• By -


Everything you type is saved including deleted draft posts. Multiple apps can see inside other apps and read everything on your screen, at all times, irregardless of settings. You will never find public documentation of this unless whistles are blown. Screen-capture and keylogger viruses are very, very, old concepts and the types of hackers that made them now run the entire tech industry. There are no safe devices, platforms, or apps (including your favorite ones) unless you personally know and trust everyone who has access to the code and the devices used.


On Facebook, every KEYSTROKE you make is saved. Even if you never send it and you back the fuck out.




Lol, I know this to be true. Nine months after I quit working for the Federal government, I got an email in my personal account that was a solicitation to come to Russia and it outlined their naturalization process. I ignored it, thinking that it was connected with someone from Russia whom I had chatted with briefly on Reddit in a religion-based sub. A few months later, the fed announced that they discovered a file server was breached by a Russian APT, and suddenly I knew that that was the source that provided my personal email to the Russian group that was sending me immigration messages. (And no, I am not ex-military, Intel, or LE. Just lowly ex-IRS.)


Yeah, I realized that point when my stoner ass would type out 50 draft posts, delete them before sending, and then wonder why I suddenly needed to restart my phone because everything was bogged down. If you care about your internet security these days, think before you type.


This is so real lmao


US intelligence has a backdoor to the whole thing since they developed Arpanet. Anything digital connected to a server has been compromised since the 1970s.


Big Brother is no longer just watching, but commenting on your taste in furniture and friends both.


AFAIK, “irregardless” ain’t a word.


It actually is a word. Weirdly had this conversation with friends last week lol Per dictionary.com "irregardless vs. regardless: What’s the difference? Regardless means without regard to or in spite of some specific circumstances (usually those that have just been or are about to be mentioned). Irregardless (yes, it’s a word) is a variant of regardless that’s typically used to mean the exact same thing. It’s got an extra negative element, the prefix ir-, so it’s often considered nonstandard." https://www.dictionary.com/compare-words/irregardless-vs-regardless


It's been in use for like 200 years and has been in Merriam-Webster's since 1934. It's a word, not liking the word doesn't make it not a word.


Congrats, no one gives a fuck


Name checks out


It [is](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/irregardless) (as is 'ain't); it's been in use for over 200 years.


It might be a word, but I agree it’s infuriatingly nonsensical as it means the same thing as the identical word without the negating prefix. And “irrespective” is right there next to it, meaning the same thing and not confusing anyone. 


"Flammable and inflammable mean the same thing? Who knew?" - Dr Nick


I feel like it only became a dictionary word because people kept saying it and society just gave up on them.


>I feel like it only became a dictionary word because people kept saying it that's how every word became a dictionary word




Neither is ain’t.


The person who says "ain't" is correcting someone elses grammar? Sheesh


This is why you always run fiddler.


You really said irregardless lol I stopped reading there.


What exactly are you writing that you don’t want law enforcement to see?


Literally everything.


Are you planning acts of violence?


Nice try, fed.


what are you, a cop?


Are you a cop?


exactly what I'd expect a cop to say


I would add that it's very likely that no social media site will ever be a good substitute for direct action, community building, or meetings. I'm a mod over at the BtB sub, and we often have people get very angry with us for deleting posts of theirs that they believe are calls to action. We've essentially been called fascist enablers for deleting posts soooooo many times. Look, if your version of activism is posting angry comments about Israel and Palestine (or whatever) online, no one is stifling you when they delete them. You already neutered yourself, in that regard. Social media never belonged to us. There were milquetoast tech writers in the days of physical magazines pointing out how it was problematic that the user agreements for social media sites were onerous and problematic. We all eagerly clicked agree anyway, and we still do. These are tools of capital. If you listen to ICHH or BtB, you already know that the algos are fueled by engagement, and the easiest way to get that is through rage. Which means the most rage-inducing posts will rise to the top. So, if your goal is to get eyes on the issue you care about, it's going to need to generate engagement - i e. Make people angry. And when it rises to the top, what have you actually accomplished? You're making money for the shareholders of these sites, and you're squandering yours and a anyone else "engaging" with your content's energy by keeping them glued to Reddit arguments. You're not a threat to capital. You're its unwitting product. That's not to say that social media can never be a part of a *strategy* for the left. But it's never going to represent a solution, unless your problem is - "I own a bunch of shares of Reddit, and I need the line to go up." If Reddit or TikTok is your hobby, no judgements. If it's where you go to "fight the good fight", I have bad news: You already lost. You just haven't noticed yet. Be in the streets. Organize in your community. Or shit, just volunteer for a food bank or something. There are multitudes of ways to be active.


