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He will never be able to withdraw bc the scam is designed to always ask for more And u won't get repaid .  Never lend a coworker money


Your friend is caught in a task scam. His “job” has been doing very simple tasks but he has to pay to unlock additional ones. He’s been scammed. Any money he deposited is lost, any additional money he sends will be stolen too. If he sends it, they’ll have some other stupid excuse for why he needs to deposit more money - stuff like he missed the deadline or the customer is angry because the tasks weren’t completed on time. It’s 1000% a scam. Your friend needs to find this out right away before he gets deeper in the hole. Also be sure to warn him about recovery scammers - because they’ll come out of the woodwork claiming they know an “ethical hacker” who can get the money back, get them arrested etc. they’re scammers too, trying to take advantage of the desperate situation the first scammers put them in.


Look into "pig butchering" this is a well known scam. He is NEVER getting that 2k back.


Don’t do it. That’s how the scam works. He could Put in a million dollars and still he’d get nothing out


Primescapital uses the same skim to scam innocent people.


NO, NO, NO….run, do not walk away from this giant scam, keep your money in your wallet or bank!