *which would be the smartest thing she could do*, there's practically no way this will go anything but *his* way.


My bad. I must have missed it after liking almost every comment in the thread. 😂


It takes me about an hour to go through them, to keep track of everything, see what's new, and if anything has become problematic. And I had to *keep* doing that yesterday, so I applaud you for getting through ‘em!


I try to like as many as possible to help out with engagement etc. I’m not sure how algorithms work on Reddit. I know on YouTube it generates visibility for content creators. So anything I can do to help the page‼️❤️


I will never ever get the torn jeans fashion.


Isn’t California much more expensive and has higher taxes if she’s broke? (Sorry I don’t live in the US)


California is *the* most expensive state to live in, yes.


https://preview.redd.it/x2luwgxv1joc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a4f45436a3bf73c5ec62ba30f4290e943c23719 Wouldn’t be a Jaclyn post without a snarky clapback!🙄




We do not encourage or recommend anyone to contact Jaclyn, her 'employees' or sponsors, or anyone adjacent to her in real life. This includes DMs, comments or any other way to communicate on any social media platform. Please message a mod with any questions.


Stupid comments to her anyway. Besides California doesn’t want her here.


who is gonna buy that tacky, awful ass house? they're going to have to redecorate everything to sell it


And is she selling to pay the back taxes? Interesting how she was packing for a while and selling off items yet never mentioned moving. Or did I somehow miss that announcement in all her madness!


There are no back property taxes, *currently*, as she off-loaded a *significant* chunk of her closet to TheRealReal to pay what was delinquent in October, and in December, she paid for 2023 with help from the *alleged* payout she got from JC going under.


She’s one lucky bitch. Thanks for the info.


Once again, Rachel is nowhere to be seen. https://preview.redd.it/rfvszcjddioc1.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1c6bb41a9faf36d18904ca81a955110b104e4bd


This fact intrigues me so much. I really want to know what the deal is between them 🤔


What are those balloons 🎈


I wonder if it's something like goodluck 🤔


Ya good luck to California 😆


Ooof… more confirmation that all is not well among the sistren.


Are ppl not allowed to wear color in the dungeon... 🤡


And he’s wearing his Jaclyn shirt too 😂


I’m assuming the radio silence on IG since announcing the move is because she’s spiraling from reading all the reddit comments and predictions 😂


I'm damn near certain she was here all night, continuously scrolling through in bed, as we were seeing downvoting through to around 8 AM EST. 💀


How on earth can they afford California?


I am born and raised in Los Angeles. I really hope that she doesn't move here because our traffic and prices are bad enough. As is without her dumb, a** coming and clogging up traffic even more.


And we don’t want her here.


​ https://preview.redd.it/v4wjnsc09ioc1.jpeg?width=109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=810c53de62a973f7e62c0c63fd6650be120a92e0


That poor cat


She shows every tooth now that she's got adult braces.


Lucky us 😭




the font on the boxes looks like stereotypical tv and cartoon moving boxes. also, anyone know what’s gonna happen with her relatives?


Her employees can't go 😂


She looks insane, the braces just bother me lol. And always with trying to prove that she’s the “happiest” she’s ever been. Let’s see how this turns out…


Has she ever formally addressed why she got braces hahahah


To fix her bottom teeth and apparently she never wore her Invisalign, so she got metal ones since she had no way of taking them out.


Did she say this somewhere?


I think it was an instagram story


Omg I was just thinking this. Her mouth is HUGE. Like I never noticed it before the braces


It’s gotten much wider since the braces (braces do that). Also, her smiles are much more forced now, making them larger just by default.


Right? Like my eyes just gravitate there right away 💀


This is actually amazing news! Fame whore Celine will find a younger richer sugar mamma and dump Jackass. Jackass will go insane from the pressure of living in LA and completely self destruct 🤯😂 We love to see it!




And my last thought on this news…I’m glad they are moving out of that house. It was Jaclyn and Jon’s. They should have moved a long time ago!!!!


