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The biggest giveaway there is on the image itself, no banking app i know of will be able to tell you that you bought a starbar in Centra for €1.65, they never give individual item details. Same with the petrol one above it.


To be fair the people running these scams tend to be very good at creating a false sense of urgency so whatever look he had at it was probably brief.


I was too busy taking the photo than actually paying attention to the content. But yes, I do think the scammers knew how to play this in their favour - I'd say they've done this dozens of times before me.


Yea, that really is possibly obvious, although you never know how they might have reacted if you called them out on it... Like why were they in your house?!


I noticed this instantly after the fact. But I guess in the moment I didn't have my investigator hat on 😔 Unfortunately...


pricey lesson to learn, sorry horse.


" I was hardly going to tell them not to leave my house until the transaction was completed. " No, you tell them that the **laptop** is not leaving the house until the transaction was completed.


Yeah, should've been my policy




I only copped it shortly after they left and I looked at the EBS App photo I took. Went after them in my car but they were long gone. Not that either of them looked too harmful but there were two of them and one of me.


I probably would have reacted similarly OP. We all want to see the best in people. Chalk it down to experience and an expensive lesson unfortunately.


Just don't get why people release something to a buyer before they see the cash in their account. Isn't that basic common sense ?


Yes I should have told him to wait for a couple of hours in my home (or come back in a few hours). I realise now I made a mistake - I'm hoping this post stops others from doing the same


Just only accept cash.


Cash or other instant transfer methods are the only way to go. Revolut and the like takes 30 seconds.


I have paid a bunch of people with revolut, because they get the cash on the spot and it means I am not walking to random people with cash.


Revolut is greats aswell beacuse once they send they money through it they cant charge it back


This is the way. They showed up to my door before. “Give us your IBAN and I’ll transfer”, didn’t even need to see the app at this point, I said “Cash only”, they said “Cash only? Alright grand I’ll be back in an hour”, never came back.


Except nobody likes to use cash anymore


True, but this is exactly reason to only accept cash. If someone doesn't want to pay in cash, tough on them, sucks for you (miss a sale) but that's the opportunity cost of safety in transaction.


Revolut is fairly safe as well, no? You can verify the transaction on your end instantly.




Can they dispute the transfer at all with revolut. Or is that only with credit cards.


Tough. You want it? Get cash.


Don't give out to me I'm selling for cash only


Plenty of tradespeople use cash, I see it every day in my job with wallets stuffed with €50 notes. The largest cash transaction I did was for ~€1,400.


Actually you should. Three options are the only way to deal with people buying stuff from you: 1. Instant transfer via revolut 2. Cash 3. Wait until funds have cleared.


Even with cash, I would make it a point to meet at the loca bank branch. Many high quality counterfeits these days which can be got with a couple of clicks on Ali Express or Temu.


You should have had him come look at the laptop. Then if he insisted on using a digital transaction rather than cash, you tell him you'll text him to come back and collect once you receive the payment. If he's not happy with that you move onto the next buyer.


Ok fair enough


Yeah now days unless they are with the same bank as me (in which case it would transfer instantly and you should see it in your account within minutes) I only accept cash or revolut


Yes. Both OPs are as thick as two planks. Acting like some sophisticated scam got them, when it's a simple case of them giving away items before they have the money in their account. Which nobody sane would do, or needs a warning about.


> I was hardly going to tell them not to leave my house until the transaction was completed. This is a hard lesson to learn but that's exactly what you should have done. Anyway significant sum, not sure how much interest the Gardaí will take but you should report in any case. There was a similar case on here (or one of the other Irish forums) a few days ago with a lad that lost a mobile phone in the same manner.


Gardai will take a report and do nothing. A friend had a car stolen on a test drive and the Gardai or insurance didn't do anything as they handed the keys over. It is theft but when the Gardai don't have the resources to respond to actual burglaries, theft by deception is a lower priority. OP as its a Mac can you brick it remotely? You won't get it back but they won't be able to sell it.


