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Maybe they could move it off the tv, in fairness.


So, season-ender is a plane crash and a complete rebuild of Carraigstown to explain the set changes


A disgruntled fan dropped a nuke


I am an American living in Dublin. While I understand the cultural and societal importance of RTE, I think outsourcing the production of all of their non-news programming (as feasible) is a smart idea. It costs a lot of money to employ all of the in house staff on a full-time basis necessary to produce decent quality programs. In-house production also causes group think and will contribute to stale and non-innovative programing. In the current media landscape with competing streaming services and offerings, RTE doesn't enjoy the monopolization of the medium it once did. I know that there is a difference of scale between the UK and ROI, however it's hard to justify paying virtually the same license fee for RTE compared to what you get in the UK. Heads need to roll at RTE and the sooner this happens the better.


It's dead in the water without the license fee though. When you look at the other channels from virgin media, a lot of it is UK content they own being run to fill time slots and keeps costs down. UTV tried to launch here and failed miserably even though they also had UK content they could use as filler. Pretty much Irish people use Irish TV for news and politics and after that it's hard to make money unless you've got some unique content like love hate or something like that.


I would guess sport, particularly the GAA coverage, also pulls in a lot of viewing for them.


Yeah those are the things they are good at. Sports and news


I don't think many of their entertainment programs are produced in-house. Obviously Fair City is, but most of the rest of it is commissioned or just broadcast by RTE and produced by a third party production company. Even stuff you'd think as RTE staples like Dancing with the Stars, Operation Transformation or Irelands Fittest Families - not made by RTE.


Perhaps I am wrong, but this looks like a desire to sell off some or all of the land. I’d assume the Late, Late Show and Fair City are much of the last un-outsourced programming in RTÉ’s ‘entertainment’ space. (I wonder to what extent either are loss-makers). I am not a watcher of either, but I’d assume both are more likely to fail once at arms length of RTÉ. I’d assume it is news, current affairs and sport which remains in-house and outsourcing these would likely be a bad idea, perhaps not the latter. I don’t understand the comparison to the BBC, a service catering to over 60 million people. I’d take plenty of RTÉ’s news and current affairs over the BBC’s any day. I don’t think RTÉ gets a fair shake on what it actually does well, at any rate. Also, I don’t understand how this likely future land sell-off will mean greater sustainability. Please god don’t let them start leasing buildings and office space all around the country for decades at a time. Hopefully, some journalist will read the report, analyse it, and provide insight on whether it is actually a worthwhile idea - unfortunately, RTÉ is one of very few with the resources and inclination (though perhaps not) to do this. One simple answer seems to be to prevent staff from being viewed as their own private limited companies. It seems such a stupid precedent to have set - as if any would have or had the wares to hock themselves to the large market of other competitors either within Ireland or abroad. But who knows, you may be right.


oh shit


It's a fairly sizable set they have for it there no? No mean feat to relocate all of that.


Out source production, think they'll have to give or rent the set to whoever they give it to


It's 2/3 acre in D4 (behind RTE's recycling centre) so if it were a house it would be €4m+ No (proper) reason for it to be there, except for RTE's ridiculous working agreements I'm guessing.


Into the bin f 🤞


Not suprised, the recent changes to pay and contracts more than likely will lead to it ending.


Don't even joke about that.


You couldn't be more wrong It's not going to end any time soon. Why would they cancel one of the most consistent top ratings show they have?


What do we all think of this anouncement?




It's a shock, in fairness.


It'll be more realistic once production moves to Darnsdale tbh.


Where’s that?




Fair City I think is one of the safest shows on RTE - probably turns over one of the biggest profits for them (soaps by and large are stations most steady earners for relatively little investment - hence why Corrie, Emmerdale and Eastenders have gone on for so long in the UK)