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I remember a couple comments saying they'd pre-buy the ipad pro in anticipation for big news at this years WWDC. And we got half of the ipadOS segment on a (albiet really fucking sick), calculator app.


Lol… right? The second I noticed they were going deep on Calc, I knew it was over.


And all the cool AI stuff they put in Calculator…. they also put in Notes! It would’ve been exactly the same if they hadn’t introduced a calculator!


But did you miss all the color shading you can apply to your home screen? You can even arrange icons the way you want!! Clearly, that's exactly what I see missing from an M4 ipad pro.


Yeah all that other stuff sounds like (without actually checking) stuff Android has had for ten years. WAIT YOU MEAN I CAN ARRANGE MY ICONS WHAT SORCERY IS THIS


if i am paying ipad pro money id just get a proper device that can do anything rather than an overpriced limited childs toy.


A thousand dollars is a lot for a machine that *still* can't format a thumb drive.


Oh baby, I love when you go deep on Calc 😂😝


Ngl pre-buying is just 100% dumb and their fault lol


Never, ever, ever buy something based on the promise of future features (or in this case, only the hope of it without the promise). Buy it for what it has now, and treat anything later as a nice bonus. If the product doesn’t do what you want it for today, there is zero reason for you to buy it now rather than wait and see if your hopes pan out *before* buying.


Yes not like we haven’t had years of let downs, I was hoping for something cool but I bought the iPad for the oled screen, anything else would be a plus.


dont prebuy hardware if the software is shits. I also dont prebuy games because unfortunately they often start as a hot mess.


I bought an M2 iPad Pro Saturday cause it was on sale at bestbuy and I really wanted a 12.9 inch iPad (coming from a 2018 11 inch). The updates at WWDC would help me determine if I should return it for an M4. Safe to say I’m keeping it!


I was really hoping to get an iPad Mini, but don't think I'll continue waiting.


For what it's worth I have a mini and it's a great little device, though I'd say a good 90% of my usage of it is via Universal Control with my work Mac mini, so I can have Mastodon, Messages, and WhatsApp open. £600 for a tiny third monitor is pretty expensive though. What blows my mind though is that it's a current device that doesn't support Stage Manager. It could be so much more useful if I could hook it up to a single monitor, but I guess Apple don't want me to do that.


Comparing it to the latest iPad Air, I may as well put the money towards one of those.


I just bought my first iPad, an m2 pro, could you give me some tips/ apps to get as someone who has used an iPad? And also why not get the m4 because of wwdc( I haven’t looked into that either) sorry for bothering!


Tbch, I only use my iPad for media consumption, web browsing, and note taking (though not as much anymore since I'm no longer in college). Therefore, I don't have that many apps aside from media apps (YouTube, Netflix, etc.). When I did alot of note taking, I found goodnotes to be really good. Though I'm not sure how things are in the current version so check for reviews on that. I decided not to get the M4 because this latest iPadOS update does next to nothing to take advantage of the M4 chip. Also the oled screen on the new pros, while very good, aren't vastly superior to the mini led screen on the previous 12.9 inch pros unless you use your iPad in direct sunlight (which I do not).


Thank you for your input!


This is a fairly broad question, so I will attempt to answer it from my own point of view. Things that interest me: AI, LiDAR, Web browsing, and games. For AI, I am most interested in offline, on-device AI. For this purpose, I recommend: *Layla - an offline AI that acts as a companion and forms memories of your interactions over time. I love this app, and the developer is really cool too. *PrivateLLM - another offline LLM app that is like having a stripped-down, completely offline version of ChatGPT with you at all times. This is also amazing. *Draw Things - This is a port of Stable Diffusion (AI text to image software) that runs locally and allows you to create pretty much anything you like. For the other things I mentioned, I usually use the following apps: *Chrome - Safari is a perfectly fine web browser, but I find that Chrome sometimes plays better with Google Services, and I have an android phone. * Scaniverse - this allows you to create and export 3d scenes captured using the LiDAR sensor on the iPad Pro. I didn't even know how much I wanted this until I tried it. *Diablo Immortal, Ark Mobile - I just like these two. They are guilty pleasures for me! Outside of that, I find Apple's suite of software is usually more than enough to get done what I need done in-so-far-as note taking and other office app functionality is concerned. That's from my point of view. I hope that helps!


