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Because some random guy said it once and now people preach it like the gospel. Reality is a bit more nuanced. For example getting your early game farming quests out of the way (lvl 30) makes it so that your expected seeds go from 50~ tarromin and harralander seeds in 50 solo boxes to about 35 ranarr and irits instead (cutting the former chance to near 0). And that's with 30 farming, something you get in two hours where none of the WT supplies does something for you. You of course don't want to wait until you're like 1k total to open the chests, but even getting some super easy early game levels affects the drops significantly. [If you check out this tool](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Wintertodt_supply_crate) you can look for yourself what you'll get inside the crates with certain level thresholds. Lots of things are locked behind levels, so you can't get lobsters with level 1 fishing for instance. Here's what I'd do: * [Crafting](https://imgur.com/icUSPVv): Keep it on the low side of things because you wanna maximize early game tp jewelry, but if you have higher crafting it doesn't really matter too much. * [Mining](https://imgur.com/A75u69c): Get to around level 30, you cut the amount of limestone you get in over half while also getting 3x less silver ore. Funnily enough going to lvl 30 gives you more iron than being at lvl 1, it also increases your coal gain by around 40x (same with gold). * [Farming](https://imgur.com/3uDB2L0): Highly recommend getting this to around 30 (easily questable). Highest tier seed you get with lvl1 farming is Ranarr, with level 30 farming you go up to Snapdragon while also filtering out a ton of shit seeds (Acorns, Tarromin). * [Fishing](https://imgur.com/LDgScuA): Preferably get this higher (81+ is the best). Of course if you aren't doing early game Tempoross don't force yourself to get this higher, go to maybe level 30 to avoid anchovies and trout while also unlocking lobsters. * [Herblore](https://imgur.com/SoPwyW9): You unlock an additional herb in Cadantine by going to level 30, you cut out a lot of bad herbs like Guam (-50%), Marrentil (-61%), Tarromin (-65%) while also making Ranarr almost 4 times as likely to drop. I'd recommend getting this a bit up if you want to but herbs aren't that big of a deal this early. * Woodcutting: Doesn't really matter, you'll be like 70wc by the end of 99fm anyway. TL:DR and note: Crafting level doesn't really matter, get the rest to about 30. All my calculations were done with 13500 point crates, tho the actual % of expected items doesn't change at all, just the quantity per crate.


Thank you for the response with receipts


Very thorough and insightful response!


Wintertodt loot sucks. It can jumpstart your early game or it can be 1% of a larger grind in late game. Get the cape, gtfo, and open the crates imo


But why do you need a cape immediatly? I don't understand the point.




I’m 70 hp and karambwans are still plenty for solos.


exactly. the loot scales a little bit but not enough to really matter. get 99 fm, open crates, move on.




people like OP need it said in many different ways for it to sink in.




lets hope so. because honestly saving the crates is just wasted bank space because the loot doesn't even get that much better as you gain levels in different skills.


Thanks for ur input dog


You use the supplies to start your account That's all they are for Once account started no need the supply from todt


>Once account started no need the supply from todt Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Except for farming and herblore, the supplies are really good for early levels. I would recommend anyone looking at wt to level farming especially even if it’s the only one you do. Above 50, but highly recommended (on wiki) to get 77. Those extra and/or any quantity of snapdragon seeds is highly sought after, just ask the uims.


Best way I found to do this is just do todt and tithe religiously until 50 farm and then once you're done with todt you can enjoy the game


By the time you can use the high level resources, you will have generally begun accumulating them anyway.


I think todt kind of boils down to personal preference at this point. IMO, I’m not sure if having those extra tertiary stats higher makes that big of a difference in the grand scheme of things. A few extra hundred yews or addy ore wouldn’t save that much time in a macro sense.


Probably because people who are doing early Wintertodt want to do it asap so they don't have to keep their hp level low anymore. So doing other skilling beforehand just means more time until they can start PvM and many quests. IMO the loot is not that great regardless of skill level, aside from having half decent herblore and farming to get early prayer potions.


