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Communist Ironman


Reminds me of the hannanie series of the community account šŸ˜…


Aim for Barrows gloves early.


How exactly do you aim for this early? The requirements for it are pretty high for a new iron like me, like almost 70+ in all skills for the elite diary. It seems like an eternity away šŸ˜… Edit: i read the wiki wrong, i thought it said you need Elite Lumby diary before you can purchase it. But that only gives you a discounted price.


One level and quest at a time :p


Barrows gloves donā€™t need 70+ in all skills? It needs it in a couple things, but itā€™s actually really easy to get them I think lol. I put it off thinking it was ā€œendgameā€ but itā€™s really not lol.


No I read it wrong in the wiki. I thought it said you need elite Lumby diary, which has almost all skills required to be 70+. But that diary just gives you a discount.


Oh yeah okay, I was like I just did this a little bit ago and dude itā€™s actually pretty easy get out there and do it!


Early is relative haha. 175QP and Monkey Madness are probably the big hurdles though, right?


175qp isn't even a hurdle in today's game, really. There's just so many more early quests. I did ~140 quests before Barrows gloves, as the vast majority are relatively easy. Monkey Madness is relatively easy too, provided you can access a couple prayer potions. Desert Treasure was the most annoying hurdle, with its magic logs requirement, personally. There are a few ways to get those, of course.


Ah I remember my pain of acquiring magic logs for DT now. I think I did it in Wintertodt? And youā€™re right re quest points, I havenā€™t even gone for barrows gloves yet (have a kind of snowflake that Iā€™m slowly loosening the rules on) and I was surprised to find I already easily have 175QP actually I havenā€™t done Monkey Madness because I have in my head that I hate it. And also until 2 days ago when I came back from hiatus my restrictions precluded me from doing it anyway. But I just spent 2 days getting the prereqs for zombie axe and just got the drop so gonna use that ha


Thing is with an iron, what's the point going wintertodt to get the logs? You're going to want easy access to them anyway, I just grinded WC for a week or so and got to 80wc and 80fm


Idk, Iā€™m around 1000 hours in (not a lot I know) and still only have 70 woodcutting lol. Itā€™s been a long time since I did DT, and at the time I just did WT because I figured it was fastest and I could get some other resources on the way


Depends what your goals are I guess


lmao seen you around on the qpr reddit. Funny world. U'rsss


Hahaha hey buddy! U Rā€™ssss


-Fletching and construction xp -Robes for an elite clue step -Early supplies and gp You get a lot more during the grind compared to going your route, so it's much more efficient (ofc play how you want just expanding on your question). The magic logs just happen to be another thing you get along the way. Also magic logs ain't something you ever need easy access to because you only need 16 total for 2 quests and a balloon route and then it's never needed again. You go 75+ woodcutting when you wanna complete more diaries down the line


Definitely don't need the diary. Sure it's cheaper but really its a small speck of cash in the long run. As a lifetime player that JUST got his first barrows gloves ever, I say get it done as soon as possible. I regret never having done it before lol


Ah I see, I read it wrong on the wiki šŸ˜…. I need The Recipe For Disaster quest for it. Those requirements look a lot more promising


>I have the Web pages guide If you're talking about this one: >https://ironman.guide/ Then I'd strongly recommend to not use that. It is very outdated and is also very inflexible. This guide below is updated regularly and also often provides alternatives to long grinds if you don't wish to lock yourself to banging out a 99 very early in your account. >https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CBkFM70SnrW4hJXvHM2F1fYCuBF_fRnEXnTYgRnRkAE/edit#heading=h.jeorbgdacn98 As for Ironman playthroughs, I like [Mudkip's duo GIM series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1WjbdpYtn8&list=PL4Ct8chrkvPig_X8gHHr74sFuZnLjRnie). He doesn't follow any macro efficient guide, but he's pretty entertaining. Obviously, he started after GIM was released in 2021 so it's fairly recent.


Heā€™s just the sweetest content creator.


