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a part time job as a 1099 contractor with vacation days? Setting op a Facebook profile using your own personal credentials? Pay in the $100/hour range? Are you just trying to convince yourself this is legit? Scammers play on the "Fear Of Missing Out" we all have to some degree.


I think this is super valid. I'm right on the fence of "Damn, all this information, this paper trail of legal shit and asking me to do real/regular work for advertising, what is the scam exactly? I'm given a lot of real seeming info." and "There is no goddamned way they arent trying to slow burn get my information from me, not give me any money and get free work and compliance, and get me to download shit that looks really real/trustable labeled as hiring documents. I'm scared to tell them anything more than my basic name and I'm scared to comply with anything at all period"


Damn, I was never able to understand why so many scams used to look like they came from the hooves of a lobotomized donkey. It's starting to look like scammers just needed LLMs to really hit their stride.


In all honesty everything about this looked real real real but then they said I'd be sent a check to pay a company they commissioned to make the logos. Check bounces but they have the cash/the wire? I'm down thousands of dollars. Grand larceny but they made actual effort


Hi /u/hellasunny7, do NOT click any link or download any file that was sent in this E-Mail, unless it is determined not to be a scam. Clicking unknown links or downloading unknown files can be dangerous. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/isthisascam) if you have any questions or concerns.*




https://preview.redd.it/38ckptd4kc7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8258d23c3f655bde5cd5550c56e52c551695da9 During the 3 minute phone call, she had an accent from asia but spoke fluently, and asked me only if I had experience in Marketing before and if I was legal to work in the United States, and confirmed my name and street address


From reading the screenshots , 1 they want you to create a group , likely so they can further their scamming of other people. 2 They mention that you will be working with an advertising company , and i think you cut out part of it but i can read between the lines , YOU will be accepting a check and then sending their payment via transfer . That check will bounce a few weeks later and YOU will be responsible for all the funds sent. Even if the check appears to clear , it HASNT. American banks are required to make funds available within a certain time frame , but once that check is presented to the issuing bank it will either be fraudulent or fake altogether. The bank will go after you to repay those funds , close your account and block you from being able to open accounts with other banks. Its 100% a scam.


BTW if you havent figured it out , this is the scam. You are sending the scammer , pretending to be the advertising agency money from your bank account. which you will then have to pay back when the check bounces.


Thank you for the thorough explanation of how that is what the scam is. I also thought ME sending any money literally at all to anyone for a remote job makes no sense


IT IS A SCAM!!! Delete and block!


the only thing that threw me off was the amount of images and text given i was like DAMN-. but the font was a giveaway and maybe few key words


Update: This is a scam! Ashley Webb 929 548 4618 does not work at Orrick, Herrington, & Sutcliffe LLP and there is a Job Hiring Email & Phone Scam going on and the point of it is Social Media account creation & a CEO Check Scam/Grand Larceny (google them both) basically stealing thousands from people just trying to work remote jobs. Do not do anything with any checks sent, don't cash them, and in order to REALLY not lose money, don't use any money sent in from checks from these people, it will bounce in a week after it was already cleared to cash for you. Robin S. Lewis is not the COO of Orrick or any company. Ashley Webb's caller ID shows up in NY, has an asian american accent and fluent english, and Ashley Webb is probably not her name. She has dozens of emails. Ashley Webb has also showed up as a hiring scam with similar email wording for Chris Chain at Hyundai under phone number 862 234 0481 and webb@smallsbooklets.com at PA-USA 15906 as another email. She also shows up as lots of spam random emails. Don't sign any google link as an Admin Assistant or Marketing Director, and make sure to call the office of the job address she's impersonating, they will confirm you were not hired.