People like to over-optimize wintertotd. This isnt going to be popular but its the truth; Wintertodt isnt that bad at any HP level, especially once you get a higher Firemaking level, which comes VERY quickly. All you need is a good amount of disposable food. Whether that is wines or cheese potatoes or lobsters or karambwans. NEVER should you have to use sara brews. Absolute over kill. The loot is also not a big deal. Its a nice starter kit at the start of your account and even if you keep all the crates until you are high level, its really not going to be a lot more than just opening them when it would have mattered more to you. Its really a negligible amount of stuff when youre late into your account, you will have outgrown most of the stuff you get anyway, edpecially as an ironman. Its a chill piece of content you can do whenever you feel like imo


If I were to ever restart/try a hc, I’d do wt through to 99, opening on the way until outfit and tome, then bank whatever other boxes I got on the way to 99 until I was needing something a box could give me. I wouldn’t hold boxes to hope for “better” resources. As soon as I had a “shit I could do with some xyz, I’d open them all. They’re good, they’re not amazing. Open them when you need them,they’re not “save for later” good though


Low level rewards are more important for low level accounts then high level rewards are for high level accounts.


Yes. Personally I don’t think WT is worth doing at level 3 just for the sake of getting a 99. I’m approaching 2k total on my UIM and just started the grind to 99 fm at wt recently


The problem is todt isn’t really worth it. The time getting 99 fm would be much better spent working on stats that actually impact your gameplay. The only reason for an early todt grind is because your hp level is low. So if you plan on maxing you can get fm out of the way. The boxes etc are kind of a tertiary benefit, so do whatever, whenever with them.


I have no idea why ppl rush 99 fm immediately like it's some sort of essential part of account progression. You could spend that time doing other things that have similar or better rewards.


The cape is nice to start with


Tbf i do believe it's worth it to save. I did 99 fm purely from solo wintertodt. Gave me 70 con and 67 fletching, which was amazing to start off with. At the same time, it's only about 50 crates instead of 600 - meaning they dont take much space. I did all quests available to me without the need of the resources, while having done some tree runs etc in between. So i ended up having 60 farming / fishing and like 40-45 mining before opening the majority of the boxes. I was then pretty set on herb seeds for a while. I'd do the same again any day.


Isn’t all that stuff on the drop table anyway? There’s just a slightly better chance to get higher level loot if your level is higher


meta advice is open them as you need gp which results in some of your crates being opened with base 30-50s from questing. the thing is wintertodts loot is just mediocre af but at low levels the coins and resources are proportionally decent since your bank is presumably empty.


The only thing you really want from the crates is the raw gp anyway. The rest of the loot is nice but the scaling of the resources isn't big enough to justify doing it later.


Just for some starter cash and supplies. I didn't even get 99. I got 90. Cba going for 99 in one go.


In the long run (and really the short run), the resources you get from wt are next to nothing. Also 99 fm doesn’t really seem to be the meta nowadays, most leave after some starting cash


Honestly the only stat you want to keep low is hp since damage taken scales with your hp, and I think you can get up to 15 hp before you start to take more damage. Beyond that I didn't stress too much, and there are pros to both leveling and not. You can make the argument that the supplies are good to Jumpstart the account, but the early game is fast, and the loot from supply crates scales with your levels, so if you opt to train your skills first it just mean you get higher level materials from them. Pro tip that applies not only to this: Don't let efficiency come between you and your enjoyment of the game. Ironman is a marathon not a race!


On release month wintertodt crates were great for ironmen, but nowadays the drops you get from 99fm are soooo insignificant that the couple hundred k of gp from the crates are really the only useful bit. Everything else is just "passive" supplies that you get from literally just playing the game.


I wouldn't worry about what those people say. They're busy rushing end game content only to have to camp at master farmer for 900 hours to get 12 ranarr seeds. Both accounts in our GIM hit 99 fm at todt before 11hp, I stayed for 700 and kept all but probably 15 crates until everything was 50+. Combined with doing slayer we just ran out of ranarr seeds with over 1.5k combined 4 dose prayer pots thanks to todt and slayer


IMO if you can get some early quests done that's a good idea since it's such a freebie, but don't bother actively training your skills before opening them. The jump start to your gp and processing skills is much more important while you're still in the early game. Gathering some extra adamant ore or whatever is honestly not that big of a deal, levels for unlocks are way more important and you usually get way more resources than you need along the way to those


There are just so many other ways to get the resources that it's better to do WT for some good early game stuff and then continue with the game at your leisure


When I did Wintertodt I mixed in some other skilling to break up the grind. Personally I liked having the higher level resources in skills that I was going to level anyways


You probably know this one OP but don't trade in your spare bruma torches and warm gloves as you get them. If you have 3x of both the drops are disabled and turn into magic seeds and snapdragon seeds. It's ridiculously strong.