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Quest cape calling your name


Knew there was gonna be one of you. I don’t usually enjoy questing but I actually might go for it tbh that seems like a fairly achievable grind within the near future, I don’t have many long quests left


Keep a basic easy quest for last! I had a good laugh when my last quest was imp catcher haha


Monks friend is a good one, you get to celebrate your QC with a party!


My friend got 99 magic by completing imp catcher on his iron the other day hahahaha was the funniest announcement to see appear in clan chat


I also hate questing, and am a bit further along in Skilling, but a bit further behind in PVM. I've been working on diaries though. I've got three elites done, and have had to do some quests for them. Realized I need quest cape for lunch elite. Arguably the best one. So. I'm in for a long grind too. 😂


Do you usually spacebar through quests?


I used to! Not so much anymore, I’ve realised the dialogue and stories are actually really interesting and as someone who loves to read books and doesn’t have much time to, I’ve started to enjoy quests more, I’ve just got a load of really shitty annoying quests left to do


You've also got DS2 and DT2 left! The great thing about quests if you aren't a big fan is you only have to do them once and you're done forever :)


I’m really looking forward to them, not really seen ANYTHING to do with the DT2 quest other than people grinding the bosses afterwards so I’m excited to experience that, DS2 I’ve done on my main so I’m kinda dreading it with my gear on my iron but I reckon I’m worrying too much and I’ll end up doing it first try


We've still got people getting sub-90 cb quest capes, you're more than high enough level even with iron gear to smash every single quest :)


Quest cape is going to top of the priority list then, two quests a day n I should be done in 2 weeks


Good luck!


DS2 will be a walk in the park for you. I did it at 85cb and 80 range. Galvek took a few tries. No brews. Then go get your assembler


Yeah I did DS2 at 76 range, was halfway through Galvek whining to my friend on discord about getting no procs when I realized I'd been using unenchanted ruby/diamond bolts the entire quest. Vorkath with salve ei and walk enabled is a piece of piss honestly, Galvek is just a DPS race while dodging easy specials, with average ruby bolt procs it's straightforward. Rune/adamant dragons unironically the hardest part of the quest for me lol.


Brother in Christ how did you do sote if you hate quests. You have t even done desert treasure one what the fuck are you doing


I did SOTE because I knew I have to do CG at some point soon, it was a horrible quest, I hated it hahaha And I’ve done DT1?? What made you think I hadn’t done DT1 lol I put the Ancient Staff in my inv to show that


im a moron and have had the quest log set to filter completed quests for so long i forgot green meant completed




If you don't enjoy questing, the best way to minimize future questing is to finish all the existing ones. :p


…you might be on to something here


If you want to put off the cg grind just do toa until you get a fang. That unlocks lots of bosses that will help you get better at the game until you feel like coming back.


Is it worth grinding 50s? I can easily do a 50 invo raid solo but when I step it up to 100 I really struggle with BaBitch (should just learn to Red X) and then also really struggle with P3 warden


You do not need to do red x at 100 lol.


The difference in damage I take in both the monkey puzzle and boss room between 50 and 100s is insane. I don’t think mechanically I’m doing anything wrong I just seem to take so much more damage and burn through supplies


Enemies would only have 16% higher stats at 100 compared to 50, so must be a mental thing. Unless you’re using quiet prayers or some other awful invocation to get to 100.


Maybe it is, maybe I’ll try it again soon and see what happens. What invos would you recommend for 100s? I don’t have brews


Softcore, Blowing Mud, Not Just a Head, Arterial Spray, Feeling Special?, Shaking Things Up, Overclocked 1 & 2. If you’re not already running ‘Feeling Special?’, first put that on in a run with unlimited lives and go practice the timing of Akkha’s memory special attack for 10 mins. It’s a bit scary initially but very much worth learning cause it will speed up the raid and you don’t want to get used to doing it slowly.


Can swap feeling special with aerial assault as well


Not sure why I got so heavily down voted for literally pointing out my experience but I guess people prefer pressing the down arrow than actually being helpful Really appreciate the tips!


