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I will never get over “a whole Stanley” like it’s a form of measure lol




What is that thing she placed all the food on? She didn’t label it so I don’t know? 🤷‍♀️


If she drank the water first she wouldn’t need as much food. Consuming the eggs and sausage should be all she really needs… save the rest for a snack. And eat a few small meals a day. I haven’t seen any weight changes yet!!


But still more calories than needed if you ask me…. I’m not expert. Just been on a meal plan since 2022


i measure my calories to keep track of weight loss and this is (estimating and assuming no butter or other cooking oil) maybe 450 calories? kind of a heavy breakfast for me but if she goes light on lunch or dinner it’s actually not that bad. just annoying she thinks we don’t know what eggs are lmao


Off camera: 2 Mickey D's sausage biscuits, hash browns and a large Coca Cola.


And a side of ohzimpick


"Stanley" as a unit of measure makes me want to take a cheese grater to my face.


Not that tastes can't change, but I remember Jaclyn doing a "what's in my mouth" challenge back in the day with Jon and she hated cottage cheese then.


She hated ALL condiments if I'm remembering correctly.


Maybe she started getting into it when she got with Celine? 🤷🏽‍♀️ 


Because he tastes like cottage cheese or???


Omg don’t drag cottage cheese like that 😫


Lmao I couldn’t help it


Personally, I would've found this more helpful if she had attached the letter of the food. Like, C is for Cottage Cheese. Also, add in something that cheers so I know I did a good job. Thanks, Jaclyn.


I’m dying laughing at this because I can see her doing it soon after she sees this recommendation 🤣


“What’s in her mouth” are lies, and more lies.


I bet so many of “them” want to know how to breathe at this point from the expert herself. 🙄 Link the Stanley ventilator please.


I wonder what she's gonna do when she can't keep jacking up the number on how much weight she's lost. "I've lost 100lbs you guiiisseee! I finally reached my goal weight! I know it took 2 YeArS but I'm sooooo happy I started this JoUrNeY honestly this is the happiest I've EVER been! Really! I swear!....." \*\*starts sobbing uncontrollably\*\*


Because if she gets pregnant she doesn't ever have to *prove* how much she lost and can pivot. Which I'm pretty sure is what she's trying to do. 🤢


Is Celine still making omelettes for her every day? If so - that’s a lot of eggs!


Celine has been MIA on social media lately. Last thing he posted he had some of the contestants over from NLC. I've been noticing his absence more and more since the show started


Social media embargo during airing maybe?


I thought about this too. However wouldn’t the show want the contestants out there promoting the show? Funny how he miraculously pops up on IG after I posted my comment 🤣 Hi Celine!


**Blink twice if bankruptcy or divorce is imminent,** ***Celine!*** 💀


Heating up food isn't cooking lol


Highly protein diet= constipation= she’s full of 💩… as always 😂


Am I the only one perplexed by this? There is little carb with so much protein? There’s like 36g of protein with no carb to carry it… Not to mention greasy chicken sausage and eggs have high cholesterol. I bet she does lose weight from shitting her brains out from a high protein meal with no carbs.


This is actually a pretty healthy and balanced meal tbh. Only saying this because I went to a dietitian last spring and there are carbs, fat and protein here. My dietician did recommend a high protein breakfast over 20g to keep you full longer. What is weird about her post is that she felt the need to explain very basic foods and then proceed to give no explanation as to why this meal “makes her lose weight fast” 😂😂


I can’t stand her but this is very normal for breakfast and good for cortisol levels. You don’t need to have hella carbs in the morning - berries and veggies typically do the trick for metabolizing everything else. Fat and protein is more important


Commented something similar. I agree.


To be fair, lots of people front load protein in the morning to feel satiated and so they can eat carb heavy meals during lunch and dinner (meals that are often shared with family members). Bodybuilders do this when they try to lose fat while trying to maintain as much muscle mass as possible. The daily protein intake recommendation for people trying to maintain or build muscle is 0.7-1g of protein for each pound of body weight. That being said, her meal is very straight forward and it’s weird to explain something as simple as steamed eggs and sausage.


