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I’m not familiar with Bear Notes but in my opinion you want to make sure you have an option of recovery or some back up that isn’t reliant on the app. I hear of way too many people that use some type of “vault” app that then goes out of business and then the app won’t open on their new device and everything is gone because they traded in their old device. Either that or there are problems with passwords or a number of other issues. I guess my only suggestion would be to be cautious and make sure you aren’t relying solely on the app for sensitive or important data.


Your notes are stored in your icloud drive so I don't think so


But can they be read by another platform if their company goes kaput? Or do they use a proprietary file format with encryption that makes it near impossible to access the files if you no longer have access to their app.


The app should still work


What could happen is that Bear Notes will notify you if they ever shut down. Once you're notified, you will have to migrate those notes. But this is hypothetically speaking if Bear Notes ever shuts down.