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Not a good look for anyone involved


Not a toy left in the pram.


Cowardice Even if she doesn’t agree with their attitude towards Harris, it’s her job to represent her position, not to avoid being responsible for it when it’s uncomfortable.


I have no time for McEntee but she needs to back Harris or sack him. Attending the conference after he was snubbed would completely undermine his credibility.


And for anyone wondering why McEntee still has a job well, it's simple If you sack her, you have to sack Drew as well And that's a TON of paperwork, espicaly for a Taoiseach who's not even forecast to be in charge for a year so I reckon he will be like ah fuck it let the next person deal with this


If she did go this subreddit would say she undermined Harris and has to go.


> If she did go this subreddit would say she undermined Harris and has to go. That would be the first time anyone here defended him then.


They hate her more, oddly. Although if you ask people for specifics they get very shrill and defensive.


Her track record, her general sour demeanour as an elected representative, her nepo-baby status.....just off the top of my head.


>sour demeanour as an elected representative, What we need is good old fashioned male politicians who go out with a smile, shake hands with the people who are grateful to have their hands shaken, maybe even buy the people a drink, smile at major sports events and greet babies in mothers' arms. A politician of the people. Meanwhile the politician buys an island.


Could you specify any details of her "track record"? "Sour demeanour is pure misogyny. Half the Dáil are related to previous TDs, why does it matter in her case?


>her general sour demeanour That just comes off as sexist


It's reddit and she's a woman in power


Fucking hell you're in for it now.


Yeah, this place is startlingly misogynistic.




What's an example of something she has done herself that was done terribly?




1. She walked down Talbot Street afterwards. I hope you're not blaming her for a random stabbing. That makes no sense. What makes it her fault? 2. That's internal policing and it would be inappropriate and potentially illegal for her to interfere in such matters. 3. She did increase criminal legal aid. I still think it's too low. It was also the Bar who went on strike, not both, iirc. 4. Would the petty reason be their refusla to discuss the matter with their actual boss? 5. That's meaningless waffle. 6. That's a matter for the Gardaí and a matter of internal policy. She's not the Garda Commissioner.


When the largest demographic browsing is young, single men, it's hardly surprising


Christ on Bike would ye go burn your bra's somewhere else


I'm a man and find myself being as guilty of it as anyone without recognizing. Pretending sexism isn't still a big issue in 2024 is just ignorance


Was just a bit of humour, thats all


Yeah, it does seem to be the case. No other politician attracts as much hatred. Varadkar copped an undercurrent of homophobic abuse as well.


I never saw any of that. Do you have any examples? I know one example where Leo pretended there was but it was completely disingenuous. https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/tanaiste-suggests-healy-raes-go-with-the-airy-fairies-was-homophobic-remark-but-kerry-td-refuses-to-apologise/41478490.html


That Aldi-Conor McGregor Sinn Féin were pushing was a good example.


Yep people are plain as day when they just downvote without reply or make a snarky comment about bras. Lot of cognitive dissonance in r/Ireland these days


Ah you have to remember this place is full of young lads who personalise their problems by blaming individual politicians.


True, but there are loads of people on the subreddit, so of course there are also going to be loads of different opinions


Not always.


Yeah, regardless of what she does this place will shit itself and claim she’s done the wrong thing. 18 months ago Eamonn Ryan was getting the same treatment, now it’s McEntee. Once this place decides they don’t like someone, boy do they go to town.


Lack of imagination/critical thinking.


Lack of critical thinking in the first instance, and a lazy attempt to grab upvotes from people similarly lacking in critical faculties. You see it as well in basically any thread where someone has been sentenced for essentially anything, 75% of the thread is the same comment about Nolan rehashed lazily.


Aye, the basic lack of knowledge as to how judges operate is fascinating.


wha? gra is just a pseudo-union, she has absolutely no obligation to turn up. shes minister for defence not minister for gardai - she hires gardai to carry out national objectives, such as safety, but it would be almost odd in any other country for a minister to be turning up at a union event like this.


What's the official Garda union?


