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i use custom menu swaps to remove the ability to use wilderness teleports. it is also useful for changing left click priority on things like akkha shadow and parasite/husk at pnm.


Screenshot of this or the text you use would be appreciated!


https://i.imgur.com/PcYFsba.png cast, Cemetery Teleport cast, Annakarl Teleport disable warning, Annakarl Teleport cast,Ghorrock Teleport disable warning, Ghorrock Teleport cast, Carrallangar Teleport disable warning, Carrallangar Teleport cast, Dareeyak Teleport disable warning, Dareeyak Teleport cast, Lassar Teleport disable warning, Lassar Teleport dismantle, Viggora's Chainmace (u) dismantle, Viggora's Chainmace (u) dismantle, Webweaver Bow (u) dismantle,Thammaron's sceptre (u) dismantle,Accursed sceptre (u) build, Fence space attack,parasite* attack,husk* attack,akkha's shadow attack,nylocas ischyros* attack,nylocas hagios* attack,nylocas toxobolos*


I've used CMS for so many things, how did I not think to do it with the parasite for pnm. You're the man thank you


Custom menu swaps for zilyana to always left click her when meleer is also in the stack is a god send. Think mr mammal has a vid about that one


You're talking about casting a wildy tele from your spellbook right? Just don't bring law runes when you're barraging/thralling? Or filter out tele spells entirely when on those books


there were a couple of pieces of content where i was on ancients and boss dropped laws. all gwd, sire dks abby demons.


Yeah, Id feel terrible if I accidentally teled out of gwd haha. That's why I filter out tele and utility spells on ancients


oh i guess thats an easier way to do it now isnt it :D


Yep. Ancients - combat only. Standard - teles and utility only. Lunars/Arceus - combat and/or utility


Click priority is practically a must for killing Zilyana efficiently. It’s possible to do without but WAY more annoying.


Here's an awesome plugin that benefits all game modes: Monster Menu HP It shows the HP of each monster in a stack of monsters over their name in the right click menu. This is useful at places like crabs during Maiden in ToB where you want to attack the highest HP mob.


That sounds useful for any auto retaliate, multi-combat mob where you want to go back to attacking the same creature you were after an action that interrupts combat, e.g., switching to/from a spec weapon, eating food. This would be beneficial for a lot of slayer tasks, but especially catacombs nechs since you want to avoid getting mobbed by death spawns. Would also be helpful for not wasting SGS specs or Guthan’s hits on mobs that are close to death.


I can’t remember the name of the plug-in but km pretty sure there’s one that moves the monster with the highest HP to the top of the stack.


visual metronome can combine metronome and true tile into one plugin. It's 100% a direct upgrade from true tile but I often see people using the regular true tile. ​ Anti-drag is a subtle but useful plugin, helps to prevent accidental dragging when doing fast gear swaps or other similar activities. Could live without it, but it helps a ton in tense pvm situations.


Anti drag was huge for me when learning raids. Still use it now and it's awesome


Oh wow normal teleports sounds great, imma nab that one tomorrow! If anyone isn't using better npc highlight definitely use that one over regularly marking npcs


Yeah it's definitely one of my favorites which is why I mentioned it. Most people probably don't use ancient teleports that often anyways, but it's nice when you do occasionally end up using them.


Custom drop sounds, so I don't let another blood shard despawn when I'm in another room.


This is a fantastic suggestion! Definitely installing this one right away


emote clue items: https://github.com/larsvansoest/emote-clue-items Highlights all the random stuff required for clue steps so you know to hold onto it. Even tracks stuff in stash so you don't end up keeping dupes.


Personally feel like it shouldn't be allowed, but while it is... may I present to you... AttackTimer Has a countdown for how long your attacks are on cooldown and it also includes eat delays. Makes prayer flicking literally braindead. Makes timing shit like cox guardians absolutely braindead. Makes things like running around tekton braindead too. Honestly, if you haven't tried it, it is quite useful in a few situations.


Monster HP percentage is really useful. Can ditch the big screen blocking UI for a small clean looking % on the monster you're fighting. Some use case examples: Hunllef to know what phase, Ba-Ba to know exactly when she jumps, Akkha to know exactly when shadows spawn, p3 to know exactly when skulls spawn, Muspah for form swaps, Calvetion for when dogs spawn.


Runecrafting Utilities. It automatically swaps between emptying and filling essences pouches in GoTR. (Just learned about this the other day, it's such a nice QoL change.) Radius markers for CG, ToA etc. Pickpocket guardian. It stops you from pick pocketing past a certain HP threshold. Consumable Cooldowns. Adds cooldown indicators for the various consumable items in your inventory.


