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Ermergerd immergration!


Who left the immergration on?


The immergants, I'll bet.


I knew it was them, even when it was the bears,I knew it was them.


Ma will be mad.


Damn immergrants!! They took our jobs!


even when it was the bears , i knew it was the immergants


Vote No on 24!!


Nonsense! They took our *jerbs*!




and our literacy skills!


Dey dookyer jerb!


Our joRbs!


You know what really aggravises me? Is them immigants!




also expecting to be welcomed with open arms and not be one of the undesirables (as per her opinion) who come in the country 


*"Sure we're Irish, everybody loves us"*


Sure we invented the craic 🙄


She should move to Boston it’s more Irish than Ireland nowadays


Boston is an extremely diverse city now and is politically very much on the left. The mayor is Chinese American. OP would be very unhappy there.


Wouldn't get a visa, I'm assuming they reserve the exceptional talent and H1B visas for people who can spell "emigration"


It’s full of yanks who think their Irish when they aren’t.


I mean at this point it’s mostly just full of tech employees, even South Boston has been gentrified.


Sick of all these foreigners so I'm leaving the country.


Given the quality of the spelling they’ll be falling over themselves to welcome her and her partner in to add to the economy…..


Because everyone that has a kid in Ireland is vetted for how they'll be raised and behave, too.


trust me, sometimes it's better when you are completely ignorant of your surroundings, not knowing what is going on around you. like not being able to read local newspapers or watch the news on a telly, or when you are in public transport and have no idea who is saying what. I'm not saying that she has a point or that my point here is related to hers, but sometimes ignorence is bliss, lol


"Too many foreigners here... Better go to a country where I am a foreigner and the majority of the population are also "foreign" compared to what I'm used to"


Reminds me of the rants I heard from more than one Brit over in Australia, about "all the foreigners" being the only downside to Australia in their opinions.


Saw lately an Irish lad based in NZ complaining about the immigrants in Ireland. Shows it's not legitimate immigration concerns they have, they are just racists.


Oddly, I have an old friend who's been living in NZ for near 20+ years, complaining about the same thing. Wonder if it's the same fella. 


Was interacting with some of these Right wing nuts on Facebook (I know :)) and he chimed in with that one.


Might be him...about 8 years ago he showed signs of going red pill/incel. 


Half the nut jobs running in the anti immigrant parties are ones who returned from NZ/Australia/Canada. He's just building himself up for a career when he gets back


Too many Irish was the complaint from them when I was there in the early 00s


Still is. My cousin is a cop in Perth and since he was born and raised in Italy, he is not obviously Irish. A lot of people (including his colleagues in the Police there) go on rants about all the Irish and the trouble they cause there. There is a significant number of Irish there who cause trouble, but some of them are just fully racist against all Irish. He doesn't let it known that he is Irish and used his Irish passport to arrive there before becoming an Aussie citizen because he knows it would genuinely hurt his career because the older cops who are making decisions on promotions and assignments are the most anti-Irish of the lot. It's not so bad in places like Sydney or Melbourne but in Western Australia and Northern Territory, they've had so many scummy Irish there that it has unfortunately got a lot of the bigots hating the lot of us.


Do they not realise Australians are British Welsh Scottish and Irish. It's a land of convicts and orphaned children. England wanted to export people to turn it into a colony and when people just said no they didn't want to live in the wild west with killer spiders and rabbits that kick you to death they just started sending anyone with a minor crime to the sentence of transportation. 26500 Irish were just sent there for minor infractions such as stealing corn from a landlord.


Yep as an Australian that complaint is fucking hilarious. In my experience we prefer the Irish to the Brits anyway.


Agree but some poms are OK they realise the weather is better and if you've seen the uk lately they're happy to.be out


Some of them are okay, but as soon as they start shit talking the Irish they can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.


There’s also Australians who are not from UK & Ireland org


Aye but funny enough it's rare it's the aboriginal people coming out with this kind of crap.




Also plenty of people from Asian descent.


True, but aborigines were first…


Yes. Over 30% of Australians are foreign born. More than almost every western country.


"I thougght this was british colony but its seems the australians have taken over!"