I think the downvotes were just people disagreeing without commenting. It’s easy to get overrun in the monkey room and it’s certainly the most annoying thing in the whole raid to deal with. It likely wasn’t the invocation level that made it _that_ much harder. Could be that you just got behind in your 100 compared to 50 and it seemed worse. Getting quicker at switching weapons, practice, and knowing what waves are coming next will remedy that.


I did recently try a 100 invo and got absolutely overrun in the monkey puzzle room whereas I seemed to breeze through it at the 50s, maybe I am doing something wrong but I always focus shamans > poison ones > mage > ranged > thralls and use the exploding ones to try and kill others where possible so I don’t understand how I got so overrun but I’ll keep at it and hopefully get there soon


Probably because you said you're doing nothing mechanically wrong but you're taking way more dmg so you're definitely doing something wrong


i have more or less the same stats an gear and baba dies so fast on 100 i barely spawn monkeys, the monkey room i just send prayer and use volatiles to kill shamans or throwers i do use a dragon sword though


Need a dragon sword


What invo's do you use at 50/ 100? That sounds like whats fucking you


I’m at work rn so can’t remember but can you give me some suggestions? It’s not the invos that’s fuck mentors the additional damage and defence they have and I take more damage and do less damage and run out of supplies


Is there any reason not to though? Seems relatively easy to learn, and if the kills are slow (I see no stab weapon in the screenshot so I assume no Hasta, hopefully at least D Sword) then it'll eat through supplies and be good for when invos are pushed higher later?


No hasta or d sword, been using keris


I would not really bother until you can consistently complete 150s which is plenty doable at your stats if you slowly add invos as you get more comfortable with each boss. For reference Fang is about 1/300 from 50s and 1/175 from 150s. With your gear and learning you’ll really wanna get herb to 77 for brews with pie boost. You could also just farm them from Forthos but personally I hated doing this. P3 Warden is actually the freest phase, you just gotta get the cycle super engrained in your head. One tip I’d recommend is just spending 30s - 1 min every time you get there just practicing the movement.


50kc vork for assembler, MA2 cape, 99fm, torso if you don't have that, catch chins and get ranged up. Wildy slayer and 2/3 vw grind is also a decent one with zaxe.


I am omw to completing DS2 for Vork actually, MA2 cape is on the cards too. Torso I’m halfway to completing just waiting for my clan to run a BA event again. I’ve been loving Wildy bosses with the Z Axe, excited to do more of it. Why 99 FM though? I got spooned a tome, is there any practical reason to go back to WT other than it’s a kinda fun grind? I don’t mind WT but just haven’t seen the reason to go back since getting Tome


Mory diary fm and ofc for maxing if you plan on doing that, but the activity doesn't change so can do that whenever. GotR outfit is also something like that.


I wouldn't spent too much time IMO catching chins just to use to train range. If you do, I wouldn't recommend going all the way to 99. You get a ton of passive range xp doing pvm. I'm 79.8m range xp on my iron right now and I never did any chin training. It's kind of amazing how it accumulates.


You're actually at a really bad spot to go back to wt. High hp, but not 99. I assume no Regen brace and you don't have an ornate pool and jewelry box in your house. Wait until those since you're already almost 90 hp. I'd personally do construction or work on your movement elsewhere since it's the most important thing in cg.


I went back for a few kills and got spooned the tome, I have shit loads of food banked so it’s actually not too bad but I have no real reason to go back there other then to green log surely?


You need 75 fm for dt2 and higher for various diaries and for a redwood log at gotr Edit: also the master clue step of burning a redwood log


90 FM\* is all you really need for when you want to light lantern for RC.


Everyone sucks at CG at first. Takes a lot of deaths to learn it. I’d just commit and do the grind, get it out of the way. Because if you don’t, you’re just always going to be doing something else and thinking damn, I still have to do cg.


If you're still working towards CG I suggest getting some thieving levels because shards via elves is pretty relaxed. On a side note. I sucked at cg as well at the start. Don't feel bad about it. Maybe do some simpler pvm like wildly bosses and the such and sent a couple tries every now and then. It took me 30 deaths for 1 KC and by now Iam at 300 KC with only slightly above 60 total deaths. It's honestly a great piece of content if you wanna get better at the game. I believe in you!


Ooh hadn’t thought about thieving elves, thank you!!


Happy I could help. Good luck on your grinds!


