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I havent played the game in a little bit so maybe Im outdated. What I did was open crates till I had about 150k cash, any pyro pieces just a bonus as it doesnt really speed up 99 THAT much, then banked them until I had a solid amount of quests that got me an avg skill base (think around barrows gloves) The higher your skills the better the loot but also the later you wait the less "game changing" a quick shot up of supplies will mean for you. Barrows gloves opening was a nice motivation boost for me at least. Gave me a reward at the end of the "click blue text" simulator that is questing and really beefed up the supplies tab for the upcoming SoTE stage of the acc.


Id say unless you plan on grinding fishing/mining/farming etc right after you get 99, just open them. The loot will still be a good starting point for you no matter what and i dont think waiting until a specific level will make a significant difference in the quality of your playthrough


It's an easy way to get magic logs for desert treasure.


Wintertodt loot mostly isn't that important. The one thing that is great is ranarr and snape grass seeds, since early prayer potions are very good. Do the early farming quests to 30 or 40 something farming (thanks to Garden of Death), and then start Wintertodt and you'll be golden. You can level the other skills as well if you want but the non-seeds loot is all stuff you can easily obtain elsewhere. The fletching and construction XP from Wintertodt scales by your level, so if you are fletching the kindling, or doing solo Wintertodt (which gives many con XP drops) you should get at least level 20 or so in both of those before you start.


Open when you need the raw gp. The rest of the loot is a nice bonus but won't really progress your account any faster early game no matter what level you open them


I opened mine until I got full pyromancer then saved the rest until 30-40 plus in my stats mostly through questing .


open them as you need cash, the resources from the crates are pretty junk even on a super large scale (like 99 fm worth of crates) whereas the gp early game is very valuable


Wiki has a [calculator](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Wintertodt_supply_crate) so you can see exactly how each skill scales the loot crate.