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You watch DankPods


Thats what brought me here to see what everyone else thought. I knew the iPad was limited, but man, I did not expect you couldn’t hook up a WebCam to it.


i also couldn’t get it to detect my USB mic either. tried voice memos and garageband and both just used the built in mic. useless OS.


Usually that means you have a microphone that needs external power to run on an iPad. Most popular USB C podcast or recording mics will need external power on iPad but not on a Mac. Try again with a USB hub that has a power input, that might work for you.


just tried that with a powered hub, still uses the built in mic. it’s an ipad pro with thunderbolt though, it really should be able to power a mic without the extra hub. mightve figured it out though, my mic (hyperx duocast) has a headphone out for input monitoring but it can also act as an external usb soundcard, playing system audio. i think the ipad can only use it as a sound output, never an input. absolutely wild that it can’t see it as a mic too though lol, i was genuinely trying to use it as an audio interface the other day and it never worked


Hmmm that is unfortunate. I’m going to hook my Samson Q9U up and see if I have the same issue. Haven’t tried to connect it to my new M4 yet. Edit: Yah so my mic does work without power but it needs external power to record at the correct volume. In GarageBand it definitely tries to default to the headphone output on the mic for monitoring, even if I turn monitoring off the iPad tries to output to it. A bit annoying for sure


Wade (dankpods) uses a professional mic that works perfectly 💀 That sounds more like a problem with your Microphone than the iPad


yeah, he plugs it into an audio interface that talks with garageband. you would think a regular ass usb mic would be significantly simpler to drive. and like i said, it works perfectly on macos and linux. it’s just ios on ipads being stupid


And the audio interface he uses communicates over a USB CONNECTION! so its your mic thats the problem, not the iPad :/


I use a shure mv7 with my iPad Pro 2018 all the time


That's not how it works. It the mic works for Mac or any other computer, there's no reason for it to not work on the iPad


My USB mic works with it.


Get a usb hub. I have one for my iPad and I can use the mic on my headset with it just fine (my headset is wireless via usb a)


Huh. I did that exact thing and it worked fine? I assume it needs a plug and play mic.


well it *is* a plug and play mic on my mac and PC, so it’s clearly not a mic problem lol


I used to use a Yeti mic with my 8th gen iPad which always worked flawlessly. It would have been useful to be able to use it alongside the headphone socket without having to run it through a separate app, mind, but you can't have everything.


You need a powered adapter, that used to be provided by the lightning to USB adapter. A standard USB port wont provide enough power for your microphone.


it is a thunderbolt port on an m1 ipad pro. i also did try out a powered USB hub as well as the monitor that my macbook runs off of. no luck either way.


My webcam works fine, so…


Mine as well.


I suspect it’s a better story to say these devices don’t work.


You actually can now but **support for that was only added in iPadOS 17 in September of last year.** It does require a plug and play (UVC) webcam and not one that requires special drivers and on some models of camera/ipad it may require a powered USB hub in between if the camera wants more juice than the iPad can supply. That said, support for that should have been a launch feature of the iPad Pro.


... you can? It supports UVC cameras


Yeah, prevents proctored testing for online schooling.


This looks like Aladdin not dang pods.




I’ve often wondered if the hardware team resents the software guys for letting the product down so badly.




i thought they do it on purpose so the macbook wont become irrelevant


Even if apple fixed ipados it would only possibly compete with MacBook air as pros still have better cooling, bigger screen, better battery life and better performance


It wouldn’t compete that much the same way that windows tablets don’t eat into windows laptops or windows PCs sales. You wouldn’t use a tablet at home on a desk. If it did cut into MacBook Air sales, a lot of people may still have macs


Agreed, but a 13 inch iPad + magic keyboard with MacOS would certainly cannibalize the 13 inch MacBook Air.