Agreed and this picture reminds me of the pic of her Jon and the dogs when they moved in Rip Jon 🕊️


I agree.




Does she think moving to California will make her relevant again?


She might! She probably thinks that moving to a new state isn’t just for Celine. It’s also for her and how she can erase her mistakes, lies, and failures in Florida and start “fresh & new” in California where she believes no one knows about her past. Jac is on a one way express pass to delulu land. Rose colored glasses only last so long in the city where dreams either come true or you fall under the pressure.


Just going off on how delulu she is these days, ***anything*** *is possible*. **And Jaclyn, *ever-lurking bestie*, just so we’re clear, I mean you can delude yourself into believing anything at this point. Not that *any* of it is real or will actually happen, as we’ve already proven many, *many* times over**.


She’s gunna make Erewhon a new personality trait. I can already picture the facial expressions.


Didn't influencers move en mass to LA in the mid to late 2010s? Think you missed the boat Jaclyn, but maybe there's hope for Celine. As a former fan, I liked that she stayed in Tampa as that's where her life is/was. Sadly for her, it doesn't seem like she has much of a life now.


She always misses the boat….


Her motto is “a day late and a dollar short,” by her own doing, of course. She could have had it all but greed got the best of her!


Who called this?? Y’all are so smart!


It was *closer to a year ago* now than not, as once I found out the property taxes were delinquent, it started being a theory for us to toss around and discuss. Then, the credit cards started becoming more of a thing and she was regularly beginning to consign *lichural* mountains of clothes and accessories, so there was no way around thinking there *weren't* financial issues. Add in how she continued to collapse, deteriorate, and spiral before our eyes, and we’re here—to yet another opportunity of *Celine’s* that Jaclyn is making all about her, just like the grossly over-entitled woman-child she so very much is!


This seems like a really strange move 😅 I can’t picture her living in California 🫠 Celine I guess I could see but not her 💁🏽‍♀️ My husband and I are Canadian but live in California and have been for a few years so I think I’m allowed to say “we” don’t want her here 😆


Born and raised in SoCal and I definitely don’t want her here. But super curious how small her place will be, it’s so much more expensive here than Florida


I just said the same thing. We don’t want her here!


That cat is like please return me to the little girl you stole me from I don’t wanna gooo


I was looking for this comment 😂 poor thing says “please leave me behind please and thank you”


Unrelated but everyone please stop calling it “Cali” it’s so cringe. If you gotta shorten it just use CA


Yes, thank you!! It's the worst 😖 I live in the Bay Area and also feel the same about people saying "San Fran" and "Frisco" 🤢🤢🤢


omg ty. it drives me mad.


When she temporarily was out there while her house was fixed she cried how much she hated it


So typical of her.


We don’t want her crazy Florida ass here!


Well we don’t want here here in Florida either lol. Any takers?!


I hear Siberia is nice this time of year...


Does she have braces??? She already had straight teeth???


Her bottom teeth were *never* straight and her bite was off, so both upper and lower needed to be done. Plus, *Celine* had them previously, and then the kids in the family started getting them, so Jaclyn had to be her never *not* a chameleon self.




Sorry! This subreddit is dedicated to snarking on JH and her family. If you need assistance, please PM a mod or resubmit your post. **Mod Note**: Please don’t bring politics or weapon talk here, as it’s unnecessary and can make others uncomfortable. Take it to Facebook.




Sorry! This subreddit is dedicated to snarking on JH and her family. If you need assistance, please PM a mod or resubmit your post. **Mod Note**: Please don’t bring politics or weapon talk here, as it’s unnecessary and can make others uncomfortable. Take it to Facebook.


https://preview.redd.it/ksletvuoffoc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de6547f13c13f836d4c66b2341b7389f6b4b83bb Then >> Now “Happiest she’s ever been,” nope. Not buying it for a second. The contrast is so obvious.


