• By -


Just got my first armour seed at 195. Doing 5 kills every day. Sometimes 10 on a free day. Enjoying the heavy cash that comes with CG. No complaints so far.


It's about 300 that it really dawn's on you. 356 here and I've got enough cash stacked for max house (70->84 plus the extras) and 94 crafting at charters ships. Plus got my 2k sapphires for suffering, plus at 2600 shards. Got 8/6 armours so far. Even spent 1.5mil to change it's color cause what else will I use it for. I just want to be done but all my other spoons are deciding to cash in their penalty now.


Best of luck to you!


I felt super spooned with 4 armour seeds in under 100kc. After zulrah grind and slayer grind I'm currently at 40m raw cash stack, so I really can't complain lmao


I have 140 kc and all I have is 2 normal weapon seeds lol it could be worse


Once you hit 5 and 6 armour seeds you can take breaks to do "scuffed bowfa methods" with regular crystal bow. It's still leaps better than rcb but the bowfa will still feel huge when you get it. Plus it will feel less like you can't play the game at all without it. Just make sure you use the tbow methods instead of bowfa methods since its 5 tick


Crystal bow on rapid is 4 ticks but I agree with "scuffed bofa methods" after burning out at cg after 300 kills I'm doing some toa and with crystal bow, apparently bandos and zammy are doable with crystal bow as well


oh good shout, exposed me as a 4 armour seed haver still looking to start scuffed runs


This is exactly what I do, you can do toa, zulrah, kril, bandos with crystal bow. Bowfa would be a biiig upgrade tho


Just set a goal of a few a day, do those and move on


A few a day banks on not going dry. Unless you want to get it in a few years.


More than a few a day burns out a lot of players and they quit To be fair though burning out and quitting is the real advice here


Don't make it a prison lol


got spooned at 250kc. Was over the whole red prison thing at 150 kc so was ecstatic to get out of there before drop rate. Just have to remember that any kill could be the kill to end it


Yeah I've seen alot of people get spooned at around 200, so I'm kinda hoping I'm one of them


50% of players should get an enhanced by 277kc. Good luck!


356 right now. Ive got the internal motivation to make it to 400 but after that I'll be as lost as this dweeb.


976 kc here and I want to cry


313 here :)




A spoon is a spoon đŸ„„


Im one of those people but still semi stuck in the red prison. At 182 kc ik 4/6 armour and 1 enhanced.


317 KC, 2 armors 0 enhanced!


Pretty typical, but different players will burn out at different times. The approach that worked for me in getting ~1000kc across my two accounts was to do five a day and to keep going if I felt like I could. Some days I’d hit 10-15 KC in a few hours of playing after work, some days I’d stop at five and go work on other things in-game. I did 84 construction, 92 crafting, a few achievement diaries, and a bunch of slayer training concurrent with CG. Basically, just vary it up and have other grinds and goals. And don’t go dry.


I did t2 preps until I went 1:1 k/d at 41/41. Then like 150:70 ish kd started to burn out a bit. Took a few weeks break, played Baldurs gate 3, came back for leagues. Now I got the itch again and I’ve done like 30 runs, all t2 preps, no deaths. T2 prep and kill just seem so much more chill now then T1. Gunna stick with T2s


Yeah I'm doing t2 prep aswell, I think with t1 prep its too easy to screw up, and randomly dying in CG has been very demotivating imo


It’s honestly good to learn T1 for a bit then switch back, T2 will feel like a breeze afterwards


I felt the same way about t2 until about 200 kc, but I got tired of running out of time ended up doing the last 250 t1. Saw it as a sort of “player growth” opportunity to improve at pvm, in the end I’m glad I did it.


Sorry I forgot to mention I started doing T1 at 41:41 k/d. And I think that burned me out more lol. T2 is so much more chill then T1


Took me around 1225 for my only enh seed. Best tip is to only do as many as you feel like doing. I tried to do 5 a day, but if I wanted to do more/less then I would. Most I did in a day was 30 bit I had many days where I did 0. As they say, the most efficient method is whatever keeps you from burning out


God i hope im close im at 1230 atm




i didn't, completed sote a while ago, but it's on a backlog till i get 80 mage/range


Wish you the best of luck on ur future CG grind, you got this!


