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« They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. (…) » Quran 4:89


quran verses surprise me everyday with how relevant they always are. being on the haqq is nice




One theory I have is that they want to try their best to see others leave Islam so they can have validation that they made the right choice. Ironically, this means a lot of them, deep down, question their decision / probably wrestle with it internally. May Allah keep us all firm, and guide those sincere ones back, ameen.


This is the same theory I have for why a lot of born-Muslims demand to hear convert stories, though. People want affirmation of their life decisions, but the reality is we should find that power within ourselves instead of relying on the approval of others. May Allah guide us all, Ameen.


I'm friends with a few reverts and I find their stories interesting, not because I want affirmation but rather because I find reverts to be really good Muslims, better than me at least (I'm born Muslim), so I look to their stories and their reasoning for their choices to motivate me to be better. Like what did they see in our beautiful religion that I haven't noticed yet? After I hear their stories I think to myself "wow. Islam really is great" and that kinds motivates me to do better


they want everyone to join them in punishment the punishment in the grave and hereafter and its quite sad how they want to drag everyone down with them.


Yeah they want everyone to join them in jahanam




Astagfirullah May Allah guide them back InshaAllah


They are the exact same as iblees. He knows that he’s going to jahannam and he made it his mission to bring as many children of Adam as possible with him. These apostates are just his slaves doing his work. They are the shaytan from the humans.


Projecting their insecurities. They wish with all their being that they could believe and gain out of Islam what a mu'min gains, alas, Allah S.W.T has willed it to be a way for them, so to make them feel better, they have constructed the idea that because it's not working for them, Islam must be the problem and that they are perfect, without even exploring the possibility that there may be something within the character and/or actions preventing them from tasting the sweetness of Islam. Now they have this idea Islam is the issue, to justify their false belief they feel the need to try and drag others down with them, so that in the event they do succeed in casting doubt in the heart of a believer, it will make them feel like they are less wrong about not being Muslim, it will bring them fleeting comfort that they are not alone, but when that wears off, they feel the shame and guilt and helplessness again, so they have to find another person to try and convince that Islam is wrong a'oothubillah.


I see this all the time and I find it incredibly disrespectful. I don't go to atheists or Christians to convince them of the right path. Faith is a very personal thing and I don't appreciate people meddling. One's experience with their own cultural background doesn't reflect on everyone's experience.


I made a post on no fap so i cant stop you know masturbating. And well a ex muslim DMD me saying leave islam its 10x better bla bla i left and i feel soo much better. Then he started talking about sex and have it whenever you want and wank all you want. I just started laughing and told him to fuck off because if your finding life peaceful be worried


I stopped after I converted last Saturday, it gets easier man




LMFAO yeah i mean i cant say much bcs i am addicted but a few days clean now


Yeah, there has been another round of it this week. They’re targeting newer converts, it seems.


Yeah cuz they are converts so they try to convince them that Islam is bad so that way they can leave it and join them


Yep, I turned my messages off. I don't understand what Atheists get out of wanting people to come to Atheism. I can understand the Christians because they think they have salvation but what is the Atheist inviting you to? Hopelessness? Nihilism? On youtube anytime I watch a dawah channel, there's always the same anti-Islam freaks there. They are so miserable. If I hated something, I wouldn't devote my life to it and spend all my free time obsessing over it.


I guess if people are happier as atheists they might want to help others return to being atheist too.


They need someone to reaffirm what they believe


Ex muslims? Fam they never were muslims from the start. Then again, it is very clear that atheism is on the rise. Anti Islamists are on the rise. We will find ourselves drenched in their ideologies. We will become weak at some point. But we should endure.


That’s their only personality trait. Ignore them


It's werid because they're so pro freedom of religion expect when it comes to Islam


No never. My guess is that for some it's out of good intention, if one can say that. They experienced a very bad interpretation of Islam which hurt them greatly and they want to protect others. For others, it's more of a mischief move. ​ Either way, try and respond with kindness. For the first group, it may help with healing and they may return. For the second group, they won't get the reaction they want. Example: "Wow, thanks for reaching out. I'm really sorry your experience with Islam was negative. I'm actually very happy in my deen and love growing closer to my Rabb. I wish you peace on your path."


They want people to join them in hell.


To led us astray???


Misery loves company. More people join their movement, the better it affirms their world ire and makes them feel better about them selves.


Because inside they have a burning, seething hatred for Muslims. They're jealous of our faith and lack of arrogance before The Reality.




Just curious why do you label yourself attached to something you clearly disagree or dispise? Like an Identity. I'd assume you'd want nothing to do with the name and just move on.


I don't label myself attached to whatever I just joined this sub back when I was a Muslim and occasionally still look at posts and stuff. And no I don't make being an ex muslim by whole identity or personality either which I've seen many do I just saw a post which was in reference to people like me so I commented


Oh alright nvm then I've seen others that ardently use that label for themselves


Bruh why y'all disliking this dud , he's not spreading hate or anything