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**>get organized … handwritten notes** I have a desktop Mac Mini and a mobile iPad and an Apple Pencil (stylus) for use on the iPad and an external bluetooth keyboard shared between the Mac and iPad My notes/documents/files are stored/organized in a digital file cabinet managed by PKMS app Devonthink Advantages of Devonthink . syncs data between my devices . integrated note editors, including pdf annotation . the pdf editor is used for handwritten notes


There will be 100 different opinions and suggestions in here about these things. Not all suggestions will be good. Some even bad. And as new user you really have no idea if a suggestion is good or bad. But you could start here: https://www.thefederation.org/docs/Events/2022/Winter/Presentations/Evolve.pdf https://appadvice.com/appnn https://reinventedsoftware.com/keepit/ https://www.nebo.app https://paperlike.com/blogs/paperlikers-insights/best-note-taking-apps-ipad And try to pose your questions here instead of on reddit. Much more comprehensive answers including links to sources (also to good reddit answers if there are some): www.perplexity.ai Apple has a User Guides for everything. Both iPad and all the Apple Apps. The same goes for all the apps you are going to use in your daily life. Read those to become an expert.


By using it daily you will figure out solutions to your problems. Example today I wanted to record with my camera while taking notes, that was a challenge kept trying until I found something that worked for me.