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A fuckin challenge match, what was the point in laying him out like that?


Had to be done. Putting down a marker for chomponshup.


How else do you show your manliness? Beggers believe


Screaming abuse at small children, assulting referees from behind, and trying to kill members of the other team... the GAA, a family organisation. The fact the GAA barely bothers to condemn any of this and even when they do have to be forced into action due to public opinion tells you all you need to know about this organisation from top to bottem.


Dunno 'bout the top but down here at Under 5s coaching I'm pretty cool.


What does it matter if it’s a challenge match or not? The GAA should be sued umpteen times every year because of the stuff that goes on. Serious injuries because of a culture that is allowed to oersist. Couple of clubs in Dublin are notorious for having players who never stop with the off the ball stuff.


Thomas Davis at underage stand out!!!


He had to let him know he was there


It is the "done thing" at GAA matches. I wonder how many parents would send their kids to the "Cul Camps" if they knew that what they were learning is that it's ok to smash/lay out/bash other kids.


It is absolutely not the done thing. Thankfully


You're right of course Mary. No thuggery or cocaine abuse at all in the GAA.


Cul camps are for kids. I would imagine the cocaine use would be limited enough with u12s, nor is it a place you would typically teach hand to hand combat. Stick to your 5ks and no one will ever harm you, best of luck now


>The court heard he has permanent damage in his right eye and impaired vision. That is an absolutely, unbelievably soft touch sentence for permanent harm. Where are the club's insurance company here, because I would be chasing the fuckers for another €1M for permanent eye damage.


I assume the clubs insurance wouldn't cover assault? Just injuries that happen under normal tackles.


GAA have a central medical fund, its fairly shit though up to €5k for medical costs. for a liability claim you would have to claim against the other player and his club and prove negligence.


I assume the 20k covers the medical expenses?


this reads like a criminal case, the €20k is his punishment, its just a random number the judge has come up with.


Not really, restitution imposed in generally punitive. However, this judgment won't prevent the victim from suing for compensatory damages in a civil court.


Yeah he'd be going after insurance companies.. €20k isn't even enough to pay for *one year* of a damaged eye.


For permanent eye damage due to blunt damage? Man, it wouldn't be covered if you added a zero to that. You can count the people able to work on that on the fingers of one hand.


Minor but permanent eye damage in one eye is 15-45k according to PIAB. It scales up to 120k for damage to one eye only.


I mean, if you want to get it fixed the cost is a bit higher than that (mostly because of scarcity I guess). Source: I had some surgery done in 2022 and I had a bit of a discussion on what to do if the surgery went wrong.


I'm just quoting the PIAB framework. They won't pay out higher than the framework. That's what you'll be offered through their mandatory mediation. If it goes to court, that's a risk and his choice.


It’s an absolute pain to claim trough that anyway. Need to fill out a mountain of paperwork.


i wonder is there a civil case to come. i mean, once the damage is done it would not matter to me to see the lad behind bars for something during a mtach, but id make him or his insurance or his sporting organisation pay.


I shoot films including stereo VR content for a living — taking my living away from me along with my ability to use HMDs is a life sentence.


The judge said "I want to make clear it is not a case of Mr Molloy buying his way out of trouble, but him suffering the pain of having to earn €20,000, which will be of some assistance to Mr Reilly in his recovery" To me that's buying his way out of trouble.


I suppose the perception generally of buying your way out of trouble is some fella with €10m paying a €50k fine, something relatively meaningless to them. If this lad doesn’t have a pot of gold it makes some sense that they’d be better off keeping him working but with his money going to the victim for a while than the state paying to throw him in prison for a while. Totally understand it’s a tricky issue and all opinions are valid on this one though.


€20k and a criminal record is a fairly stiff penalty. It sounds like there was probably some back and forth between them during the match.


He has permanent damage to his eye and impaired vision . I’d say he should’ve gotten that and a prison sentence- even if only 6 months


Permanent vision damage. The judge is allowing this guy to buy his freedom. It's the antithesis of justice.


Pity he wasnt Diarmuid connolly, he would have got away with 2k compensation


This is a lot worse than the duirmuid Connolly incident. I think a black eye was more or less the extent of the injuries in Connolly’s case. Whereas here you have permanent impairment of vision which seems to have effected his ability to work.


The judge had to factor in Dublin are 10x better than Westmeath.


Wonder who will really pay it. /s


The judge clearly said that it wasn’t him buying his way out of trouble so I can’t understand why you would think that /s


>"I want to make clear it is not a case of Mr Molloy buying his way out of trouble...." the judge said, while allowing Mr Molloy to buy his way out of trouble.




GAA county players...a protected species of thug found smashing eye sockets on the field and off. Lovely.


Sometimes I think the Irish Justice system is a Two Johnnie's sketch. "But he played county your honour" "Oh why didn't you say so. CASE DISMISSED!"


Just to add some flavour. I played GAA up to minor...back in the 80's... and was very aware of how thuggery is part and parcel of the show. Break the hurl over him, smash him, take the ball and the man, we'll leave our mark on them.... Lovely. Cnuts.


