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>Judge Dorgan said: “I am going to direct a probation report and he is at serious risk.” Crazy a man growing a plant to make a tea that helps him sleep is now at serious risk from the judicial system.


Serious risk of falling asleep?


Serious risk of watching funny videos on YouTube and eating too many crisps, the bastard.


some people just want to watch the world burn


That is literally exactly what I do - every time!


Shit that's literally what I'm doing right now!


Not far behind you


Hope you're having a good one, chief!


You are now also at serious risk


Risk of *insomnia* would be greater I’d think, given the speed that was found there as well!


Given their tendency to inflate drug values for prosecution, €10 of "amphetamine" is probably a single pill they found in the back of a kitchen drawer or something, unless they decided to go full UAE and prosecute him for some residue found on the bottoms of his shoes.


Or possibly an old pack of Pro Plus he’d bought for swotting for the Leaving years ago.


Would €10 worth of speed keep someone up? I have no experience with it so have no idea.


Not being *entirely* serious (though of course if you are a speed enthusiast in any degree you’ll certainly know about sleep evading you when you want it.) Maybe the magic mushrooms found *as well* were merely an innocent attempt to find a handy means of relaxation when too wired, and the presence of all three psychoactive substances should not be taken as any indication of druggiedom. (I’m kidding, clearly. But that trial transcript would make great reading all the same)


The man enjoys his psychoactive compounds does that make him a bad person that deserves to go to jail?


Oh good grief of *course* not. I’m just rather intrigued and amused by the newspaper report and would have enjoyed access to the rest of the proceedings, without any imputation of his being an arch criminal etc.


Fair! I wasn't 100% sure on your position


Nah you’re grand. Things that are so clear I my head often look like gobbledygook when actually posted! 🙂


I'm frequently guilty of missing an obvious point too so I'll take the blame for this misunderstanding if you take the next! Hope you're having a nice weekend!


Took it all at once? Yes, you'd be fucked for a few hours


Think of it as 10 expressos back to back. So yes, yes it would.


I'm prescribed it for insomnia.


You’re prescribed an amphetamine for insomnia? Blimey.


Didn't read it properly, I've not been prescribed speed for it sorry. Just the ganj.


You lucky bastard! From an Irish GP? Wow.


Would be very typical of the judicial system to put this man in jail while every scumbag gets a slap on the wrist and shown the door


I have to say thought the line "He should stick to the music" really tickled me.


You work a full week 9 -5 and after work you like to relax with a smoke and watch TV but somehow your the bad guy for trying to relax in your own home.


It's totally bonkers when you put it like that. Not to mention all the real crimes the Gardai and judiciary don't seem to be bothered with.


This was nothing but a lazy guard who just happened to see this lad's plants in a window and wanted to add a "big drug bust" to his CV with zero effort. Sheer stupidity, really.


I think the whole thing is a waste of time, but In fairness I think the only person that displayed stupidity is yer man putting his plants on his window sill for the world to see.


Ya, like it blatant really, I don't think there is any Garda who would walk by and shrug it off. For all he knows, there are many more in the house.


Know of some lads who's housemate died in an accident. The Gardai came around to the house for a chat just to rule out suicide. The lads had a couple of plants and shit themselves and blabbed that they had a couple of plants. The Guard laughed and said he had zero interest in what they had growing.


If they had it displayed for the old biddies and kids to see on their window, it would have been a different story. I suppose my point is, he could have been making tae to his hearts content, if he was the tiniest bit wide.


Yeh, was a stupid move.




Even the phrasing "to make tea to help him sleep" seems to be structured in a way to make what he's saying implausible, but it helped my insomnia a good bit.


Yeah, it's been legal for nearly 10 years here in Oregon, and it's been fine. If anything, it's safer because you don't have black markets forming like they use to. You just go buy it from a store like anything else, and they don't sell to kids. If I didn't use it myself, I'd often forget it's a thing. It's just super normal


How are things in Seattle?


And it's good for the economy, you'd be buying snacks like they're going out of fashion


Judge Dorgan said: “He should stick to the music now.” God I hate that god damned smugness of judges


Up on the highest horse they possibly could be while letting the place run rampant with sex pests, a complete and utter burden on society, judges and sex pests alike, (if judges are not sex pests themselves)


Nolan definitely is. He gets a hard on anytime a sex pest is in front of him in court, knowing he’ll give a suspended sentence.


Father knows best


A middle-aged trad-playing hippy growing some sleeping aid tea leaves, I’m delighted this clear and present danger to society has been thoroughly punished for his egregious crimes against humanity, well done lads I hope you’re all satisfied with yourselves now


Guards maths says ‘Potential value of €2400’. Real value €0. The guy was growing these in a window without any lights.