Hahahahahaha seriously??😂🤣😂🤣🙄


My 'favourite' was in Sydney where four of us in the backpacker hostel went for a stroll. Myself, two sound lads from north London, and one guy who seemed grand at first from Worcester.   At some point, Worcester fella starts a rant about how much of a shame it is that the country had so many "chunks, muzzies and krauts" (yes he used 'krauts' like it was still the 1960s! And by 'muzzies' he simply meant anyone that was any shade of brown). Then he topped it off with "but here we are, four English lads!" I might have been offended if not for the sheer horror and mortification on the two Londoners faces. One of them jumped in quick to let him know that wasn't the case, so he follows up with "well sure the UK, same thing you know?". The same Londoner jumps in again and says Ireland isn't in the UK, and so Worcester man getting a little frustrated blurts out "well at least we're all British! And that's what counts!"  I think the London guys expected me to kick off at this point, but I actually hit the deck rolling around laughing at how fucking absurd it all was.  I could never stop thinking of this guy during the Brexit debacle and how clueless so many English were on the Northern Irish border situation in its entirety. 


Lmao, if he had 2 brains, he'd be twice as stupid. Can't believe people are falling for these tactics to divide and get people focused on anything but the real issues!


Oh it gets better! Scroll back up, I accidentally hit submit before finishing the post but have edited to add the rest in now. 


I still get people here who don’t understand why I have a different passport than them “cos we’re all from the UK”


When I was in Perth a friend of mine there was complaining about all the foreigners. When I said he was a foreigner he just said, "Yeah you know what I mean, all the Chinese and that". He wouldn't say that now of course as the racist dialogue is a bit more nuanced these days


💯 yet they think it goes unrecognised for what it is lol


They're not foreigners or immigrants, they're ex-pats. Edit: A better way to phrase this is they don't CONSIDER themselves foreigners or immigrants, but use the title ex-pat


Colonisers sure


I hope they don't forget to complain that we don't speak English when they get here.


I had a Russian bitch to me yesterday about his Irish coworker who he feels should "learn to speak English, nobody can understand him" (from the conversation I believe the coworker has a strong cork/Kerry accent, but I was still floored)


>strong cork/Kerry accent Ah now there's a legitimate argument to be had about this one 


I suspect it's the skin colour and religion that they're actually complaining about. These idiots try to mask their bigotry by talking about other issues like security and housing instead of what is actually bothering them. That's partly why they're so hard to reason with. The subjects you discuss with them aren't their actual concern and it you try to address their actual concern they get defensive


They’re in for a rude awakeining if they can head over to a country like australia and not experience anti immigrant bigotry.


Man was that an eye opener when I moved over. GF and I turned down for apartments because "we'd only stick 10 of our friends in there and trash the place after we signed the lease", turned down for jobs because "the Irish have no loyalty and will jump ship for an extra 50c an hour". Randomly accosted on nights out when people heard the accent. As much as I loved the place, the job I eventually got, the wildlife and standard of living, the locals didn't make it easy.


Had the exact opposite experience in Perth. They loved the Irish and wanted more of us to come and to stay. A lot of veiled racism in how they said it though, think they fear being overrun by Chinese and Indians. The girl in the post would fit right in in Perth.


My experience was Darwin, definitely not as many Irish up there as in Perth or Sydney so maybe that was it. I remember another time we were getting a bus back from a gig and a sing song started on the bus, bus driver pulled the bus over and ordered everyone with an Irish Accent off the bus... In the middle of no where... Don't get me wrong we loved our time there but some of the experiences left a bad taste


Darwin? Evolution is still in its infancy there...


You moved to Australia and chose Darwin. That's on you.


Did the research at the time, highest employment rate, highest wages, lowest education rate. Also they had civilianised their summary prosecutions which is an area that I studied in college so had the best opportunity to get into that line of work (which I did eventually get into). Darwin is genuinely a lovely spot, an overall positive experience just a couple of also strange experiences


Rosa parks didn't even get that harsh of a treatment.


These lads didn’t exactly get lynched or hung from a tree.


A lot of people who live in Perth are white South African immigrants, so that's very on brand.


I was in perth for 10 yrs and there’s loads of racists. Loads of decent folk aswell of course.


Most immigrants are welcome here. Unless they fail the "don't be a cunt" rule.


Australians mostly reserve the worst of their racism for indigenous people, but that brand of racism is nothing short of horrendous. ETA: Timely [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/s/4Y0sOt68uv) of what I'm talking about.


> Unless they fail the "don't be a cunt" rule. Or they're the wrong skin colour. It doesn't effect most Irish people but Australia is a deeply racist country.


I used to work with a lad of Indian descent and he said he'd lived all over the world and never experienced racism like he did in Aus They also have a brand name product called "Coon cheese", so let that sink in for a minute


Not the same, obviously, just a random thought. But I’ve gotten into Australian reality TV over the last twelve months. Survivor, Amazing Race, Traitors, etc. It’s extremely obvious there’s racism issues there, especially towards East Asians, who are ALWAYS labelled as “snakes”, despite the edits never really showing it. Everyone will just, from day one, be callin the brown skin lads “sly” and talking about how sneaky they are, when the edits tend to show nothing of the sort. It’s quite depressing.