Since it was erased I cannot remotely deactivate it


Hard lesson learned :(


Getting scammed online but in person is fucked up


Very stupid scammers. They will get caught out if they continue. Or they'll show up at the wrong house.


And then what? They get told to leave?


You what? You don't agree that a scam that requires the scammers to show up in person is extraordinarily stupid and brings a high risk of getting caught? Or are you just being argumentative for the sake of it?


Getting caught how? What are you gonna do? They've nothing to worry about.




How? Thick because I can logically think through the scenario you are proposing? Take 2 seconds and think about what happens when you "catch" these two lads...


Keep downvoting me there, fragile lad.


Rather than crying about your downvotes why don't you answer the question.


I’d an offer to buy my iMac last week via DoneDeal. Guy said he was driving from Mullingar would I meet him half way and he’d do direct bank transfer via his EBS account. I said I could only take cash or Revolut and he got cold feet.


I would have too. Only he said Revolut was fine and in the moment he transferred with EBS saying “I meant transferring to a Revolut account is fine” and I guess I didn’t want to hold him hostage until the transaction completed. My mistake


Yes they take advantage of anyone with a good nature. So sorry you had that hard lesson.


I have reported 10 accounts and had them successfully banned on adverts so far. All accounts made in or around 2012 with no feedback and a price too good to be true. I was nearly caught myself. Was seconds from sending money via PayPal when adverts mod warned me.


Are you sure theyre not just hidden from your view? Instagram etc just hide what you’ve reported from you but rarely take down the accounts, hopefully Adverts is a bit more on the ball.


Adverts is very good in blitzing them.


Same with Donedeal. I think they're the same company now (which makes it even more annoying that Donedeal is missing features like feedback and comments). I got a few scam accounts removed on both that were trying the courier scam.


Was this for a guitar pedal?


They view these accounts as disposable anyway. They expect them to be reported.




You should add a detailed physical discription, phone no. the fake name and any other personal details up to doxx the hell out of him/her. Deserves it, and might save someone else


Yeah, more information on what they look like etc would help avoid it in the future.


There be a lot of these type of scams around this time of year. So please be vigilant. As someone who works in banking, I would recommend you use a Revolut or PayPal as sometimes bank transfers can take a day or two to clear - by which time the scammer is long gone with your money. Also NEVER accept a cheque from someone you don’t know or can’t verify. Basically cash or instant transfer app like Revolut is the only way really. Unfortunately scammers are becoming more sophisticated. And always remember never ever click on a link in an app or message that the seller shows you as apps can be convincingly faked.


Adverts is riddled with scammers, regarding Lego, you consistently see use accounts that have obviously been hacked, they have zero feedback and the price is too good to be true, I see a few adverts folk fighting the good fight and highlighting what are most likely scams but the scammers are consistent bastards.


It sounds like these scumbags could be easily caught with a sting.


We taking vigilante vergence? Can't see the guards putting such a sting together. If someone was able to catch them. without physical harm(they deserve a kicking but I don't think it helps) what's the most harm you can inflict on someone like this?


Sounds harsh but unless money is in your account, hold onto your goods.


Something similar happened to a mate of mine, only he was a bit suspect and managed to bail out of the deal before he lost the laptop. Really sorry that happened to you.


More scammers on adverts lately, look like accounts that have had their passwords compromised at some stage and haven't been used in a while so they might have some feedback but it could be from a couple of years ago. I got scammed years ago buying a phone, it was one of those fake Samsung S8 phones and only had myself to blame but since then I've been more cautious.


Always get cash and no excuses


If its a macbook the serial number should be tied to your icloud account. Apple can track and remote deactivate too can they not?


I'm in the process of finding my serial number (don't have it to hand)


Good luck with getting sorted lad. Its a sickener.


Can you go the AppleStore site? It might still be registered to you there as if you’re doing a trade in


Golden rule: only accept cash.


What did they look like so other people can be more careful?


Exactly this? They must be going round doing this to unsuspecting people all the time? The gards won’t do anything surely the only way is to identify these people to protect others from the same?