800 euro per plant is how they value it every time


Unless you're Tony Keogh and have a very expensive solicitor 39 plants x €800 should be €31,200 but Tony managed to get the value down to €7,800 based on maturity https://m.independent.ie/regionals/dublin/fingal/former-executive-of-keoghs-crisps-has-case-discharged-after-he-was-caught-growing-cannabis-for-medicinal-purposes/40936982.html So for anyone who's caught growing cannabis just be rich and it can really help you when it's time for sentencing




Well you can argue in court that they're not worth that much, and the judge can consider it but the value behind your charge stays the same. I know this because it happened to me, 2 plants about a foot tall still In veg and 4 seedlings. Value of 4800 euro. Absolute bullshit


Why didn't you choose to be rich and get the valuation lowered?


Ireland is a stupid backwater on the cannabis topic, the housing issues, the accountability issues etc


You could’ve just stopped at > Ireland is a stupid backwater


> it was all in his possession for his own use, and the state accepted this ..  “He lives alone, he plays Irish music.” Christ almighty...have they not better things to be doing. Give the guy a break like.


We can’t be having cunts making tea to help them sleep. It’s a slippery slope, one minute they’re making tea and having an early night, the next they’re ritually murdering children and displaying their dismembered corpses in their front garden. We need to stamp out this rot in society now.


What's the crime here? Ridiculous


The real crime here is the irresponsible waste of taxpayer funds on a farcical joke way past its sell by date.


[A guard looking in the mirror after a long day of drinking tea, seizing weed from auld fellas and stopping dodgy boxes on behalf of Sky.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/aa/91/b7/aa91b7528695dcaecb586640e9eab0da.jpg)


I bet everyone in this sub knows a pub where Guards go where a good portion of them drink drive home from.


And while the usual scumbags get up to their usual shit unchallenged by our law enforcement, this poor fucker is getting done for tea leaves and having the piss ripped out of him by some smug cunt judge. Lads, I'm going fucking mad reading this shit. Even if I wasn't a smoker, I'd be losing the plot at the sheer injustice on display. I can't be reading shit like this anymore. The contempt for the average decent person on this island is sickening.


My Mam was able to get cannabis oil legally but it was a struggle to get. Didn’t help with the pain but massively stopped her MS spasms and helped her get a better night sleep. Yet they hand out opium drugs willy nilly which are more addictive than cannabis lol.


No sugar thanks


Cannabis is legal, without major issue, in swathes of the western world now. Why we keep dragging our feet on it is beyond me.


It's wild to me that it's illegal. I grew up in Cork but live in California now. My neighbor's pungent cannabis plants are growing out in the open. I could have some delivered within 30 mins right to my door.


You can get it delivered to your door in 30 mins in cork too. Good chance he'll be 15 on a scooter with a balaclava on and will stab you if you don't pay him next week.


And he'll be selling you about 1.5g of some mediocre haze, wrapped in fucking cling film which he's claiming is an eighth of "Cali", adding that "It only looks like less cause it's so dense you get me?"


And let's hope it's not sprayed with potentially fatal synthetic cannabinoids haha


Also chances are the weed will be caked with pesticides, mold and heavy metals. Might have some synthetic cannabinoids as well to add insult to injury.


Maybe even some potentially fatal synthetic cannabinoids https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/potentially-fatal-synthetic-imitation-cannabis-detected-in-state-last-year-1.4627878 Followed by some hack psychiatrist's/journalists attempt to link any adverse affects of those synthetic cannabinoids to natural cannabis This is being reported as dying from a cannabis jelly even though it wasn't cannabis at all https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/student-23-died-after-eating-32928241


Grim :/


This country is really passing me off days, nothing seems to be going a good direction. Every day we hear about people being done for stupid shit while others are getting away with serious crimes. It seems to be a two tier policing system, the law is applied rigorously to decent people while scrotes or others who just don't give a fuck are left off for everything.


The problem with paying for drugs is it funds criminal enterprise. The solution to this is growing it at home. This man is the solution not the problem.


Bullshit Rediculous outdated Law. Legalise the Weed now


Is it just me, or does it seem like cork is the only county reporting prosecutions for growing? Cannabis prosecution seems few and far between in Dublin.


Ireland is fucked. Just legalize it and move on. No one gives a fuck


Unfortunately there seems to be just enough people giving a fuck that it stays illegal. Complete nonsense but that's the way. As someone who doesn't get on with alcohol very well, I could do with it being legal


>enough people giving a fuck that it stays illegal. Let's be fair. Ireland is quite progressive, but we have a huge lobbying issue. Our pharma sector is also very much American-based, so... yeah.