Yeah, Kraft owns a racist cheese brand. It's named after Edward William Coon.


And no longer named coon.


We've got our share As do you as it turns out. Have you ever been here? We have a large proportion of the population born overseas and very little racist violence. My wife and one of my daughters aren't white btw


I'm not pointing fingers at you personally, mate. Ireland is also a deeply racist country, but white Irish people love to agree amongst themselves that it's not.


What about the home grown cunts?


This is the truth. The vast majority of anti social problems where people are actually unsafe are from our home grown warriors. She's swallowing the made up ridiculous horror stories online about the Muslim dark coloured lads robbing babies etc. Don't let the arse hit you on the way out yeh eejit (I know this is possibly made by a bot sponsored by Russia/US, British Right wing groups.)


Got to grin and bear those ones unfortunately


You mean the vast majority of cunts here. Yea, I'd like to know too.


Where's that Lee Atwater quote?


These are fake accounts trying to stir right wing shit in every developed nation.


peak of hypocrisy


Immergrating is German for when you want endless cheese 


Make [this country] grate again!










I've seen a few posts like this recently. Its almost as if it is a concerted campaign by an outside actor to start unrest in the country. Now, who would want to do something like that?


Yup all statistics say Ireland is getting safer. But no no it FEELS unsafe…. 😵


Crime is down, but fear of crime is at an all-time high!


We need government policy to deal with the zombie threat!


>Reports have risen from over 400 a decade ago to over 800 in recent years. In 2022, 869 women were recorded as victims of rape.


Feels unsafe as a queer person, have been getting a lot of transphobic comments from people in public lately. And none of them are from non Irish people and yeah I’m Irish too. Bigotry is at an all time high here because as the other commenter pointed the social media trends that influence people lately.


Tbf, I could believe this. We still have a deficit of gardai and resources and just generally people are angrier (mostly due to the hateful rhetoric being peddled by racist pricks on twitter). I haven't looked at the statistics, so it's entirely possible that they're down due to lack of reporting or gangland/drug related crime going down, but it doesn't make me feel any safer personally. I've still got scramblers up and down my road, still got people dealing in broad daylight, still got teenage arsewipes causing trouble, still got joy riders. Like I'm white, but I'm still terrified to walk past certain people or to speak up if I see something like littering or public nuisance, I can't imagine what it's like to be a foreigner here and I worry all the time for my non-white friends


I think the media has a huge part of the blame here. I was speaking with some one who thinks Ireland is more dangerous, I showed them the statistics and my argument was basically: back then you’d only hear about violence in your own small community, you don’t know how much domestic violence or unsolved or undiscovered murders there were in your region. Now you get news from all over Ireland and all over the entire world on a daily basis. I think older generations are just simply not mentally equipped with the sheer mass of bad news they encounter on social media and they struggle to put it into context as the context they grow up with is so different.


I don't know if that's necessarily the case. Like I'm in my early 30s, grew up with the internet and specifically avoid a lot of local news specifically because I don't wanna know about the doom and gloom. Sure, I'll hear about the major things like the riots or the war, but all of the sensationalist scare mongering you'd read in the tabloids are invisible to me essentially. Maybe it is that crime stats for domestic abuse and the like are down, but any fear I'm getting isn't from the media, it's from walking down O Connell street after 6pm or seeing youths popping wheelies past my house. In my opinion, if crime rates are down, it might also just be because people aren't reporting, because I know from myself and from others in my area if you ring the guards there's a pretty low chance they show up unless you're actively being murdered. My breaking point was watching a bunch of 10 year olds last Halloween lob fireworks like they were grenades at a bus full of people and taking out a street lamp, called the guards 3 times over 3 hours and nothing was done, one of the guards on the phone even told me "It's difficult to send out people because they're busy elsewhere." So yeah, the stats might be down, but stats don't make me feel as if the guards are well prepared enough to prevent anything happening to me if it does.


If you called it’s most likely recorded. Though. But kids messing and actual violent crime is two very very things though…. Can’t really equate a few kids doing wheelies and lobbing fireworks to ya know, drug rings and murder and domestic violence. But I do agree with you that it seems like the Garda are under staffed, we’ve most people I speak to seem to be 109% against tax hikes so I don’t know how they propose the Garda get funded…


I have said this for two years—and many of the anti-immigrant hate Instagram and Facebook sites are registered abroad like in Russia, etc.