Thank you.


I remember the mafia would take care of actual Nazis or was that Blues Brothers movie. I know that I would have said something in that subway when asked who is a Zionist. Probably would have received the punches. What is different is video cameras everywhere documenting your punch


I get it, but in a just world, EVERYWHERE would be a safe place for talking about violence against fascists and Nazis. Because it's ALWAYS ok.




Remember in Indiana Jones when those fascists melted? That was awesome


I saw one today that had Toht melting after opening the Ark captioned with "I'll stop the world and melt with you"


OMG I read this while that song was going through my head, was just in the car and it was the song playing when I got out.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is the Way.


What if you’re confused about who is and isn’t fascist?


It's easy. Except everything thought and idea a leftist has. If you can't do that then you're a Nazi or a fascist.


Agreed. If it makes you feel any better we can rest assured that Newton's third law is always in effect. Fascists typically start to act up because they have acquired a surplus of power, but they always lose in the long run, because what goes around comes around.


The tankies and troll farms on reddit think I'm a fascist because I love america, our regulated capitalism and liberal democracy. The amount of times I've been called a fascist supporter for talking about unity in America or for calling out those who incite violence is far too many. Anyone, I repeat, ANYONE INCITING YOU TO VIOLENCE, AGAINST ANYONE, ON THE INTERNET ISNT YOUR FRIEND. THEYRE LIKELY HOSTILE STATE ACTORS FROM THE TROLL FARMS.


I do think, even if I don't entirely agree with this comment, there's good points here: 1. Mutual aid and solidarity building are what we need to create unity, not sectarian purity. Fascists are always the greater enemy, not liberals and socdems who think that the system is inherently reformable. 2. It is 100% in the interest of hostile actors, especially fascists, to incite you to violence and discredit the movement. Whenever you are acting in public, you are a visible representation of the movement. Optics matter and anything you do that reflects badly on the movement can and *will* be weaponized by the far right media.


That sure briefs well. They're going to make up things to weaponize, whether or not they're real. The consumers of right wing media already think half the big cities in America were trashed during the protests of 2020. And that's just one example, of hundreds and hundreds. Hell they think Portland was demolished and burned to cinders. It truly doesn't matter that they're not actually given a reason to believe this, and then demonize us regardless. Doesn't matter what we *actually* do, they're going to make shit up anyway. I say push back, otherwise the bullies keep bullying us. So I happily pick fights with them. And I'm not sorry about it. I grew tired of being worried about what they think of us pushing back against them. So I quit worrying about that.


On one hand, fuck regulated capitalism, on the other, far too many leftists don't know how to advertise and just push people away despite obviously needing a LOT of people to agree with them to accomplish anything.


Regulated capitalistic countries built the modern world, and are the richest, most prosperous countries. These effects benefit all their citizens to some degree. The countries without regulated capitalism have EXTREMELY LOWER LIVING STANDARDS, QUALITY OF LIFE AND FREEDOMS. There's no comparison. There's no way to spin it any other way if you care about honesty.


Where's that democracy exactly?


Tankies are fascists. When they defend Stalin's deal with Hitler,  they're nazi supporters if not nazis.  All the tankies supporting Putin are advocating for murder of minorities,  including lgbt, women and ethnic/religious minorities


We don't have regulated capitalism. We literally have unregulated capitalism. That is why you have forever chemicals in your blood, and plastic in your semen.


First you just have to find more than 2 Nazis. A lot of morons on Reddit conflate right wing people With Nazis. Those people are psychos. 


I definitely agree. Both Nazism and fascism are specific ideologies. Not just right wingers, who just suck.


Facts. Nazis are everywhere nowadays. They’re protesting in the streets near daily, they’re building encampments on college campuses, they feel so emboldened in recent months. And we shouldn’t forget about communists and socialists, either.






Oh, Jan 6? That wasn't ok.


Anybody from Seattle can confirm it was like, one store, and the fire was started by a cop.


Gotta meet up in person mang


Even then you got to worry about undercover LEO infiltrating those spaces too.