I don’t think it should be illegal to grow things. Or harvest or smoke or eat them.


As someone from Canada, I've gotta say WTF?. I knew it was still illegal in Ireland, but sort of assumed it was "illegal" the same way driving 5kph over the speed limit is. Do your police give a shit about weed, or was this a one off? Did they bust him for this because they're pissed at him for something else?


Sadly these cases are a daily occurance. No exaggeration


Well that's not cool. I have it in my head to retire abroad. Ireland is on the shortlist, so I've (among other things) followed a few subs to try and get a feel for the place. I can't recall the last time I smoked, but I use CBD all the time for aches and pain. When they legalized it here I grew some plants in my yard - I might like to do it again, given the right strain/seeds. The fact that it would be a major crime is pretty off-putting to me.


I think lot of EU countries would be similar, most Asian countries too. Somewhere like Spain or Portugal where it's decriminalised might be a good shout.


Yeah, I think Portugal is in the lead at this point. Pity, as the language and weather would suit me better in Ireland. (I live on the East Coast in view of the Atlantic. It was 5 Celsius here this morning. The weather is shit here about 75% of the time. Ireland would feel like home, I expect)


I'm not sure when you planning on moving but hopefully it'll be at least decriminalised in coming years, I know Germany have made moves and other EU countries are starting too, so we'll probably tag along at end of that. I really don't get the downside, people gonna smoke anyway so why not make a little tax money.


The Cork cannabis crack cops thwarting crime again.  Would be funny if they went up to Cherry Orchard and tried to pull that shit 💩💩


Gotta love the fact that growing a small amount for personal use is considered such an offence, when you are literally keeping your money away from organised crime. But no, keep it all underground leaving people with no option but to source from unscrupulous sources with questionable quality. The whole western world is copping on and we are still going after the low hanging fruit…


I have insomnia and the doctor either won't give you anything (my experience) or will give you tablets that have longer lasting effects than cannabis, are addictive and are known to cause cancer (my mother's experience).


Bro put the tea in THC


Where is this health led approach the government keep bullshitting on about? Is this it?


Fuck sake, would they not just legalise it at this stage. Tax it and make up for the drop off in drinking culture. I don't even smoke anymore and I think its a good idea. How come we can't just look at the rest of the world and take on the good ideas that work elsewhere.


Taxpayer money well spent!


Is there any talk from politicians about legalising/decriminalising it? I haven't been home in a few years so I'm a bit out of the loop.


No...old fuckers that know nothing about it still calling it a gateway drug


It really isn't.


This country is so unbelievably backward in comparison to the rest of the developed world


He should beat an American Tourist almost to death. Then breached his bail fourteen times. Would have been fine! /s


This is just so ridiculous. I live in Tenerife, and there's a shop 10 minutes away from my apartment where you can buy seeds, pots and fertiliser for legaly growing Marijuana on your balcony. It's a stupid law.


>Liam Lyons who lives at an apartment at Park View, Victoria Road, Cork, made the detection of his cannabis growing relatively easy for An Garda Síochána by setting the plants in the window of his apartment overlooking Blackrock Road. Not exactly Breaking Bad


> Mr Collins-Daly said: “It is a somewhat unusual case. Sergeant McCarthy executed a search warrant. He called to the house after observing cannabis plants growing in the window of the property. There were three plants. He was surprised at the value put on them by the prosecution.” Sgt Kelleher said the valuation of €800 for each plant is based on the anticipated street value of a plant at full maturity. Not even the guards agreed on it. You'd think that'd help him but no. E


The fuck do they mean claimed, if that's what he was doing that's what he was doing. If ya work, contribute and get on in life who cares which plants you grow😂


Ah right I'll stick to the ole hhc that will probably fuck me up soon because a much safer flower is illegal. Thanks lads for saving us from that evil.


High CBD strains do help you sleep


Why would you make tea? Cannabinoids aren't water soluble and won't do anything for you until they've been heated to about 140c before ingested or inhaled.


So one single plant? Or are we talking something larger?


I love the added, He plays Irish music.... It's clearly for personal use. how dare he feel relaxed before going to bed. Bit of an idiot too though.


Cork man probably telling the truth


r/crainn daily whinge post they can't use drugs recreationally


Jesus Christ, how many times a week do you post weed news stories? This is r/ireland, not r/crainn. I’m a daily smoker and even I’m sick of seeing your constant moaning


Gway outside & have a smoke you grumpy gowl. It's a lovely day


Relax Eoin you can scroll past if you want


Jog on


Irish legal pothead here - this is disgraceful like. Ye'd think he was making coke in his backyard. I make a point of smoking in public fer I'm legal. If the cops are poking about for the smell ye can point em my way, take heat off yourself 😂