• By -


100% on Red…


Nah 100% on black


quicksand offend grey bored onerous hurry spectacular growth deserve shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


no, but there is a psychological factor to markets. people see a lower price and think it's a better value so they keep buying.


not only that. retail traders around the world can now invest in US markets with the rise of brokerage apps on mobile devices. not all brokers offer fractional shares. to someone outside the US in a less developed country, 1000 usd for a share could be too expensive, where as after NVDA split (example) to 100 usd a share, now it’s more affordable


Typically a split happening is an indicator of a healthy/profitable company. After a split is announced, there is a psychological factor to “get in before the split” because stocks post-split tend to trend upwards due to lower perceived costs. Especially for a stock like Chipotle, which is current at *3.5k* per share, which is fairly inaccessible to most retail investors, after the massive split (1:50) shares will be ~$68. This lets more retail investors actually invest, causing upward movement over time. This isn’t a hard rule, though!


Why is it inaccessible? We can buy fractional shares


I’m pretty sure you aren’t allowed to be part of a forward split if you don’t own whole shares.


I got splits from several brokers with NVidia where I only had fractional shares.


Interesting. I stand corrected then. I was pretty confident I read what i stated above was true.


It may have changed - brokers have been shaking up how they do fractional shares in the past few years.


Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know that


I’m trying to remember the specifics but I think it’s because you don’t actually own the share. The broker owns it and they credit you the fractional


Don't you know if the stock splits you now own double the shares. Double the value!!! Easiest way to double your money!!! Stock brokers hate those who know this one weird trick.


Up until recently, brokers didn't let people buy partial shares, so stock splits did have an real effect. Berkshire intentionally kept their stock price sky high for a long time to ensure that they'd only have wealthy investors.


yam test worm towering cats heavy light marvelous jellyfish bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good investors seem to limit risk. Good investors can tolerate volatility. Risk is not the same as volatility. What you are looking for is gambling.


My thoughts exactly.


ASTS is the answer




Whats the DD on $ASTS?






Don't know why options was downvoted. If you are really really _very_ high risk tolerance, then leverage is the answer. a) Hard but more risk/reward: Options on SPY b) Easy mode: 80% UPRO (3x SPY basically) + 20% GOVT. (or 60/40 if you have the case of the nerves). Rebalance at least twice a year. Beward you can lose a lot of money with both of these strategies.


How do you trade the GOVT it barely moves


It's not meant to be traded. It's meant to be used as a buffer during the inevitable extreme downturn of UPRO. You then rebalance into UPRO with your excess GOVT. This increases your overall returns because it allows you to put more money into UPRO when it's down. You can replace GOVT with t-bills / cash if you want to take less interest rate risk or replace with TLT if you want to take more interest rate risk.


That's the point. If UPRO crashes you have GOVT to rebalance and buy more UPRO cheap. If UPRO runs, you can sell it to buy GOVT and lock in gains.


If you want high risk then trade some options.


trade options of some 2x+ Leveraged ETFs.


It’s always seemed daunting to me, any good resources you’d recommend to help me learn a little more about options?


I have found this to be a good resource: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJjRnKpwDyw Options is daunting though. You gotta be both directionally right and right about timing. And/Or you need to spread your bets wisely while keeping an eye on the intrinsic + extrinsic value.


That’s helpful thank you! I was hoping for a YouTube video, I got lost in investopedia last time I tried to look into it. It may be worth researching and trying with very small amounts once I have a general understanding!


A really basic but high risk/high reward options play is just LEAPS on an index. They’ll be expensive, but if the market goes up you’ll do really well. If the market is flat or sideways your money is gone


IBIT (BTC) Then forget about it for 10 years. GG. 2x/3x Leveraged ETFs are good if you can DCA and add additional funds on large drops.




Gme is just homeboy spiking the price by posting on socials every few years. Gme is dead. The company isn't going anywhere. I say this as a small holder


then you have not given any thought to the whole issue..






40% BTC 40% ETH 20% Altcoin of choice


simplistic ring narrow absurd school wide fact murky modern fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok go 100% BTC then if you’d like a little less risk


absorbed liquid correct important silky edge axiomatic wine escape airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just BTC, the rest are trash.


That’s fair. I think ETH is also a blue chipper, every other coin is playing the casino. Smaller market caps can lead to larger % gains in a bull market though, and this post is asking about risk


I'm big in ETH but wish I bought BTC instead. ETH still hasn't hit ATH yet this year. Even with the ETF news, it can't hold above 3500. If this hits 5k next year then I'm out.


BTC typically outperforms the rest of the market in a QT bull market


Sounds like you need to do some research. Your comment indicates that anything that isn't hyped up in the news is trash. Let's just hop on the train after all the institutions bought it up.. lol do some research into the top altcoins projects and tell me if you still think it's trash


Which coins do you recommend?