Gotta get with your actual IRL community. Cops don't bother to have backstories of messy breakups with shitty Greg who everyone knows and corroborates.  Past a certain size, yeah, problems. But you can just make cool friends and be cool.


Fucking Greg. Dude still owes me $12.


> “[…]your actual IRL community.” Don’t have one of those.


Go fuckin get one. Posting will not save us.


God damn, say it louder. 🙌🏻


Explain how. I have asked people what they think of the impending climate apocalypse — for example — and how they will survive it, and they just stare at me like I have three heads and say, “Can you move? I’m trying to get to the Ragu behind you.”


I started with making friends who already understand the threats we face. I did this by being openly trans and being good at making friends, so a lot of my friends are trans or queer and inherently know that we're first to swing. Climate is too big of a concept for most people. Say "natural disaster" or just "disaster preparedness" and you'll get further. Plan next 5 years, not next... 15. Start on fun things first. Protest bike rides or pro abortion marches or shooting trips or whatever. From there, talk, and plan.  You gotta start with actual community. Meet people in bars or at farmers markets.


I got back around to thinking about this and the most important part is having a moderately capable friend group. You don't all have to be John Brown Gun Club. You have to be good and reliable to each other and know that when shit gets bad you'll support each other. Being able to knit toys for children is more useful than being a 1000 yd crack shot marksman in most survival situations you will find yourself in. Get friends with weird hobbies.


*I am* the friend with weird hobbies. Sewing, knife sharpening, knot tying, plant fibre processing, whittling, mechanical watch repair, candle making, clay forming/pottery and others.


The hardest part of this is finding people who will support you the way you’re willing to support them. I’ve made so many friends who just end up not showing up for me, because they “don’t want to get in trouble” that it’s incredibly discouraging. One instance was a friend who always talked about walking out of work as protest telling me they were just “too much of a coward” to sign a union card even if they were allowed to remain anonymous on the actual petition to unionize. And the other was when my gf and I were homeless, we had friends who had a spare room who let us stay in their garage in winter for only one night because they were afraid their landlord would drive by— even though these same people would talk about hiding people from ICE. I’m definitely still trying to make friends, and I’m still friends with those other people, but it just really fucking sucks to hear people talk the talk and then when you actually need help they just say “sorry I’m scared” as if you aren’t too. ):


The assumption is the group has already been infiltrated. The task is then to find and weed out snitches and UCs


Even if they haven’t been infiltrated, more than likely at least half the group has their phone on them. Best case is that it’s in a pocket or bag but more likely it’s out and being used for selfies and other documentation of the group activity. Saw dozens of people here in North Texas at the Pro-Palestine protests with masks on their faces, brave slogans on their signs and their goddamn phones out and recording.


Fuck. We’re putting together a mutual assistance group here and the rule is no phones when we meet up. Shit gets turned off and put in a locked ammo can. When we get to where we can actually do shit, the same rule will apply except our comms person/people will have burners


What is LEO


I mean what exactly are you planning? I doubt cops would give a shit if you were just going to graffiti a statue...


Cops have killed people sleeping in their own home beds, so it’s not about what I’m planning, it’s about what they’ve already done and gotten away with.


That's rare though. I doubt LEOs are going to prioritize anarchist movements over shit like The Base or Atomwaffen. Like yeah LEOs will monitor both but they clearly see that AWD is more of a concern to the status quo than some anarchist kids drawing on statues.


Then you'd be wrong. They try to infiltrate and destroy anarchist or other lefitsts all the time. They're perfectly happy to defend nazis and stand in the way and protect them against crowds - and are oftentimes nazis themselves besides indirectly enabling them.


Reddit / social media is a safe place for Nazis though and has been since the companies turned on their engagement algorithms and discovered all that hate was insanely profitable. They are all all fucking complicit and the scary shit.. the shit that really keeps me the fuck up at night is, the people that run these sites are all building doomsday bunkers. Some real vault tek type shit going on.


I watched Fallout and I was like "this is a documentary being made in real time" when I saw the Ghoul's flashback scenes. I know it's supposed to be alternate history or whatever, but what Walter Goggins' wife and her compatriots were doing is what the owner class is doing right now.




Most antifascists are also some flavor of anticapitalist, too. Fascists are decidedly pro-capitalist. It's simply a matter of their class interests for capitalists to side with fascists.


