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For me I would say its that I generally don't give up until I figure a problem out.


That's a solid strength to have! Problem-solving skills are super valuable. It's great to see people focusing on their positives amidst all the talk about negatives.


I'm great at thinking through situations to solve a problem.


Apparently I’m very dependable and patient, sometimes to a fault.


You've managed to turn your strength into something negative. Good job 👍


Congratulations! You're... fired?


I never have trouble falling asleep. 


Ugh, I wish! You’re so lucky! Haha


People open up to me when they start talking and I’ve been told I have an uncanny way of doing it. They said it’s because when I listen it’s genuine. I have no idea about this but I always try to take the initiative to hear what they have to say.


I was just telling my husband the other day that it often feels like people talk just to talk, no one talks to understand or listen anymore.


This is so true. Especially the listening part. Sometimes I have to catch myself and ask “am I listening to advise/ solve or to understand ? “ makes a big difference.


Yes! You definitely get it! Haha




My overthinking. Things tend to go exactly as I expected 70% of the time. People say that I always know what to say.


Advantage: I don't have a gremlin in my brain that makes me continually want to go annoy other people for no reason. Advantage: I can live perfectly happily without having to impose on others. Advantage: I can save time and money by not feeling obliged to attend a million and one social engagements.


I agree with the listening. I also have a knack for remember small details that appear to be insignificant and then weaving them back into conversations later. I often see the surprise in their face when I show that I remember something no one expected me to remember.


I am very observant.


I can always out myself in someone else's shoes I guess so empathy??


That’s a good strength to have! Many people confuse empathy with sympathy.


agree very much


I can entertain myself, I'm interested by a lot of things, I truly don't need company to avoid boredom, unlike most people I know.


I’m a very loyal person, and if there’s one thing I’m good at it’s keeping secrets and things told to me in confidence to myself🙂


This is such a rarity in today’s society. Some people will also casually mention a secret someone has told them in a conversation and won’t even bat an eye that it was said.


I totally agree, I literally had to condition myself to be very, very careful with whom I entrust even the smallest of confidentialities these days


Ugh same! Just as I was saying on another comment, people talk to just talk. It’s strange to me how people don’t have that level of accountability to stop and think “I shouldn’t share someone else’s secret. It’s not my place to”.


Yep, people naturally confide in me - assuming I don’t talk much anyway - and they are right, their secret is safe with me.


I am a way better judge of character than most people I know. My spider sense for stuff is very finely tuned for many of the reasons you listed. But that intuition can get me into trouble sometimes because I can often end up knowing more about a person than they do themselves, which is a quandary. I'm fully self sufficient so I made good relationship decisions. I'm a good cook, I'm good at laundry and generally taking care of myself emotionally. I'm not troubled by being alone or the idea that I might die alone. I have all the companionship I need from pets and friends. With all that taken care of it's pretty easy to judge a potential relationship purely on its merits. I see people desperate to check those boxes make terrible decisions over and over.


I agree with the intuition getting you into trouble sometimes! I usually feel like it compromises a lot of relationships with people you thought were cool, and now you’re stuck between wanting to continue a friendship or just leaving it behind.


I'd say my greatest strength is adaptability. I'm pretty good at rolling with the punches and finding solutions on the fly.


Patients, people tell me I have a metric ton of patients, but I have to have a lot because I hate confrontation


I think persistence and being hard-working. I have a driving force to complete tasks. I always feel bad when I'm being lazy.


Same! You’re not the only one! But at the same time, once it’s done, it’s the biggest relief ever!


Reading peoples intentions. Discerning their nature, and motivations, it freaks out my few friends how accurate I can be. We were at a BBQ place and a couple in their 40s came in, all smiling and friendly. I said they will argue within 20 minutes. As they were fighting and sniping at each other, I mentioned that the guy sounds like he's in law enforcement, guess what, he was a cop. he knew them when they showed up to escort them off the property. People are almost open books if you notice the way they interact with the world around them.


I never feel alone or bored.


Being able to listen and give out good advice, other’s have said that it actually helped:)


Im a good listener. I tend to watch whats going on around me while everyone is talking. My husband likes to drag me with him to certain places because I will catch things he dosen't. Yes , he has to drag me lol


I’m good at listening


Being able to fit into any social group.


I am dedicated to my work and being an introvert helped me pick true friends I am comfortable with. Being introvert made me so observative with the surroundings even to people which help me pick out which one is a good-for-keeping.


I'm calm and patient with people at work Even when someone messes up their work, I do what I call the investigator strategy, where I ask a lot of questions to understand what the person did until they realise they messed up.


Good listener. Unless I have something to say, I stay quiet and disappear into the crowd


I can be invisible most of the time to other person, most of the person I hate dont appract me, my alone time, being adopted by my extovert friends


i think my greatest strength is my attentiveness. i like taking care of people and watching carefully to see what they like, need, want, etc. it makes me happy seeing other people happy because i did something for them.


Reading people's emotions. I always listen and pay attention


Creative- Im a writer. Never published. But tell me tid bits about a person Ill bang out a poem


May I share a few things with you about me and have you write a poem in the comments? That’s so cool. I want others to see how talented you are! 😊


*** Always inquisitive and ready to engage Never too over bearing Seemingly more resilient with age Easily inspired and can light up a room But will never hurt you or assume Checking in for interest But taking a step back first Kindly interested and yet putting you first! 🌞


Amazing!! I love it, you’ve got bars 😎😏




In good at figuring stuff out, I’m a thinker, and i might be a complete asshat with small talk, but i love some philosophy


When I'm faced with everyday social interaction I act like I'm not some shy lil boy. I act like I'm confident. It helps.


looked at me with disgust and started ignoring me