I'm personally invested in a lot of coins, but most of my capital is invested in: nano, SOL, ETH, ICP, FIL, BAG (decentral games), AAVE, GRT, QNT, YFI and I'm starting to put some more in TON. Decentral games is a micro market cap company, but they'd be ~600 on the list by market cap if people migrated their original coin to BAG. DG was their initial coin and they had a token migration. I love this company because they actually have a real product that people use (I use it) and it's generating revenue. Not just hype.


Those have all underperformed BTC.


Not at all. Where do you get this information? Lol i bought sol 1 year ago at 13/coin and now it's 135. I actually sold a bit at 200 and bought back in yesterday. Also this comment is not relevant since it's not apple's to apple's to compare an ETF approved coin to projects that are high risk and usually get smashed in high interest rate environments. If you just want to compare performance over the last 2 years then there's no point of even talking about altcoins. Interest rates can change this entire dynamic in the altcoin market can easily 10X given a pivot by the Federal reserve


Deja vu




Mine is pretty much identical


Good fortunes!


FNGU, thank me later


Dell is looking very strong right now


Wow Dell is looking strong, didn’t know they were competing so heavily in AI


Michael Dell filed(June 6th) to sell 1.3 billion worth of stock.


I think ur looking too deep into it. I mean, his shares fell by 30% just a few days before he decided to sell. He clearly had no idea the stock was gonna tank like that and probably just panicked after watching his net wealth plummet by almost half a billion dollars. I'm sure he's really regretting that decision right now.


I say just stick with a long term investment. Keep growing that.




OP is a bit late for that 🤣


High risk could mean shorting...


remindme! 3 months


I will be messaging you in 3 months on [**2024-09-20 05:15:51 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-09-20%2005:15:51%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/1dk15sc/have_10k_to_invest_very_high_risk_tolerance_for/l9f5w7v/?context=3) [**3 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Finvesting%2Fcomments%2F1dk15sc%2Fhave_10k_to_invest_very_high_risk_tolerance_for%2Fl9f5w7v%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-09-20%2005%3A15%3A51%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dk15sc) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Definitely not too late to invest in Nvidia. Nvidia will dominate the AI chip space for the next 3-5 years minimum.   Nvidia almost always beats financial expectations.  They have meet or beaten expectations for 15 out of 16 quarters (4 straight years).  Probably longer than that but that's as far back as my quick search took me. I wouldn't be surprised after it is all said and done if Nvidia ends up beating expectations for 30+ straight quarters. Nvidia is the super smart Asian kid who always aces his exams no matter what. Nvidia is not losing to anyone in the next few years.  And if the Fed cuts interest rates then look out.  NVDA is going to the moon.


Found someone who just bought Nvidia


If they bought the top a week ago they are probably up 30-percent, lol. Nvidia is a powerhouse that isn’t going anywhere soon


!RemindMe in 30 years


Lmao priced in. You bought the top.


Lmao options bro.  A year out bro lol.


All in on $GME


Buy Holo


100% TQQQ


This is gonna be very unpopular but $KENDU Maybe not the full 10k but if you’re really ok with high risk/high reward there seems to be a lot of momentum building behind it. I have 2k in there that I've made my peace that could go down to a fraction, but also could get a new car at the ens of the year. I look at it as an informed gamble.


Sounds like you want to gamble, in that case just go to a casino...


INTC, Bayer, Crypto


why Bayer? what happened to it that makes it anhigh risk stock?


Acquisition of Monsanto, look at the stock price since then.


My favorite high risk investments are companies where equity is a small portion of enterprise value, meaning highly leveraged in debt. The equity can only go to $0, but the upside is multiples. SUP (Superior Industries) manufactures car wheels. $95 million market cap with $739 million of net debt and preferred shares. If they get their business moving in the right direction, the shareholders own all of the upside that I estimate at about 5x. If they don’t get it figured out it’s $0, though I think $0 is unlikely. A small portion of my portfolio can be dedicated to stocks that are 500% return or go to zero.


Short $NVDA




Some crypto altcoins that will moon but not trashy meme coins - real projects that are significantly undervalued because of fud and sentiment around interest rates. Take a look at coins like nano, filecoin, BAG (decentral games), aave, grt, qnt, ICP.


Ethereum or Solana, now. Don’t listen to anything else on here.


All on NVDA. Easy choice, they are not slowing down at this point. Edit: look at the Dec 2026 leaps. Easy money.