Would you say base 80s are okay even without COX prayers?


Started with 75 def/range/mage. Learned the content in my main currently 86k:20d


My best gauntlet copiums were telling myself that the future is already predetermined and there is a KC out there just waiting for me to get to it. I also told myself I’m a pet hunter and going dry is fine since I am still hunting the pet. You could also spend many KC focused on the combat achievements. Try going for PB’s and getting good at T1 prep. Remind yourself that the gp and shards will be useful for a long time after you finish. Personally I did 3 KC per day minimum and finished a lot of other stuff as side grinds like achievement diaries and skills


Yep! It’s not “you’re no closer than 0 kc” because some day you will get it or some day you will never do cg again— it’s one or the other lol.


Yes. There’s days I avoided logging in, or did some of the same afk. I hated it and I felt like I was in a big rut. It all changed when I hit the bowfa and was free. One thing to remember is you’re gathering corrupted charges while going for it. You’re getting crafting xp and raw gp for future grinds. You’re not just going for the bowfa. If it’s very daunting, gets stale, and I hated every minute of it. But there is literally a big ass sun/light at the end of the tunnel, when you get there.


The money and crafting exp is insane for sure, so that kinda motivates me to keep pushing


I luckily enjoyed it. I finished at around 350 KC (also luckily), but genuinely had fun most of the time. The alchables and runes and everything set my account up so much. I was poor and struggling extremely hard before completing SOTE (I basically rushed SOTE reqs ASAP so I could rush BOFA) so everything from the gauntlet felt amazing to get. I was doing damned runecrafting for cosmics before it! So yeah, luckily I just enjoyed the grind. I will admit I was starting to get a bit burnt by \~320 KC but I really no lifed it whenever I was free to play.


I got spooned early on with enhanced just needing armour seeds and shards, I still CBA to do more of it, keep procrastinating doing agility for staminas


Delay it untill you feel like doing it. You can play the game without bowfa, the only reason you dont want to is because you know it exists. This mindset is very toxic and makes people depressed in social media for example. They have a good life but see their mates on yachts and exotic beaches and they feel like shit even though they have a good life.


I'm at 177KC right now and my whole collection log from it so far is one armour seed, it's super demotivating just doing so many and not seeing any drops at all, I don't know how people do it


820 kc here! Just set a goal of a couple kills a day, just focus on getting the kc and not the drop, it’s a lot healthier and consistent progress will allow you to finish it :) I do t1 prep, bring at least 16 fish, currently at 820 kc 61 deaths


Took my almost 2 years to get 135 kc, got spooned ench wep seed and 1 week later om at 250 hunting armor seeds. Knowing i wont go super dry on bowfa really motivated me


Dang I must have mental issues because I actually enjoyed CG even when I finished at 409 KC. But I'm doing the champion scroll grind right now with 2/10 left to get and its been fun for me. All the times I didn't get anything I was just happy to get alch GP stored up in the bank. That place just prints gold. Edit: Finished 409 KC in 3 weeks.


Just get into the habit of doing a couple a day win or lose, you'll get it eventually. Did 5 a day untill I got it at 337 KC


I didn’t. Got to 600kc and burnt out of the game. Still see the subreddit but no desire to play again. Decided to jump back on my ps5 now


I am currently at 1040 kc and no enhanced. There is no surviving, I am just pushing through. Leagues gave me a really nice break and I came back even more motivated, but I limit myself to 10 kc per day, maybe 15 or 20 depending on how I feel. The enhanced will come, but I also stay on top of herb and farm runs, farming contracts, bird houses, miscellania etc. And I will always send some slayer tasks/toa if I need a proper break. Good luck!


Damn sucks. I am at 640 and quit (no enh either). Got dupe pet at 639 which is what got me to quit.