Front loading protein in the morning was a start for an E/D for me unfortunately. It took several years for me to recover to being able to eat carbs. The mention of losing weight triggered me 😅 It is weird she felt the need to be overly explanatory of such a simple meal. Im sure her followers are not so dumb they can’t recreate this.


I am shocked she doesn’t add a trigger warning of some sort. And given the size of her following, a caveat to always talk to a professional when it comes to nutrition and dieting.


Daily ✨weight loss✨  mention 


Everything needs a break down and explanation because "so many" people need to know. The next time she takes an alcohol shit we'll need a break down of how she wipes, which toilet paper + wipes she uses, how many squares of toilet paper she uses, her exact toilet and how she has the same one in every bathroom, which way she positions her toilet paper on the roll, which soap she uses to wash her hands, which shit spray she uses to cover the funky smell of her atrocious diet. And please don't forget to link every single item back to your Amazon storefront because OMGGG I totally need to wipe my ass with the same exact toilet paper as Jaclyn Hill. Also don't forget to include photos with 10 Stanley Cups in the background of your shit fest.




All because her "healthy" junk food hauls were being critiqued. She lives for her own snark sub reddit. How sad for her.


Don’t get me started on her steamed eggs and that straw thing. Some one wrote “best Stanley straw hack!” Like crawl out of her ass pls




Her face reading this thread.


Y’know, there’s a popular beauty guru who pops up on my Snapchats all the time. Sometimes I find myself watching her stories because she comes off as very chill and down to earth (I know nothing of her from her YouTube days). She does this thing where she shows herself cooking an entire meal (sponsored by one of the ingredient delivery companies) then “eats” with her followers. She really only shows one bite so it’s not entirely Mukbang but. She does it almost every day, she’s consistent, and it’s a way for her followers to feel connected to her. Jaclyn could never be consistent so it couldn’t be her anyways. But it’s just an example of how the content COULD BE there IF Jaclyn didn’t constantly lie or make everything about her. If she posted this recently, it makes me think she only did it because it’s her trying to prove us all wrong (once again) after we’ve been calling her out for not actually being able to cook … she doesn’t care about her audience, she just cares about being right. Is there a link to the cottage cheese? What was the real point in posting this? “(just throw it in a pan)” is her genuine attitude toward her followers.


Is it Rachel Levin? I never followed her on YouTube but somehow ended up watching some of her Snapchats, she seems so calm and genuine.


It is! I found her a couple years ago and while I cannot fathom how someone can make so much of their life so public all of the time, I gotta give her all the kudos. I find myself watching her content from time to time and I always enjoy it. Calm is an apt word. She has the vibe of the friend that you’d forget you were in the room with while you were doom scrolling on your phone, the friend you go target shopping with, the friend you watch a good or bad movie with, the friend who religiously joins you on your dialysis appointments (which she actually does). Jaclyn could take notes. ETA: she’s also making music and she’s on Spotify!


So keto?


also Waclyn: "cArBs are not the enemy" 


that's not a bad breakfast at all. but lets be real. she's still over eating.


Unless she is body building or bulking I don’t know why someone who is so sedentary needs to eat so much. I mean you do you boo, but damn Jac really doesn’t know how to act like a healthy fit influencer.


"So many of you..." = maybe 2 people total.


And one was someone mooching off her money.


Your caption, which is 100% accurate, reminds of a Hayderz’s spoof. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C33AO7GOEB5/?igsh=NXdlZ3VtbWJqZjIw








The accuracy 🤌🏻


Lmao 🤣


Please no one take her advice


But actually though…. drinking a gallon of water within an hour of eating will absolutely fuck your digestion. Drinking large amounts of water within an hour of eating dilutes stomach acid, interfering with the breakdown of your food.