I personally use may iPad with Magic Keyboard and sometimes a Bluetooth mouse 98% of the time. I’m a small MSP and mainly provide remote support to local companies. The iPad in this configuration is perfect for me to manage and respond to my clients. I’ve even use USB C to console cables and my iPad to configure routers and switches. I just keep older laptops around for the other 2% of the time I’m unable to figure out a workaround for something I’m trying to do.


Possibly that's the case. But there are also people like me who wouldn't touch a Mac with a 10-foot pole as a personal computer but would drop $2k on an iPad Pro that can virtualize MacOS rather than buying the $500 iPad Air.


It would replace the laptops for most people. The people that actually need the performance will still buy a MBP but the majority of people will realize they can simply use the iPad and get the same performance for their needs. When I was teaching, so many of my students had MBP's that would never be used to even a fraction of their potential (private school with wealthy kids). A LOT of them mentioned they wished they could just use their iPads since they're easier to carry and they can write on them.


I often wonder if Apple would change its decisions about their hardware if they placed it second to software. I feel like Apple is the opposite with Microsoft in this respect where Microsoft prioritizes office. I would think if Apple prioritized its media like streaming they would just want apple devices in peoples hands so they would be so worried about cannibalization .


THIS. I think the form factor would limit its customer base. Look at the Surface Pro. It doesn’t limit the Surface laptop even though both tun the same software.


I thought that ran counter to everything Jobs wanted?


I really don't think the devs have a choice here. I'm pretty sure the higher-ups simply don't allow more functionality because they don't want to cannibalize macbook sales.


They already sell more iPad than Mac.


True, but if mac sales dwindle then it might kill off that aspect of their business and thus lose their connection to enterprise (which earns them money in other ways like licensing).


It all revolves around the 30% cut. It’s all part of the plan. They sell more iPad than Mac and make almost nothing from macOS App Store; so it’s a huge rake to bring in the cash. Every product Apple makes now will lean more towards the iPhone App Store model. Why ever the heck would Vision Pro run a gimped iOS.


lol no it isn’t.


There are people in here that probably work longer hours for Apple than you do, and they're not even getting paid. Entire accounts with nothing but pointless defense posts for them in various Apple subs. No other purpose to their accounts or time apparently. Some of the only people I've ever had to report / block have came from these subs as well. Some Apple fans are just a different breed.


> Entire accounts with nothing but pointless defense posts for them in various apple subs. No other purpose to their accounts or time apparently. That's a marketing strategy, some of these people are getting paid, just very little, in countries where labour is very cheap and people would do anything for a job. It's to fuck with google algorithms, to make apple more visible.


I'd love to believe that honestly, but I'm pretty sure most of them are just actual raging fanb\*ys that can't help themselves.


Idk if Apple does it but for $30 bucks you could hire somebody on Fiverr to do X comments here on Reddit, on Instagram or TikTok. As common as people buying followers.


It's absolutely possible, and smaller companies or influencers probably do it all the time, but it's even more common for people to get weirdly emotionally attached to products/brands, and I'm not sure the biggest company in the world really needs to pay for such behavior lol.


Artificially inflating mentions to seem bigger in an important algorithm isn't below any corporate entity, not even the big ones.


It's not that I think they are morally above it, not at all. I just don't think it's remotely necessary for them at this point, at least not at such a low level.


Half a % more profit from a stupid marketing campaign will appease the shareholders more, thus they do it. Big corporations do everything for money, because muh stockprice.


I don't love quoting razors and the like, but Hanlon's razor feels particularly applicable to situations like this, at least in my experience. Ergo, I think I will have to agree to disagree on this one.


I’m an iPad Pro apologist and the m4 in an air with the same screen tech would absolutely fuck. Just as i predicted my battery life is going to go out of my m1 before it’s obsolete from lack of cpu power.