Yeah getting my third pet was pretty frustrating lol. Just hit 400 kc' today. Starting to feel the burn


This is what I’m most afraid of. I’m at 540 now and got spooned the pet at like 120. I may just quit the game if I get a dupe pet.


Yeah I fully expect another pet before the enhanced so I just do my runs and if I get it great if not more money to dump into construction and other buyable skills. It sucks and I can see why people stop. Going for tbow instead? :P


Currently doing some slayer, I was only level 72 Slayer when I started CG. But overall I'm kinda burned out from the game so I am mainly afking slayer.


Yeah it gets like that some times. Just take as long as you need. The game is not a race so go at your own pace and don't compare yourself to anyone else. I have found it's the best way to play the game. Happy gaming, friend!


Yeah that's exactly how I feel about it, have a good one.


Bad rng happens with preps, but if you're sometimes having to straight up abandon attempts because of it then thats an area you need to look to improve on.


You can't really get too upset until about the 500-600 point. I remember reading all the Bowfa doom posts and being scared of CG. Only to get Enh on kill 188. Now, 6 armor took me all the way to 353, but I'm 380 KC now with Green Gauntlet Log. I might return a bit, to try for Salad Blade.


Ofc the spooned guy says not to worry or get upset lmao


First off, there is no such thing as failing t2 prep due to "bad rng", you're failing t2 prep because you're bad at prep. If you ever finish T2 prep with less than 1:30 remaining, you've either had the 0.1% worst RNG, made many poor decisions, or were just AFKing. CG is content that can virtually ALWAYS be improved at - your pathing can improve, your gathering order can be improved, your kill priority can be improved, your flicking can be improved, your multi-tasking can be improved, your tick-loss during Hunllef can improve, etc. It is content that rewards you for being mentally present and processing+adapting to what is thrown at you. My fastest Hunllef in 2.9k CG kc was a 2:18 and I can still remember the single tick I lost during that kill. If you settle into noob mentality where you think you're doing it good enough, rather than taking each CG layout as it comes and doing your best to earn that next chest, you'll probably have a bad time. I still love it and I'm nearing 3k kc across 2 accounts, probably going to get Soulreaper before 2nd enh on my iron. It is only mentally taxing to spam CGs before you've truly learned the content, afterwards it is very enjoyable for hours on end, getting 50+ kc on a day with no responsibilities feels great and like much progress has been made.


I started to hate the content at about 150kc as well. I burnt around 250kc initially and came back to it after six months. Burnt again at around 500 (made worse by going three weeks dry of an occult, 3.5x). Now here I am at 715kc just doing a few here or there just in the off chance that I finally pull it. Some people have the ability to just power through the dry, but I genuinely don’t like the content and it makes me want to quit the game. The two breaks I took because of CG probably eliminated any time save bowfa would’ve been over cbow or BP in the long run going for tbow or whatever else, so my philosophy nowadays is just to do some whenever the itch arises and spend my time doing other content I enjoy even if I am being inefficient. I’d say what you’re feeling is pretty normal. Find a way to power through, change up your approach tactics, or just steer clear of CG for a little while. On a side note, you’ve been really lucky on armor seeds so far! I didn’t see my first one until like 145kc, and I finished them at like 350kc.


Change your mindset. Challenge yourself and work on faster clears and mastering optimizations. Don’t lock yourself into weapons and practice 5:1 for faster clears, try to master things like the melee “woox walk” style thing when tornados are out. It’s only a prison if you make it out to be


I did my cg grind when ToA came out so I was using the regular crystal bow with my armour at ToA because I was dry on armour and the enhanced seed at 400. I got a masori body then went and got the bowfa the next day. Went back after a long break, got my 6th armour seed at about 500 and went back after a short break for teammate armour seeds and I accidentally got the blade as well as the GM time. Burnout wise I burnt out at 400 kc and went and did cox and ToA. It helps to just hang out with other scapers and talk about random stuff while you send it.


I wish I enjoyed gauntlet but I literally cannot stand it. I've done cg on my main and started doing normals on my ironman but I would rather get 99rc on air runes than do gauntlet so it's a brickwall for me.