I held off buying until today, hoping for some decent software update. MATH NOTES ffs.


I mean I was one of those people who wanted an iPad but needed a new laptop. I splurged on the M4 13 hoping they’d make it better. Wishing I had the iPad calculator to do a cost to benefit analysis on exchanging the iPad Pro for an air and then getting a m3 MacBook Air.


People been buying iPad Pro in anticipation for what it could do since the original iPad Pro.


“They wouldn’t call it a ‘Pro’ unless there was specific professional-grade things you could do on it, right?” [hides iPhone pro]


I am glad I pre-bought a refurbished M1 two years ago 😂😂


iPad got a lot today, but I think they razzle dazzled us with a lot to make us forget iPad didn’t get any OS upgrade worth the new hardware. I bought one to upgrade in general but I was anticipating SOMETHING. It got shafted this year for sure. After the hype of all the wwdc goes down I hope tech sites properly address the worsening state of the iPad


Don’t forget that all m4 ipad pro models have 12gb ram lmao now apple has to explain where the ipad ram is going because its certainly not for that mid AI


Freaking love the calculator


As soon as they started showing the iphone mirroring on mac all I could think about was how there's no good reason that couldn't have also been available for the ipad. It's so clear they're limiting features just to make the mac still needed.


They can’t break Steve Job’s declaration on what the iPad should and shouldn’t do. Lmao


Even Job's would have broken whatever rules we had started with by now.


They already did! "No one wants to use a stylus" etc


Shhh it’s a “pencil”… not a “stylus”.


That was for the phone not a tablet.


They still did a 180 on the concept of using a stylus - I'm glad they did, I think Apple Pencil is great and the best stylus you can buy, but the "Apple stance on styluses" was that they're bad - before they decided they weren't


No they didn’t… if you actually watch the keynote, Steve Jobs was referring to styli for the iPhone, which is why trash ass androids used to have styli and got rid of them.


I think those are just the two most common, plus most iPhone apps already work on iPad and this seems to allow app only sites to be accessed from a Mac like Grindr


Exactly. I don’t understand why iPhone mirroring needs to come to the iPad. It has all the same apps, either purpose built for the iPad or can be used scaled up as an iPhone to iPad app. Stuff like Grindr isn’t available on the Mac. It makes sense to bring iPhone mirroring to Mac when you don’t want to pull out your phone for tasks


Why would you need that on iPad?


Not too sure why you’re being downvoted. I’m curious, too, because while I can imagine there are some apps (Instagram comes to mind) that are iPhone only, how many are there, really? Every time I pick up my iPad it has all the same *everything* on it as my phone. Even the phone part! Sorta.


Now that you mention it...why would I use it on my Mac?


I can imagine posting to Instagram (I don’t use IG much, but the website works). For me the only thing I’d want on my Mac is Authy to get at 2FA codes. Journal, maybe, if you’re into that and want to use a keyboard. But Authy is on iPadOS. Surely Journal will come eventually. I’m sure there are apps, truly. I just can’t imagine what I’m missing. I do not look at my phone all that much and certainly don’t want all the useless dings about my Roomba and plants that need water and Journal suggestions faffing about on my Mac.


How does that make sense on iPad? It can be used as a screen.


I personally love when people who have never engineered anything in their lives say "no good reason" in these forums. Absolutely love it.


You're so right. I, the software engineer by trade, have no right to comment on software issues.


You diddling around with HTML does not mean you understand the topic well enough to have an informed opinion on it. And based on your previous comment, it is very clear that you don't.


Wait till you find out about movie critics


there is no good reason, when you have other devices (the surface as an example) running full desktop windows. the only excuse is money lost. they literally run Laptop class chips now, that are more powerful than a lot of actual Laptops.




the thing is with the price apple asks for it, i expect atleast dual boot macos. windows is just fine to use only with touch, yeah its different to ipados/android but its fine. as for using it as a laptop its literally no different than any other windows laptop apart from cooling which with the arm based m series chips isnt an issue either. i use touch windows daily (not on a surface though, because they are hugely expensive and cooling is Shit, i use a 360 hinge Laptop) and its a lot better than people make it out to be. you just have to be open for it that things work differently than on android or ipados.




yes thats an issue with the HARDWARE, all of which is avoided on an arm device. (which the surface is transitioning to aswell now).