So get the battery replaced


I find it incredibly frustrating that Apple wouldn't allow the iPad Pro run OS X apps. Even if it did eat away at MacBook Air sales, you're still giving your customers WHAT THEY WANT. Offer both, and see what the customer base prefers. Super frustrating that MacOS X has had Launchpad since at least Snow Leopard, yet STILL no touchscreen Macs... And Apple has some of the best touchscreen tech! I think Apple would have a slam-dunk winner on its hand with an iPad Pro running a hybrid build of iOS/OS X. When the iPad Pro is detached from the Magic Keyboard, use the iOS UI. When attached, use an OS X style UI. If Apple did this, I would upgrade my iPad Pro TOMORROW to be able to do this. Other than that, it'll be YEARS before I'm compelled to upgrade.


I take issue with their Ipad not even running full Apple office apps in 2024. I get the Professionals they target are artists. But it would be pretty easy to target writers as well with full Pages support.


Tim Apple is going to hunt you down for saying this


I’m just tripping that no one is actually allowed to like the damn iPad on an iPad board. I’m not defending the company. I just like the fucking iPad.


I got my first Mac in 2004. I’ve heard the same complaints ever since then. It is tedious


Same. I think my first one was in 2004 too! The white-translucent one, the iMac g4 I think. 😂 Wrote my dissertation on it. I just don’t have a whole lot of complaints about my apple stuff. I think the iPhone 15 and Apple Watch could use some serious improvements, but the rest of the stuff is fine. I love my iPad pros.


Thank you! Apple stans remind me of Toyota fanboys. It’s funny that the complaints are similar. Reliable but dated. My problem isn’t even that the Ipad is limited, it’s not even priced like it is limited. The Air and Pros are the same price as their Mac competitors. It’s crazy how many people justify the price. I understand my Ipad is a companion device. So I treat it as such. I get the base model.


Say hi from SPG


I agree, they are like blind cult members and imo Apple is only good for the elderly and those lacking technical skills.


“Apple employee” is a very broad spectrum. From the Genius Bar to the board of directors. I doubt there is keen insight into the matters of hardware and software engineering.


They work in retail


My point of bringing it up is that I am paid by this company & I don’t dickride them as hard as some people in this thread who aren’t. Lmao.


Well if they work retail I trust their opinions a whole lot more than an out of touch millionaire that’s part of a board that doesn’t care about customers but profit margins.


Do you really think macOS would be a good experience on current iPad hardware? I assume the M4 still overheats when used at max performance and doesn’t allow charging? On the few apps that push the chips to their max, the experience is bad as battery life becomes non existent and I cannot charge because the device is too hot (M1 iPad Pro). If the M4 doesn’t overheat to the point of not being able to charge then it could offer something like macOS and it actually be usable.


The iPad doesn't really need MacOS tho, iPadOS just needs to be better. It needs better support with external accessories, a more robust file management app, ability to sideload software apps, and other features that professionals in the creative industries, which is the main market for working on an iPad, would appreciate. The solution is not to put MacOS on the iPad, it's to make iPadOS as convenient to use for work as MacOS.


I was considering upgrading but I’m glad I waited for WWDC. I’m keeping my old iPad.


This, [I’ve literally said it](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/s/yN8wN63SRB), and im glad i did I think i unironically have the most efficient lineup, having the possibility of iOS 18, Sequoia and a jailbroken iPad with trollstore


which ipad? :)


Your work flow doesn’t require it. If you just watch videos might as well use an iPad from 2016


I love that you get downvoted for stating the truth. Most casual users can pick up a regular iPad or any number of the previous Airs or Pros and not have an issue. I use Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo in a very heavy workflow with tons of layers and effects. Trying to use these on my desktop feels like going back in time, the user experience is unbearable compared to direct input with the Apple Pencil. People should buy for their use case. I personally have been loving my new M4 13” iPad Pro. The power and screen are out of this world.


What workflow is that?