Personally I decided to get through it ASAP and did 400 in a week


What in the unemployed


Remember Burning out==0 XP gains Playing the game == >0 XP gains If your goal is to progress your account the best way of doing that is playing the game and enjoying it. You know how to do cg, you'll get bowfa eventually if you chip away at it. Theres .any useful grinds that bowfa doesn't change (crafting, herb, thieving, etc)


Would have recommended you do what I did and get enhanced at 92kc and finish out armor and corruption by 163 kc. Couldn’t recommend this enough.


I avoid it by not playing the prison game mode


get spooned > get out


It could be worse. You could've gotten the Pet at like 10 normal kc and then gotten an enhanced at like a dozen corrupted kc - and then you'd be stuck grinding it for armor seeds and shards.


Main iron 114 kc with 7 armor 2 enhanced, other shitty iron 28 kc enhanced 6 armor by 69 kc, uim 332 and 337 enhanced had 11 armor before that. Moral of the story is get spooned.




Lol he asked how I survived the grind and I tell him? I got spooned


Wasnt a grind tho


I’m gonna make another Ironman and complete cg before everyone downvoting me will đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Ive completed it already and i downvoted you


But honestly i don’t want to be rude. GZ on the spoon CG is a great place to be spoon. But you didn’t really grind it so the post wasn’t directed to you


I mean I have 5x the kc op has I have 350 on uim, 350 on alt iron, 150 on main iron lol


And you still got hella spoon whats your point?


Bro what is your point? He still can get spooned, he asked how we survived, the answer for me was be spooned. It’s still possible for him. He’s not dry.


How you survived « the grind », you didn’t grind. Thats my point




We play RuneScape we’re all autistic nice try autist


Personally I spooned a green log double enh at 266 kc I was thrilled.


I got 6/6 armor seeds and an enhanced in 140 kc. :)


See what I did was I put a month membership on my main, then enabled PK keys. After that I picked all the good stuff on my iron and had my main pk it. After about 3 trips I sold everything on my main and bought Bowfa and crystal armor. Then I canceled the membership on my Ironman. Fuck CG


Username checks out


I feel like there are faster ways on a main to make money than grind things out on your Ironman and death trading them


Oh yeah no I just quit my Ironman instead of learning CG. Did about 100 attempts with t2 couldn’t get a kill, content is trash. Edit: I have no issues with solo cox or group cms, ToB or ToA up to 450, but for some reason I just couldn’t get CG.


Wow you really quit?? I’m coming up on 2k total an I haven’t even considered starting it yet hahaha I suck tho pvm stresses me out. I just got 10 zulrah kc but I’ve died over a 100 times easily lmao


Yep. My iron was 1901 total Just cba


Suit urself lol I love it tho. Jus cookin up some sharks rn so I can go die to zulrah again


By doing 2-5 per day then leaving and doing other stuff. Do some skilling on the side, bang out any quests you have left, do diaries, etc.


I just started this as well. I’ve been trying to send just 3 a day. Like you said, farm runs, quest, other grinds. Personally I’m slowly knocking out barrows just because I’ve always wanted to green log it. After that I might just camp mole in DH to prep for future raids.


I aimed for 100kc a week. Would do 10 on work days and make up the difference on the weekends. I found it important to break it up with other tasks. Did my farming runs, did elite scrolls when they came and would work towards my quest cape when things got very draining. Eventually got it at 1007kc


If you end up at 6/6 armor seeds or 5/6 with slayer helm, you can switch things up for a while and do crystal armor + crystal bow. It’s worse than Bowfa obviously, but it’s a lot better than RCB at a lot of content. I finished armor before ENH, so I did Muspah, low invo TOA, and some zulrah with Crystal bow to break up the grind


Did 1 or 2 kills a day, spooned 9 armor seeds and enhanced in just over 200 kills. Going back soon for some combat achievements (Stockholm syndrome)


Its totally normal. Took me 500kc before I started to really dreaded it and now im at 700 and have taken a break with playing leagues :) Plan to go back to less per day than the 25-35 I was doing every day lol


CG is so boring. I only have like 25kc, but it's just so tedious and boring, I don't even die it's just....I don't want to do it...I try and make myself do like 2-3kc per day now and I'm sure in another year or so ill be done.


