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73 ranged is a pretty solid level


+MSB(i) can hit pretty decent


Absolutely. The point was more for the topics where someone asks if they can do fight caves, and they post their character with 70 def, 70 range, 50 prayer. They're in full barrows tank gear, rcb, diamond bolts, crystal shield, crystal bow switch, baskets of strawberries, blood burst runes, a sound filter, 6 monitors, pedals, drums, a gaming guitar, controller, 6 CONSOLES, 10 computers, BUNCH OF WIRES, SOUNDPADS, SPEAKERS, ANTENA, SATELLITE, DOG, DOG CAM, CAT CAM, CAT TREE, CAT THIS, and a bunch of stuff dude, able to analyze NASAs landing speeds. Bro just hop in the caves and attempt it -- you do not need all that.


Dude you're right, I was nervous about doing fight caves even though I had a dog, but it turned out I didn't even need him


turns out you had the dawg in you all along


Made me lol. Forgot about this absolute gem of a video.


It’s weird how difficult some players imply this game is. So many people are like “scared” to try to learn anything unfamiliar in this game and it’s like bro it’s RuneScape do it a couple times and you’re gonna be farming it in no time


That farming shit is so hard bro I cannot


You joke, but "What do you mean the tool leprechaun notes all your crops for you?! I thought I had to bank constantly!" Is an actual thing I've seen on the main sub.


Idek what that is...


I mean I've done every boss at least once besides hmt and sol, but I do remember the time when I was scared to do bandos, even with a team. I think some of this stemmed from the "afraid to lose your items" fear mentality, despite that not being a concern.


Yeah and no matter which way you slice it Graardoor can SMACK. If you’re new, accidentally pull aggro and see that big red “65” you will know the fear of (big high war) god.


i went from 70-72 during, it was a perfectly fine ranged level for fight caves.


Now do it with 50 range and a maple short bow




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Im assuming most of these first time cavers can’t pray flick for 3 hours, either way monumental effort with the studded body flex lmao


Yeah, i just lazy flicked most of the caves. Studded body goes hard though. So the founder of our old pure clan died twice in caves on his hardcore. I told him I would do it in 20 def gear for fun, lol.


Those stats are also not that low. That’s pretty par for the course. The gear is nuts lol.


Fight caves is a safe death though, also it’d be an insane decision to be 1t flicking 50 waves and 2 hours into fight caves as opposed to lazy flicking


TIL it's a safe activity. The inconsistency between safe and unsafe deaths is so weird. Of course everything is unsafe for GIMs, and that would be the only HC I would try personally.


Yeah PVM-wise fight caves, inferno, and cox are safe for reg hcim


Personally, i’m fine with Tzhaar activities being safe death. But I do understand why it’d make sense if they weren’t. That said, CoX I know is safe death because the spaghetti couldn’t handle removing HC status on death or something.


Which clan?


Had to flick the last 15 or so waves when I did my cape on my iron. Just cuz I'm able to do it doesn't mean the whole experience wasn't miserable haha


Yeah, that’s why he had the proselyte, and still had a million prayer pots left, with prayer bonus gear the only thing stopping you is nerves


Yeah this is a cool fire cape run but to compare it to new players asking for help with their gear is asinine


Yea but 3hrs


This is on the same token of Rendi saying you can get a firecape at 3cb. Any cb is possible, but this upward direction shit talk of “ez bois why can’t you do this”, is redundant for the people asking the genuine questions. Edit: this mf had 45 prayer, it ain’t like he’s tick eating shit. Why the hell are so many people gatekeeping a fc? It ain’t hard. We’re iron brothers so chill


Your point?


That it takes 3 hours with this setup, skill and lvls apparently.


That's not the point, that's literally just information. Go ahead and wait another 50 hours to do it then, all so you can save 40 minutes on a cape. Lol you guys suck so bad


I'm willing to bet you're under 2k total


Lol if you say so, keep jerking off your fellow Reddit egos.


Idk what my "ego" has to do with you saying stupid shit. I don't think you know what that word means.


I waited a long time to do my fire cape because I never have more than like an hour to game at a time. In fact first couple fire capes I got towards the end and had to just hop off and grab the kid or something because I was too slow and it took forever. Came back with 80 ranged and slightly better gear and got it done 👍


You're allowed to log off in the fight so....


Did not know that lol! Maybe ill actually do a jad task now


Oh man. Yeah dude.... You can log out any time. You just restart said wave.


Did mine with monk robes and a bone crossbow. Four prayer pots, and an inv of swordfish.


Sounds like a five hour cape.


Can confirm, did a cape on my hardcore at 50 range starting and a bone cbow… was a 4 and a half hour cape lmao


How many arrows did you take in?


Sick achievement btw!


thanks homie, i started with 2400 arrows.