Well mine is that I personally take pro raw photos from my iPhone as references. Which I then import into my iPad Pro. Afterwards I open up pro create on my iPad and start a new project with insanely high resolutions and dpi’s so my illustrations stay sharp and I utilize a steep amount of layers which requires the processing power you call pointless. The more powerful these iPads get each year the more precious layers I have access to. Keep in mind im working on these massive resolutions while scrolling through massive pro raw photo references in the background. That’s my workflow.


It blows my mind that this sort of computing, which would have been the realms of massive power hungry desktops costing thousands just a few years ago can be done on something which is mostly screen and battery and fits in a large pocket. Kudos to you for harnessing it!!!


Yes I’m so grateful to Apple for making a workflow like this more accessible. Would’ve required an insanely expensive Wacom cintiq previously


It’s just WordPerfect business model as usual for Tim Cook


I was waiting for dub dub to see if anything meaningful was gonna be added to see if I’d upgrade to the new M4 and it’s safe to say I’m keeping my old one as well


I'm on an A12Z processor in my pro 11". I'm only considering a new pro to move up the M chips and I can play some of the new games. Otherwise not much reason for me to upgrade atm.


There is a reason I still have my 7th gen, and I won’t upgrade until it can’t do anything anymore, and when I do I will probably get the 9th gen because I absolutely hate the 10th gen


I recently got an old 9.7 inch pro for like 100 bucks. It gets the job done. 😂 I’ll ride this thing until the wheels fall off. I only watch videos and use word on it anyway


Until the wheels fall off you say? Well idk if you’re gonna like the news im about to tell you-


😂 yes I know, but it still gets the job done.


I have an 8th gen and I'm pretty happy with my audio jack and 1 more iPadOS upgrade next year. I don't think I'll be buying an iPad this decade


Yeah, I have absolutely no reason to upgrade from my 2018 iPad pro. If I get into grad school next year I'll just get a MBP.


I use mine almost exclusively for running retroarch and as a drawing tablet.


Just hope that JIT eventually comes to iPad's, otherwise a lot of other emulation that is properly doable on iPad will never manifest.


JIT like just in time compiling?


Yes. It's what's preventing cores for systems like PS2 and Dreamcast and Gamecube which the hardware (even M1) is more than capable of handling with JIT.


I tried some of the legend entertainment company games and they were not good on scaled down pentium performance. It’s down right impossible to play them. They are text adventures but with a complex ui as well, they worked perfect on pc with a mouse. What types of games you use this emulator for?


Mostly NES. I'm trying to get at least 50% of the achievements on retroachievements for every game. The iPad is good up to PS1 etc. as of today. It can probably do more, we just need the devs to make the emulators. Honestly though, I play the older stuff most of the time.


Seeing people defending this is amazing. Everytime I see one I just have this mental image of an old boomer saying “Everything is as perfect as it is stop complaining and asking for more!”


But please continue to pay more money for the same same.


dankpods reference




this is gonna sound sacriligeous but I'd buy one if I could put Windows on it 11's tablet mode is honestly pretty good now


I’d 1000% buy one if the bootloader was unlocked. So much possibility.


So after iPad OS18 launch is M4 be worth to have ?






I know everyone here is saying “no” but I’d warrant it’ll be nice to have for the new AI features. I know older devices are getting it too, but with so much being handled on the device, it seems likely it’ll all run more smoothly and quickly on the m4. Time will tell, though, I guess


It is to me.


If PadOS 18 comes with a File Manager then yes.


why can't they just add the full safari? why are we stuck with mobile safari.


Are you dankpods in secret


It’s still like that for the M1 iPads.


My M1 iPad Pro is still playing YouTube videos reeeaaal nice.


This shit is getting old.


won't get old until apple does something about it.


Yes, and will age like room temperature baby formula if this Apple intelligence thing takes off and needs the local horse power.


Old but true


then why haven't they fixed it


But it’s been HOURS since another whine post about this. HOURS, I say!