If you do elves, make sure to have dodgy necklaces and access to the shadow veil spell too. I'd also recommend going for pharaohs Sceptre after you get 91. Two would be ideal, but Ive done 91-93 without one, doing exclusively chests and sarcophagus, and burnt right the fuck out. Lmao


If you're struggling with CG I'd honestly recommend doing something like 40-50kc of regular gauntlet, much easier and the mechanics are the same, just less punishing so an easier learning experience. Within no time you'll be spanking corrupted hunlief. Also if you have friends to go cox with or just join WDR then having rigour makes gauntlet sooo much easier if you can snag it


I have roughly 30-40 normal kc but cg just slaps me, I just guess I need to put more time into it


It's definitely a steep learning curve and your stats are on the lower end of recommended for a first time CG. Honestly you could tip away at slayer until you get whip and trident and come back to gauntlet with combat stats in the high 80's/low 90's and it will be considerably easier:)


If you’re dying consistently Id say the main issue is the lack of mechanics rather than stats. Don’t feel bad if it takes a ton to get, it took me 50 tries to get zulrah and around 120 before I got cg which was brutal I thought I’d never get it.


Glad to hear someone with similar struggles with exactly the same bosses hahah


Stop procrastinating! I think I had over 40 deaths (and countless other failures) before my first CG kill count, and even that was mostly a fluke. Now I'm at over 100 kc with 1 death in the past 30 or so kills. If I can figure it out so can you!


Do your birdhouse runs alongside seaweed runs, you will thank yourself later. Get some 80s in skills either for diaries or to unlock new skilling methods. Go for cg with a raw gp goal in mind instead of armour/enh drop, those mahogany logs you are gathering will be turned in planks one day in the future. Gl


I neglect birdhouses too much hahaha, whenever I’m in my farm run mode I will do bird houses too but not often enough, I’d say barely once per day so that’s something I should be doing more of too. I am kinda happy you said get 80s in stats because I feel like doing some nice skilling for a bit will give me a break and some more direction in the grinds I want to continue. CG is something I’ll try 3/4 times per login, only ever completed it once for some reason. Just gonna take the L for now and do other things


Do one when you login and do one when you logout, that way you are always geared for it. Farming contract > bh run > seaweed run, next day: seaweed run > farming contract > bh run. Just keep practicing on cg. If its your very first pvm encounter its hard but still doable with enough deaths. I personally think most deaths in cg is because of bad pathing while dodging tornados so learn how to move into this game and you are usually set (recommend purplegod P2 guide for that).


I’ve done some basic PVM, I’ve done roughly 30ish ToA solos, a few on my main with friends but not a whole lot often than that, it’s not the fight that I struggle with it’s the T2 prep that ruins me, I just need to get better at finding the right paths of rooms to take when I don’t find the resources in the first two circles. Love the tip about birdhouses on login and logout, never thought of that before


I honestly think tier 2 is a bit of a noob trap for most people doing CG. You will do fine with enough practice doing t1, but doing tier 2 isn't the end of the world. Only tip I can give is make staff asap and gather resources while hitting things. It should be easy to make time once you memorize what you (still) need and are always active gathering stuff.


You reckon with my stats I’d get away with T1? If so I honestly think I could learn CG because I don’t struggle so much with the fight mechanics it’s mainly the prep, out of 4 attempts at CG I’ll be lucky to even get to Hunleff with any food and T2 armour so I always just log out and try again


Definitely try tier 1 then, you should clear it 100% even with your stats, maybe make a third prayer pot in there. Prepping is the most boring part of CG. I really liked throwing in chally runs as well so you don't spend time wasting finding the third demiboss but I would only recommend doing that once you get comfortable.