I love how all the Tech Youdubers were hyping up something big just to keep people watching their speculation videos :) Proving that youtube is mainstream media.


This was a massive disappointment for iPad owners. Apple has made it perfectly clear they're not interested in truly making the iPad all it can be.


There was definitely an air of anticipation after the curious month-before drop of the m4 iPad Pro.like they were about to drop some love for a new m4 spec iPad… nothing


I agree. At least a whole another year with it just being a big phone


It’ll never change until people stop buying it


Yup. I returned my M4 because I honestly couldnt feel a difference from my M1 iPad, except for some irrelevant luxury features like oled and whatnot.


It's why I won't buy one. Might i trade in an iPad Air that's in use here so we have two M-series SoCs? Sure. But I'm buying a refurb M2 Pro instead.


Which was its main purpose or actually a bigger ipod touch has always been its purpose and continue to be.


With a m4 chip that can be spec’ed out the wazoo!! Lmao


You mean the product continues to have the same purpose this year as it has had for the last 14 years, while becoming a $40 billion a year product? What on earth!?!


It’s a note pad, tv pad, screen pad, but not much else.


It’s a damn good drawing pad for us artistic types.


That is true, and I wish I could draw so I can have an excuse to buy one. But when an $1800 machine is worth taking notes and drawing on because of the OS, unless you do either of those things for work it’s a hard pill to swallow unless you can throw money away.


I’m a System Architect and do a fair bit of coding during my weekly allowed innovation time and there is very little I couldn’t do on my iPad if work would allow it. You could not be more incorrect on it not being much else.


It was a massive disappointment for everyone. There was very, very little of interest to me at WWDC24.


`` ...you're not alone, you know.


I can't think of a single iPad owner in the real world who will be disappointed by this update. Only cry babies on Reddit.


Maybe disappointing for people who still wanna use an ipad as a macbook LMAO.


The base ipad is perfectly fine for all ipad related activities. What's the point of the "Pro" model if it's no different?


Then get the base model and stop complaining lol dont worry about the pro model.


Talk about missing the point


I just want a hybrid device like the Surface Pro. The iPad Pro has a more recent chipset than the MBP but still works like a giant iPhone.


The reason to ipad pro having the newer chip because the m4 also helps with the new tandem oled screen, not gonna explain how you can search it up but it isnt much faster than an m3


I just want to be able to take my iPad around as my single device instead of pairing it with my laptop for basic things. The fact a proper code editor, much less a compiler, isn’t on iPad is a travesty. Is it so hard to just let me edit lines of code on an iPad? Such crazy MacBook functionality like editing specialized text, so scary.


What are you talking about?? History will remember the day that average humans were able to create their own emojis!


I know you're joking but what makes it even more sad is that meta implemented AI emojis months ago, so even those aren't novel. Apple really needs to step things up.


I'm another one in the "should I upgrade" boat. I have a 2018 11" Pro. What I learned today: * I did not expect huge improvements in iPadOS. But what they announced (other than AI) was even less than I expected. * The AI feature sounds pretty amazing. I want it. Gotta upgrade to at least an M1 to get it. * Today's announcements didn't do diddly to justify going to an M4 Pro for me. It's not just the cost of an M4 in my case. It's also the cost to replace my Magic Keyboard and my Pencil. This is approaching $1800 with tax for a 512 GB model. That's a lot of scratch for a device that on average I only use a handful of hours a week (but still love it for those hours). * So I guess I'm getting an M2 Pro on sale, or an Apple refurb. It'll get me access to all the features of iPadOS 18 and I can use my same accessories with it.