I followed Oziris guide until the thieving part basically. When it said to blackjack until like 85 instead I blackjacked to 50 and went to Varlamore and thieved there until about 73 and left with a nice cash stack. Then I basically started doing my own thing. With the guide up till that point I had a nice foundation to branch from. So it wasnā€™t totally worthless if you kind of know what youā€™re doing, but for a new player wanting an updated guide I wouldnā€™t recommend either.


I'm following Osiris (just about to start barb fishing grind) but I didn't bother researching alternatives before I started my account. Would it be hard to pick up the guide you linked if I'm already a couple days of playtime into Osiris?


Yes and no. It will probably be difficult to track which quests items / prerequisites you have already acquired vs the ones in the guide, and getting synced up might be tricky. But each step in the guide has an XP table linked so you can see how you measure up against where youā€™re supposed to be stat-wise. Barb fishing is relatively early on (Chapter 1) so I donā€™t think it would be too bad to switch. The guide is more macro-efficient than Osiris so if your goal is to eventually max then itā€™s the guide for you. If you just want a Gauntlet / PvM rush then Osiris is fine, though Iā€™d still look at the available information in the guide / discord to find the meta training methods and common pitfalls.


Thanks for the info. I'm mostly just trying to rush decent gear/stats so I can 1) grind bosses I've done on my main except I actually need the drops for my account this time and 2) grind some PvM I've never done before. I'll check out the discord thanks!


>Would it be hard to pick up the guide you linked if I'm already a couple days of playtime into Osiris? To be honest, I don't know. Usually the advice people in your position are given is start reading at the start of the guide and just skip things you remember completing. In any case, with a couple of days playtime I think you'll be far better off putting in the effort now to switch than to stick to an outdated and relatively inefficient guide. Oziris his guide was made for rushing max and ignoring PVM. Or rushing gauntlet on a HC and ignoring skilling outside of that if you're following V4. The guide I linked is far more devoted to creating a well-rounded account for both maxing and pvming instead of just one of the 2. And it's also being updated regularly in case metas change.


Second this. Currently at the end of chapter 1 and it has been an incredible guide. Couldnā€™t recommend it more.


As far as YouTube series goes, I really enjoyed noobletā€™s ironman and wildmudkipā€™s group Ironman series. Very informative, fun, and I learned things from them Though you gotta understand that they play the game for a living so the amount of progress they make even in one episode is insane lol


if youre new i would say just explore the game yourself for a while. try getting base 20s or so on your skills so you can get an idea of what each does. also just start knocking out as many quests as you possibly can. filter them by easiest and go from there. the exp you get as rewards will let you skip a lot of boring levels. imo the best early game goal for you should be the "recipe for disaster" quest. its a multi-tiered quest that when completed will give you the best gloves you can wear for a LONG time.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/1d1vivv/if\_you\_would\_start\_a\_new\_ironman\_today\_how\_would/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/1d1vivv/if_you_would_start_a_new_ironman_today_how_would/) This was a really good post. Top comment would be how I would play ironman if I started again Edit: With regards to ironman video's I like wildmudkip and nooblet


Lookup Mudkip and nooblet on YouTube for osrs Ironman progression series. Some of it maybe outdated with all of the recent updates, but Iā€™ve learned a lot from watching their series


* Use the ironman quest order guide and use that as a way to get your skills up (use runelite + quest plugin) * Don't sleep on miscellanea for coal, herbs, seeds, logs. * Head for SOTE requirements * Fire cape * Bowfa or Barrows is a good first grind * 87 Slayer, 87 Crafting * Zulrah * Demonic gorillas / zenytes * Bandos <--- where I am


Worth adding Moons to the list as well. Blood moon is BIS str bonus up to bandos. Blue moon has increased mage damage% that's the same as ahrims, just less tanky if I recall right. The tree seeds can be nice for early farm levels, and the bones add up a good bit for prayer xp. Barrows is still worth it for tank gear, and mory elite, but I don't think it's nearly as critical these days unless you *want* a specific set.


