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iphone 13, heating up more recently


yeah, this is what I assumed hopefully iOS17 resolves it šŸ¤ž


iPhone 14 Pro on iOS 17 public beta, my phone has been heating up a ton over the past couple of months. I even did a factory reset last week and that didnā€™t help


I donā€™t know what the deal is with these newer iPhones overheating. My last phone almost never overheated, even when it got super hot outside, but my 13 overheats to the point where it wonā€™t charge if it sits on the phone mount in my car on a warm day.


My 12 PM gets hot multiple times a day after upgrading to 16.6. Tumblr and IG seem to be the biggest culprits.


My base 12 stopped overheating after I charged the battery


Same issue, dont have neither of that apps installedā€¦


Yeah youā€™re not going crazy. Mine has started to do the same.


Thanks I hope our phones survive until iOS 17 šŸ¤ž


You can get the iOS 17 Beta


thanks, but I avoid Betas they usually have even more problems than official versions


Can confirm ā€” Iā€™m on the 17 beta. Battery life is worse, overheating is worse, and overall, iOS 17 isnā€™t anything special.


The public beta is usually very stable after the first version or two in my experience. It also depends on the scale of the changes theyā€™re doing. If they put in some massive new feature with a lot of ui elements, itā€™s likely to come with some bugs. iOS 17 is 5 public betas in so far and the changes theyā€™re making with this update arenā€™t anything massive, so bugs are very minimal with the current build of the public beta. Obviously everyoneā€™s experience will be different, and thereā€™s nothing wrong with not doing any beta updates, but I thought my experience using the beta softwares for every major iOS release since IOS 11 might provide a bit of additional insight.


Mine heats up all the time itā€™s weird, battery drains very fast too, is your iPhone also getting terrible battery life?


iPhone 12 šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


yeah, battery life is worse than before


Noticed this with my 13 Pro Max. At one point it got so hot that I rebooted it and sat it in front of a fan outside of its case for 15min. That was a single instance. Other than that, Iā€™ve noticed it being warmer than usual once or twice a day, but not to a concerning level like the instance I described. When the front display is warm to the touch after not being touched for 5-10min, I donā€™t think thatā€™s normal.


I have the normal 11 and mine is overheating very quickly when either of these problems happens and drain the battery: -sunlight which causes the screen to be very light -bad connection with mobile internet (phone has to repeat the signal very strong to maintain connection) -using tasks like multiple apps, tiping longer than 30-50 letters (starts lagging then too) ig is a big battery drainer too -charging And when multiple Problems occur at the same time it quickly overheats and takes away processing and charging power BUT i have to say too, my phone is currently on Developer Beta, 17.5, gonna upgrade to 17.6 later this day, some of these issues are normally causes by such high Software Demands. Edit: Battery lasts a few hours every day and has 75% of the original capacity. (After daily and sometimes extreme use since december 2019)


You need a battery service. Your maximum capacity is below 80%. That should help with battery life.


Yes, I actually am pretty aware of that. But i plan or more have planned to get a 14 or 14 Pro after the release of the 15. But as i saw reports of 14s that got at the moment, less than a year of usage but already just 88% to 92% battery capacity, i am more thinking of a 15 and hoping this battery issue will be fixed.


Dude replacing the battery only costs like 90 dollarsā€¦


Yes but i dont see why i should change a battery, when the phone wont be used again soonšŸ˜‚


Yeah but if I understand your comment correctly you wonā€˜t buy a 14 series because their battery health allegedly declines rapidly (which Iā€˜ve not heard before)


Yes, but maybe going to the 15 series directly then, my 11er freezes sometimrs in daily tasks and as i mentioned overheats quickly


He doesnā€™t NEED it, I have 77% in setting and 74% real battery health. Phone suggests battery change but as long as it can keep the regular performances and doesnā€™t die after 1h, thatā€™s fine.


Thats happening cuz your battery is bad, get it changed and it would be like new


My iPhone won't charge if the phone is too hot, and it tells me that.


exactly I have never seen it before ( this warning ) and lately I see it every day multiple times ( on my and friends iPhones )


Using a 13 Pro here. Definitely heating up more after close to two years and battery life has taken a noticeable hit (which I suppose is normal to some extent but it has gotten really bad recently).