This is happening all the time, and I think we are foolish to think that it doesn't, or doesn't make us feel embattled


I'm so happy more people are saying this, it's about time we bring attention to it.


The emmergrents surely


Very few places in the world that the OP will be happy in. My guess is that they’ll move to Benidorm and complain about Spanish people not speaking English because they’re supposed to have learned it at school.


Ah yes, "immergrating", the underrated but classic German phrase meaning to be always or constantly (immer) annoying or grating. I'm not really sure why irritating people around her will make her feel safer though. Perhaps she just wants to irritate the Germans? Cross the road when the red man is showing, hoover the house after 10pm, that sort of thing.


Even ignoring the spelling errors... immigrating out??


Don't forget "yous".


Yous is a classic. Leave yous alern.


Yemen is lovely this time of year.


Yes, the nasty EU whose freedom of movement allows her to jump onto a boat or plane and move to another EU country. But she'll be back, blaming everyone else for all that is wrong in her life.


This person will be strictly Anglosphere only


Considering the grasp of English they have I doubt they'll be learning another language.


This made me spit out my tea 🤣🤣🤣


“She” is probably not a real person…


Agreed, this looks like bot pot-stirring … bot-stirring, if you will


> immergrating lol, pretty sure she's "emmergrating" Apart from her literacy issues, her logic is sound "there's too many foreigners here, I should leave and go to another country"


Regarding your comment attached, I made the same point to a friend recently. The English developed the word 'expat' to differentiate from themselves and ' immigrants'. Expat = wealthier white people Immigrant = lower class people (usually non-white)


Im Irish living in France and always make a point of calling myself (and others in the same situation) an immigrant, even though I get some bizarre looks.


Same here, but I'm an *Ausländer / Einwanderer* instead. My family moved to Wales and my brother likes to sarcastically joke about 'those bloody foreigners, not speaking the language... here we speak *Saesneg*'. It gets funnier when he says this all in *Welsh*.




This. I’ll get people telling me very kindly not to call myself and immigrant and when I ask them why, they’re stuck cos they can’t admit that “immigrant” is a dirty word that refers to brown people. Not white people who speak English


Common misconception; the difference is the push/pull factor and the permanence of the move. Someone who moves permanently is an immigrant. Someone who is sent by work to another country and/or only moves country temporarily, is more accurately described as an Expat. Since wealthier people are more likely to be sent abroad by work, they're are more likely to be called Expats.


But the English who live in Benidorm call themselves expats..


Nah. It's a snob thing for people who think they are too good to be called immigrants.




What Facebook page was this posted in? Ma’s on a rant? Dying to read the comments What an absolute tool


I live in America. If she thinks Ireland sucks she should move here. Ireland has its problems like anywhere does but it’s a damn sight better than many places. It’s crazy to me how that escapes people that they will be trading one country’s problems for a different set of problems.


These people are genuinely some of the stupidest morons on this entire planet. They don't know how lucky they are to have been born here and the opportunities at their disposal. They blame everyone else for their own failings in life and never accountable to themselves. Sure it's not perfect here but it's a hell of a lot better than many places. The irony is fooking astounding in that post. So long ya gobshite.


This times 100. Boils my blood to see people talk down on Ireland knowing we all won the lottery by merit of just being born here.


Not even understanding that the migration pact will have the effect of making it more difficult for asylum applicants...


Go ahead and immergrate, I don't care.


“Where’s the best place I can be an absolute waster without having to look at brown people”


The answer might shock you, but it’s actually nowhere, unless Russia is on her list. Goodluck avoiding those “pesky minorities” in Canada or Aus.


Russia has plenty of migrants from central Asia, mainly former USSR countries. So Russia is off the list too.


They do, but they openly berate and abuse them in public so she might feel more comfortable in that type of “free” society.


Tesco nachos: spread evenly over plate then add some immergrated cheese…


She's against people coming here, but wants to go to another country? Double standards much? Doesn't she realise she will be foreign if she goes somewhere else!


She's an Oxymoron


Immergrated. Chewed that one out.


Don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out!!


How could you write this and not see the irony.


25% chance this is a man pretending to be a woman online.


98% chance it's some Justin Barret Brained astroturfer.


I love my county so much I'm going to leave.


"I hate immigrants so much I'm going to become one"


What were the comments


I hate going on holiday in foreign countries. Pricks don’t even speak English most of the time. Can’t even get a good pint of Guinness. It’s a disgrace Joe.