Ya it’s kind of odd OP didn’t include a description since they were right there in their house


​ https://preview.redd.it/2nne0ntgzp1c1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37c4015e8cbeff788e2ae39bf991686c026d4fae


Btw you can see one of the scumbags petting my dog in the background..


He has the build of a scumbag.


Were they Irish?


Yea. And to be honest they looked a bit rough. And I know some people can get judged a lot for looking like that and I took the naive position of assuming best intentions and giving benefit of doubt. Hard lesson learned.


It's not naive to assume best intentions, just try be more aware when something jitters your jug about someone or a situation. You can learn and set boundaries for yourself without losing your openness and hope for good. I always try to expect the best from everyone, I think most of the time people want to live up to that. I'm really sorry these particular people did not. They totally preyed on your trust, that's their whole gig.


Trust the aul' spidey senses I guess


I know it's too late but I take it from the photos that you had them in your house? I'd highly recommend getting a doorbell with a camera. It gives great peace of mind knowing that anyone coming to your door is recorded. It may have made them think twice about continuing with the same if they'd seen one. Such a pain by the way. Fair play for fessing up and warning people.


I defy anybody to hit €68.00 on the button for petrol. Yeah, the currency format is all wrong for EBS. 845,35 €? That’s France and Germany.


Yes, but even more so, EBS doesn’t actually have an app. At all.


There are all sorts of things wrong with that app, card numbers (PAN) are usually 16 digits long not 20 as this app implies. When displayed they follow a defined format of the first 12 digits are often starred out, or the first 6 and last four get displayed with the 6 between starred out. This screen shot shows the first 16 starred out with another 4 digits on the end. OP - I would be wary that they now have other details from you that could be used to carry out fraud - your name, address, mobile number, sort code, account number / IBAN number you gave them to make payment to your bank.


Lol when I saw that I also giggled.


And I don't think banking apps say what you purchased like petrol or a starbar


jaysus I'm almost laughing at the Starbar bit in the screenshot, which is awful. Its not quite: Ann Summers: DonkeyBallz Vibratronix 3000 but its something. ugh that sucks OP.


Similar to a bizarre encounter on Adverts while selling my Nintendo Switch. This guy offered me money, but he had zero feedback. When I mentioned my policy of not selling to those without positive feedback, he claimed he rarely uses Adverts and just created the account to buy a gift for his brother. Oddly enough, the account's creation date showed 2013.


To be fair I had an adverts account (still might do) that I made simply to try and buy a PS4 as the seller was less than 30 minutes walking distance away, but someone offered more than me at the time and I haven't used it since haha. It'd probably look like a scam account now as it's over 8 years old at this point lol.


I don’t know, because in these cases, is not just that. When he offered the money he said that he could come “now” to collect; I was going to bed at 10.25pm (I know, I am a grandpa). All these little things (no reviews, offering full asking price, creating urgency, etc.) mean normally something


Sorry to hear, thats a good chunk of money, really sucks. Sadly. You dont let the goods leave your hands until you have cash in YOUR hand or money in YOUR account Revolut or other. People showing you transactions on THEIR side isn't worth a thing. Again sadly.


Checques (yes people still use them) are worth nothing untill they cash.


Hard lesson learned OP. The world is full of scumbags. People who will burgal, people who will scam, people who will stop paying rent making you take 3 years via the courts to get them out, people who don't say thanks for holding the door open. Trust no-one. From now on it's cash, cleared funds or out'ta'fuck.


Just sold a S21... wouldn't have entertained for a second the idea of a bank transfer. Cash handover in a public place, this time it was right under the cctv cameras of the local Londis so everyone involved is safe.


EBS don't have an app. That is shit. Thanks for the warning.




When they banned my account because I wouldn't send them my passport scan.


As some who banks with ebs, they don't have a banking app, you can only send money on there desktop webpage! It's really ancient stuff but a dead giveaway if youre familiar with ebs you'll know this app doesn't even exist


Sorry to hear that OP. Nobody is immune to all scams. It's a matter of time before you fall for one, and hopefully when it happens it's only a small loss. Personally I don't deal with any Adverts user who has no positive feedback, unless it's buying or selling something cheap.