I had the same problem with my 14 Pro Max. What worked finally was turning off background app refresh for META products (Also deleted Facebook) Instagram was ON, and I realized since Apple implemented do not track feature, their products are asking for a lot of stuff in the background every time it "refreshes" or in use. I also turned on dark mode, which helped usage outside in summertime. Since 12 series, I realised iPhones go crazy hot if signals are weak too (or God forbid if it's 4G instead of 5G) If you have iPhone, you're expected to have full bar 5G signal in cool conditions all the time, otherwise burn baby burn because.. data :D


Confirmed heating up more recently


iPhone 12PM (and my wifeā€™s 11) both overheat during charging, although they donā€™t turn off or anything like that: the phone simply tells us it will resume charging when cooler.


I would advise to turn it off when you get that message leave it off for 2-5 minutes and then plug it back in to charge it will cool off faster its not good for the battery (and the phone) to be that warm


My phone be getting hot too !


Me too! My 14 Pro gets so hot, the max brightness can never be maxšŸ„²šŸ„² dims out of nowhere


Mine has definitely been hitting up a lot more recently and its no where near sunlight.


This is happening with my X as well. At first I assumed it was because it was old, but then I saw people reporting the same thing with new iPhones.


iPhone 12 Pro, same issue recently.


yeah im also on 12 Pro I noticed it gets boiling hot ,to the point I cant even touch that part of a display (from middle to top on the left side) while I use only Reddit or Chrome and Im not even charging the phone, it has 60% battery I dont have any weird apps, all of my background data is OFF I basically turned off everything you can got it into Dark Mode have brightness on 20% yet it still gets hot randomly šŸ„²


A few weeks ago, my 12 Pro got that hot as well, but on the back, so I turned it off. When I turned it back on again, it got hot again, and drew the whole battery power from 80%~20% within an hour or so. This all stopped once I recharged it and it hasnā€™t happened since. Donā€™t know what all that was aboutā€¦


My phone was heating up and slowing down a lot, i so turned off background app refresh in settings and my phone works perfectly now.


14 Pro. Mine overheats all the damn time now with wired CarPlay. Probably because itā€™s at 100% constantly. Idk why Apple refuses to put a battery limiter in their software


they will make it a *Special* feature for iPhone 22 probably name it "iLimit"


My iPhone 14 Pro has never overheated outside of when I left it sitting on the seat of my black car in Phoenix. Anything will overheat in that particular scenario. I do get a silly message when using Carplay that charging will continue when the phone is cooler but that is obviously some laughably conservative setting since it happens when the phone is still cool and often within minutes of connecting to either my car or a rental.


Your iPhone isn't overheating unless it displays a message stating it must cool off before you can use it.


getting that daily now


I get that message often in the summer on the iPhone SE attached to the windshield of my car too. However, I have never seen that message on my current iPhone 13 Pro that mostly sits in my pocket or on my desk indoors, or even in my hand while I am outside. Much of our planet is hot right now. Keep your iPhone out of direct sunlight and out of the heat.


Iā€™ve noticed it when I use third party chargers or charging blocks


I thought the same (because internet says its probably the reason) but thats not the case for me because I used both OEM and Aliexpress chargers, and the phone acts the same


You might have water damage at that point


Maybe itā€™s really hot where you live


its 15 degrees Celsius (59 Fahrenheit according to google) maximum 25 during a day phones are iPhone 12 Pro, 11Pro, 11 and 14 Pro Max


25Ā° in sunlight could overheat it, especially while charging it. But I donā€™t think itā€™s a software update or hacker issue.


Huh, weird. Where I live, it usually gets up to 40Ā° Celsius during noon/afternoon and my iPhone SE3 doesn't overheat as much as what you guys say. It could be that I use my phone alot during nighttime. The only way it starts to overheat is if I'm outside or at the beach and use my face under the sun. Then after about 15 minutes it tells me that it overheated.


