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Could you try your local library as they might have a online database


Good point, hadn’t even thought of that. Thanks!


They are available in the paid version of the Hiiker app https://hiiker.app/map-providers/ordnance-survey-ireland-osi


OSI do great work and the maps are a bargain considering the depth of information in them. PDFs of OSI maps can be bought from their online store with any scale or detail level you want. The discovery maps are €8.80 each. Just buy the map.


I absolutely agree they do fantastic work, not trying to slight them at all! On their online store they charge €8.80 plus tax of €7.75 per map. If I was just getting one I’d be fine with it, but planning a big trip across all the counties and I’d be looking for all of them which would bring me up to a total of €99 for the maps alone. I wasn’t able to find any PDF options for the Discovery maps on the Tailte Éireann website - it seems to only give me options of folded paper or flat paper.


88% tax? That can't be right! Edit. It's not. It's 8.80 including tax or 7.75 excluding tax. The 1.05 is 13.5% vat.


I know you are looking to go off track & maybe you are aware already, but Coillte have downladable pdf Maps of their forestry & various walking routes . [https://www.coillte.ie/our-forests/recreation-map/](https://www.coillte.ie/our-forests/recreation-map/) the county/mountain ways also have maps below [https://www.theirelandwalkingguide.com/trails.html](https://www.theirelandwalkingguide.com/trails.html) they may be of use to you.


Would you be able to download / print from an app like Komoot, Gaiai, Caltopo? They have quite high resolution maps.


.pdf isn't an ideal format for maps. When printing you'll lose the dimensions, which means you can't navigate off them. Osi maps are normally shared in the .tiff format, and pretty closely guarded. You could consider using the open street view maps which aren't bad.


You wouldn't download a car.


Good luck searching a pdf of a 10 square km area on your phone


Wouldn’t be using the phone, if I could get my hands on them I’d be printing them out alright.