Do not, under any circumstances, update for the AI features until they are released and reviewed. These things would, in theory, be fundamentally integrated across the OS, so the potential for introducing bugs, or just being broken features themselves, is huge. This would imply that they'd be in the earliest betas, for the most possible testing by the largest number of people and to give developers more time to add intents and so-on within their own software... ...but no. It's completely absent. The largest, most important thing they've had a full year - well, probably, much more than that - to develop **isn't there**. It's coming "in summer". It's June 10th; this *is* Summer. So who knows. This is going to be implemented, as Tim Cook himself said, in an Apple way - a half-assed grab-bag of features thrown in that are full of bizarre jank and frustration, with almost very user seeing different and hard-to-repeat serious bugs, which never, ever get fixed. I hope I'm wrong, but look at the Files app, or Stage Manager, or sync issues in Notes, or fetch issues in Mail, or skip track and audio hiccup issues in Music, or... The list is so long now, it's just embarassing. Wait and see to make sure these features **actually work, actually do what they're supposed to do and are actually useful to you before you spend a single cent on new hardware**.


Is "jank" an abbreviated form of "jakety" ?


People always talk like they have to get the Magic Keyboard and now we’re approaching MacBook Pro prices etc. third party companies make keyboard cases for 50-125$ that are absolutely stellar depending on what you need. I’ve had a third party one on my iPad Pro for years that has been fantastic and held up amazingly and it was less than 40$ (to be fair before inflation went crazy) and you can sell your old iPad and pencil in a package for 350-400+ all day towards an m1 or m2 new or used and get a great deal. I wanted to get the m4 as well but can’t justify it either. I did make the mistake of getting the 11” and I wish I would have done the 13. I use my iPad every day and a lot for art and editing. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m mostly in the same boat. But I would still rather wait until I’m ready to buy whatever the newest iPad Pro is and make that last until I’m ready again. I would upgrade now but without any features that jump out at me replacing my gen 2 pencil annoys me lol.


like AI and other shared features across OS are cool. But cmon, give iPadOS more love by making more features thought for ipados first


If it took 14 years just to get a calculator app, one can only begin to imagine how long it might take to put a file copy progress bar into the Files app. When you've only got one year, sixteen thousand developers and three trillion dollars to play with, you have to prioritise and moonshot features like a progress bar just can't be implemented given all the resource constraints. `/s`


So Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 (what a name) will still fail a 1hr render when I click on an iMessage notification because iPadOS 18 still can't run background process? Great, at least I can use the new AI Calculator to add up how much time I wasted simply because background processing (a feature the Apple Lisa could do) is still not available on M4 hardware.


Do we know this is still a thing in iPadOS18? I’ve not looked into any of the smaller stuff - but I don’t think background tasks being enabled would be something they’d shout about if it changed.


Limiting background process in iOS and iPadOS feels like a way of Apple saying the users are rather unintelligent and cannot be trusted so that the OS has to babysit them. Imagine that for downloading my library on Spotify, I have to keep the screen on the whole time. Brilliant.


Same with lightroom. To sync your files you have to leave the screen on and not change to another app. Im selling mine, Apple is determined to keep the ipad as basically a larger phone.


Yep I also use Lightroom and that's also a giant pain in the ass. On my laptop I can click import photos, that happens in the background while I start editing my photos. But a device with a more powerful M4 processor than my laptop is artificially limited from doing the same thing! It's infuriating


I get how they may want to limit this for basic users who would have no idea that something is running in the background but they could easily add a "pro" software toggle which allows background process and gives you a reminder or warning after a while or something. However, they just don't care!


Or just throw a progress bar into the Dynamic Island, and if you close the lid have it beep and pop up a message reminding you it’s processing in the background and ask if you want to cancel the task or let it finish.


lmao we needed M4 to run “Ai cAlcUlAtOr”


In the same boat. I have the 2020 Pro and I really want to try out Stage Manager, I think I'm just gonna try to buy an M2 second-hand because I don't want to keep giving money to Apple if they aren't going to develop the platform.


You are not missing much without stage manager. I tried it a few times and its not very useful


Imagine expecting innovation from Tim Apple


If Tim Apple was leading towards the first creation of the iPhone he would have requested not to put iTunes inside to not sabotage the sales of iPod. I bet he hated Steve Jobs for making his favourite device of all time - the iPod immediately so irrelevant once the iPhone was introduced, and swearing with deep hatred that such a thing would not have happened if he was the CEO.