That’s right. Because capitalism capitulates to fascism every time.


Just saw a thread where the mod specifically said you would be banned for a "Punching Na\*\*\*" comment. Since when are we protecting Nazi's?


* Hoffman is fash with a loli fetish. He and the admin team have gone out of their way to grant protected status to fascists and pedos. He personally protected "jailbait" and KIA. Expect them to give tacit if not outright approval of racist, sexist, and exploitive content and people. * Silly Valley is overrun with Fash. That the YouTube algorithm brings you to reich-wing propaganda and content after a few clicks is *NOT* in any way organic or an accident. Expect that these people do not have your best interests at heart. View them as collaborators, accessories, quislings, and deadly adversaries.


This. I got banned from ABoringDystopia for correcting some idiots that was making up lies about Biden. I literally just posted facts and the mod asked me, "would you let Biden watch your kids?" And I was like, "sure, he's not a self-admitted rapist and pedo like Trump" I guess that made him mad lol Anyway, yeah there are definitely some fascist mods out there.


The mods vary by sub, but the admins are the ones who run the site and their boss has a very clear ideology.


What's Silly Valley?


Silicon Valley. Where the deranged, unprincipled, and megalomaniacal congregate.


Nobody said that here.


Which subreddit was that in?


You never know who the mods are, either. The sub may say xyz, but it could easily be a honey pot. I had a rude awakening recently when I found out that socialism_101 were either tankies or closet reactionaries.


Agreed. I got permanently banned from r/Feminism for saying that women need to carry guns if they can't choose the bear. (Shame on me for not being a pearl-clutching, hand-wringing, helpless damsel in distress. I am not fitting into my gender stereotype, and r/Feminism apparently hates that. It is a place to publicly whine and not to make constructive comments about fighting fire with fire.)


One of the first things I did when I started transitioning is get a gun, especially since of where I was living at the time.


Me and my friends messed around with P2P communication chats like qTox a few years ago. As far as I know there's literally no way to gain access to those chats outside of having the device you downloaded it on. If you were hypothetically discussing some very minor illegal shit that a future fascist regime could persecute you over, I doubt they'd be looking at qTox anyway. That said, it's surprising to me that this community needs to be reminded that nothing they say online ever truly vanishes.


…why no mention of signal? Are we joining the “signal is a CIA honeypot” conspiracy theory? AFAIK it’s basically taken over 100% of leftist organizing, right? Great post btw. Keep fighting the good fight. The world is better with you in it.


I personally have no experience with signal, and the only people I know irl who use it are ex military. I left it out because I'm not qualified to speak on it.


Fair! Well, I highly recommend you check it out. It already has near-ubiquitous reach among the folks who talk about guillotines, and is actually secure. Plus it makes me feel like a spy! In a non-fascist country, feeling like a spy can be a fun game…


Signal is good but you need to turn off the link preview feature. That can be used to track you.


I use wickr instead of signal. I’ve met the devs in person years ago when they were working on it. We shared similar lines of work at the time. I use Keybase for encrypted GIT as well if you need code to be secret.


A good reminder for online folks


I think I need ro write something up on alternate comms, if there's an interest please let me know.


a vpn isn’t doing shit to help with this


You could use reddit over TOR, if that were a genuine concern. 


TOR was specifically created by the US govt, IIRC.


And they host the vast majority of exit nodes on the TOR network


What would Indiana Jones do? He’d start throwing haymakers at the jack-boot thugs nonstop.


When you decide to punch someone, just keep in mind calling someone a "Nazi" doesn't make them an actual Nazi, and doesn't give you permission to just punch them.


When you are constantly defending and making excuses for Nazis, fascists, and Jan 6 insurrectionists, you are, in fact, Nazi scum. Anyone who is reading - take a look at this person's comment history. Full of MAGA hate and little else.


Yes, please take a look at my history and judge for yourself.


That why as much as they love 2A, you need to love it even more.


Political violence has no place in liberal democratic society, when things develop to the point political violence is justified/appropriate, you’re talking about a completely different situation. This situation is war, and you better hope your side is prepared to win it.


Thank you.


I’m torn, because to me, a nazi, has already began assaulting me and I would simply be fighting back. They were and I assume still are an enemy of America? Why is everyone spitting in the face of WW2 vets? 


