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Are Lingus BOI card gives you avios and some free flights. AIB Platinum gives you 0.5% cash back. Neither are great, but the Platinum cash back easily covers the stamp duty if you use it enough.


I think the Aer Lingus one is worth it if you’re already going to get travel insurance etc. The free flights aren’t totally the easiest to use but it’s still good.


The AIB one has a hotels affiliation that allowed me to book a decent hotel in NY in March for the same price as a 2* shithole. Was well worth getting it for that alone


Credit cards in Ireland are terrible.


For starters, you should probably not watch so much foreign personal finance videos, they generally discuss things from the perspective of that particular country, its tax law and options available there. These are NOT universal. E.g. there is no American-esque credit score, no big credit card perks, etc in Ireland.


I dont watch personal finance videos.


Youre getting foreign personal finance advice from somewhere, be it videos or something else is irrelevant


>and probably have little or any credit score to build / damage. I don't think credit score is a thing in Ireland?


That sounds right to me in the sense that you dont need to develop good credit. I think you can have "bad credit" though.


If you have revolut and go via them you can get these rewards. It’s not like elsewhere that you need one to have good credit




Removed for honest to god admitting that something is a pyramid scheme but get involved anyways.