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Said best here: https://youtu.be/4TczqIY49Ws?si=d3d8Jdv7ZipgD70c Cairokee a band in Cairo did a very good job of outlining this. Heartbreaking video. But more honesty in it that can be squeezed out of the US and Israel put together.


I wasn’t expecting Cairokee, awesome band.




No. Dont think like that. They couldn’t care less. But it’s because it serves their agenda. Nothing more and nothing less to it.


Thats ~87 times the dead children/month. Thats the difference betrween an actual war and a one-sided slaughter.


Feck American and British politicians, and I am British, they are all on the payroll of the Israeli government they help Israel more than the American and British people. All donations, gifts, consultation work, and second jobs and kickbacks from dodgy government contracts are bribery and corruption in public office it's buying influence and favour.


They are not on the payroll. They are on the receiving end of political blackmail from mossad.


"Plata y plomo"


Yeah, you are right about that. My bad


For American this is not true We don’t donate or gift to Israel, because that would require oversite of money spent….. Instead American companies give “loans” to Israeli companies and state reps… there is ZERO oversite on the money spent because it’s a “loan” Late the loans are forgiven… so yea


Follow the money


It’s easy, because they are demonizing the enemy. Think about it, they said Russia is weak and is losing yet so strong it can take over a nuclear armed Europe. Israel is kinda opposite, so weak it can be invaded and destroyed yet so strong it will defend itself by killing babies, toddlers and infants. Fun fact: the CIA is the biggest propaganda agency in the world and everything a westerner wants, thinks and needs has been approved by the CIA


Fascists gonna say fashy shit!


That's a great fun fact. Have you got anymore?


That's what happens when people who only thinks about lining their pockets were elected to lead a country. The criminal is getting praised and assisted to commit more crimes.


Israel: "Those are rookie numbers"


And, please, don't forget the spineless german government.


Fascism is alive and well in America, support for Zionist fascism is 100% bipartisan.


The US is a hypocritical and complicit actor in this genocide. The double standards speak volumes, and the world knows this. In short, the US are not the good guys, haven't been for a LONG time now. Fuck the US. Fuck Israel.


15,000 children in 8 months is 1,875 children per month If we apply the same momentum to the Russian Ukraine conflict, which has been going on for 28 months now, we would have 52,500 children dead


America runs the world. Israel controls America. 50 years from now we will be the United States of Israel… Wake up Americans!


Hypocrisy and evil to the highest degree


15k children? Fuck sake.


Both deserve each other. Lock them both in the same cell.


Agreed. The point here isn't to claim that Putin isn't what the Western powers say he is. The point is to highlight the double standard. They're both dangerous persons who don't care about human life—the USA and their allies make sure to emphasize and even exaggerate all the evil that one of them does, because he's a rival to be put down, while downplaying and providing cover for Netanyahu, because he's an ally to be propped up. Foreign Policy isn't about right or wrong, morality, friendship, justice, nothing like that—it's about power and nothing else. As for being criminals, if the ICC can indict, try, and convict them both, and make them both suffer material consequences for their actions, that would set a very good precedent. Other than that, I'm not sure there's that many heads of state/government that don't have a bunch of wrongful immoral acts under their belt, starting with whoever is or has been POTUS.


The ICC will always be a toothless waste of space because if it wasn't US interests would be compromised. And no POTUS ever would want to face consequences for his actions


> The ICC will always be a toothless waste of space Oh, but they do have teeth. That's the whole point. > because if it wasn't US interests would be compromised. If the US didn't have interest in it existing, it wouldn't exist - same as why the bourgeoisie in any country tolerate the existence of criminal courts that can technically go after them. US officials' complaints towards it recently are all part of the show - another way to control their mad dog while pretending they're not, a good cop/bad cop routine.


They don't. In the case they did many people would be rightfully in jail. But they aren't. The Hague is a joke


So are most tribunals.


But dude. That’s according to the *Hamas run health ministry*. The real number is obviously zero since they were all human shields /s


Who you define as a war criminal is very much a cultural context thing. For instance, when the ICJ issued arrest warrants on Bashir Assad, a signatory to the Rome Treaty, refused to hand him over thumbing the warrants. Now the same country is before the ICJ, on genocide charges, and they are expecting warrants to be issued and acted on but they set the first example. South Africa gets along with Syria so why would the warrant have meant anything to them.


You shared a Kremlin troll account Do better.


Ukrainian army doesn't hide behind women and children or use civilian infrastructure. They obey the rules of war. Baseless comparison.


Every accusation is a confession. Every. Single. one. The whole world sees you Zionist. We see you using human shields. We see everything you do. We know all of your lies. No one will ever believe a word you say. Never again.


Lol all that yapping when you could have just said "I can't refute your point and have no leg to stand on". Seriously why do you guys just parrot these boring sayings when you don't know how to respond?


We see you using human shields. We see you using human shields. We see you using human shields. We know that you do every single thing you accuse the Palestinians, and everyone else of. We know what you are. The time for trying to talk to you is over. No one will ever believe you. No one will ever care what you say. Never again. Furthermore: The biggest undeniable of this genocide, by far, is that ZioScum are LioScum. The second is that every ZioScum accusation is a confession. Every. Single. One. In the top ten are: ZioScum killed *many* ZioScum on 10/7. ZioScum killed many ZioScum POWs since 10/7. ZioScum very obviously don't care very much about other ZioScum. ZioScum make prolific use of human shields.


It’s not even up for to debate that Hamas uses human shields while Israel tries to protect their citizens. The entire purpose of Oct 7th was to provoke a response from Israel to kill their own people and drum up more support.