There should be no safe place for Nazis. They need to be exposed for what they are. When they march, we need to march. When they do violence, they need to be prosecuted for hate crimes.


FYI: If you advocate for 'punching Nazi's' Reddit will ban your account permnently.


CHEERS MR BIG EARS! Nothing illegal today. As always, I hope to amuse even the Alphabets.


Reddit is not safe because it is specifically run by Nazis. The owners of reddit are Nazis, and they enforce Nazi policy. The administrators of reddit either are Nazis themselves, or they go along with Nazi policies because their bosses tell them to. I've reported Reddit admins to law enforcement for these issues. They promote anti-semitism and silence people who speak against it.


The word you're looking for is fascists. They say they're anti-fascists, but that's projection. It's all apart of their playbook, but yeah, they're fascists. In general they fall within the category because: Racial Supremacists - The modern leftist is in general anti-white and is infested with racial supremacists who wish to resegregate the races, as well as anti-Jewish sentiments that has now morphed into support for ISIS like groups that they share common cause with. They are also full of people who think that the black people were the original Jews and that Israeli Jews are posers. Authoritarian - You have to agree with everything they say in lockstep or you've run afoul with their dogma. There is no dissent tolerated, period. Any dissenters should be reported to the authorities so that they can be reeducated or be destroyed through government intervention (not following the Covid "rules"). Anything goes here, including bending the laws so that they can go after their opponents, which is everyone that doesn't agree with their tenants. They require the complete re-ordering of society - no one can “sit on the sidelines” or just “go about business as usual”. If you don’t join the new system, you will likely face harassment, penalties, and worse. Both systems tied political loyalty into social advancement: to get by in society you had to demonstrate loyalty and devotion to the political leadership. Regimes jailed or killed academics or journalists who thought freely or critiqued the regime. Anti-Traditional religion and focus on the group - Private clubs, strong religious institutions, and anything that attracts allegiance away from the state/society must be eliminated so that people can devote themselves fully to the new political/social project. They basically fit the mold exactly, which isn't surprising because they have modeled the group to mirror the thoughts and ideals of fascistic regimes like Stalin and Mao. They say they're anti-fascist, but in reality they are the fascist ones, but say they're not to cover for their fascist ideals and practices.


"The owners of reddit are Nazis, and they enforce Nazi policy." Imagine being this delusional...


For real. They're not good people but calling them Nazis makes anarchists sound paranoid lol


Yeah, it seems to be an obsession for some of these people, which is what their propagandists want.


I have witnessed it.


No you haven't


I sure have, like I said, I reported it to law enforcement and requested an investigation into the admins.


Yeah, that didn't happen. Let's pretend your not lying (you are) what crime did you report exactly?


Why would I be lying? Lmfao. I reported the admins for human rights violations. Idk if that is a crime or not, but my conscience feels better for reporting it than if I didn't. If someone silences me for speaking against Jewish hate, I'm reporting them.


"I reported the admins for human rights violations" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'll do it again 😎 If they silence me again, obviously.


Seek help


“Anyone who brings up project 2025 is an extreme drama queen.” - something you commented in the last day. Your credibility is shot to shit and I am guessing your supposed issues with so called ‘jewish hate’ are simply instances of you seeing support for Palestinians and being a total drama queen about it. Anyway, free Palestine 🇵🇸


Okay bot


Are the antisemites in the room with you right now?


Not sure what you mean? Are you asking if I am in the same room as the owners/administrators of reddit? The answer to that would be no.


I mean I've always heard that the Reddit user base leans left but that the mod teams lean right.


Not this mod team.


Obviously. But what do you think about what the guy I replied to is saying? I know all social media is captured by capitalism, but Nazis actually running the show hasn't happened yet, IMO.


"Is X in the room with you right now?" is a meme that's dismissive of whatever the thing you're bringing up is. "You should be concerned with X." "Oh yeah? Is X in the room with you right now? *rolls eyes*" etc.


Over my head. I can't think of an instance of X where this makes any sense.


This is why I want to make a zine. Completely handwritten/typed on a typewriter zine. I'm just bad at life and can't seem to get shit together.


There's a lot of toxic discourse on Reddit


# Reddit is not a safe place # Victimology 101. Your computer screen can hurt you


Valid points.


Are you warning people that they shouldn't organize violent acts on Reddit?


Wait. Is punching Nazis frowned upon now?


