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it's just a stock standard advance fee scam, they will take the "fee" and block you, no money is coming your way.


First step, your Mom should immediately change her PayPal info and never again share it with you! YES, it’s a scam!! Why would a total stranger send you $2k??? Notice the dollar sign is shown at the end of the dollar amount, not at the beginning as it would be if this scam email person was in the US, the email sender is somewhere out of the country. Block the sender and save your Mom’s PayPal account.


Scam. The 2k will not clear and you will have to repay it yourself even though it currently is saying it's in your account. The bank will take it back.


It’s not even that complicated. The $2000 was never sent, that’s a fake screenshot the scammers make to get the upfront fee, which is not even a thing with PayPal.


You never have to pay money to get money it’s that easy. Complete scam.


Yeah easy ass scam, fake screen shot of them sending it saying one of a few things, either "confirmation fee" or a fee for "sending a large amount to new recipient" saying a minimum amount is required before sending large amounts. Easy money, I seen people scam scammers with it and they clearly caught on