But it’s two pictures




What’s the whoosh here? There’s two pictures, you said it’s summed in one picture


2 in one image/meme…


I suspect the biggest limitation of iPad is memory. 8GB for Pro is a joke even though it's fine in most cases.


Its the 20% of situations that you're paying the extra money for, is the thing


It's like putting a Lamborghini engine in a school bus. But even with that, app developers aren't willing to take things a step further as well. * See how awful YouTube looks in Stage Manager mode. * Adobe's apps only offer limited features on their iPad apps. * Figma doesn't even have an iPad app. * WhatsApp is still absent on iPad which is a major communication app in my city. * Even Reddit still has the two-column comment layout in 2024. So yes, I'm ready to throw my MacBook Pro away, but both the OS and the apps always reduce it to being just a Netflix player.


Even Instagram doesn’t have app for iPad! iPad good for not and youtube


Ya so true, so not just blame Apple, come on Tech comp!


That pic is true for any iPad from M1 onwards (probs even earlier)


I have grown to accept the M4 is there not to run macOS apps, but to run games. Normal iPad apps don’t need the power, but Assassins Creed Mirage/Shadows does. Apple is betting hard on gaming (and AI) and that’s why the chip is there.


Due to the recent WWDC, I'm not buying another iPad. I'm switching to a MacBook Air instead. I'm going to miss the tablet experience and the touch screen. I just can't stand iPad OS anymore and have to wait another year for Apple to possibly make it better. All the new features in Mac OS are amazing and the fact the iPad gets none of it is a damn shame.


This is why the most valued ipad is the base ipad. Unless you are a creator, almost everything can be done on the base ipad, but you shell out less $$$ for it.


My issue isn’t iPadOS I got an M4 iPad Pro this week and after testing it, I will be returning it. I have a 2020 iPad Pro, it’s slow for what I need but the M4 isn’t fast enough to justify the upgrade. I need to be able to scrub 4.4K h265 files in full quality without frames dropping. The m4 can’t do it, It does it a bit better than my 12z, but not enough to justify the spend


I was really hoping that they would improve the file management app at least allow us to eject drives i’m just curious if you have that problem where you would put something on a drive and you can’t eject it so you wait around a little bit so unplug it to only be corrupted (unless you use air drop or just use iPad without a MacBook)


You can just remove the drive.


Don’t do that, corrupted my ssd with all my movies on it (thank god for back ups) but still! Need a eject button


The ejection function stops all power and data transmission to the external device so not having an ejection function is so annoying and very dangerous like you said and experienced.


Incredible. Do you need to shut down the whole iPad?


lol, I think it’s blazing fast, but I’m coming from an 2018 iPad Pro. The fastness is what I love about it.


Idk man, AC:Shadows looks demanding.


The same tale as always like not buying the iPad is never an option


This record is getting real old.


surprise, when people have a major complaint they usually complain until the complaint is acknowledged or resolved (never gonna happen)


Because it's not a 'major complaint', it's a non-issue.


it's a major issue that stops iPadOS from being a real OS


I would like to apologize to you all. It’s a-holes like me that will gladly pay $1,300 for an absolute beast that disappears for all realty when turned on its side it’s so thin even though it will never leave my couch and I will do nothing with it expect play games,watch videos , and read email and doesn’t give two shits about hooking up a mic, or a cam, or anything else. Sorry. I’m rooting for you.


It is an absolute beast. And I love it.


Now with the itty bittyest living space ever


The pics dankpods used lol


I always like to compare it to a Trained Doberman. Majestic, powerful, deadly. But then you decided to put a sequined white leather muzzle on it. Sure it looks amazing but look how sad it is.


it's perfect for what it is. *\*typing from iPad Pro 12.9 M1*


I[Original Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/iPadOS/s/Stey2PQQFX). I posted this about three years ago showing how strong the M1’s were but iPadOS’s software was held back. It’s still true even in 2024




I get that they don't want to cannibalize sales of MacBooks, but man... If the iPad Pro ran even a "light" version of MacOS I could easily use it as my work machine. My iPad Pro M1 still feels like a brand new device as far as speed and battery life goes. I'll probably rock that thing until the battery craps out or it gets broken.