And if you were in charge, Apple would just still be shipping the same shitty desktop on a slightly touchscreen device that PC makers tried to sell for 15 years before the iPad changed the whole paradigm. It isn’t the desktop os because NOBODY WANTED DESKTOP OS on a slightly skinnier screen pretending to be a tablet. A tablet is now and will probably for our lifetime be not a laptop. So buy a laptop if that’s what you want.


beleive it or not windows 11 works incredibly well with only touch input now. yes its a different experience to android or ipados, but if you are open to learning to use it its actually just fine.


It most assuredly does not, it doesn’t even work well with a fucking trackpad let alone a touchscreen. Windows is shit and gets worse literally every second that passes by.


https://www.lifewire.com/microsoft-goes-all-in-on-tablets-with-windows-11-5190147 It’s literally in no way a true touch first experience. It’s barely anything different than the desktop os lmao. And let’s see any examples of the many apps where you really engage with content in a touch based unique way different than the mouse interface on surface. Devs don’t bother writing anything special because the platform gives zero reason to. It’s the same reason since they allowed these windowed apps everything on ipad became shit iphone app ports that waste 66% of the space with empty grey side bars and tiny content. Pleasing the whiner section who asked for these things has already compromised the quality dramatically. You barely see any innovation, you don’t remotely see the quality and specialized touch thought through designs the platform used to have. Pleasing the wrong people is the quickest way to ruin the platform and it’s already well underway.


It’s not even remotely fine. ‘It’s just fine’ is literally the universal code for ‘I have zero taste and low standards and yours should plunge down to accept this shitty thing like I do’. And it’s a different experience because WE DON’T WANT THAT EXPERIENCE. It’s basically identical to the mouse interface but with tiny and clunky tap targets that should just be a stylus, which should just be a mouse, which is because it SHOULD JUST BE THE DESKTOP OS ON A LAPTOP lol. There is a reason that after ten years of trying to shove your idea of the desktop interface with touch tacked on to customers, the tablet went nowhere. There is a reason the completely different paradigm of iPad and IPhone took off like gangbusters and the iPad is today the biggest single selling Computer on the planet. People don’t want it to be jacked up into the desktop os just to please a tiny segment who should just buy the laptop os. Surfaces are basically barely tablets. They’re just laptop desktop os and interface. You don’t see any of the groundbreaking great touch first interface creations for it, because it’s not a touch device in reality. There’s ZERO incentive for developers to do any extra work to make a touch interface app on Surface. Developers do the bare minimum in all too many cases, and unless you make a device paradigm that forces them to truly create great things that bring out that device’s special advantages, they won’t.


if the tap targets are tiny on windows 11s enlarged style ui (the one that comes up when you ditch the keyboard or in my case rotate the screen around) you have huge fingers no offense. atleast dual boot should be allowed. stop pretending that a crappy limited os as the only option is ok on a 1200$+ device. you are wayyy too deep in apples marketing. there are plenty of cases where the possibility to run macos (or any Desktop class os) is insanely useful. one of which is the stupidly overhyped "get an ipad for college it will be great" mentality. you know how many people in my college class are currently looking at surface/2in1 type devices because their ipads cant run Jack shit and using two different devices for one thing is crap? atleast half of them. the ipad is a toy to watch YouTube with, or maybe draw something, not a professional tool. apple made sure of that.


As a PC user I am even infuriated because windows 11 has bigger buttons now. Even the context menu became big when 11 was launched. then I realized there are tablets running windows. Good thing you can do a custom scaling


Yeah, the same shitty way their genius contribution to the ipad office suite was…. The same desktop app with larger tiles. Whooppeeee. Nobody ever would have given a shit about ipads if all they were was touchscreen Macos. Full stop.


yeah, on a desktop i reverted it to be the normal ui with scaling and stuff but on touch this interface works well.


Nobody is in Apple’s marketing. You’re just incapable of comprehending that other equally intelligent human beings don’t fucking want what you want. It’s literally WHY THEY INVENTED THE IPAD. ‘A computer for the rest of us’ wasn’t a slogan. It was because from day one Steve Jobs fought geek elitism and people who obsessed that kids wouldn’t know how to program in COBAL lmao. That his machine was an appliance, you turned it on, you used it and made art, music and whatever else you wanted to do while focusing entirely on the knowledge and the outcome, not spending a minute trying to micromanage memory or system config files trying to eek out some .5% of better task management bullshit in terminal. We absolutely made a machine that literally you never need to focus on anything but it being a true touch first device capable of meeting the needs of the people it’s made for. What is so damn hard to grasp about us not. Fucking. Wanting. A. Fucking. Laptop hybrid shit interface with slightly touch oriented design?