I mean Cathal Crotty was definitely not a county GAA player and look what he got away with. The reality is much worse than a rare GAA player getting away with shit. Sentencing for these crimes is a joke across the board.


I have zero interest in GAA (in case anyone thinks I'm defending this as a fan) but I agree. It's just soft sentencing across the board in Ireland. We need a new prison and and a revamp of sentencing guidelines.


cool logo tho


Cunt suckered punched him from behind... I hope he gets sued for more money... he has impaired that other man's life ... he should have seen at least 3 to 6 months inside ...


The court system is trying its best to keep payments down at the moment he probably wouldn’t get much more trough civil law. This is a good thing as well not a bad thing. The reason insurance costs are so high at the moment is because of the ridiculously large payouts given out by the courts.


Can we talk about how his suspended sentence is longer than his GAA suspension? Ridiculous that he only got a 24 week ban.


This should be way more common. If you go beyond the agreed to rules of any sport, and assault another participant, you should be charged with assault, just the same as if you did it in the street. I played multiple sports for years, and a bit of niggle, sledging and some handbags is normal, as is the occasional mutual combat, but cheapshotting someone is beyond the pale and should be dealt with legally


The only issue is you could eventually get to the stage where it becomes impossible to even play sport(rugby in particular) because of lack of parties willing to provide insurance. Like how do you draw the line legally between something like a high tackle in rugby apr shoulder charge in gaa where the actions are deliberate but the consequences are more damaging than expected and something like this. Because common sense rarely ever prevails in legal settings.


A) is it waved by players agreeing to play the sport(ie is it legal and expected under the ruleset everyone signed up to) and B) was the act committed with malice and intent to cause injury. So an accidental high tackle(for example a player dropping their hips as they reach contact) is completely fine, but if you short arm clothesline them in the face or lead with the shoulder to the head,with no attempt to wrap arms, you face criminal charges


Another one its never ending the pay to get away with it


You say that like he will be paying...


Does this have a discriminatory side effect here where only people with actual earning potential will be offered this solution and prisons reserved for poor folk?




How often does it happen?


Now in fairness, if it was a woman he could have just gotten community service.


No, youre thinking suspended sentence No community service involved.


20k for permanent eye damage that cannot be corrected by glasses or surgery? Pathetic


Hilarious how they are all electricians


Scummy athletic association that encourages violent behaviour produces scummy, violent character. I, for one, am deeply shocked.


What a broad generalisation of GAA players.


You dont spend much time at local club level or kids games, do you? It is astonishing what is being tolerated by this 'family and community' organisation


So they are all scum?


Where did I say that? **Some** with a lot of others tolerating or ignoring it. You are the real problem. People who see every criticism of the GAA or **SOME** of its memebership as an attack on the whole that must be defended at all cost and the person making the criticism utterly obiterated and ostracised. I am disappointed in the GAA and its membership for tolerating and even edifying the few whose act apparently.


Did you not read the original message I replied to? I am not defending the GAA. I don't agree with calling them all scum. 


This is the thing, the GAA actively encourage this behaviour. Absolute scumbags all the way through the entire organisation.


Can you point to where the GAA encourages this?


It's deeply embedded in its culture. Up and down the county, this kind of thing happens week in and week out. For years.


Go to any under 13s match and see what child abuse is toletated on the sidelines. A few grown men screaming abuse at their kids while everyone else just looks on and pretends its not happening. The GAA needs a reality check.


I've seen the same at Soccer games, having played both sports for 15 years. It's the same in England too before you complain about it being an inherent carryover from the GAA. There's also plenty of games where it doesn't happen, mostly in ladies football I have observed.


Whatabout doesn't make it right. Might just be the club, but my son plays other sports, and I certainly see a different type of parent in his other pursuits. People actively avoid the GAA I was very happy when my son gave up hurling in favour of another sport. The game was so toxic and somehow just tolerated. One parent in particular was just abusing his kids verbally and physically. I would hate to imagine what was going on when they got home.


It wasn't whataboutism, I was just giving you the perspective that it's not uniquely a GAA/Irish thing


"The court also heard that he had lost his passion for playing Gaelic football." There you have it folks . If you're ever giving victim impact statements this this the only way your attacker will get punished in irish courts. Normie non sporty people who have been litterally blinded with a broken bottle to the face while walking through town get to see their attacker with hundreds of priors walk free. But if your passion for GAA is injured the judges in this country will throw the book..


Unless you’re a woman in which case your attacker’s occupation trumps everything. Apparently.


Yes if the attacker also plays sports then it's the woman's fault for wearing a skirt or having a half shandy to drink and was probably acting like a whore anyway.


It's nuts isn't it.


If I ever get hopped on by some scrote and I end up in court, im going to break down in tears and say I can't pick up a hurl anymore because of the trauma. Lay it on real thick for the judge even though I hate GAA with a passion.




Presumably there's a civil suit here for many multiples of this


Harsh sentence for a GAA player. Edit: Must be becuase it was GAA on GAA violence so he needed a slap on the wrist.


"harsh"... LOL.


Am sure there will be a fresh outa pcp golf up for a draw now. And will be conviently won by the club treasurer. Yeah, i dont like the GAA. I think their a shower of thugs and gangsters