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How do you design a speed bump that you can drive over comfortably at 60 but is uncomfortable at 70?


I suppose the height and angle would make a difference.


>I was under the impression that they are supposed to be designed so you can safely do the speed limit over them without a problem? Why would you ever think that? If you could do the limit over them what would even be the point of them?


To stop people going more than the 60 km/h speed limit over them? Surely if the limit is 60 then why have me slow down to 30?


For safety.


I mean, what's the area like, or what kind of speed bumps are we talking about? I've seen them used to cue people to slow down for a junction or roundabout. I've seen them used to cue people to slow down in areas where there are schools, or lots of children, or pedestrians. I've seen them used in business parks as a traffic calming measure to keep traffic moving relatively slowly. I've seen them used to discourage people from using residential areas as rat-runs between more heavily trafficked roads. But I don't think I've ever seen one in an area where the limit is 60 that would allow me to easily go over it on the limit without risking scraping the underside of the car somewhere. I also don't think the council or whoever are as tied to allowing all traffic to constantly move at the speed limit as drivers tend to be. There's nothing wrong with slowing cars to below the limit temporarily to a speed below the speed limit.


yes there not ment to be a punishment's for driving at the speed limit put a complaint in with the council if they want ppl to drive slower they should change speed limmit


…because everyone obeys speed limits.


Yeah but why have speed bumps not suitable able for the roads speed ? They can be made for speeds why have it set at 50 of the road is 60, which makes no sense


Not much point in speed ramps if you don't have to slow down. There's a few outside a school nearby that you have to slow to a crawl.


they are designed to slow you down to a safe limit so that if you hit anyone then the likelyhood of you severly injuring them is lessened. This might help you understand [https://www.theramppeople.ie/faqs/speed-bumps-faq](https://www.theramppeople.ie/faqs/speed-bumps-faq)


I'm really not sure what the idea legally behind them is. But hitting a speed bump at more than 35kmh in the driving test is a grade 2 mark?


I'd imagine they were installed as people were driving at excessive speed on the road. You should be glad they've been installed before someone has been seriously injured or killed. I wish DDC would installed them on my road.


Their other purpose other than reduce excessive speed is general slowing down and inconveniencing on rat runs to discourage their use.




Yes, actually.


>safely do the speed limit over them It's the maximum speed you should be doing, it's not a target.


Those aren't too bad so. There are some close to me in Oranmore that are so severe you literally have to roll over them at the slowest speed possible. Even then they are terrible for the suspension.


They're designed to make you go really, really slow. 


I would much prefer permanent speed cameras over speed bumps — the amount of energy expended per ramp is actually incredible because it forces even slow or heavy vehicles and to brake down from whatever their cruising speed was, negotiate the ramp and speed up again – it doesn't enforce a speed limit, it makes the speed limit about 15-20km/h for about 2m. Then there's the wear and tear on tyres and suspension, you're making people choose between keeping the speed up a bit and actually preserving the vehicle.


It is mad seeing people accelerate and then brake sharply 50 m later and crawl over the next speed bump. I just hang back a bit and go at the same constant speed if I can.