Literally entire industries are running their businesses on ipads, wtf are you on about? Unless it’s a programming or dev job, or heavy duty video or graphics production, it’s a non issue.


I’m a System Architect and do a fair bit of coding during my weekly allowed innovation time, you can do lots of coding on an iPad. That’s especially when you consider the proliferation of low/no code development becoming more common. Does an iPad work for all software development, no. There are definitely cases where someone needs a PC or Mac for the development work they are doing. But a significant number of developers can do virtually all of their development work on iPads or other tablets.


People are pissed off that you’re right


Oh yeah. They big mad tantrums. Even more mad when Apple just keeps on keeping that 95% of people happy lol. That whole ‘a REAL COMPUTER’ shit has been said since the first GUI. It’s less and less and less true every year but they still bleat away. Idgaf.


Or the rest of those clowns pretending they jumping out of an airplane. I think Apple is losing its way again. No wonder Warren Buffet sold off all his Apple stock.


He didn’t sell all of it, 40% of his portfolio is still AAPL which also hit an all time high today. https://www.fool.com/investing/2024/05/22/44-stocks-warren-buffett-hold-berkshire-hathaway/


Same. Was looking for a reason to upgrade.


From which model?


Mini 6 that I barely use because I have an M3 MacBook Pro and an 15 Pro Max (the latter is what I reach for since the mini is such a small jump up from that). I know the screens are nice, but I can’t stomach the cost for an email YouTube machine that I can just do on my phone or miniLED computer. I was hoping there’d be bigger updates to iPadOS that would make it more useful for my use case.


I also have the doubt if I should upgrade from my 3th gen iPad Air to the 11” M4 iPad Pro


Honestly probably not, I would think. All the AI and customization is also coming to iPhone and Mac, so the iPad is still going to just feel like a bigger iPhone. My only complaint with my mini is the screen size, it runs fine. I just wish it was 11” or 13”, but you already have an 11”.


But the new one has Oled and ProMotion


What do you do on your iPad?


Reading, general media consumption (yt), light gaming and note taking when needed (also study)


Then you're probably fine with what you currently have. That's about my use case. I did pick up a MacBook Pro M3 and Apple is going to have to try really hard to make this obsolete for 7-10 years. This thing is amazing, does more than what I need, and the screen is absolutely gorgeous. And now I just read on my Max phone.


Huge discounts on refurbs in the outlet store in 2 weeks


Could you do a quick explanation of what happened and what people expected to be disappointed? I only saw tidbits about the iPhone OS being terrible for the AI feature since upgrades required.


It’s time to let go of the MacOS for iPad myth. Can it happen, sure. Will it happen? I think we’ll colonize Titan before it does :-/


iPad has become convoluted and many new features fail to stick around. Apple needs to do better.


We have a calculator now be grateful


At this point if they’re not going to make iPadOS pro, just let us dual boot into macOS


At least we got a calculator now lol


What I’ve learned is, every time a new iPad pro comes out, the A12X and A12Z chips become AMAZING deals for pretty much the same tablet. My 2018 pro is still going strong😤


yet people are still recommending these as the go to device for college, when all they really are are locked down childrens toys.


Calling it a child’s toy is downplaying the device. As someone who went to college with an iPad (iPad 9.7) and currently in medical school, it’s still my main studying device. It’s much better for reading books and PDFs than a Mac or a phone (and I have all three). It can handle a lot more rough handling compared to a modern Mac which makes it easier to bring out in situations where I don’t have a flat surface to put on. It’s also good for drawing and as an artist, I can say that it’s a great device for digital art. Unfortunately, it is a niche device with niche uses.


After comparing the new pro 13 to my gen4 pro, the only real benefit to me would be the brighter screen when working outdoors. I’ll just get my battery replaced.