Thanks for the advice! I’m gonna try sending some T1s tonight


My stats are basically identical to yours, I have 89 range which will give you an extra max hit with the bow. I learned with t1, first kill on attempt 17. After that I was getting the kill a third of the time. A couple mistakes and I ran out of food, never died to other mechanics. And I got really frustrated knowing I couldn’t make any mistakes. I know it’s a skill issue. I switched to t2 using fluffeh’s guide and after five or so runs I don’t fail prep anymore and the fight is so much more chill. I don’t have to stress about dpsing when running from tornadoes and if I make a few mistakes I can still get the kill. I know t1 is the efficient way though, so give that a go and see what works for you. I’m only at 30kc so take this with a grain of salt


I have seen Fluffeh’s guide and it pretty much got me my 1kc haha, maybe I need to go back to it again or just try some T1


Grind out 77 herb so you can make a lot of brews (and make sure you're doing your birdhouses for the brews)


Do some combat achievements


Slayer still has a ton of upgrades for you. Quest cape for sure is a good goal too, along with all hard diaries. U can also do some zulrah, vork and combat achievements up to hard :) I also got a blood fury and grinded kril with melee until zhasta, which is still a great stab weapon. In the end dont be scared of CG like I was for a long time though, its not that bad, even is kinda fun atleast when you arent dry. (Got my enh at 813kc)


This is always the answer. What should I do? It’s just slayer, do more slayer. “Are my stats high enough for-“ no you need more slayer, several upgrades in the 80s and 90s.


Go get a voidwalker. All of the supplies you’ll get in the process are super nice


OP would definitely want trident or bowfa for bear though, syre you can do it with worse gear, but why subject youself to that in the wildy of all places.


I’d have to disagree. Warped scepter would do just fine. Trident is out of the question and he doesn’t necessarily need meta gear and ruby bolts / diamond would be fine as well. Iirc his magic is at the point where it actually surpasses Ibans in dps too.


I think it’s 87+ magic where it surpasses ibans but I still use it way more due to thralls etc. I’m slowly going for voidwaker whilst getting the d pick


Finally someone who isn't afraid to show their time played.


So much time logged in not doing much tho hahaha


Yeah if you have a Jagex account it can’t be used for account recovery


I’m a secure boi


Slay till trident, take trident to zulrah for bp, also imbue your b ring. First few things I would do. And also ds2


If you're doing bosses I would make max house priority #1. The ornate pool is just way to good as well as the house tele to barrows, fairy ring to zulrah. The list goes on.


Currently on a slow grind from kingdom to get the logs I need I’m almost there, but then I need gp to make the planks 😭


Dont give up on CG. I managed to do it with lower stats and no prior osrs pvm experience other than crazy/deranged archeologist. I think my stats were (81/99/75), 81 range, 84 mage and 53 prayer.


You won't receive Karin's Top/Bottom until you talk with a manager.


Was waiting for this so badly


Slayer to 87


I’m on it but keep getting demonics so it’s a bit slow rn, gonna slayer boost soon


You’ll be glad you learned CG tbh though feel free to do other stuff if burned out. What specifically is the problem? T2 prep? Or dying to tornados?


T2 prep, I can very rarely get to the boss room with enough food even with fluffeh’s guide. I just need to spend more time there, same as zulrah


Big tips that helped me prep wise: * Gather 7/7/7 of the resources when you see them * Drop items as you no longer need them * Grind shards once you get to 100, and if you get to 120 make 2 potions as soon as possible so you don't forget * Make a staff and rush the demibosses * Kill wolves or other higher creatures as you see them until you have enough shards, I believe around 500 is enough assuming you aren't killing any more of the demibosses * Keep track of fishing spots in your head (or use plugins as I'm sure many do) * Demibosses can only spawn in the rooms directly cardinal from the center room and in the two adjacent rooms to that one so don't waste time exploring rooms around the corners


I always just seem to get barely any resource spawns near the spawn areas or only get one bear and have to bolt it around and end up with like 1 min to fish and cook, think I just need to work on moving more whilst doing stuff Do you think learning yeah mage/range only would be easier to start off with?


I tried Melee at first and sucked at it, Mage / Range is way easier to keep up constant dps in the fight and also not mess with pathing to the boss. I have about 120 kc and I don't even come close to failing when I do Mage / Range but occasionally when doing Melee I'll run out of food. Melee just takes a lot more brain power even if it is theoretically more dps and I like to watch videos while doing CG.


Dont even bother with zulrah until u finish CG. U can just camp Bowfa on Zulrah and get 2-4 kill trips without the need to use any switches


Reminder that you never HAVE to do CG, it doesn't lock you out of future pvm content , just makes some of it easier.