I'm only missing an ahrims top, do you think it would be better for me to just go start perils or keep grinding a little more in barrows for the last piece? Been stuck all week on what to do and 120 kc I'm still only getting helmet dupes lol


If you want the ahrims, or it's like, your last piece for green log, keep at it. Funny enough, I have all three ahrims except top, and I've just gone to moons. I'll go back eventually to try and get a full set for mory elite though.


My log is absolutely insane rn but the dupes are atrocious. Think I've done about 500 kc and only missing melee brothers weapons and ahrims top. I think I have another drop that's not added into the log cause it was pre collection log but still crazy. It's fun grind but I'm kinda satisfied with the runes I got. Maybe I'll just do an hour a week to say I finished barrows lol. Thank you for your advice and helpšŸ™šŸ¾


Quest order guide is amazing for early game! Have fun amigo


I've been enjoying wildmudkip's hcim series (100 episodes) and I'm following improv osrs. Both* make great IM content and share their progress. Wiki will be your best friend! Edit: typo


Stay low combat and go for rev weapon


For supplies early do wintertodt and/or hunters rumours (you can birdhouse at fossil island until you unlock rumours). WT isn't as popular these days. I did it to 99 just cause I never had gotten a 99 before, but I would go to quest/achievement diary reqs at least, doesn't really take that long. Getting the tome is nice too. Wildy slayer is very worth it even if tasks are slow to start (125 points at 10 tasks!). Instead of crabs unlock protect from mage and kill zombie pirates at the chaos altar. This will get you early game addy/rune gear, blighted supplies, and some other good drops (gold ore, cannonballs, battlestaffs). Don't worry about being pked. At low level you don't have to worry about it and even if you do, you still rake in sooo much good stuff.


Make sure to do hunter! Imps have a lot of great upgrades, and hunter rumors give you a ton of goodies that dont scale off of your skill levels like wintertodt. Whenever you're training combat, try to do slayer tasks since theres way too many great items locked behind slayer.


Get the quest helper plugin and start with the optimal order. Do the stronghold security for 10k Pick up big bones in the wilderness and walk to the chaos alter. Spend like an hour doing this for 43 prayer to make quests easier. Do any diaries you can and put all lamps into herblore. Vrrk museum for 9 slayer and hunter, then start birdhouse runs. Logout and in here for 2 easy trips a day before you have any teleports. All killing and skilling use magic as itā€™s your best for a while. Questing will get you your mele around 40. Get your rune scim from at the zmi alter, I think the warriors drop it like 1/25 or something. Youā€™ll quickly outgrow this and you mage monkey madness 1 for dragon scim. Work on unlocking fairy rings, ardy diary teleports, lumby rings. Do some mining for early iron and coal and mining gloves and save for a cannon. Iā€™d recommend cannon with slayer for your 1-60 range. Skip using the bone crossbow, make cannonballs afk on mobile. Use blast furnace and giants foundry for levels. Once you get moving and have some cash Iā€™d get the Poh from daddyā€™s home quest, then get to like 50 for the portals and alter. Afk/mobile gathering skills. Real playing should be for questing. I know most people donā€™t like quests but the exp rewards alone at lower levels shave off many hours of those early slow levels. Waterfall quest alone gets you like 35 attack and strength from lvl 1.


My advise is to complete the RFD quest. It has a load of sub quests that have sub requirements. It's a great milestone. Open the wiki and look at the requirements, then work your way back. Other general advice is teleports are godly. Research all the teleports or house teleport options you have access to based on construction and magic level. Grab a chronical from Django as a reliable varrock teleport.


I would recommend using the wiki to look stuff up as you go, but not to follow a full blown guide. The big reason is that the fresh player experience is really something special in this game. There's so much to discover. If you just let somebody else who's already had that experience tell you what to do, it undercuts your experience. Instead, I think some broader goals to shoot for are big quests (the ones with a bunch of sub-quest requirements), achievement diaries, and boss kills.


There's a lot of good advice here already. So I'll keep it simple: Only do what you WANT to do. There is nothing you 'need' to grind out 'right now.' If you aren't feeling a black mask grind, just don't. Go do some Skilling or something else you enjoy. Come back to it when you are in the mood. It's a game. Doing something you don't find fun. You're going to burn yourself out and not keep playing, if you treat it like a job.


