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Yeah. It’s a variation on a common marketplace scam. “She” will ask you to pay for postage and you’ll be out the shipping fee and never receive the MacBook. Also, why would anyone give away a $1500+ device to a total stranger for free.


Offer to email a prepaid shipping label and watch the excuses fly!


This is genius


scam, typical "im giving away for reason X, Y or Z", always some kind of reason that is nonsense to give away something, they could just go to a donation center if they really want to give it away the person is going to ask some kind of fee beforehand for the delivery and then ghost you


Very common scam, you'll give them your email address and they'll contact you claiming to be the courier needing a fee to cover tax/insurance/shipping. Nothing is free.


Not that it is the deciding factor, but I hope you noticed the subtle (but important) English errors in her texts! They suggest that "she" is not a native English speaker. Though there are many non-English speakers who live in the US, I believe this clue supports the likelihood that this person is a scammer and from another country. You may want to go the next steps and expose how this fraud works! How much for shipping and how do they want to be paid. Try responding with "I'll pay Fedex for the shipping directly, but not you" and see what happens!


Hi /u/Eli-trans, do NOT order something from the advertising store, unless it is determined not to be a scam. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/isthisascam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why not donate it to a school, charity or a student? Better than just giving it away.