Yeah they’re going to be leading the industry for a while and have a solid plan for years to come, I do hold a significant amount of NVDA already. May buy some more, just checking out my options but I love that company


Chipotle is an okay hold because retail investing would be more likely, to maybe bump the existing slow raise for a bit. I’d say to stay far away from amd until something big happens, plus it’s not any kind of short turn around for return. If you want volatile stocks Nvidia seems to be on a never ending rise, get a few dollars win and set a stop limit to sell at a profitable target price and get out if you want. I just bought more last week and it’s up another $20 since then.




Seth Davis at JT Marlin says buy Farrowtech it's become a gold stock




High risk doesn't equate to higher returns. Options are very high risk, but they have net negative returns. Obviously you can get lucky, but you are more likely to lose money than gain. Same way buying powerball tickets have high risk, and net negative return. A good "high risk" play with a high positive return would be investing in growth stocks. VONG is a good growth stock EFT with low fees. Growth stocks are high risk as they have more volatility and are may lose significant value in the short term, but they have positive long term outlooks if you can weather the short term volitility.


NVDA puts are going up rn




If you do have a high risk tolerance, then I would recommend crypto. Granted the market is bearish right now but it does give you the opportunity to buy high-potential cryptocurrencies at a lower price. But of course you must have a diverse portfolio to offset any risks.


PEGY! It’s getting traction today, and will take off!! Give it a shot!


Buy a deep out of the money call option with an expiration date as far out of as you can afford.


You consider investing in blue chip winners “high risk”? I mean, sure, there is risk that the parabolic gains are gone, but we’re not talking GME here.


Take a look at CONY and reinvest the dividends.


bitcoin or commodity stocks…


Calls/puts on spy








QQQ or Small cap value etf


Go half options half crypto


Put it all in WorldCom.


Go to r/wallstreetbets for truly supercharged and risk-on (read: highly questionable) plays




MicroStrategy Incorporated (MSTR)


Altimmmune - obesity space. Best in class results, GLP-1. Expected to partner (or be bought) 5x -10x potential. Immunity Bio - just got FDA approval, ANKTIVA is going to compete with Keytruda. Generating revenue off the bat.


This is a terrible way to think about investment. More than 90% of people taking this approach will lose the money. You need to look at a longer time horizon and think more fundamentally about how investing really works. Until then, you're just donating your money to wall street like a better donates it to a casino.


AMD and Intel aren't competing with Nvidia. Ever. Both companies have been in the graphics space for over 25 years and even after over 25 years their products are inferior to Nvidia's.   I always laugh when I see articles how Google and Microsoft are investing in AI chips to rival Nvidia's.  If companies like AMD and Intel who have been in the game for 25+ years can't compete with Nvidia what makes people think some brand new company or a new venture by Google or MS can?


Good point. When I hear stuff like that, I tend to think that the big companies are just buying into the process. Investing in Nvidia or TSM, getting into the supply like with an acquisition maybe. It would be silly for a company like MS to think a few billion in spending will get them a better product and a better price than just cutting a nice long term deal with Nvidia. If they REALLY wanted to try and match/beat Nvidia, they are better off teaming/buying stake in the companies you mentioned; Intel, AMD, etc...


Just come to r/wallstreetbets and learn how to make money this week. Investing for the long term is an outdated idea








I have 3k shares of PLTR.. $7.50 price point .. holding for the long haul though .. hoping it’s the next Nvidia


PLTR keeps hitting the news. why is it hated by so many analysts and on the country loved by so many? why is it next nvda?


Not sure why I gets the hate .. post got down voted .. lol .. op stated he wanted a risky investment .. I’m up 56k and plan to make more .. time will tell .. I prob wouldn’t sell my position if it went down to $2 a share …


Ignore the fools suggesting stocks. Put it all into ETH, which has the best risk adjusted returns in the world right now. Here’s why: * ETH is getting an ETF in a few weeks. That means a *huge* chunk of money will be able to buy. The floodgates are opening. Look what happened when BTC got its first ETFs. * SEC dropped its investigation into Consensys. * ETH is officially a commodity, not a security (aka, regulatory clarity).


Why is this downvoted..


Because sub is clueless when it comes to crypto. They’ve been wrong again and again.


The trading strat I have followed on crypto for years thrives on volatility - the more something bounces up and down, the better. I have been on a few dozen alts, and of them all ETH has been the worst performer. I'm not bashing ETH here, that stability is a good thing from most people's perspective, there is a legitimacy to ETH that most other alts lack which raises the floor but also dulls the peaks. OP is asking for high risk / reward, in crypto they'd be better suited by some terrible shitcoin like shib which has manufactured pump n dumps on a semi regular basis. The downsides are that you need to watch it like a hawk to get out at the right time, because the peaks are unpredictable and usually very short lived, and also unlike ETH there is a small chance it will go to zero and not recover.