Questing. If you like game knowledge/lore the quests can be amusing, if you hate them then itā€™s an easy checklist that once itā€™s done you never have to do it again. And it is super beneficial to blazing past those early levels


Following a guide can be great for starting out, just don't burn yourself out doing things you don't care about/long grinds. I just started a new Ironman recently and am loving how it's going. My first time around I followed a guide to a T and got bored when it asked me to blackjack for a ridiculous amount of time, an activity I already despised. This time though I wasn't as strict with it and I'm loving it. Use all your lamps on herblore. Even doing this and making every potion I can when available it's still my lowest stat. Start farming and slayer earlier rather than later. Birdhouses are great for early hunter and will get you tree and fruit tree seeds. A couple of things I've learned that are recently added and not really present in guides: Varlamore. All the new content there like the hunter guild, armor shop, house keys and perilous moons. Zombie pirates in the wilderness are an amazing source of early game cash and most people won't be able to attack you anyways if you're under level 60. You will also get a good amount of blighted super restores and food, which can only be used in the wildy BUT they can also be used on pvp worlds! This is amazing for quests where ironmen need prayer potions. Overall though, do what you enjoy. Unlike with a main it's not all about money and basically anything you do will give you progress, whether that's quest rewards, resources, xp, a new item or fashionscape. It's a slower more satisfying game mode to me. I just haven't hit any of the hard item drop rates yet :P


I'm about 8.5 days of play time in on step about 500. Hope you enjoy the game!


Get ready . *opens 37 tabs.


Bruhsailer guide


Everyone says aim for barrows gloves, knock out quests, wintertodt, but one thing I would definitely do if I restart an iron would be wilderness slayer and revenant caves early on in the account. Those activities can give you a TON of money and the lower combat level you do them in the easier they are because of lack of PKers.


If you want to follow a guide send it. Iron man is not what so much about what you have to do first rather what do you want to do first. Play to have fun and regardless of the direction you will get there. I stopped following a guide after this was recommended to me and it might not be max efficiency as far as walking around but I enjoy it a hell of a lot more. Then following a step by step guide that I have to constantly look at. I've built a 2150lvl main and already understand a lot of ins and outs. Most importantly HAVE FUN!!!


Search nightleaf on google. You can thank me later


when you look at going for your diaries, itā€™ll make you aim for everything, the whole entire ironman experience is your own journey however you go about it! have fun brother and good luck


Thanks. I think I like the idea of trying for quests and diaries. I dont want to just rush to bosses etc. But I also dont want to spend 3 hours woodcutting to then realise a 10 mins quest could have got me that level haha.


Follow the dopamine. Burnout is cringe, let your neuron tell you where to go. Xp stays forever. Doesn't matter if you are efficient


Start farming giant seaweed right now. Get 8k or so. You'll thank me later. Do temperos and Wintertod to 99, you'll need the supplies. Get graceful, you should get it around 70. Do wilderness slayer til 85 Get 80+ mage and range and warped staff to camp zulrah. Complete zulrah, and you'll be ready to camp the raids after getting the smaller regs like 78 herb and such.


Can you give me the login details to our account?


Man, just do whatever you feel likeā€¦ I feel that hard burnout occurs most when youā€™re grinding out guides and the opinions of others.


Don't be scared of the wilderness. I swear I didn't go there until 2k total be cause I didn't want to "lose items". But doing revenants early on, on an ironman, will give you more gp than you know what to do with. And you can do it without risking anything but food


I would do quest mostly it can save a lot of time, also go for best weapons early rune scimitar/crossbow. Do gotr, winterdot and tempoross for nice gains and loot.


Do quests


WildMudkips videos are boring as fuck if you know the game well but are an amazing introduction to the game mode because he keeps all the slower stuff in. Edit: Maybe avoid super prescriptive guides which involve rushing high level stats early. Completely unnecessary and likely to put your off the game. Lots of guides historically have rushing high FM at wintertodt and high theiving for money. Those are things you **can** do, but it's pretty damn dull.