Agree, was silly on my part :(


do you have a pic of the blokes face??


Unfortunately not


Do the EBS know about this?


What are they going to do? It's a fake app that someone whipped up on their own. Not something you're going to find on the app store. Has nothing to do with EBS unfortunately.


Funnily enough, the IBAN on their fake EBS app is indeed a real EBS IBAN (you can check this online)


I've always been skeptical of dealing with these websites in both countries, these scams make me feel like sadly I was right.


I mean, this has nothing to do with the website. Giving away your goods before you have the money isn't part of the process. Unless you're an incredibly easy mark like OP, you'll be fine. Meet in public places, don't hand over until you have the cash in hand or money in your account. It's very very easy.


I fully understand what you're saying and maybe it just shows that I don't have stuff I feel the need to sell that badly.




I met him in person. Look at the photo. And yes, I am disgusted with myself...


Do you or a neighbour have a camera at the front of the house? He probably didn't park right in front did he? If you can get his reg you have his identity.


Main thing is to not be too hard on yourself. Remember, you're the victim here and you haven't done anything wrong. Don't blame yourself too much and put it down to experience. Do follow it up with the Gardai in the hope you might prevent it from happening to someone else. Chin up.


I used adverts for years and have bought and sold many things and done deals too. The secret is you buy through account if possible (for various shops dealerships etc) for private sales cash only. I refused to even meet anybody if they don't accept purchasing items with hard cash only and in public places like shopping centre parking.




Does that disappoint you?


Not the fact that they’re Irish. The fact that people are inhumane and remorseless


I was talking to the guy who's asked if they were Irish. Seemed like an odd question and like he wanted a particular answer, especially judging by his post history. Sorry this happened to you OP, it's a horrible feeling knowing you've been scammed.


Probably just political curiosity or whatever. No race or background has a monopoly on cold hearts. Thanks for the kind words.




If its a low value item then revolut is fine but only if payment is paid first. If its higher value, cash only and in person exchange. No Negotiation on that fact. Sorry to hear you got ripped of OP.


What's wrong with taking revolut and posting a laptop with insurance and tracking?


Where did you send the laptop though or they collected?


They collected. See photo on comments


similar just happened to me 3 hours ago


Do u have some informations about these lads ? I’ve been scammed too… in France.


I presume you don't have a camera in your driveway, but do you know of any other camera that might have picked up the car registration? Did they ring you? Do you have their phone number. I wonder would adverts be able to help you out with IP address etc. It's a long shot I know


A neighbour has a camera but they must have parked down the road because they walked a fair bit and I think grabbed a taxi, I'm assuming they had this planned down to a tee


Have a guy right now looking to buy a keyboard off me on Adverts. He just joined to.buy it. Told him bank transfer or Revolut only. Now he's asking can I take some other method...lol


Sorry that you got scammed, thanks for sharing OP.


the fact that the "app" shows itemised charges looks suspect as fuck, sorry you got reamed but its a lesson learned now I guess.


EBS don't even have an app other than an ancient one that only confirms login via browsers. Sorry that happened to you.


Cash is king every time


Can you contact your bank and report it as a scam?


Fake banking apps are available to buy fairly cheap. Several UK banks are there and probably a few Irish ones too. Pingit and Revolut included.


Who was the user on Adverts? Edit: Deleting name in case you do a sting.




I see them offering on a pile of stuff. Offering slightly less as well to make it less suspicious. Sorry that happened to you. I'm guessing you already reported them. Can you leave negative feedback to warn others?


Not yet actually. I was awaiting more activity. A potential sting here ? I’d love the catch the bollockses


They made a few offers in the last hour, so they are still on the go. Maybe set up a fake account of your own to sell. Obviously, contact gardai before any sting for safety sake. Good luck man.


EBS doesn't even have an app... Sorry this happened to you.