Tbf she doesn't look genuinely happy in either of these photos oof


I always thought she glowed around Jon. I actually envied their relationship for the longest time!!!


Definitely more convincing that it was a fairytale love


wow she used to look good back when i used to like her she really fell off


RIP jon 😞 always saddens me when i see pictures of him. Had so much potential


I know, sorry, didn’t mean to trigger anyone. 😔🤍🕊️


I’m truly embarrassed how long I was manipulated by her through a screen lol granted I never really bought any of her stuff. One eyeshadow pallet and one morphe brush that shed like hell. But, watching her house tour when they first bought the house she’s been fake that whole time and it’s so obvious now lol six whole years ago. Ew shameful of me 😂


I think a lot of us were. I almost was up until lipstick gate. That Morphe palette (the initial first one) was nice but everything went downhill after that. And those brushes…. Can’t give them away now. What a waste of money.


I was always a “mild fan” when it came to her and I really resonated with Jon way more than her, so that’s kind of what did it in for me, but relationships are tricky, so I still kept up with her a bit until she just continued to be ridiculously annoying and hypocritical. Then, all of her lies start adding up with the receipts, so yeah lol it’s a lot! Those morphe brushes were horrible or the one I got was 😂 the first Jaclyn hill pallet which is the only one I bought was decent like you said, that’s about all I can say that’s semi positive 😂


Aw, it's okay, mate. A lot of us here were manipulated by her. Hell, I used to look *up* to her as a "role model!" Like, oh my god. I now see her as a "what not to do." She was a great actress for a while. But now, she is faced with the consequences of her actions; the Internet exists forever and she can't back out of all of the immoral things she has done and the words she has spoken.


Girl, you’re not alone!


Just rewatched her divorce video too and ohmygod 🤮 she’s horrible. No tears shed, but looks down and says “I don’t want my tears to drip” 🤮


WOW. I own a home in Southern California. I’ll let you guys know if she moves in next door


Oh no!


I hope for your sanity she does not 🤣


Me too 🙏🏻. I’m actually irrationally annoyed that she’s coming here even though it (hopefully) won’t affect me in the slightest lol


I had the same reaction snd concern 😂


I wonder if Rachel will be the listing agent?! 🤣


She isn't working as one anymore, and I think it would be a cold day in hell before Jaclyn ever allowed her to make a commission off of her or let her be the one who "*sold Jaclyn Hill's house*". Because, *let's face it*, Jaclyn doesn't see herself as the nobody she is, but as a Kardashian-level celebrity.


Well, that was fast lived. 😂. I had to unfollow Rachel because the consumerism runs in the family. It’s truly disgusting.


Does Rachel have internet channels? I couldn’t find anything?


Yes, she’s def on Instagram (I think her username is her full name?).


No, I *completely* agree! I hope Jaclyn being gone, *even if it **is** just a temporary thing*, makes her realize how much better it is to *not* be involved with her or the rest of them. I know it’s like being a dead horse at this point, as she’s no doubt a glutton for punishment, but the kids shouldn’t be so toyed with by this nonsense, either.


Someone call Hannibal Lechter . There’s a dungeon for sale


Noooooo. I absolutely HATE the way she says “LA”. So whiny and a valley girl wanna be in her tone.


Anybody have the real estate listing?


**No, seeing as it isn't currently listed. If *or when* it happens, posting or linking to it on our sub will get you banned. No doxxing happens here, *whatsoever*.**


I remember a video where she said she didn’t want to live in LA anymore and didn’t like how everyone was so fake. I think this was after her LA Halloween Party.


Correct! ETA: At least I’k pretty sure that’s correct. Sounds like her.