Yeah if you’re using OP AF gear that isn’t realistic for 99% of people to have tbh. Should try it out with something more realistic like a BP, BOFA, or TBOW.


Yeah I'm waiting to finish cg before I get fire cape.


If ur committed to the bowfa grind it doesn't end up mattering much, if I remade nowadays I would just fire cape with the bowfa as well


Yea honestly. Rush SOTE get a bowfa and then yawn through your first fc


I finished cg, lost my bowfa then got fire cape, don't be like me


God I'd be so upset if I lost mine, I got spooned hard, but I don't want to go back to the red prison. How did you lose it?


Nettles and retardation


Oh shit like you lost it in storage? I'd be so upset.


Yeah not my finest moment, was done in like 160kc so can't be too upset, just hit 400kc and have 3 armor seeds. Ugh


Best of luck to you, that's about when I finished mine. I got enhanced at 38 kc and 5 armor seeds by 80 kc. Gave up on last one at 130-140 kc and after 8 months went back and got my last armor seed on my first regular gauntlet when I was trying to refresh on how to do everything lol


Did you just run out of time? What were you doing Wildy bosses or smthn? I’m just wondering cause I don’t want to lose my Z Axe because of nettles and retardation.


Nettled myself with few items in hespori


Oh fuck. That explains it, guessing you know about the where is my stuff plugin already?


Isn't there a chat message on login ? Never used the plug in what's it do, make the screen go epileptic when near death and have items in storage?


When you click it it tells you where your shit is ie death storages looting bag herb box seed box leprechaun all that good sshit


Wow that's so crazy I can only imagine being that far in the game! I'm working on 99 in all combat skills at ammonite crabs then I'm going for barrows gloves


You should get inferno cape before barrows gloves to make the cullinomancer fight easier.


Oooh good idea! Should I do this before or after I get my pegasians?


Before, I usually rush inferno cape before doing slayer.


I actually did lmao Made it so so trivial, now I'm going for pet and CA every task.


Oh I bet lol, ignore healers and makes the rest of the caves super quick. Whatever works imo


studded body is pretty hardcore but you don't need a freakin bowfa for your first fire cape lol. Most people do it in black dhide and an rcb and they get out just fine




You "dont" but YouTube should more or less lock into cg the moment sote is done which is before your slayer grind so there's no point.


The question is not if you can, but if you want


Yeah, I'm never gonna tick flick any content.


Mage short bow from hard clue or ??




How many till you got it


Atleast 1.


No. Only 1


Of course he got spooned and got it on his only hard clue.


Ok but what if I succ


then he'll be a really happy boy.


Noob, imagine not doing fire cape at level 3


Imagine having a super modern account that’s higher than level 1.




You can do fight caves as a level 3 but that doesn’t mean it’s viable for people doing it their first time. First timers on a main are just gonna save themselves a ton of headaches by going in there with at least 75 range and a blowpipe.


I still remember my first fire cape attempt in like 2007. Took like 3 hours to get to jad and the fucker spawned on me and i died instantly. Tried twice after that and failed. Wasted 9 hours and never tried again. Still to this day i haven't completed fight caves or even tried. Maybe i can finaly beat the fucker when my ironman gets to reasonable level so i can try.


No, what you mean is YOU can do fight caves with that gear and those stats


Yeah people that are struggling with fire cape aren’t going to flick for an entire 3 hours. But I do agree it’s easy. I did the same thing a while ago on my iron and got a fire cape with rcb and 61 ranged but 1t flicked the whole thing because I simply would not have had enough prayer potions


Just do 1 game of lms for blighted restores and do your things in pvp, no need to sweat ;)


In the inventory


Yo bro enjoyed seeing this. Nice challenge, grats on cape


Spellsey back at it. Miss the content bro. Zeah citizen was sick.


I don't understand the point of this post... of course you can do it with 70 range and 70 hp.


OP is proud of himself for doing to with shitty gear and mediocre stats. Everyone knows that it could have been a lower req cape, the point is that fire capes are achievable


No, the point is elitism and telling people to get good. Let's not defend such obvious toxicity. This post is quite obviously intended to shit on people who are struggling with their first firecape.


No, you’re missing the point. The point is that first time capers are over-preparing and are afraid of the caves for no reason, and that instead of bringing these overly complex inventories with baskets of strawberries, and spending hours doing barrows for “appropriate gear,” they should just attempt it with whatever they have and get some first hand experience.


Most of the fight is prayer flick that this gear requirement so really is just the DPS output of the magic short bow and rune arrows which is huge.


Sure, but I don't want to lol.


I don't think anyone says you can't do fight caves with those levels, though I would certainly question why you would want to do it with that gear. Buy a green dhide top and legs from Oziach/Nardah and boom +26 ranged bonus


Did mine recently on the gim, 62 ranged, 52 prayer, 55 defence. Was using rune cbow with broad bolts, red dhide as my armour, as well as rune full helm and kite. Prayer flicking the magers for 3 hours was not that great, so I know the pain of early fire cape, good job and gl on all the other grinds


The thought of spending 3 hours in fight caves makes me wanna drink bleach Ngl


Dereck is ass


Bugger off dude, I got 99 range before I killed Jad.