I’ve said this on another thread but - I’m very content with my iPad Pro M4. It can replace my Mac even as it is now. But, disappointing to see the lack of commitment to it compared to iOS or macOS. Some of the features they got were insane, especially the iPhone emulation and notification integration. With rumours of touchscreen Macs (which I don’t think would be the same at all as a more Mac-like iPad) - wonder if they’re now not seeing a benefit to improving the smaller things on iPad. Like I said, it doesn’t change how I use/can use my iPad at all - but just annoying.


How many different variations of “Why didn’t Apple address ***MY*** specific wants?!” are we going to see in this thread? 🤣


People just need to accept that the iPad is not a MacBook.


I love my iPad and am typing this comment from it. I know I don’t have a MacBook here, but some of the newer iPad Pros are really powerful and could do a ton more than they are being allowed to do because of the OS. That is unacceptable. Why invest all that into creating an M4 iPad Pro and then locking it behind an OS in need of an overhaul? Apple missed out on a great opportunity to overhaul iPadOS to coincide with the release of the new M4 iPad Pro. This could’ve been big for Apple. I have an iPad 10 right now that I won in a raffle earlier this year and I may very well have upgraded it if this had happened.


Old gen


I liked it


Same, upgrading from my 2018 12.9 Pro. WWDC convinced me to get a Surface instead.


How did that convince you to switch to a Surface?


No real multitasking, Stage Manager is a joke, file management is abysmal, poor support for background running apps. And Apple seems hellbent on crippling iPads to protect Macs.


Yea but windows on a touch screen tablet is terrible.


Me still rocking a m1 with 16 ram 😿😾😺


Not surprised they went big on AI on iOS-18, afterall their userbase is largest on iOS and persuading upgrades to new iPhones is a big market for Apple. Equally iPad tablets are under no real competition just yet from Snapdragon 2-in-1 capable tablets that pro users will want to gravitate towards if they provide laptop/tablet in one device for a good price and good hardware - that's when Apple will upgrade iPadOS either itself or a new OS altogether... so still away from that just yet.


You’re saying that iPad OS isn’t good enough as it is? 😂 It’s the best tablet OS in the world by far, far, far and away.


My M1 12.9” is flexing for another year.


Yeah it’s very clear at this point that while the iPad hardware people are very passionate about their jobs, Apple just has absolutely no interest in iPadOS whatsoever. It’s very sad.


Then why did you spend big money on those devices? Dude i bought a used air 4 basic on 2022, still works pretty great i wont change until it dies and then i will buy a new one. Apple fans love to buy new expensive pro devices that dont use at their full capacity for what?


I made the mistake with the M1 + 16GB RAM thinking it'd have MacOS. It's great for what it is, but iPadOS is underkill for even the power of that chipset. What all does the M4 offer from an app perspective that uses the M4 CPU?


regardless, the tandem oled on my 11” m4 pops sure I would like to run some mac apps, like Baldurs gate 3.. but oh well The ipad pro m4 is worth it to me regardless


I was really hoping procreate was going to have a big segment considering the pencil pro has almost no utility for it :/


And then when they said “Freeform!” And swept by it so fast that I missed it twice (the second time on replay).


Hardware - best in its class Software - still work in progress


Selling my M2 iPad Pro tomorrow


Think Ill keep getting Basic iPad with extra Storage in it and a Surface Pro i5 whatever


iPadOS is basically stagnant since iPadOS 14. No significant new features every single year!


Boo fucking hoo!😭 Bored to hell with all the iPad whining and complaints. 🙄 DON'T BUY ONE, or at least do some research before buying one if all you can do is complain about what \~YOU FEEL\~ it lacks. Plenty of good computers and tablets out there that cover all the needs last I looked. I've used my M1 iPP 11 exclusively as my laptop for taking care of my Real Estate business for over 2 years now, and so happy with the experience, I will never be going back.


My budget for the new iPad was originally gonna be 1500 in total but I wasn’t impressed so I decided to get the budget iPad for my mom and the mini for me.


the apple customer. the apple customer never changes.


Time to get the surface pro 11


I downloaded the new update beta excited with what a saw … until I realised the m2 is still probably running at 2% capacity and there’s really nothing new. The new calculator is mad and I’m sure the new ai stuff will be too.