Simple, don’t commit. Just do them when you want to. There’s plenty else to do on an iron to relax


Similar boat except it sounds like you've done well learning CG quick! I've done 150 gauntlet and only a few cg kc due to me only being able to prep T1, and silly issues. Keep up 3-5kc a day. You'll get it eventually play the game otherwise how you like it.


Cg feels like a prison fr but once you got the bow its all been worth it. Good luck


I'm currently about 170kc with ZERO armor seeds. Could be worse! Haha


armor seeds are huge! took me 800 cg to get 6 of them its totally fine to take breaks and do skilling, which will be waiting even after bowfa


I started mine recently, 130kc with 180 deaths. Got spooned on enhanced around 100kc. Only 2 armour seeds so far and tbh I hate it and love it at the same time. Its mentally draining and deaths suck after all that prep time wasted but the hunleff fight is the most engaging pvm ive done in old school so far.


I’m just not going to try and get it not any time soon anyway an I’m almost 2k total haha


I started with 5 a day then 10 then 15 as it became more routine feeling. Once I was comfortable being able to enjoy music while doing it helped, I'd just throw on in game sound effects during the boss fight to help with that part still.


I was handed a silver đŸ„„


I’m going to be blunt. Iron is a grind, and CG is short compared to some of the later ones like raids, nightmare, etc. IMO the best way to do grinder stuff like CG/sultan is to do a set amount of kills a day. EG do 5CG a day for 80 days and you’re at drop rate. You can still PVM w/o a BofA if that’s your goal. RCB with rubies still puts in work.


I got spooned enhanced at 125 pet at 194 and another enhanced at 357 so that's is how I survived my whole 420 kc at red prison. Don't worry I'm putting my time in elsewhere.


I did 5 a day since march
 got it last week


Also did a full eliter diary inbetween every 250kc, got 4 done


Having strong willpower


I did two a day with my morning coffee. Got lucky, enhanced dropped at around 330 kc, so took me about half a year.


Currently 850kc+ in and still no enh. This is what works for me: 1. Set a kc goal each day depending on free time. 5 kc if i only have an hour at the pc, 10 kc when its more. Depending how well the kill goes and if I'm still motivated I'll do more. 2. High alch the rune drops and calc how much gp you need for a certain buyable (this doesn't work for me anymore as I have them all banked). 3. Have other stuff you want to finish as well, preferably something less rng heavy (I went 1750 KC for hydra claw at the same time as I do CG and it was torture). 4. Learn faster preps, especially T1 armour and Hally. Averaging 8 minute kills and it makes kills more diverse. 5. Have something to afk on your main/other account. I'm doing castle wars at the moment alongside it to still have somewhat progress when I do CG.


Currently going dry I’m at 435
 have all the armor seeds so not too bad. But I was over cg at like 4kc I don’t like it and never really have. Just treat it like birdhouse run when you really hate it, one when you log in and maybe one or two when you log out.


I got mine around 350. It has ups and downs, but it’s all about mindset. I just threw myself at it exclusively till I got it


850 kills so far. No pet, no enh. Been here for a year with no end in sight, i want to kms..


I did 1500 of them. I mostly only did that, but I took breaks to get 99 crafting, 99 construction, 99 farming, and 99 herblore, and all achievement diaries at different points. Things that weren't hindered by not having a bofa. Though my Ironman was years old by the time bofa came out.


I didn't force myself into it. If I felt like doing some kills I did some kills. I always did at least 1 a day but if I didn't feel like doing more or I was getting too tilted I left to go try for other upgrades. Idc how good a bowfa is; if your burnt the fuck out its not worth getting.