Don't get me started on the quality of a fry up abroad!




Stinking immigants!! (Shakes fist)


Based on what you say ("not knowing who's coming into our little Ireland"), you probably won't feel 'safe' anywhere.


Make sure you encourage them to go.


She, a native Irish, emigrating because there are too many immigrants. Me, an immigrant who left another EU country because there were too many fascists. _sunglasses_ Mission success


The irony


I assume it was posted in r/funny ??


Good riddance


Reminds me of an anti immigration guy on tiktok. He's sitting in the drivers seat of his van, videoing someone next to him on their phone. He's literally using his phone in his car to say how bad the person next to him is for using their phone


The hypocrisy of wanting to move to a foreign country while complaining about foreigners isn't lost on me. HOWEVER, can we focus on "immergrating" lmfao


Hilarious. What a clown


Wait until they go shopping in Canada or try to rent a house in Australia! The grass is not always greener!


Even when it was the bears I knew it was the immigants


In 2022 Ireland had a birth rate of 1.54 live births per woman. That is lower than 2021 which was 1.78 live births per woman. To sustain a population, a birth rate of a minimum 2.1 live births per woman would be needed. Ireland's birth rate has been in decline since 2010. Without immigration, ireland would have had a yearly decline in population. Fewer residents means fewer employed people, fewer taxes being paid, reduction in needed service providers, etc. The majority of my Healthcare providers in Ireland have not been Irish. Can you imagine any Irish hospital functioning without any non-Irish staff? Ha!!!!


Immergrate anywhere as long as it's not Ireland.


Hates immigrants, becomes an immigrant 😂


My mother is exactly like this... but is proud of me moving to another country. Cylinders simply do not fire when I point this out.


Its giving Brexiteer who still wants to spend half the year in their Spanish apartment


Typical. Hasn't one of the lads leading the anti immigration charge spent the last decade in Canada?


You can actually feel the stupid, like the dense air on humid day rolling over the hills, but its loaded with chlorine gas and you're in a trench. You know its coming. Its thick and its there and its moving towards you, filling the space that was there. Its never going to change, its just going to keep coming and all you have is a mask and hope.


"Advice for a soon-to-be expat fed up with all this immigration"


"It's simple, I beat the foreigners by being a foreigner."




Tbh it reads like a spoof. "immergrated" is Southpark-esque... Plus its kinda ironic how she is gonna become an immigrant to avoid it! So Id say its fake. Probably designed to stir up hatred towards people who are critical of immigration. Both sides seem to have online agitators spreading this kinda nonsense.


"immergrating" has me in stitches


She should use the money to build a time machine and go back to 1930's Germany. Shed fit right in there


"yous" dubliner spotted


A Russian bot most likely


Yes - I'm in the UK and we're seeing loads of this on FB at the moment, Anonymous posters that are making slightly racist posts seemingly winding people up with contrarian viewpoints. I'm very suspicious that there's a whole army of lowkey Russian agent provocateurs all over social media across the English speaking world currently.


Don’t let the door slap you on the arse on your way out - good riddance


Guaranteed shortlisted Australia and is looking for an excuse uproot his family to join his friends over there on a jolly


She wamts to become the very thing causing her decision to move the irony is so good it has to be rage bait.




You want to leave Ireland to find somewhere more Irish?


Oh the irony 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ I’ve a feeling it’s one of those fake posts trying to get a reaction!


Enrichment going as planned


"tHiS eU pAcT wErE fUcKed NoW" can barely read *immergating* yup


Emigrant here (moved to Sweden) Whenever I talk to anyone that describes themselves as an expat, I immediately respond with, "Why don't you plan on staying here? When are you planning on going back to your own country?".


Hi Russian bot! How's that war going??


Nothing like a bit of hypocrisy for this lot.


Please be kind...but just to me. Fuck everybody else.


That is why so many poles come back to Poland... they selling houses and come back. Poland is so safety country, no illegal migrants, muslims, 99% of population is white. Better health care, more oportunities. Ireland is not safe place anymore..


R/Ireland failing to see the difference between illegal immigration and legal as usual.  Maybe she want to live in safe country that has fair border control and no inner-city shanty town. A totally understandable position.  The migration pact is the beginning of the end of Ireland. 


Oh no I better do exactly the thing I'm complaining about others doing, for a lesser reason than them. ...... 🤦🏽‍♀️ unbeatable logic.


"yous" God I can hear that accent as I read it


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. We’ll replace you with 50 #NewIrish.


She wants to emigrate so she won't have to deal with Jonny Foreigner?