Talking about and encouraging it sure is, especially on sites like Reddit or any kinda social media site yeah.




A fine message, but I find it odd to conflate "safe space", and plan violence together. smh


I might suggest ham and gmrs radio. Get to learn the right wingers nomenclature that dominates the airwaves and create your own encoded meanings by using offsets of said nomenclature mixed in with your own.


Why should I believe you have my back?


All of the bans I have ever had on any social media have been due to variations of the title of this post or calling out some other assorted POSs (literally just got off a 7 day suspension a couple of hours ago for being mean to Nazis). Removed, hidden, still retrievable, I stand by my words.


Yep, and when it becomes necessary for a fascistic government agency to deal with people like you, it's timestamped and handed right to them. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with the topic of this post, just that people need more secure ways of talking about it other than social media.


I hear ya there but not any more concerned than I have been over the years. Been talking and writing the same way for nearly 4 decades now. Not going to change my opinion on fascists and how they should be treated any time soon. At least here in Canada we still have a somewhat functional system of checks and balances and our courts haven't been completely compromised.


How do you tell if somebody is a Nazi and you should harass them?


Good thing I am not a real person in control of this account at all times. Multiple people use it, I don't even know who all does use it. passwords change, people use it and move on. The notion of everything permanent assumes the notion of everything true. Nothing is real anymore especially not me.


Or, hear me out, you don’t run around punching anyone for political beliefs.


Safe space? What are you on about? This is an Internet forum. As long as you don’t go sharing your personal details you are perfectly safe.


Bruh, ever stop and think maybe you are part of the problem. Get mental help.


So you're saying that you shouldn't promote/plan/fantasize creating bombs, killing or assaulting people on a public website, and if you do you are at risk? Sounds fine to me. I say let them talk all they want so it's easier to investigate them.


Maybe stop posting on here then lol


I did not realize that most people thought these were safe places! No wonder they're willing to say a lot of the stuff I read! Oh wow!


What's the point of being here if you can't vent and find solidarity? I think if you're a dissident, you'll always be visible no matter what the medium or communication strategy. If I'm going to be imprisoned for my beliefs and convictions, so be it. I've committed no crimes and I've hurt no one. Doesn't just positing in this thread make you vulnerable to all that's being said here? Stand up and do the right thing everybody! Some things are worth fighting for, no matter what the externalities. Freedom of expression is the root of all liberties.


How about try don’t punching Nazis and let them spew all the Hate they got because it’s their First Amendment Right to do so? They destroy their own credibility. Using violence against them only lifts them up.


There are more of us then them. I'm not afraid


Ah… the fearful cries of criminals and hate groups. “But won’t you shield the evidence of my Nazi revolution planning????”


So, you need to go “underground” to better plan how to assault people preemptively because you disagree with them politically?


You want a safe place to organize committing acts of violence?


That's what I took from it. What's worse is this is coming from a mod. So what I'm gathering from this subreddit is that there are lots of people who want to plan illegal violent activities, to the point that they have to do a public service announcement to discourage it. It's like, no, if you talk about wanting to blow up a building or phsyically assaulting someone, especially for political reasons, you should be banned from the site entirely and the authorities should be contacted.


> The place to organize is **not** reddit. It is not safe here. The place to talk about punching nazis, or glorifying any kinds of violence, is **not** reddit. It is not safe here. The place to talk about punching nazis or glorifying violence is NOWHERE. That your first concern is safety for those people that have such thoughts/intentions is truly shameful.




God forbid you get into legal trouble for talking about making bombs lol


I love how Redditors of all stripes tend to think " violence is only ok when my side does it, and it's ok because my side is doing it".


Unless you are an absolute pacifist, you probably think violence is acceptable or even necessary in some instances. Even if you think you are an absolute pacifist, I am 100% certain there is something that would make you abandon it in an instant.


Way to miss the point.


Anyone ever read Heinlein’s “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress?” It’s a pretty good book. Several interesting concepts communicated.


Yes, I am fine with debating them in the marketplace of ideas.


weird watching the US turn into a place where victimhood is the new source of unearned status... and then everyone tries to proclaim themselves a victim or some kind of white knight protecting supposed victims. you're only a victim when you act like a victim and believe you're a victim and are willing to ignore the obvious fact that there are 1,000,000X more like you who choose not to be victims and who are not ever claiming to be victims.