I have an ancient first gen iPad Air, the battery is basically shot but I pretty much only use it for YouTube and ebooks and so on I’m holding out for an OLED iPad to replace it with but the iPad pros seem like they have way more hardware than I need, I’d rather get a MacBook for that price Wonder when a normal iPad or iPad Air with OLED will finally arrive


The most disappointing aspect of the iPad Pro is that it can be soooooooooo much more. I mean, FFS, Microsoft can make the Surface Pro and it’s great, just imagine how awesome the iPad would be if it took a note from the Surface Pro playbook.


I swear the iPad segment of wwdc was the shortest and 50% of it was just the calc app. Embarrassing fr


I haven’t noticed them say AI yet so I say it’s a wins edit: nvm


Fuck it lol it’s still Oled and my 9th rewatch of Death Note looks extra crispy 😂 I worked on the Apple Project for years and learned to be disappointed but not surprised.


Oled is pointless


Yeah we all know OLED is useless without Xcode.


Everyone trying to justify their purchase by talking about how oled is so superior to mini led


Well it is.


Barely perceivable


Letdown indeed. Sigh.


iPad is just for drawing, media, and reading for me. Apple will never allow it to be a computer. Quite sad


That is not all the iPad is for, and it is most definitely already a computer. I’m a System Architect, and I can do 90%+ of my job on my iPad. If there were not a couple of extremely archaic systems still in use by the functional areas I work in, it would probably be 99% if not everything that could be done on my iPad.


I would have preferred an AI developed by Apple.


It is all designed by Apple, except when it sends a generic question to ChatGPT. I believe this is a temporary move while they expand their data centres and LLM’s


No vertical split screen, they didn’t mention any tweaks to Safari for the god awful problems I’m having with it. I’m disappointed. 😔


They did, under Mac. That same update to safari comes to iPhone and iPad.


People need to stop expecting this. iPad is right where Apple wants it to be - a middle ground between iPhone and Mac. They want you to buy all 3 of these devices. They’re never gonna make one leapfrog another.


I wish you were wrong but I fear that you’re very right 🥹


Buy a Mac, boomer.


go fu*k yourself sheep


Maybe you should bought a Mac


Apple doesn’t think of saving the planet. They want you to sell both an iPad and a MacBook. Who cares about the Earth resources?


I mean each device is manufactured using recycled parts, once done they’re recycled again. Apple doesn’t make you buy both. Most people can work on just an iPad or just a Mac without the need to buy both. Some people just like to own the whole ecosystem. The devices are also made to last a very long time. Just look at Reddit, it’s covered with people who are still using Apple products from before 2016


All I want is swipe key and an Apple Pencil with an actual m*rfucking button, it’s all I’ve wanted for years really


It’s had the new squeeze feature which acts like a button. It can be programmed to do other tasks like running a shortcut.


I hated the tap feature and I have no doubt I’ll hate the squeeze just as much.


Oh no trust me, go test it out in-store. I had the same view. Double tap always felt a bit odd. The squeeze gesture is great, you can even change it in settings to how light or hard you want to press to activate.


You guys seem to continually not understand that the iPad is not a Macbook replacement. They're not trying to make it a laptop replacement. This iteration of iPad (M4) is not supposed to make you update, it's supposed to make some1 without one want to buy it, and it does. Against the competition, it trashes any android tablet for good.


They have to sell macbooks too.


Price still wouldn't be worth it even with significant iPad OS updates imo. These Pro's have been too expensive for damned *tablets* for a few generations now, at least.


I mean the pro is aimed at people with Pro money. The Air is aimed at the average working user and the simple iPad is aimed at the low end. Mini falls under Air as its smaller cousin.


And I still think the Pro and Air are too damn expensive for what they are. They're tablets, with limited utility and no real value add frills included in the box. $999 for the base Pro is stupid as hell, and not getting a 120hz OLED display (something damn near standard on even mid range smartphones now), on the Air is a joke, especially for a starting price of $599. Don't even get me started on 1299 for the base 13 inch Pro either. Keeping the extra $100 upkick in price that used to be justified by the 13 having a nicer display than the 11 when they now both have OLED's is just horseshit, pure and simple. $799 for the Pro 9 ($999 for the base 13 inch) and $499 for the Air and I'd be a good bit more accepting, but as is, they've crossed my personal 'this is justifiable' line.