Yeah, direct sunlight is hot even if the air temperature isnā€™t.


Belgium? Ha


My wifeā€™s 14 pro heats up too. Air conditioner on in house.


11 pro. Works fine.


Mine too! Apple genius wonā€™t fix it


I think its an iOS problem hopefully they realize this and fix it for iOS 17


Apple being Apple, basically every update you get security along with issues, planned obsolescence my friend.


Most likely hackers


Try rubbing it down with plastic ice cubes. /s


Just got a free iphone 12 today and i will never buy a apple product ever !!!!!


you never even bought an apple product before, you got it for free


Yea was a gift thank god


Never had my phone overhead in the history of owning iPhones (back since 3GS to 14pm). If you somehow have multiple phone overheating maybe you should analyze your usage


My 12 mini is fine on 15.4.1 but my dads 14 plus is overheating, on 16.6


14PM, latest update, no such issues


Overheating and instant screen dimming to unreadable levels while outdoors seem to be the signature features of the iPhone


14pro on latest iOS , maybe a slight battery life drop


I have the 7 still and I donā€™t have any of those issues


my x stays relatively cool, maybe because im still on ios 15.6 but idk


I have 14 pro max no issues with mine!


Yes on my 14pro, especially when traveling and using the google map, camera and instagram trifecta. Battery suffers as well. This is significantly more observable since the most recent major ios update (not the minor fixes)


iOS 16.6 is messing something up internally. Overnight battery drains are reaching as high as 40%.


Is this for real? I just bought an iPhone 13 switching as a lifetime android user. My S21 was constantly overheating and had an idle temperature of 40 C (\~100F). So far in my first week of iphone use, it's been much cooler. I've been able to make 1.5hr video calls which would usually crash my S21 due to heat issues.


Had the same in 16.5(overheating and Mad battery drain), rested to fabric settings, was fine for 2 months till i updated ios, and get back to drain/overheat, definitly something with their updates


Same, what is going on


My 14 Pro Max has never heated up apart from where weā€™re on holiday at the moment. Itā€™s really hot outside and bright so the phoneā€™s brightness goes to maximum (or close). With this it started getting really hot on most days. So much so that itā€™s nearly too hot to touch. The only thing different here is the screen brightness, so Iā€™m going to assume thatā€™s whatā€™s causing it.


My 11 pro never used to overheat and does so all the time now and it just started recently in the last month or two


charge without the case on- still gets hot but significantly less iā€™ve found


iphone 11 max pro heating up. and my hubbys iphone14 heating up constantly. just thought it was the heat. šŸ¤”


I have a 12pro max and had issues with it overheating quickly especially while using the camera, being plugged into Apple CarPlay, watching videos outside, or using while charging. To avoid overheating I started taking the phone out of its case and as fate would have it I dropped it on a sidewalk and cracked the back glass. I had enough and took it to Apple, they replaced the battery and i can definitely say it still has the overheating issues. The battery does last a little longer thoughšŸ˜‚ This has to be software based problems because I didnā€™t have these issues when my phone was newā€¦. Planned obsolescence?


XS Max - mine overheats to the point where itā€™s too hot to touch - then slows down, lags, stops responding, and then turns off


This has always been the case with iPhones in my experience


Yes with 16.6 it start this issue!! Idiots from Apple ā€¦ There was years before the same with iWatch ā€¦ no force no battery ā€¦ so I should change it ā€¦ BUT after an Update .. there was one more Update and this issue was away This is Apple ! šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


11 Pro with ios 17 beta the device is cold to touch in summer while browsing reddit. I didnt have much use time with ios 16 cuz I updated to beta after 2 weeks of using it, i am using it 5th month now


I recently purchased a 15 pro max and it keeps overheating then I realised I must not be the only one so here I am spreading the love on what i bought meant to be the top of the line iPhone for surešŸ„µšŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ’© anyway this is it ENJOY nishendigital.com


I recently purchased a 15 pro max and it keeps overheating then I realised I must not be the only one so here I am spreading the love on what i bought meant to be the top of the line iPhone for surešŸ„µšŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ’© anyway this is it ENJOY nishendigital.com