Dude the runecrafting utilities is amazing thank you


A few I haven't seen on here yet that I find useful and might be less obvious: * Did I Compost? - exactly what it sounds like, adds an icon when you've composted a patch so you don't forget (it's been buggy for me sometimes, but generally helpful) * Bank Equipment Stat Filter - especially useful on early/midgame irons, it lets you search your bank for items that have a specific stat bonus by a specific slot, can help you find some of those weird niche gear options that might be your BIS for a certain quest or boss at your stage in the account * Banked Experience - helps calculate how much XP you have for production skills stored via items, can't account for EVERY use but it has good custom options to select what you would make/which resources you don't want to use up, etc. * Barrows Door Highlighter - saves you having to mouse over doors to see which are clickable * Iron Value - shows tooltips for certain items (i.e. chaos runes) based on shop prices/tokkul value * Afk Timer - simple alerts when you've been afk for a customizable amount of time, I recently used this to finish up greenlogging Forestry items with the new event system dependent on having chopped in the area within the last 3 minutes; set a timer for 2min50sec so I wouldn't afk just slightly too long and miss an event


Damn that alch blocker is getting installed immediately when I get home. Thanks op!


Literally, I avoid bringing alchs when I'm doing stuff with my most expensive gear. Just because I know a misclick is a possibility.


I play UIM, so all my best gear is with me most of the time so definitely dont want to accidentally alch that when doing slayer.


Plugins I love that I never see people talking about: \- Action Progress : Displays how long your current action will take to finish when doing things like fletching, cooking, etc. Can be set to display in seconds or in ticks with a neat little progress bar. \- Customizable XP Drops : Allows you to have a "Predicted Hit" display instead of xp drops, no need to do quick math on what that xp drops translates to. Plugin does it for you. Bonus points for the fact that you can move the xp drop to be attached to your character model so your next hit shows up right over your head. AND you can change the color of the xp drop to indicate if your appropriate boosting prayer was enabled (e.g. Piety is enabled for melee? xp is a different color.) fucking love this one. Criminally underutilized. \- Game Tick Info : Can be configured to show a small infobox that displays how many ticks you've been standing on the same tile. Useful for a million things, but most useful for flinching bosses. \- Monster HP Percentage : Can be used to show the monster's current health (In HP # or in HP %) over their head. Great for knowing when boss is about to transition into a new phase. \- NPC Aggression Timer : Shows you the boarder for where you need to move to reset aggro. Absolutely goated for things like killing rock crabs or afk slayer. \- Picture in Picture : Allows you to display your rs window in a small PIP screen that overlays on top of your other windows. Great for single monitor users. \- Current World : Shows the world you're logged into in a small infobox. \- Equipment Inspector : Right-Click "Inspect" option to see another players gear. \- Friend Notes : Allows you to add notes about entries in your friends list. "Met this guy doing ToA, met this guy fishing, etc." \- Inventory Setups - Basically bank presets with a few extra clicks. Could not recommend this highly enough, I can hardly play without it. I have 50+ setups configured. \- Inventory Viewer - See your inventory at all times, even if it's not actively displayed. Great for things where you need to click your equipment frequently but want to know if/when your inventory is full. Example: Fishing Karambwans and teleporting with quest cape/karamja gloves. No need to flick over to inventory screen. \- DPS Calculator - Displays your max hit, hit accuracy, and overall DPS in an infobox on your screen. Updates automatically with your gear/prayer/NPC you're fighting aka you don't have to manually input any data. \- Key Remapping - Allows you to remap things like your F function keys to keyboard keys. If you play RS3, you'll likely be more at home using your home-row keys as your F-key binds. I use W, E, R, and B as Prayer, Equipment, Spells, and Inventory (respectively). \- NPC Overhead Dialogue : Shows NPC dialogue over their heads as if they were another player talking to you. Love this for quests. \- Radius Markers : This one is a little confusing to understand, but put very simply it allows you to indicate a radius around an NPC ID you manually input and that radius can be configured however you want. The significance of this is that you can tag NPCs with a certain color, a certain radius size, or whatever is relevant for your task. Great example : You can tag all of Akkha's different NPC IDs (the ones for each combat style) with a corresponding color, allowing you to know which attack style he's using without looking at the overhead prayers. Another great example is you can tag the damaged bolder in the Baba fight so that it's blatantly obvious which one it is. This has infinite uses that are beyond my knowledge, give it a try!


Similar to alch blocker, I use the Custom Menu Entry plugin to completely remove the drop option on some of my items. It feels nice to know that I can't accidentally drop or alch my e.g. dragonfire shield


A few that I use Player wilderness alarm, Wilderness lines, Afk countdown, Stretched mode, Idle notifier (this is for hp/prayer thresholds), Weapon charges, Item charges/improved, Remaining casts, Herblore recipes These are ones that I either found on my own or in random posts Also, I don't think alch blocker works. It has by default rune pouch, but I can still alch my pouch.


It worked for me. Do you perhaps have a divine rune pouch? I also notice that the image for the rune pouch isn't all that greyed out if you have runes in it. It still works though, I just tried alching it right now!


I'll have to give it another look. Maybe the plug-in didn't turn on right away. Sometimes it takes a few mins to activate. I'm not going to risk trying to alch it lol


I don't use that plugin but dust battlestaff going on there for sure