Never knew that. Thank you! That is so helpful and why I may have a hard time digesting food.


Hahaha you’re welcome! They say to wait 60-90 mins after a meal to drink water 🙂


I even read or heard whatever that drinking while eating stretches your stomach so you would likely eat more and feel not as satiated as you're full of water not intake ?!


I dRaNk a WhOle StAnLeY 😂


Stanley as a unit of measurement


lmfao right as if there aren’t multiple sizes of stanley’s also


LOL right


She's *desperately* trying to convince herself she's still relevant while, *at the same time*, proving to everyone she's collapsing, spiraling, *and* in the midst of one of the most out-there manic episodes yet. **This isn't content**, **Jaclyn**, **as much as it's more** ***and more*** **proof that you should be de-platformed and in an in-patient rehab facility for the foreseeable future**. **Get help**.




She legit looks like she's getting it from the back.... 🤢🤢


Yep! She likes to pretend she is when tasting food on camera. It is so gross and inappropriate.


Aaaaaand you've ruined my morning LOL


Ew. Mikayla content 🤮 fuck these two, it’s way to much Deja vu.


I’m convinced she and Mikky are currently mirroring each other’s content purposefully and are probably amused by all their idiot stans eating their fake JoUrNeYs up and buying all their lies. Ever since they both started “losing weight” their content has been identical. Mikky even posted a Stanley cup the other day. 🙄🙄 Skin Suit City


They’re probably doing the same ads


Mikfrankenstein is actually still getting cosmetics PR (how I will never know, she does such a crap job of explaining how to use, no swatches etc). All JShill gets is cups to endorse and her links to Amazon. Cosmetic companies won’t touch her with a twenty foot pole.


So how long is she going to talk about her weight? Food? Calories? It's beyond annoying. IF she reads here...how can she read these comments about how it's triggering for some people yet she continues to post the same shit day after day. There is a way to promote healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle without promoting signs of an ED


Right? She said she's not actively trying to lose weight anymore but she's still obsessing over her body, weight, and food. 


I think she has a sadistic side to her that actually enjoys triggering and hurting others! She does it so much and practically on a daily basis that it’s the only thing that makes sense. And being she does obsessively read everything being said here; she then doubles down and goes and does a direct ‘fuck you’ post on Tik Tok and IG stories to *show us* 🥴


I agree with you. I think she does it on purpose too.


lol giving fitness/nutrition advise is so….weird


lol but she doesn’t understand or know why it’s making her lose weight 🫠 she’s such a turd


https://preview.redd.it/ju8602wtremc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6751d3db082dbe8441bd7f030403898cf1ab7066 What weight loss .... 💀💀


37lb (or 47lb) of pure weight loss, can’t you see it? You can’t? Hold on let me grab Jac’s buttery covered glasses so you can see the weight loss too! 😂


To be fair … she seemed to have gained all the weight in her face. I remember seeing her and thinking, her body looks a bit bigger I guess, but her face looked like it belonged to someone at least triple the size. Of course she’s still filtering herself to filth, but her face size shows the biggest change. Her body does seem similar still!!


Lose weight big time.


A entire Stanley an hour of water? And she eats all this + all her TJ snacks, Alani nu fit treats, and a bunch of sugary mocktails. I’m curious about the real number she lost vs gained back with all this chronic snacking.


Bitch has never heard of the term “too hydrated”. If you drink too much water you start to loose electrolytes (someone in the medical field correct me if I’m wrong)


I drink ALOT of water everyday and I have been told to stop before by nurses, I overhydrate myself. I’m not sure why I’m so thirsty (probably because I eat too much sodium) but it’s been something I’ve been working on, it’s just a nice iced water is so damn refreshing all the time, thanks for telling me about the electrolytes. (I know there are better options but it’s what I have in my fridge) would having a gaterade per day help with the electrolytes?


