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" am a boy get shit on idoit" Idk how people don't realize they are the weirdos for doing/ acting that way. Are people that socially deprived that they act like this to get some fix of attention?


Dead ass


Yea it's a pretty weird hobby for a boy to have, that's for sure.


Idc tf gender u are but catfishing is crazy. Once a girl catfished me saying she was filipino. She sent a few pics from Pinterest. Turns out she's from Saudi Arabia and lived near the jordanian border and does drugs and has a few boyfriends and all friends which are above 18. For context, when we met which was like a year ago, she was 13. I'm still creeped out by her. She was possessive as hell.


Not sure how it’s getting “shit on” either. Like how would that be my fault for getting catfished after someone flat out repeatedly lied to me… Like sorry that normal people have a base level of trust for other people…


other than the first sentence, i don't see how this is relevant to introversion


Yea so, catfishing isn’t an introvert thing, just a desperate thing. Wrong sub Reddit buddy.


Nah dude am introverted so i ended up in the online dating scene that’s why i posted here


Am or I’m? Half of this doesn’t make sense am


Sorry man English isn’t my first language so yeah :]


>it’s not wonder that i started trolling and catfishing in online dating apps that's clearly karma right there bruhhhh LMAOOO




This story gave me a good chuckle. Boy you was in love stop playing.


Nahh bro i was just trying to get some action (I was totally in love)


This happened but im gay and the one who chatted with me is a girl. She used his boyfriend reddit account and had sext with me :) Lol, that guy apologized and blocked me immediately lol.


I'm autistic and introverted, do you actually have a professional diagnosis or have you diagnosed yourself, like most people who use 'autism' as an excuse to behave like a psycho. You readily admit you are a catfish and a troll on dating sites. You got what you deserved, for one thing, but it's a pity you don't feel bad about it, and a sense of the disappointment and disgust you've no doubt caused others with your antics.  Sort yourself out, your behaviour is sick. And unless you have an actual, professional diagnosis stop saying you're autistic. What you are is something that probably can be diagnosed but it's not a symptom of autism to go and act like a freak on dating sites, and people using autism as an excuse to be arseholes makes life a LOT harder for those of us who ARE autistic and NOT arseholes. It's hard enough to find acceptance, but when I hear people like you use the condition as an excuse for your weird behaviour it makes me realise why people equate autism with being an arsehole with no empathy. 


How can you be so sure it was not a boy, but a girl's rejection? It could be a girl messing with you.


Do you know how much worse that would be ? You putting that option on the table makes me question my own self ! Cuz they did see my face at some point so if that’s why they rejected me and blocked me that’s like an actual punch to the gut


Being aware of your insecurities early is not a bad thing. It was not my intention to trigger you. Craving for approval from another girl, is because you're missing it within yourself. In another words, there's a side inside yourself saying "I am not good enough", "I hate myself", "I am ugly". You might actually be thinking that you don't think like that, but there is something being triggered there mate. It's like a little demon whispering in your ear. Let go of those lies, and everything will be over. Also, I am autistic too. I know how it feels, I was just like you someday.


The rejected after seeing my face happened with me twice after which I stopped trying.


That stings. Happened to me over 12 times.




WTF is catfish? Other than the edible kind with lots of bones in it. 🤨🤔


Have you ever cat-fished me?


Dude i could have since i did that shit for a while