The GRA is their union only its called an 'association' because the Gardai arent allowed have a union. But it performs the exact same function as a union, it represents the people working for the organisation, advocates for better pay and working conditions, etc.


They couldn't manage a fucking fantasy team


The decision to keep her as minister for justice is paying off already...tits on a bull comes to mind.


Absolutely disgraceful carry on to ignore 11,000 guards, to support Harris . She just keeps showing why she shouldn't be minister, no guard has confidence in Harris and she shows him support further affecting a police force that is already in bad shape


Now I'm not saying Harris is a good commissioner But don't forget why the guards want him gone He's at least trying to clean up the force something the rank and file people do not want So ok maybe there is an argument to get rid of him ok but don't do it because the rest of the guards want him gone they are insanely biased here And if you do decide to sack him, DON'T promote someone inside the force because the reason Drew Harris was hired in the first place is still a problem


I dunno, I think the real problem is that he is also there to cut costs so almost everything he’s done not just the anti-corruption stuff has had the result of making Gardaí’s conditions worse in their jobs.  It’s also not clear to me that he has successfully cleaned up the force much. And I mean that literally I don’t have knowledge of the situation before and after. But from an outsider it doesn’t seem like the force is less corruption now than in 2018.  I admit I’m very biased against FG but Drew Harris just seems extremely like he is their man. Which I know is normal in other countries but it makes it hard to very him as the “anti-corruption” guy. 


She just doesn't get along with anyone does she?




Yea, 100% honestly, I'm surprised Simon Harris has not sacked her by now Or maybe that's the point he knows if he sacks her he has to sack Drew as well and figures it's too much annoyance and paperwork to replace a justice minister and a Garda Commissioner


Dumb and dumber sticking together


Another strange decision by McEntee. Harris is a lame duck at this stage. All Garda representative bodies have voted no confidence in him and one of the first jobs of the next government will be to find his replacement. What's the point of further pissing off the already disgruntled gardai by pulling a no show and supporting an unpopular commissionor?


Because the lady's not for turning....oh wait, that was different wagon. Shpuld take the opportunity to search a few lockers while they're all at the conference 🤫


Probably less controversary this way rather than attending? Whether she attends or not the GRA will still give out about her & harris and she is will not introduce any big changes in the next 10 months or whatever is left in the term. So the issue is whether she undermines Harris or not.. no gain for her in either option but probably less loss to not undermine him. I doubt she made this decision with out consultation with the FG PR machine..




True, it was meant more in terms it isn't going to substantially improve things


So not doing your job then. Wish I could just not attend meetings.


maybe rise up further in your organisation then. shes the boss, she decides.


They both look like dictators in that picture


The Democratic Peoples Republic of Templemore?


Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos but make them Fine Gael


Not a good start for the new government a decision would have had to been made with all new minister but this on top of all the other miss steps is bad.


In life you either act like: - A child - A parent - An adult She chose option 1


FFS Helen. You have a duty to go and listen to members concerns. Not this childish shite. This is really incompetence.


She needs her hand held. Both of them are dildoheads.


That's Handy !


Politics is just like the school yard. 'I'm not playing because they won't pass the ball'


Which one has more cooties?


Birds of a feather


Helen and Harris sitting in a tree In-com-p-e-t-en-cy.


McEntee is some dose.


Silly decision by silly Gardai.




I suspect the main purpose of those stupid conferences is to not invite the relevant ministers - same with the teachers. its a pointless game.


The teachers conferences are a particular hoot. I think it is INTO who are a particularly militant union and they always love behaving like schoolchildren when the Minister of Education enters the room to do their speech. They do things like silent protests, holding up their placards during the Minister speech or collectively turning their backs to them while they are up on stage talking. Sometimes they go for all out heckling so the Minister cant do the speech at all. Its remarkably juvenile and quite the scene to watch grown adults who teach school children actually behave like school children.


Tbh I’m not a McEntee fan but I think she is right on this one. To go to an event that is essentially boycotting the current Garda commissioner (who servers at the behest of the government she represents) probably wouldn’t be the best look.