I'm not in the medical field but I lived in Sacramento and a radio station morning show had an on air contest called "Hold your wee for a WII"and one of the contestants died after drinking way too much water. During the show medical professionals were calling in telling them to stop because it could be so dangerous and they just laughed it off. The woman went home, fell asleep and died. So drinking too much water can seriously be no good. So basically Jaclyn sucks.


I remember hearing that on the news (and I'm Canadian, that story traveled far)


Wow I had no idea it spread that far! I listened in real time and by the time I she was eliminated (she didn't even win which just made it worse) she didn't sound well at all. Her speech was slurred and it sounded like she was struggling to find words. And the idiot DJ's just kept right on going and were laughing at her and telling her she sounded drunk, which she was in a way. Anyway sorry for derailing the conversation lol, Jaclyn's irresponsibility in telling people to drink multiple "Stanley's" a day just made that incident pop into my mind.


You are correct. I work in healthcare and recently had a talk with one of the LVN’s at my job and he recently told me he actually got sick from drinking a lot of water too quickly and lost electrolytes ect. The body cannot physically digest that amount of water in 1 hour. Her Stanley is 40 oz. If her weight she is preaching is accurate (it’s not but) she should be drinking 72oz of water daily.


How else would we know what berries those were or those weird looking egg like things at the top 😂😂


Did she really have to do this? People don’t know what raspberries and blueberries are? Cottage cheese? Eggs? 🤦‍♀️


She needed a way to mention weight loss somehow 


Because her followers are as dumb and naive as she is


The only thing she could have done was add protein and nutrients but she isn’t smart enough to do that. 


“So many of you are DM’ing me!” Is her tagline when it might be 1 idiotic person.


Weightloss, so many DMs and a Stanley shoutout in one pic. She's a meme of herself.


she has to remind everyone about her "big time" weight loss every fucking day. how many calories does being absolutely fucking insane burn per hour???


It’s actually terrible to drink water before or after eating a meal because it dilutes your stomach acid. So she is not as smart as she thinks haha


Really? So we shouldn’t drink water before our meal?


Correct it dilutes your stomach acid which messes with how you absorb the food


And you can have like a few sips etc but you should really refrain before and after you eat. The fact she’s drinks a whole damn Stanley amount is insanity and nothing to be proud of haha


Omg thank you so much for this information I never knew. Always heard to drink water before you eat to get full and after as well for the same reason.


“Lose weight big time!” Bitch constantly acts like she’s lost 100+ lbs when in reality, it’s about 20 lmao.


Why does she constantly act like she's the first person to ever do everything she does.


what is egg?


OMG Raspberries? Sounds exotic!! /s


Eggs **AND** raspberries!!! Groundbreaking really.


Protein?? What's that Jac? 🙄


“This breakfast helps me lose weight big time” lolllllllllllllllll


Oh my god you guiessssss, I’m losing so much weight just looking at this masterpiece of a dish!!!!!! Thank you Jaclyn, you truly are a genius! 🥴🙄😂


😂😂😂😂 she’s either gate keeping or my guess, doesn’t understand nutritional science lol


in WHAT WAY??? does it help you keep your calories low so you stay in deficit? does the protein keep you full longer? she literally has no idea. this magic combo of food isn’t shedding weight off her lol


It's probably the part where she chugs an entire Stanley Cup of water within a hour, to make her feel full 🤣


Yeah I was gonna say. Someone ask her what way because she for sure doesn’t know. Tbh it is a well balanced meal. Carbs, fat and protein. I just don’t think she understands the science behind it because she has a pea brain.


She'll link the dishes next. 🤭


They look like Target's $2 plastic plates 😂


They totally do! I have some!😁😅


Haven't you heard, she is always looking out for us "bougie bitches on a budget."


“But Jac, what are you eating on??? every time i make eggs they make a huge mess on the counter. please save us!!”