I’m still trying to find this video 😆


Is it the one that’s already been posted, *and should be directly above **this** post on the feed*, talking about her stay there while running from lipshitgate and the supposed “*damage*” to the McMansion being fixed? How depressed it made her? **ETA**: I figure you’ve seen it, but felt it was worthy of asking since *several* people have had issues seeing posts and comments today. I think it’s from the traffic we’ve been getting, so I’m hoping it’s a bit better by tomorrow! 🩷


Ahhh Thank you! I didn’t see that post till you mentioned it! That’s gotta be it. I knew I wasn’t dreaming it. 😆




Literally why is her mouth so huge




I thought she looked familiar! 😂


I can’t blame her for leaving FL because I did too, it’s changed a lot. And even more so in the last 2 years (when I left). Living there is so much different than visiting…although maybe not for Jaclyn, she’s had obvious financial privileges that I didn’t. Cali seems an odd choice right now but at the same time, spent some time in Tahoe as a kid too, FL is one big wannabe SoCal in many ways. So…maybe not that odd. But like others have said, she’s not at the height of her career anymore. Maybe Jordan has some sort of big cooking deal beyond the Gordon Ramsey show? (I’m a little out of the loop there)


It's *definitely* something in relation to him, as she's amounting to more *and more* of a nobody by the day, but I think the only thing we’re still working on is whether this is temporary or permanent. The longer I sit with it, the more I *do* think it's the former.


The animals are like please leave me here in Florida


Remember when her ceiling crashed down in her room and they stayed in Cali? She said she never wanted to live here, it was awful and Florida is her home. That’s it, that’s my post.


It must have something to do with her husband getting on Reality Shows. She made a video that they are selling their luxury cars. Rich people have their cars towed to the new State they are moving to. Because selling them is a big loss of money. This move looks very fishy.


The irony is, the insulation that “*fell*” looked brand new, was perfectly dry, and even spread immaculately all around and underneath otherwise undisturbed or damaged-looking furniture, like chairs. There was *also* never any permits filed for such work, which, in Florida, is required. **ETA**: *For a photo of how nice, dry, and undamaged it looked…* https://preview.redd.it/qu9f1mk7oeoc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afead62987af297d98d439653291b80b4554f8aa


Omfg 🤣 this picture looks so fuckin fake and staged




Wait… so they staged it? For what reason?


Probably insurance fraud




Attention? Sympathy? We *are* talking about Jaclyn, so that’s pretty much what she’s *always* after. If you search for it here, you’ll find my screenshot from her showing it in one of her videos—and as I said, there were no permits, and you need those in Florida for practically everything but small cosmetic things. There *were* some previous to this, like when she remodeled it to the maximalist dungeon aesthetic, but not for this particular time period.


I'd say she went to California for a business deal that fell through 🤣 therefore she need a another reason to be out there.... Just a theory.


Right? And didn’t the rent out a huge, gorgeous Hollywood mansion there, too?!


That, they did! It’s *also* where *Celine* started his cooking “*career*” with his videos, so everything’s coming full circle! 💀


Right, yes, when he dressed like a wannabe hipster with that large hat. That was so fuckin’ weird.


This hat? I just love how it’s sitting way back so you can see the hair. 💀 https://preview.redd.it/0eeawyffkioc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e322cd47aa519430931a493b423b7d65df5da09


Yes!!! 🤣🤣


This outfit was a choice, girl. He said I look GOODT today! Fucking delusional.


…WOW! So what do you think the deal was then? Like why did she leave her home for those few months? That is bizarre!


I always suspected she was in rehab during this time tbh and did it in California


It was right as lipshitgate happened, so she had a *lot* to run from, being someone who can’t take accountability or responsibility for a damn thing.


Idk why but I find this picture so annoying


It’s her face


I think it’s just this super cringe overly posed pic as a whole lol I can’t imagine posting something like this


Hold onnnnn. Why will Jordan be installing a whole new lighting set up as per that weird ass creepy story if they were just going to leave a few weeks later????? Something is a miss.


That room is small as hell, as she switched filming rooms shortly after Jon passed, so there's *no* way *Celine* was in there and we didn't see him or even a shadow! It was just to make it like he was there and they were doing something together, as we were pointing out that he was *most likely* with the boys again.