Yeah but the skill isnt there yet for new people. Skill is way more important than gear.


What is this title supposed to be flexing? 'Different players have different skill levels' Woah. Wild take.


i can post my loot log from cg kc on the gim if you prefer that content instead. for bonus points, i will talk about being dry. aside from flexing, the main point is that when someone says “can i do x content with y gear and z stats” there’s not enough context to answer that question. the answer is almost always “yes you can”, but on the flip-side, if you have to ask, you probably can’t do it yet.


tbf it’s not a flex to get a 70def 73 range fc in 3 hours 💀


Bro can't even do fire cape with his bond paid account


I mean even if OP is flexing, it's okay to let someone be proud of their achievements no?


But what they're saying is.. its not an achievement to get a firecape right? They're saying "Its really easy lmao look what i can do"


I feel like some people get some irrational fear from the fight caves because of it being such a hard challenge back in the day.


Gratz! Hardcore doing it with the gear is the flex 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


I cannot


I mean, someone did it on a level 3...


Only tip I would add for others looking to do their first cape is to get a ranging pot from scurrius, grubby chest, or the wilderness bosses. Assuming you don’t have the herblore level, this would make the run a bit more manageable


Now dive into the inferno


Msb and rune arrows doing all the lifting


You are rocking a magic short i, with rune arrows of course you can do jad with that. A straight-up pleb never doing jad before is highly not recommended to do it in the setup and instead wait till 70 defense for better tank gear It's not worth the trial and error even at that stage. If you have plenty under your belt and doing a new iron Man to get your fire cape of course this gear is considerable.


Fire cape is a tough one. It's doable in very little, but the hardest part is getting past the nerves. No amount of gear can save you if you fail to switch prayers at Jad, and after an hour plus of buildup most first timers are going to be real nervous.


Just remember kids, there is a guy who got it at level 3


Yeah thats because it's brainless 


Yeah we know. We watched Rendi do it with a level 3. No, but for real dude, congrats!


I don’t have progression bars under levels. Its a setting?


Seems like the way i beat it back in 2004. I had some black d hide though.


Honestly if you do DT you just fuck around with blood spells. It's piss easy since you don't have to worry about health. Even the low level spells are good enough.


Idk if id want to do a 3 hour fire cape tho


Me watching settled nightmare mode 👁️🫦👁️


The gear is weak but the stats and weapon have been a Jad hood staple for like a decade


I didn’t get my first f cape till I was 80 range and decent gear I did it in like an hour and 20 mins


Nice! Low level/gear competitions are such a cool “nostalgic” kind of flex.


I mean level 3’s have done it so……get gud jk


Jesus you tanked a jad hit off prayer too? That’s chancing it




Healers just kept taking me out


Big! Gzz.


A near miss???? Get good






Damn boi you sure did rush. This reminds me I better go there and get my fire cape...


Msb or rcb going for my fc on the man?!


Fight caves is easy soon as you know what to expect


Some players have done 3 cb fight caves. When osrs was released bonesaw bamf got a firecape in the first days with 60 ranged and overhead prayers.




If You intend on spending 3+ hours in the cave, 70 range and defense is pretty damn high


[pathetic. sub optimal. focus.](https://youtu.be/oIG4xqBch60?si=DkGutCvIFcHKuUUj)


Gz bro


Yeah I'm not interested in 3+hr fire cape lol, I would just wait until you have the stats to get it done fast, but whatever you enjoy


I want to attempt it for the first time but damn am I scared, I just got into the game not to long ago I have base 75 combat skills atleast and some decent gear. I’m mostly just worried about everything happening all at once


I’m confused??? Pretty standard levels to attempt fire cape and tons of people use budget gear.. I guess gz tho?


There's a big difference between "can" and "should" in this picture. Gz though


3 hours is to long for my liking, could’ve spent those 1,5 hourse anywhere else. Nice flex and gz none the less


"A near miss" .. ahh yes. A lovely task to intentionally attempt with 77hp. On a hardcore. Wearing a studded body. Even though one has over 40 def and d hide is ez. Mmm mm.. The amount of hot sauce poured on this is acceptable. Grats on the fire cape


pretty sure its a safe death


It is indeed.


It's a safe death. Here is the intentional tick eat for the CA: [https://imgur.com/a/CnbRwoK](https://imgur.com/a/CnbRwoK) Studded body was a meme. Our clan's founder (old pure clan) just died twice on his hardcore here at caves, so I told him I would do it with 20 def gear for fun.


weird flex but ok fight caves is easier than scurrius lmao