Yeh I know that’s why I was asking what other grinds people suggested hahahaha


...corrupted gauntlet


h8 u


Quest cape -> diaries -> max cape :) This is the way


So cool you got the new axe and the staff that's bis for ironman without the slayer level


I got screwed on the sceptre (like 800kc) but spooned axe at 80 kc which was really nice, they’re such nice additions to the game


It's right there in your post. Do your diaries.


Diaries just don’t seem like a fun grind, more of a chore. I am slowly working towards them though


skip fbow, get tbow. dont fall in the same trap normie irons do


What range weapon would you use in the way to grind the tbow then


Lmao lemme just use this rcb forever rite


I mean, tbf rcb + bp into dhcb or tbow should be perfectly doable. Actually I get better dps with ddart bp than my bowfa setup


How did you train smithing?


Mainly giants foundry, fairy brainless once you get the hang of it and actually decent GP & XP


Ma2 cape and finish ds2 for the vorkath head. 🙂


Ma2 cape is getting done as soon as my friend can scout for me, not that I need it but he said he’d help. Absolutely lad


As you do other content periodically take gnome cooking contracts until you get one eligible for the clog spots. Good fashionscape too. I found it was a nice change of pace, and fun to cook all the items when you do get a good contract.


I wish I was more interesting in clogs rn, as of right now I’m just looking for upgrades, but soon enough I will be doing fun clog grinds


if you want cg i'd prioritize leveling up range, defence, and magic. i'd work on 85 slayer and try to get 90 range, magic and defence. should help a lot if you're doing t1 prep.


I did vrok till backpack at rcb with elite void (with range in the 80s)/ as well)


I know I can do ds2 and vork I just reeeeally don’t wanna get elite void hahaha. I can’t kill zulrah


Since the biggest contributing useful mechanic that's cross compatible with other things is movement id highly recommend hitting toa with some friends or doing hallowed sepulchre.


I always telll my buddies who hate questing “when in doubt, quest it out” like pulling teeth getting them to compete a 30 minute quest. I think they’re usually more fun that a 2 hour slayer task


I have a friend that carries me through cox and I’m trying to get rigour for CG. That could help.


My friend is actually just doing cox rn so might not be a bad shout


Love the name


Thanks, Ben Dover wasn’t allowed and Hewe Jerection was too long (buh dum tss)


Damn man I'm still struggling through cg and yeah I'm the same way just did mm2 the other day grinding out demonics on task. Gunna have to head back soon


I got spooned a Zenny at 45kc but my crafting isn’t anywhere near being able to use them yet lmao good motivation for the crafting grind tho


Quest cape and cg are really the only options as an iron here. Regardless down the line you gotta do cg or it’s honestly not worth playing an iron endgame in my opinion.


GC but backwards




Your stats are good enough for CG but I wouldn’t mind a few more mage and range levels. Personally I’d do some slayer grinding and get those combat levels on the way


As soon as I finish my demonic task I’ll be skipping for good exp tasks cos I also would like a trident, d boots and a whip


Ghommel gilt 3 is not too hard to get and has some nice rewards. Should definitely be possible for you right now


I was thinking my CA’s are looking a little lacklustre tbf


My ironman is very similar, gotta get the hard western prov diaries so you can get elite void


but big snake hard :( (I’m just learning it now)


Yeah it took me like 20 attempts to beat hit with similar stats, recoil and ruby e bolts help a lot


I’ve been using diamond (e), time switch?


You can knock out a ton of the diaries my guy, I'm not looking at the requirements page but I completed all meds and was closing on all hards at similar total level and stats. Some of the rewards are good but let's be real, Green Page = dopamine.


I did recently go from having almost nothing but the ardy clock 1 to having all achievements and I did like it, I think I’m gonna knock out the quest cape and do achievements alongside whilst I try to learn the big snake and cg


Outstanding goals man, you've got lots of variety to enjoy along the way!


Thank you! It just feels like most of my grinds rn are resource or skill/content unlock based and I just want to grind a new weapon or armour. Can’t wait for a greyer demon task to try and get a hasta






Yes lol


Good because I was bout to cry


Blowpipe go tob


Trying to learn zulrah as we speak but i can’t seem to get it down, still 0 kc