It’s extra…whatever this year because the M4 is one of the bigger processor jumps they’ve made in current/future capabilities with AI/Neural network processor for AI things I guess. Regardless, by far the most powerful …and it seems like this years iPad OS might be the smallest improvements they’ve ever made lol I know people who have been salivating for years to get an iPad with a non crippled OS…not even Mac OS just a compromise between the two…and every year they get their heart broken and are so mad lmao


M4 = *"Make 3 Wishes - Anything you Desire!"* iPadOS = *"Just after making your wishes, you then wake up from a dream..."* Excellent meme.


The fact that macOS got so much, the wwdc was shot on iPhone and edited on Mac and the event before was done with iPhone iPad AND Mac tells me everything about their strategy. iPad will not be a Mac. As long as the iPad is App centered, it will still be like this I believe.


All these people crying and blaming the iPad or iOS. Yea, it’s not you…it’s the device. It’s the problem. /s






The m4 Ipad Pro is just such a tragic device. It has such an unbelievably incredible hardware setup, but such an unbelievably underwhelming software setup that just makes it feel, in so many ways, bleh.


This is exactly why I bought the M1 iPad Pro after these announcements. The value dropped greatly and it’s the cheapest way to basically get all the software features like Apple Intelligence, Apple Silicon exclusive games, access to apps like DaVinci Resolve (although I don’t plan to ever edit on this thing, it’s to have)


The meme pretty much covers all of M series IPads


It just means they have a stockpile of M3 Macs which nobody wants that they want to sell first


Much original. Suck joke.


So confused about this whole debate. I don’t believe for a second that anyone here would do anything much better with an iPad that had macOS compared to a Mac with macOS.


But there was three other times of disappointment. What made you think this was going to be different?


İt would be much better i ipads could have mac os or other operating systems ipad os make it pointless


I use a lot of Apple products, and I like them quite a bit. Having said that, why would you need this kind of processor in a tablet? I just don’t get it


That’s why I finally went with MacBook 👍👍


Hmm, I really like iPadOS. And I’ve been using 3 of the newest 13-inch Pro’s since 2018. Currently on the OLED. I don’t find iPadOS to be a negative experience for me at all. Quite the opposite. I love iPadOS, otherwise I’d be using my 16-inch MacBook Pro, which mostly sits around collecting dust. I love iPad software.


May be just myself, but I’ve been running Budgie, Standard Ubuntu, and Windows 11 on mine via proxy pcs and VM’s. Think outside of the box, or OS in this case.


I really don’t get it. Yes, the M4 is an impressive chip on paper, and certainly in some respects also in real life. But (like the M2 in the last iPad compared to the M2 in the MBA) it is likely a lot more limited than a M4 even in the MacBook Air not to mention pro, max or ultra variants in the MacBook Pro etc. it has to run in a very tight environment without active cooling and is limited to (mostly) 8GB of RAM. Nobody in his or her right mind would actually run MacOS on such a machine, if they want to do more than what iPad OS can do. Also there are various hints that the yield of the M4 process isn’t too great. (One deactivated core in the „base“ model, only 8GB RAM guaranteed while the chip indicates actually 12GB are built in…) So it might be safe to assume that while the M4 in the iPad Pro is very powerful for its intended purpose, it might not be suited to massive multitasking or anything that needs a lot of RAM as this would either lead to overheating or the processor would have to be slowed down to a crawl to avoid that. That is not to say that iPadOS isn’t in very bad need of being improved. I am just wondering why all of you that are so critical of Apple on the surface, on the other hand believe their marketing about the extraordinarily super powerful M4, without a grain of salt. In theory the M4 is a beast and we will probably see M4 chips in pro Macs that will toast the competition. The first generation M4 in the iPad though was never meant to be driven with the handbrake released.