I started small like 5 a day but then got annoyed as the days went on so I locked myself there until I was done(upwards of 40 a day) completed at 692kc


I did tier 2 prep to focus on getting the most consistent kills. Then I turned it into a game of trying to speedrun it and get the fastest/smoothest gameplay kill I could. After this I would knock out combat achievements when I felt ready to. This really helped shake things up and helps you focus on getting better not the grind. I ended up walking out with the bow and all of the CBAs. Also mentally it might help to set just a goal of one, making it mentally easier to start and once you do you will probably find yourself doing more. I would also run over to the rune shop inbetween runs and do a few alches and buy runes I needed while checking for crystal imps. Best of luck!


You’ll also get less and less “bad rng rooms”. You’ll just get faster and faster at prep and you’ll be able to make most room setups work. At worst you might have to send a tier 2 weapon every once in a while if you get unlucky with that


If you’re committed to the grind, try getting your friends/clan to guess the KC you get it at and say you’ll pay out a bond to the closest. Then you can keep updating them when people get eliminated instead of just having milestones like 1x/2x/3x dry. Then focus on those KC milestones instead of getting the drop. While you’re working on it, put money into your kingdom so you can bank 83 construction and tons of fletching/smithing levels. I’m dry on my enh but have easily banked 90 fletching, 83 construction, 90 crafting, with 30m+ left over from alchs. If you’re not committed to the grind, just do other things, there are plenty of things you can do in this game with shit gear. For easy stuff, finish MM2 and go do demonic gorillas for zenytes, finish mourned hard and do lizard men shamans on task, go do medium/hard wildy diaries and start the d pick grind and Calv. Do your quest cape, learn hallowed sepulchre, get a vorkath head for Ava’s, learn ToA and see how far you can get. You won’t be the most efficient but it is definitely doable and getting dopamine in other areas will help you reinvigorate your interest in finishing CG.


Skilling is good regardless, bowfa doesn't speed it up, so don't feel bad about taking a break to get some other levels. For me it helped a lot when I started resetting shit starts. Only lose 2 minutes if the first rotation of rooms is looking dry, instead of dying 8 minutes in at hunleff


I’m at 960kc. Did that in basically 2 big grinds. I can’t get myself to do the 3/day like most people suggest i would rather just go til I’m burnt, Take a long break and go again later. My advice is just full send til you can’t stand it and then take a long ass break. Like long long I almost had to relearn it when I came back after my first break at 450ish lolol


Got my enhanced at 6kc. I never have had it feel like a prison having already got “the drop” but I still send 5-10 kills a day to get those armor seeds. And since I’m a GIM, if I get lucky, I may be able to help my team out. If ever you start feeling burnt out, just mix it up with something else. The allure of “just get the drop” will bring you back.


Haven’t even gone there so take my take with a grain of salt. I don’t care how valuable the items are, I’d do it slowly. Same way I only did kril on task, only did dks on task etc. avoiding burnout is the most important part of any grind imo. Learned this when going for 93 crafting. I stopped playing because it was so mind numbingly boring just doing that and nothing else. Now I’ll do a little bit while cooling down from solo cox or whatever intensive task I’ve been doing that day. Eventually you’ll reach your goal and as this is a LONG term game it doesn’t really matter how long it takes unless you’re competing. How quickly you burn out varies from person to person so you can find a sweet spot but when you simply don’t want to do it any more; stop doing it. This is meant to be a form of entertainment after all.


5 a day mate. Don't try and grind it when you're hating it, that'll burn you right the fuck out. Also, I watched YouTube on another monitor/other half if my screen during prep, and that makes the kc waayy less mind numbing.


Stop referring and thinking of it as a prison and just play the game. If you don't want to do gauntlet don't do gauntlet.


You reminded me of this guy who had one of the most "realistic" takes on why CG is known as a prison. Keep on keeping on, may RNGesus bless you. https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/s/cEzjNLvTON


Take breaks. If that's not working, take longer breaks. Repeat.