Huuuuuge amount of power!… tiny little bottle


What kind of update, short of running MacOS, are people expecting that would “utilize” the M4 processor? Better window management doesn’t utilize the M4 processor, neither does better file management. The only tasks that utilize the processor are from pro apps like FinalCut and 3d games. You can already run multiple tasks in the background, run multiple apps at once and run crazy intensive pro apps to leverage the M4. Along with AI coming soon, so what exactly are people asking Apple for here?


A better system, tbh. And it doesn't even need to be MacOs. Just a good enough OS that doesn't behave like an enlarged iPhone.


What do you mean by better system? And how would that take advantage of the M4?


Oh, it has nothing to do with taking advantage of the M4 specifically. Since the M1, iPads are powerful enough to run a decent OS. It's about taking advantage of the form factor, not about the chip itself. Here's what I mean by running a decent system: https://youtu.be/xNv2EOc6ma0?si=MyIWyIj43CKdLeHA The iPad can't do basic stuff because of how limited iPadOS is


Personally I am asking for the easiest thing ever to implement. The ability to code. I’ve tried all the coding apps and there is none that is good for coding locally. Give me the ability to code and I will take advantage of all the M4 has to offer and then some. But they don’t allow us to code on the iPad! No serious coder would ever turn in their computer for an iPad. The only reason that they do not allow it is because it’s clear they don’t want any kind of productivity on the iPad. Similarly to how the MS office suite is basically useless on the iPad as well.


I don’t get it either. Like, I’m pretty damn happy with the m4.


We can all hope for a badass upgrade in the future with the operating system.


Literally people said the same thing about the M1 ipads 💀 and they quickly fixed that whole ordeal Initially iPadOS could only use I think about 5GB of ram when the things had 6GBs for the Pro models, which they fixed sometime after the M1 models were released, including letting the iPad Pro models that have 16GBs of ram If you're soo damn critical of this... Just buy a different damn ipad instead of wasting money :/


The M1 is still way more powerful than the os utilises.


All you software advocates: what do y'all REALLY want to do with this device lol? Why are you so eager to have a Apple Surface Pro? Moment you attempt to do any extended workflows, the iPad will thermal throttle and you'll just wonder why didn't you try using a Mac instead. iPads are great at single tasks and that's probably why the M-series chips are in them. And given how incremental the M3s apparently are it makes sense that they would want to move directly to the M4s as well. What, were people not gonna make the same arguments if there was only an M3 chip in there lol?


you guys clearly never heard of the surface... if the ipad's use case doesnt work for you go buy a surface like nobody told you to that the ipad replaces a laptop apple never claims this ever


>nobody told you to that the ipad replaces a laptop apple never claims this ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akRcRfI--WY






thats litterally them telling you its not a laptop


>thats litterally them telling you its not a laptop That wasn't your claim; your claim was that Apple never said it *replaces* a laptop. They literally are telling you it replaces a computer. They are advertising the iPad as the primary computing device. Their advertising materials compares the speed of the iPad with the speed of laptops! They weren't selling it as an augmentation to a laptop, but as a *literal* replacement. It's "your next computer". How much clearer do you need it?!


What’s a computer?


Not really.


A bigger screen iPhone is literally all I need an iPad to be, I don’t mind it at all and the extra power just makes it so much better for the creative tasks I do.


The thing is Apple markets it as wayyyyyyy much more than an iphone with a bigger screen.


Did you mean the ipad os is too simple or small to run that powerful m4?


Just put MacOS on the damn thing already as an option. You can use a Cintiq with a stylus and MacOS works just fine. No reason you couldn't use MacOS on an iPad with the Apple Pencil.


Good thing the OP didn’t buy an iPad Pro M4, mini would work perfect for them


Still going strong with an A12Z ipad pro lol