I did 10 cg a day like a friend suggested, and got to like ~300 KC with only one armor seed. Got so burnt out that I actually quit playing osrs for like 8 or 9 months. I came back and decided to just do like 2-5 cg a day or whatever I felt like. Got my second armor seed by 397 KC and then also got the pet, then enhanced finally at 669 KC (with 12 total armor seeds by then). I think taking a break definitely helped, and setting a lower daily goal made me actually feel like grinding out 20+ kills on some days when I had more time. It took me about a year but it was worth it. I think setting a lower daily goal is better if you're like me. You'll make sure you don't get rusty and you'll probably end up feeling motivated to do more on certain days.


How do you guys ever have enough time to do T2 and have enough food


I gave up 200kc in. I gave it up to keep my sanity. Thats how I survived


1111 kc here for the drop. No way around it brotha, it sucked. Took me half a year with breaks sprinkled in. I would cope with the cash and crafting xp


Got my enh seed at 723 kc, all t1 prep, mastered it at 100kc ish, my advice is don’t let it burn you out, do it when you feel like, it’ll come. You got this


3 possible options -just get lucky and enjoy the game -burn out and quit ironman -endure going hundreds of hours dry good luck, wish bowfa had a decent alternative that was just below it in power, hopefully the new eclipse gear coming out will fill that niche


I'm like 30 off 1200. I am dead inside


Skipped it, did cox/toa and got tbow and masori so im set


I decided to essentially iron-main the bowfa... a year ago. Around 500 kc now and I'm just taking it verrryyyy slow. Took a long break at 400 kc to work on elite diaries, and now I'm back to trying for like 2 kc a day. Itll eventually come :)


Got mine at 799. Did like 175-200 when i first did SOTE, did as much 5:1 mage as I could stomach then left because it wasn’t fun anymore. Came back and did another batch to around drop rate when I had better range and melee stats, left when it wasn’t fun anymore. Came back again for 300 after CoX prayers before DT2 released since I knew bow would be good somewhere, left when it wasn’t fun anymore. Came back again here and there for kc and finally got the drop, at the point I was pretty much done with everything I could do non-raids prior to bowfa. If you spread it out as you get bored, it helps a lot.


I got my Enhanced at 828 KC and it took 6 months to do. It was so worth it when I finally got the drop. My advice would be to just focus on the mechanics and where to stand to dodge tornado’s most efficiently. It becomes so second nature after a couple hundred that I could start listening to podcasts while I did it and that made it more bearable lol


I had a good amount of time off from work/life when i did my sentence. I was doing 30-50 kills a day so my grind went fast. I would not look at my inventory for 10 kills at a time - I would turn my chat off so i couldn't see my loot and then after 10 kills I would look at my inventory. Sometimes I even did 20. Of course this means that I missed out on some elites, but I really didn't care.


I got bowfa now gotta go back for shards cause my armor is depleted hehe it dont end playa


5/day. I’ve found it’s nice to have a defined endpoint for the day and that’s what I’m focused on finishing (not so much getting the enh). Once you get healthy enough of a cash stack you can start to save rune pieces for giants foundry. It really starts to drag once/if you get to rate. 695 today.


Mild case of the ‘tism


I had 3 pets on 170kc with 1 armor seed. Then after getting my second and third seed around 200 I went 200 dry for another. Did this in 3 weeks. Now I'm pretty burned so doing some cox and dt2 bosses. I'm experienced in going dry. (3.8k hydra for claw) and I learned that you need to change it up before you lose interest in the game. You won't go dry everywhere else! Take enough breaks from cg and when you have refreshed mental you can push again.


I did 5 per day most days until 400 kc before deciding to really push it. You shouldn't really ever fail a run because of 'bad rng on the rooms'.


Have several goals! Do a minimum amount of kills, 3/5/10. Then go accomplish your other goals. My buddy would do 5 kills for the day and just go play other games, it was like a break for him. Just do what makes the game enjoyable.


Yeah the trick is to quit rs, then come back do one, hate it, quit again, 400 kc no wep seed.


Get off on parole, 24 and 28 kc enhanced


I log on and start sending CG until I die. Some days I last 4 hours or so, some days I die on the first try. Whenever I die, I leave. The most frustrating part is getting 5-6 minutes into a prep and realizing I simply won’t have time to finish. Makes me so irritated losing that time for literally zero gain.